Kristian Bendiksen ff209ad7c2
Refactor ensemble import dialog
* #9773 Refactor ensemble import dialog.
* #9773 Add support for ensemble import of StimPlan/Reveal summary data.
* #9773 Add method for finding min and max time steps.
* #9773 Add option for resampling to hour intervals.
* #9773 Add option for resampling to minute intervals.
* #9773 Ensemble statistics: determine sub-sampling period dynamically.
* Use RiaWeightedMeanCalculator for curve resampling.
* Add HOUR and MINUTE to date time app enum.
* #9773 Generate better ensembles for StimPlan summaries.
* #9773 Fix parameters.txt lookup for StimPlan summaries
* Refactor: Improve interface of RicImportSummaryCasesFreature::createSummaryCasesFromFiles

Co-authored-by: Magne Sjaastad <>
2023-04-20 10:16:43 +02:00

820 lines
35 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl.h"
#include "RiaApplication.h"
#include "RiaColorTables.h"
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RiaEclipseFileNameTools.h"
#include "RiaGuiApplication.h"
#include "RiaImportEclipseCaseTools.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaPreferencesSummary.h"
#include "RiaSummaryStringTools.h"
#include "RiaTextStringTools.h"
#include "PlotBuilderCommands/RicSummaryPlotBuilder.h"
#include "RicCreateSummaryCaseCollectionFeature.h"
#include "RicImportGeneralDataFeature.h"
#include "RicImportSummaryCasesFeature.h"
#include "WellLogCommands/RicWellLogPlotCurveFeatureImpl.h"
#include "RifSummaryReaderInterface.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigEclipseResultAddress.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimEclipseResultCase.h"
#include "RimEnsembleCurveSet.h"
#include "RimEnsembleCurveSetCollection.h"
#include "RimGridTimeHistoryCurve.h"
#include "RimMainPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimOilField.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimSummaryCase.h"
#include "RimSummaryCurve.h"
#include "RimSummaryMultiPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimSummaryPlot.h"
#include "RiuMainWindow.h"
#include "RiuPlotMainWindow.h"
#include "RiuPlotMainWindowTools.h"
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QStringList>
std::vector<RimSummaryCurve*> RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::addDefaultCurvesToPlot( RimSummaryPlot* plot, RimSummaryCase* summaryCase )
RiaPreferencesSummary* prefs = RiaPreferencesSummary::current();
QString curvesTextFilter = prefs->defaultSummaryCurvesTextFilter();
QStringList curveFilters = RiaTextStringTools::splitSkipEmptyParts( curvesTextFilter, ";" );
bool addHistoryCurve = false;
return addCurvesFromAddressFiltersToPlot( curveFilters, plot, summaryCase, addHistoryCurve );
RimSummaryCurve* RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::createHistoryCurve( const RifEclipseSummaryAddress& addr, RimSummaryCase* summaryCasesToUse )
RifEclipseSummaryAddress historyAddr = addr;
historyAddr.setVectorName( historyAddr.vectorName() + "H" );
if ( summaryCasesToUse->summaryReader()->allResultAddresses().count( historyAddr ) )
return createCurve( summaryCasesToUse, historyAddr );
return nullptr;
std::vector<RigGridCellResultAddress> RigGridCellResultAddress::createGridCellAddressesFromFilter( const QString& text )
std::vector<RigGridCellResultAddress> addresses;
QStringList addressParts = text.split( ":" );
if ( addressParts.size() > 1 )
QString resultVarName = addressParts[0];
size_t gridIdx = 0;
if ( addressParts.size() > 2 )
gridIdx = addressParts[1].toULong();
QString ijkText = addressParts.back();
QStringList ijkTextParts = ijkText.split( "," );
if ( ijkTextParts.size() == 3 )
bool isOk = true;
bool allOk = true;
size_t i = ijkTextParts[0].toULong( &isOk );
allOk &= isOk;
size_t j = ijkTextParts[1].toULong( &isOk );
allOk &= isOk;
size_t k = ijkTextParts[2].toULong( &isOk );
allOk &= isOk;
if ( allOk )
addresses.emplace_back( RigGridCellResultAddress( gridIdx, i - 1, j - 1, k - 1, RigEclipseResultAddress( resultVarName ) ) );
return addresses;
std::vector<RimEclipseCase*> openEclipseCasesForCellPlotting( QStringList gridFileNames )
std::vector<RimEclipseCase*> openedCases;
RimEclipseCaseCollection* analysisModels = RimProject::current()->activeOilField()->analysisModels();
for ( const QString& fileName : gridFileNames )
QFileInfo gridFileInfo( fileName );
if ( !gridFileInfo.exists() ) continue;
QString caseName = gridFileInfo.completeBaseName();
RimEclipseResultCase* rimResultReservoir = new RimEclipseResultCase();
rimResultReservoir->setCaseInfo( caseName, fileName );
analysisModels->cases.push_back( rimResultReservoir );
if ( !rimResultReservoir->openReserviorCase() )
analysisModels->removeCaseFromAllGroups( rimResultReservoir );
delete rimResultReservoir;
openedCases.push_back( rimResultReservoir );
return openedCases;
void RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::createSummaryPlotsFromArgumentLine( const QStringList& arguments )
// Split arguments in options, vectors and filenames
QStringList options;
QStringList allCurveAddressFilters;
QStringList summaryFileNames;
QStringList gridFileNames;
QString ensembleColoringParameter;
std::set<QString> validOptions = { "-help", "-h", "-nl", "-s", "-n", "-e", "-c", "-cl" };
for ( int optionIdx = 0; optionIdx < arguments.size(); ++optionIdx )
if ( arguments[optionIdx].startsWith( "-" ) )
if ( arguments[optionIdx] == "-help" )
QString text = RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::summaryPlotCommandLineHelpText();
RiaApplication::instance()->showFormattedTextInMessageBoxOrConsole( text );
if ( validOptions.count( arguments[optionIdx] ) )
options.push_back( arguments[optionIdx] );
if ( arguments[optionIdx] == "-c" || arguments[optionIdx] == "-cl" )
if ( optionIdx < arguments.size() ) ensembleColoringParameter = arguments[optionIdx];
RiaLogging::error( "The summaryplot option: \"" + arguments[optionIdx] + "\" is unknown." );
RiaEclipseFileNameTools nameTool( arguments[optionIdx] );
for ( const auto& fileName : nameTool.findSummaryFileCandidates() )
if ( !fileName.isEmpty() ) summaryFileNames.push_back( fileName );
QString gridFileName = nameTool.findRelatedGridFile();
if ( !gridFileName.isEmpty() ) gridFileNames.push_back( gridFileName );
if ( summaryFileNames.empty() && gridFileNames.empty() )
// Remove space from address string
QString stringWithoutSpaces = arguments[optionIdx];
stringWithoutSpaces.remove( " " );
allCurveAddressFilters.push_back( stringWithoutSpaces );
if ( allCurveAddressFilters.empty() )
RiaLogging::error( "Needs at least one vector to create a plot." );
bool hideLegend = options.contains( "-nl" );
bool addHistoryCurves = options.contains( "-h" );
bool isNormalizedY = options.contains( "-n" );
bool isSinglePlot = options.contains( "-s" );
EnsembleColoringType ensembleColoringStyle = EnsembleColoringType::NONE;
int e_pos = options.lastIndexOf( "-e" );
int c_pos = options.lastIndexOf( "-c" );
int cl_pos = options.lastIndexOf( "-cl" );
int lastEnsembleOptionPos = -1;
if ( e_pos > lastEnsembleOptionPos )
lastEnsembleOptionPos = e_pos;
ensembleColoringStyle = EnsembleColoringType::SINGLE_COLOR;
if ( c_pos > lastEnsembleOptionPos )
lastEnsembleOptionPos = c_pos;
ensembleColoringStyle = EnsembleColoringType::PARAMETER;
if ( cl_pos > lastEnsembleOptionPos )
lastEnsembleOptionPos = cl_pos;
ensembleColoringStyle = EnsembleColoringType::LOG_PARAMETER;
if ( summaryFileNames.empty() )
RiaLogging::error( "Needs at least one summary case to create a plot." );
bool isEnsembleMode = ensembleColoringStyle != EnsembleColoringType::NONE;
RicImportSummaryCasesFeature::CreateConfig createConfig{ .fileType = RiaDefines::FileType::SMSPEC,
.ensembleOrGroup = isEnsembleMode,
.allowDialogs = true };
auto [isOk, summaryCasesToUse] = RicImportSummaryCasesFeature::createSummaryCasesFromFiles( summaryFileNames, createConfig );
if ( !isOk || summaryCasesToUse.empty() )
RiaLogging::error( "Needs at least one summary case to create a plot." );
RicImportSummaryCasesFeature::addSummaryCases( summaryCasesToUse );
RiaApplication::instance()->setLastUsedDialogDirectory( RiaDefines::defaultDirectoryLabel( RiaDefines::ImportFileType::ECLIPSE_SUMMARY_FILE ),
QFileInfo( summaryFileNames[0] ).absolutePath() );
// Sort in summary and grid curve addresses
QStringList gridResultAddressFilters;
QStringList summaryAddressFilters;
RimSummaryPlot* lastPlotCreated = nullptr;
RiaSummaryStringTools::splitAddressFiltersInGridAndSummary( summaryCasesToUse[0],
&gridResultAddressFilters );
if ( summaryAddressFilters.size() )
RimSummaryCaseCollection* ensemble = nullptr;
if ( isEnsembleMode )
ensemble = RicCreateSummaryCaseCollectionFeature::groupSummaryCases( summaryCasesToUse, "Ensemble", true );
if ( isSinglePlot )
RimSummaryPlot* newPlot = nullptr;
if ( ensemble )
newPlot = createSummaryPlotForEnsemble( summaryCasesToUse,
ensembleColoringParameter );
newPlot = createSummaryPlotForCases( summaryCasesToUse, summaryAddressFilters, addHistoryCurves );
lastPlotCreated = newPlot;
newPlot->setLegendsVisible( !hideLegend );
newPlot->setNormalizationEnabled( isNormalizedY );
RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createAndAppendSingleSummaryMultiPlot( newPlot );
else // Multiple plots, one for each separate summary address, put them all in a summary multiplot
std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*> summaryPlots = createMultipleSummaryPlotsFromAddresses( summaryCasesToUse,
ensembleColoringParameter );
lastPlotCreated = summaryPlots.back();
for ( auto summaryPlot : summaryPlots )
summaryPlot->setLegendsVisible( !hideLegend );
summaryPlot->setNormalizationEnabled( isNormalizedY );
RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createAndAppendSummaryMultiPlot( summaryPlots );
// Grid Cell Result vectors
if ( gridResultAddressFilters.size() )
// Todo: Use identical grid case import if -e -c or -cl
std::vector<RimEclipseCase*> gridCasesToPlotFrom = openEclipseCasesForCellPlotting( gridFileNames );
if ( isSinglePlot )
std::vector<RimGridTimeHistoryCurve*> createdCurves;
int curveColorIndex = 0;
for ( const QString& gridAddressFilter : gridResultAddressFilters )
std::vector<RigGridCellResultAddress> cellResAddrs =
RigGridCellResultAddress::createGridCellAddressesFromFilter( gridAddressFilter );
for ( RigGridCellResultAddress cellResAddr : cellResAddrs )
for ( RimEclipseCase* eclCase : gridCasesToPlotFrom )
if ( !( eclCase->eclipseCaseData()->results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL ) &&
->results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL )
->resultInfo( cellResAddr.eclipseResultAddress ) ) )
RiaLogging::warning( "Could not find a restart result property with name: \"" +
cellResAddr.eclipseResultAddress.resultName() + "\"" );
RimGridTimeHistoryCurve* newCurve = new RimGridTimeHistoryCurve();
newCurve->setFromEclipseCellAndResult( eclCase,
cellResAddr.eclipseResultAddress );
newCurve->setLineThickness( 2 );
cvf::Color3f curveColor = RicWellLogPlotCurveFeatureImpl::curveColorFromTable( curveColorIndex );
newCurve->setColor( curveColor );
if ( !isEnsembleMode ) ++curveColorIndex;
createdCurves.push_back( newCurve );
if ( isEnsembleMode ) ++curveColorIndex;
if ( createdCurves.size() )
RimSummaryPlot* newPlot = new RimSummaryPlot();
newPlot->enableAutoPlotTitle( true );
for ( auto curve : createdCurves )
newPlot->addGridTimeHistoryCurve( curve );
newPlot->setLegendsVisible( !hideLegend );
newPlot->setNormalizationEnabled( isNormalizedY );
lastPlotCreated = newPlot;
RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createAndAppendSingleSummaryMultiPlot( newPlot );
else // Multiplot
int curveColorIndex = 0;
for ( const QString& gridAddressFilter : gridResultAddressFilters )
std::vector<RigGridCellResultAddress> cellResAddrs =
RigGridCellResultAddress::createGridCellAddressesFromFilter( gridAddressFilter );
for ( RigGridCellResultAddress cellResAddr : cellResAddrs )
std::vector<RimGridTimeHistoryCurve*> createdCurves;
for ( RimEclipseCase* eclCase : gridCasesToPlotFrom )
if ( !( eclCase->eclipseCaseData()->results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL ) &&
->results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL )
->resultInfo( cellResAddr.eclipseResultAddress ) ) )
RiaLogging::warning( "Could not find a restart result property with name: \"" +
cellResAddr.eclipseResultAddress.resultName() + "\"" );
RimGridTimeHistoryCurve* newCurve = new RimGridTimeHistoryCurve();
newCurve->setFromEclipseCellAndResult( eclCase,
cellResAddr.eclipseResultAddress );
newCurve->setLineThickness( 2 );
cvf::Color3f curveColor = RicWellLogPlotCurveFeatureImpl::curveColorFromTable( curveColorIndex );
newCurve->setColor( curveColor );
if ( !isEnsembleMode ) ++curveColorIndex;
createdCurves.push_back( newCurve );
if ( isEnsembleMode ) ++curveColorIndex;
if ( createdCurves.size() )
RimSummaryPlot* newPlot = new RimSummaryPlot();
newPlot->enableAutoPlotTitle( true );
for ( auto newCurve : createdCurves )
newPlot->addGridTimeHistoryCurve( newCurve );
newPlot->setLegendsVisible( !hideLegend );
newPlot->setNormalizationEnabled( isNormalizedY );
lastPlotCreated = newPlot;
RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createAndAppendSingleSummaryMultiPlot( newPlot );
if ( lastPlotCreated )
RiuPlotMainWindow* mpw = RiaGuiApplication::instance()->mainPlotWindow();
// Needed to avoid unnecessary activation of sub windows (plots)
// which results in population of property editor, and missing deleteLater because we are outside any event
// loop when switching object. Results in stray widgets.
mpw->setBlockViewSelectionOnSubWindowActivated( true );
mpw->setBlockViewSelectionOnSubWindowActivated( false );
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::setExpanded( lastPlotCreated );
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( lastPlotCreated );
RimSummaryPlot* RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::createSummaryPlotForEnsemble( const std::vector<RimSummaryCase*>& summaryCasesToUse,
RimSummaryCaseCollection* ensemble,
QStringList summaryAddressFilters,
bool addHistoryCurves,
EnsembleColoringType ensembleColoringStyle,
QString ensembleColoringParameter )
RimSummaryPlot* newPlot = new RimSummaryPlot();
newPlot->enableAutoPlotTitle( true );
if ( ensemble )
std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> filteredAdressesFromCases =
applySummaryAddressFiltersToCases( summaryCasesToUse, summaryAddressFilters );
for ( const auto& addr : filteredAdressesFromCases )
auto curveSet = createCurveSet( ensemble, addr, ensembleColoringStyle, ensembleColoringParameter );
newPlot->ensembleCurveSetCollection()->addCurveSet( curveSet );
if ( addHistoryCurves && !summaryCasesToUse.empty() )
RimSummaryCurve* historyCurve = createHistoryCurve( addr, summaryCasesToUse[0] );
if ( historyCurve ) newPlot->addCurveNoUpdate( historyCurve );
return newPlot;
RimEnsembleCurveSet* RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::createCurveSet( RimSummaryCaseCollection* ensemble,
const RifEclipseSummaryAddress& addr,
EnsembleColoringType ensembleColoringStyle,
QString ensembleColoringParameter )
auto curveSet = new RimEnsembleCurveSet();
curveSet->setSummaryCaseCollection( ensemble );
curveSet->setSummaryAddressAndStatisticsFlag( addr );
if ( ensembleColoringStyle == EnsembleColoringType::PARAMETER || ensembleColoringStyle == EnsembleColoringType::LOG_PARAMETER )
curveSet->setColorMode( RimEnsembleCurveSet::ColorMode::BY_ENSEMBLE_PARAM );
curveSet->setEnsembleParameter( ensembleColoringParameter );
if ( ensembleColoringStyle == EnsembleColoringType::LOG_PARAMETER )
curveSet->legendConfig()->setMappingMode( RimRegularLegendConfig::MappingType::LOG10_CONTINUOUS );
return curveSet;
RimSummaryPlot* RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::createSummaryPlotForCases( const std::vector<RimSummaryCase*>& summaryCasesToUse,
QStringList summaryAddressFilters,
bool addHistoryCurves /*= false */ )
RimSummaryPlot* newPlot = new RimSummaryPlot();
newPlot->enableAutoPlotTitle( true );
for ( RimSummaryCase* sumCase : summaryCasesToUse )
RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::addCurvesFromAddressFiltersToPlot( summaryAddressFilters, newPlot, sumCase, addHistoryCurves );
return newPlot;
std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*> RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::createMultipleSummaryPlotsFromAddresses(
const std::vector<RimSummaryCase*>& summaryCasesToUse,
RimSummaryCaseCollection* ensemble,
QStringList summaryAddressFilters,
bool addHistoryCurves,
EnsembleColoringType ensembleColoringStyle /*= EnsembleColoringType::NONE*/,
QString ensembleColoringParameter /*= "" */ )
std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*> newSummaryPlots;
std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> filteredAdressesFromCases =
applySummaryAddressFiltersToCases( summaryCasesToUse, summaryAddressFilters );
for ( const auto& addr : filteredAdressesFromCases )
std::vector<RimSummaryCurve*> createdCurves;
std::vector<RimEnsembleCurveSet*> createdEnsembleCurveSets;
if ( ensemble )
auto curveSet = createCurveSet( ensemble, addr, ensembleColoringStyle, ensembleColoringParameter );
createdEnsembleCurveSets.push_back( curveSet );
for ( RimSummaryCase* sumCase : summaryCasesToUse )
const std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress>& allAddrsInCase = sumCase->summaryReader()->allResultAddresses();
if ( allAddrsInCase.count( addr ) )
auto* newCurve = createCurve( sumCase, addr );
createdCurves.push_back( newCurve );
if ( addHistoryCurves )
RimSummaryCurve* historyCurve = createHistoryCurve( addr, summaryCasesToUse[0] );
if ( historyCurve ) createdCurves.push_back( historyCurve );
if ( createdCurves.size() || createdEnsembleCurveSets.size() )
RimSummaryPlot* newPlot = new RimSummaryPlot();
newPlot->enableAutoPlotTitle( true );
for ( auto curve : createdCurves )
newPlot->addCurveNoUpdate( curve );
for ( auto curveSet : createdEnsembleCurveSets )
newPlot->ensembleCurveSetCollection()->addCurveSet( curveSet );
newSummaryPlots.push_back( newPlot );
return newSummaryPlots;
RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::applySummaryAddressFiltersToCases( const std::vector<RimSummaryCase*>& summaryCasesToUse,
const QStringList& summaryAddressFilters )
std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> filteredAdressesFromCases;
for ( RimSummaryCase* sumCase : summaryCasesToUse )
const std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress>& addrs = sumCase->summaryReader()->allResultAddresses();
std::vector<bool> usedFilters;
insertFilteredAddressesInSet( summaryAddressFilters, addrs, &filteredAdressesFromCases, &usedFilters );
for ( size_t cfIdx = 0; cfIdx < usedFilters.size(); ++cfIdx )
if ( !usedFilters[cfIdx] )
RiaLogging::warning( "Vector filter \"" + summaryAddressFilters[static_cast<int>( cfIdx )] +
"\" did not match anything in case: \"" + sumCase->nativeCaseName() + "\"" );
return filteredAdressesFromCases;
RimSummaryCurve* RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::createCurve( RimSummaryCase* summaryCase, const RifEclipseSummaryAddress& address )
auto curve = new RimSummaryCurve();
curve->setSummaryCaseY( summaryCase );
curve->setSummaryAddressYAndApplyInterpolation( address );
return curve;
std::vector<RimSummaryCurve*> RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::addCurvesFromAddressFiltersToPlot( const QStringList& curveFilters,
RimSummaryPlot* plot,
RimSummaryCase* summaryCase,
bool addHistoryCurves )
std::vector<RimSummaryCurve*> createdCurves;
if ( !plot ) return createdCurves;
if ( !summaryCase || !summaryCase->summaryReader() ) return createdCurves;
std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> curveAddressesToUse;
const std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress>& addrs = summaryCase->summaryReader()->allResultAddresses();
std::vector<bool> usedFilters;
insertFilteredAddressesInSet( curveFilters, addrs, &curveAddressesToUse, &usedFilters );
for ( size_t cfIdx = 0; cfIdx < usedFilters.size(); ++cfIdx )
if ( !usedFilters[cfIdx] )
RiaLogging::warning( "Vector filter \"" + curveFilters[static_cast<int>( cfIdx )] + "\" did not match anything in case: \"" +
summaryCase->nativeCaseName() + "\"" );
if ( addHistoryCurves )
std::vector<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> historyAddressesToUse;
for ( RifEclipseSummaryAddress historyAddr : curveAddressesToUse )
historyAddr.setVectorName( historyAddr.vectorName() + "H" );
if ( addrs.count( historyAddr ) )
historyAddressesToUse.push_back( historyAddr );
curveAddressesToUse.insert( historyAddressesToUse.begin(), historyAddressesToUse.end() );
if ( !curveFilters.isEmpty() && curveAddressesToUse.empty() && !addrs.empty() )
// The curve filter returns no match, use first available address
curveAddressesToUse.insert( *addrs.begin() );
for ( const auto& addr : curveAddressesToUse )
auto* newCurve = createCurve( summaryCase, addr );
createdCurves.push_back( newCurve );
plot->addCurveNoUpdate( newCurve );
return createdCurves;
void RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::insertFilteredAddressesInSet( const QStringList& curveFilters,
const std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress>& allAddressesInCase,
std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress>* setToInsertFilteredAddressesIn,
std::vector<bool>* usedFilters )
if ( allAddressesInCase.empty() ) return;
int curveFilterCount = curveFilters.size();
usedFilters->resize( curveFilterCount, false );
for ( const auto& addr : allAddressesInCase )
for ( int cfIdx = 0; cfIdx < curveFilterCount; ++cfIdx )
if ( addr.isUiTextMatchingFilterText( curveFilters[cfIdx] ) )
setToInsertFilteredAddressesIn->insert( addr );
( *usedFilters )[cfIdx] = true;
QString RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::summaryPlotCommandLineHelpText()
// clang-format off
QString txt =
"The --summaryplot option has the following syntax:\n"
"[<plotOptions>] <eclipsesummaryvectorfilters> <eclipsedatafiles>\n"
"It creates one summary plot for each of the the summary vectors matched by the "
"<eclipsesummaryvectorfilters> using all the <eclipsedatafiles> in each plot.\n"
"The <eclipsesummaryvectorfilters> has the syntax <vectorname>[:<item>[:<subitem>[:i,j,k]]] and can be repeated.\n"
"Wildcards can also be used, eg. \"WOPT:*\" to select the total oil production from all the wells.\n"
"3D Grid properties from restart files can also be requested in the form <propertyname>:i,j,k.\n"
"The <eclipsedatafiles> can be written with or without extension.\n"
"As long as only summary vectors are requested, only the corresponding SMSPEC file will be opened for each case.\n"
"If a grid property is requested, however (eg. SOIL:20,21,1) the corresponding EGRID and restart data will be loaded as well.\n"
"The summary plot options are: \n"
" -help\t Show this help text and ignore the rest of the options.\n"
" -h\t Include history vectors. Will be read from the summary file if the vectors exist.\n"
" \t Only history vectors from the first summary case in the project will be included.\n"
" -nl\t Omit legend in plot.\n"
" -s\t Create only one plot including all the defined vectors and cases.\n"
" -n\t Scale all curves into the range 0.0-1.0. Useful when using -s.\n"
" -e\t Import all the cases as an ensemble, and create ensemble curves sets instead of single curves.\n"
" -c <parametername>\t Same as -e, but colors the curves by the ensemble parameter <parametername> . \n"
" -cl <parametername>\t Same as -c, but uses logarithmic legend.\n";
// clang-format on
return txt;