2021-02-22 13:37:05 +01:00

382 lines
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// Custom Visualization Core library
// Copyright (C) 2015 Ceetron Solutions AS
// This library may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or
// the GNU Lesser General Public License as follows:
// GNU General Public License Usage
// This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <<>>
// for more details.
// GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License at <<>>
// for more details.
#include "cafTrackBallBasedNavigation.h"
#include "cafViewer.h"
#include "cvfCamera.h"
#include "cvfHitItemCollection.h"
#include "cvfManipulatorTrackball.h"
#include "cvfModel.h"
#include "cvfRay.h"
#include "cvfScene.h"
#include "cvfViewport.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QInputEvent>
#include <cmath>
: m_isRotCenterInitialized( false )
, m_isNavigating( false )
, m_hasMovedMouseDuringNavigation( false )
, m_isZooming( false )
, m_lastPosX( 0 )
, m_lastPosY( 0 )
, m_lastWheelZoomPosX( -1 )
, m_lastWheelZoomPosY( -1 )
, m_consumeEvents( false )
void caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation::init()
m_trackball = new cvf::ManipulatorTrackball;
m_trackball->setCamera( m_viewer->mainCamera() );
m_isRotCenterInitialized = false;
m_isRotationEnabled = true;
m_hasMovedMouseDuringNavigation = false;
m_isNavigating = false;
m_isZooming = false;
m_lastPosX = 0;
m_lastPosY = 0;
m_lastWheelZoomPosX = -1;
m_lastWheelZoomPosY = -1;
void caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation::initializeRotationCenter()
if ( m_isRotCenterInitialized || m_trackball.isNull() || !m_viewer->currentScene() ||
!m_viewer->currentScene()->boundingBox().isValid() )
cvf::Vec3d pointOfInterest = m_viewer->currentScene()->boundingBox().center();
this->setPointOfInterest( pointOfInterest );
/// Repositions and orients the camera to view the rotation point along the
/// direction "alongDirection". The distance to the rotation point is maintained.
void caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation::setView( const cvf::Vec3d& alongDirection, const cvf::Vec3d& upDirection )
m_trackball->setView( alongDirection, upDirection );
if (m_camera.isNull()) return;
Vec3d dir = alongDirection;
if (!dir.normalize()) return;
Vec3d up = upDirection;
if(!up.normalize()) up = Vec3d::Z_AXIS;
if((up * dir) < 1e-2) up = dir.perpendicularVector();
Vec3d cToE = m_camera->position() - m_rotationPoint;
Vec3d newEye = m_rotationPoint - cToE.length() * dir;
m_camera->setFromLookAt(newEye, m_rotationPoint, upDirection);
cvf::Vec3d caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation::pointOfInterest()
return m_pointOfInterest;
void caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation::setPointOfInterest( cvf::Vec3d poi )
m_pointOfInterest = poi;
m_trackball->setRotationPoint( poi );
m_isRotCenterInitialized = true;
m_viewer->updateParallelProjectionCameraPosFromPointOfInterestMove( m_pointOfInterest );
void caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation::pickAndSetPointOfInterest( int winPosX, int winPosY )
cvf::HitItemCollection hic;
bool hitSomething = m_viewer->rayPick( winPosX, winPosY, &hic );
if ( hitSomething )
cvf::Vec3d pointOfInterest = hic.firstItem()->intersectionPoint();
if ( m_viewer->isMousePosWithinComparisonView( winPosX, winPosY ) )
pointOfInterest -= m_viewer->comparisonViewEyePointOffset();
this->setPointOfInterest( pointOfInterest );
void caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation::updatePointOfInterestDuringZoomIfNecessary( int winPosX, int winPosY )
if ( shouldRaytraceForNewPoiDuringWheelZoom( winPosX, winPosY ) )
this->pickAndSetPointOfInterest( winPosX, winPosY );
updateWheelZoomPosition( winPosX, winPosY );
void caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation::forcePointOfInterestUpdateDuringNextWheelZoom()
m_lastWheelZoomPosX = -1;
m_lastWheelZoomPosY = -1;
void caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation::zoomAlongRay( cvf::Ray* ray, int delta )
if ( ray && abs( delta ) > 0 )
cvf::Vec3d pos, vrp, up;
m_viewer->mainCamera()->toLookAt( &pos, &vrp, &up );
double scale = delta / 8.0 * 1.0 / 150 * ( pos - m_pointOfInterest ).length();
cvf::Vec3d trans = scale * ray->direction();
cvf::Vec3d newPos = pos + trans;
cvf::Vec3d newVrp = vrp + trans;
m_viewer->mainCamera()->setFromLookAt( newPos, newVrp, up );
m_viewer->updateParallelProjectionHeightFromMoveZoom( m_pointOfInterest );
m_viewer->updateParallelProjectionCameraPosFromPointOfInterestMove( m_pointOfInterest );
// Ceeviz Workaround for #3697:
// Ceeviz may create a singular projection*view matrix internally. In which case we need to revert.
cvf::Mat4d projectionMatrix = m_viewer->mainCamera()->projectionMatrix();
cvf::Mat4d viewMatrix = m_viewer->mainCamera()->viewMatrix();
cvf::Mat4d multMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix;
double determinant = std::fabs( multMatrix.determinant() );
if ( determinant < 1.0e-15 )
m_viewer->mainCamera()->setFromLookAt( pos, vrp, up );
m_viewer->updateParallelProjectionHeightFromMoveZoom( m_pointOfInterest );
m_viewer->updateParallelProjectionCameraPosFromPointOfInterestMove( m_pointOfInterest );
#ifndef NDEBUG
projectionMatrix = m_viewer->mainCamera()->projectionMatrix();
viewMatrix = m_viewer->mainCamera()->viewMatrix();
multMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix;
determinant = std::fabs( multMatrix.determinant() );
CVF_ASSERT( determinant > 1.0e-15 );
void caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation::cvfEventPos( int qtX, int qtY, int* cvfX, int* cvfY )
*cvfX = qtX;
*cvfY = m_viewer->height() - qtY;
cvf::ref<cvf::Ray> caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation::createZoomRay( int cvfXPos, int cvfYPos )
cvf::ref<cvf::Ray> ray;
cvf::Camera* cam = m_viewer->mainCamera();
ray = cam->rayFromWindowCoordinates( cvfXPos, cvfYPos );
if ( ray.notNull() && cam->projection() == cvf::Camera::ORTHO )
cvf::Vec3d camDir = cam->direction();
cvf::Plane focusPlane;
focusPlane.setFromPointAndNormal( m_pointOfInterest, -camDir );
cvf::Vec3d intersectionPoint;
ray->planeIntersect( focusPlane, &intersectionPoint );
cvf::ref<cvf::Ray> orthoZoomRay = new cvf::Ray();
orthoZoomRay->setOrigin( cam->position() );
orthoZoomRay->setDirection( ( intersectionPoint - cam->position() ).getNormalized() );
ray = orthoZoomRay;
return ray;
void caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation::updateWheelZoomPosition( int winPosX, int winPosY )
m_lastWheelZoomPosX = winPosX;
m_lastWheelZoomPosY = winPosY;
bool caf::TrackBallBasedNavigation::shouldRaytraceForNewPoiDuringWheelZoom( int winPosX, int winPosY ) const
// Raytrace if the last zoom position isn't set
if ( m_lastWheelZoomPosX == -1 || m_lastWheelZoomPosY == -1 )
return true;
int diffX = winPosX - m_lastWheelZoomPosX;
int diffY = winPosY - m_lastWheelZoomPosY;
const int pixelThreshold = 5;
if ( diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY > pixelThreshold * pixelThreshold )
return true;
return false;
#include <QMouseEvent>
//#include <windows.h>
//#pragma warning(disable:4996)
// void openDebugWindow()
// AllocConsole();
// freopen("conin$", "r", stdin);
// freopen("conout$", "w", stdout);
// freopen("conout$", "w", stderr);
//#include <iostream>
void caf::RotationSensitivityCalculator::init( QMouseEvent* eventAtRotationStart )
m_lastPosX = eventAtRotationStart->x();
m_lastPosY = eventAtRotationStart->y();
m_lastTime = eventAtRotationStart->timestamp();
double caf::RotationSensitivityCalculator::calculateSensitivity( QMouseEvent* eventWhenRotating )
double sensitivity = 1.0;
if ( m_isEnabled )
if ( m_fixedSensitivity == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() )
auto presentTime = eventWhenRotating->timestamp();
unsigned long timeSinceLast = presentTime - m_lastTime;
if ( timeSinceLast == 0 ) timeSinceLast = 1; // one millisecond
int deltaX = eventWhenRotating->x() - m_lastPosX;
int deltaY = eventWhenRotating->y() - m_lastPosY;
cvf::Vec2d mouseVelocity( deltaX, deltaY );
mouseVelocity /= 1.0e-3 * timeSinceLast;
double mouseVelocityLength = mouseVelocity.length();
double mouseVelocityLengthCorr = 0.1 * mouseVelocityLength + 0.9 * m_lastMouseVelocityLenght;
double slowLimit = 170.0;
if ( mouseVelocityLengthCorr < slowLimit )
sensitivity = mouseVelocityLengthCorr * mouseVelocityLengthCorr / ( slowLimit * slowLimit );
m_lastPosX = eventWhenRotating->x();
m_lastPosY = eventWhenRotating->y();
m_lastTime = eventWhenRotating->timestamp();
m_lastMouseVelocityLenght = 0.8 * mouseVelocityLength + 0.2 * m_lastMouseVelocityLenght;
sensitivity = m_fixedSensitivity;
return sensitivity;