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// Custom Visualization Core library
// Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Ceetron AS
// This library may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or
// the GNU Lesser General Public License as follows:
// GNU General Public License Usage
// This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>>
// for more details.
// GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>>
// for more details.
#include "cafViewer.h"
#include "cafCadNavigation.h"
#include "cafFrameAnimationControl.h"
#include "cafNavigationPolicy.h"
#include "cafPointOfInterestVisualizer.h"
#include "cvfCamera.h"
#include "cvfDebugTimer.h"
#include "cvfDrawable.h"
#include "cvfDrawableGeo.h"
#include "cvfDynamicUniformSet.h"
#include "cvfFramebufferObject.h"
#include "cvfHitItemCollection.h"
#include "cvfManipulatorTrackball.h"
#include "cvfModel.h"
#include "cvfOpenGLCapabilities.h"
#include "cvfOpenGLResourceManager.h"
#include "cvfOverlayImage.h"
#include "cvfPart.h"
#include "cvfRay.h"
#include "cvfRayIntersectSpec.h"
#include "cvfRenderQueueSorter.h"
#include "cvfRenderSequence.h"
#include "cvfRenderbufferObject.h"
#include "cvfRendering.h"
#include "cvfRenderingScissor.h"
#include "cvfScene.h"
#include "cvfShaderSourceProvider.h"
#include "cvfSingleQuadRenderingGenerator.h"
#include "cvfTextureImage.h"
#include "cvfTransform.h"
#include "cvfUniform.h"
#include "cvfUniformSet.h"
#include "cvfqtOpenGLContext.h"
#include "cvfqtPerformanceInfoHud.h"
#include "cvfqtUtils.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QInputEvent>
#include <cmath>
namespace caf
class GlobalViewerDynUniformSet : public cvf::DynamicUniformSet
m_headlightPosition = new cvf::UniformFloat( "u_ecLightPosition", cvf::Vec3f( 0.5, 5.0, 7.0 ) );
m_uniformSet = new cvf::UniformSet();
m_uniformSet->setUniform( m_headlightPosition.p() );
~GlobalViewerDynUniformSet() override {}
void setHeadLightPosition( const cvf::Vec3f posRelativeToCamera )
m_headlightPosition->set( posRelativeToCamera );
cvf::UniformSet* uniformSet() override { return m_uniformSet.p(); }
void update( cvf::Rendering* rendering ) override{};
cvf::ref<cvf::UniformSet> m_uniformSet;
cvf::ref<cvf::UniformFloat> m_headlightPosition;
} // namespace caf
std::list<caf::Viewer*> caf::Viewer::sm_viewers;
cvf::ref<cvf::OpenGLContextGroup> caf::Viewer::sm_openGLContextGroup;
caf::Viewer::Viewer( const QGLFormat& format, QWidget* parent )
: caf::OpenGLWidget( contextGroup(), format, nullptr, sharedWidget() )
, m_navigationPolicy( nullptr )
, m_navigationPolicyEnabled( true )
, m_defaultPerspectiveNearPlaneDistance( 0.05 )
, m_maxClipPlaneDistance( cvf::UNDEFINED_DOUBLE )
, m_cameraFieldOfViewYDeg( 40.0 )
, m_paintCounter( 0 )
, m_releaseOGLResourcesEachFrame( false )
, m_isOverlayPaintingEnabled( true )
, m_offscreenViewportWidth( 0 )
, m_offscreenViewportHeight( 0 )
, m_parallelProjectionLightDirection( 0, 0, -1 )
, // Light directly from behind
m_comparisonViewOffset( 0, 0, 0 )
, m_comparisonWindowNormalizedRect( 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f )
, m_isComparisonFollowingAnimation( true )
, m_isComparisonViewActiveFlag( false )
m_layoutWidget = new QWidget( parent );
QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout( m_layoutWidget );
layout->addWidget( this );
layout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
setAutoFillBackground( false );
setMouseTracking( true );
// Needed to get keystrokes
setFocusPolicy( Qt::ClickFocus );
m_globalUniformSet = new GlobalViewerDynUniformSet();
m_mainCamera = new cvf::Camera;
m_mainCamera->setFromLookAt( cvf::Vec3d( 0, 0, -1 ), cvf::Vec3d( 0, 0, 0 ), cvf::Vec3d( 0, 1, 0 ) );
m_comparisonMainCamera = new cvf::Camera;
m_comparisonMainCamera->setFromLookAt( cvf::Vec3d( 0, 0, -1 ), cvf::Vec3d( 0, 0, 0 ), cvf::Vec3d( 0, 1, 0 ) );
m_renderingSequence = new cvf::RenderSequence();
m_renderingSequence->setDefaultFFLightPositional( cvf::Vec3f( 0.5, 5.0, 7.0 ) );
m_mainRendering = new cvf::Rendering( "Main Rendering" );
m_comparisonMainRendering = new cvf::Rendering( "Comparison Rendering" );
m_overlayItemsRendering = new cvf::Rendering( "Overlay Rendering" );
m_overlayItemsRendering->setClearMode( cvf::Viewport::DO_NOT_CLEAR );
m_comparisonRenderingScissor = new cvf::RenderingScissor;
m_comparisonMainRendering->setRenderingScissor( m_comparisonRenderingScissor.p() );
m_animationControl = new caf::FrameAnimationControl( this );
connect( m_animationControl, SIGNAL( changeFrame( int ) ), SLOT( slotSetCurrentFrame( int ) ) );
connect( m_animationControl, SIGNAL( endAnimation() ), SLOT( slotEndAnimation() ) );
this->setNavigationPolicy( new caf::CadNavigation );
m_overlayTextureImage = new cvf::TextureImage;
m_overlayImage = new cvf::OverlayImage( m_overlayTextureImage.p() );
m_overlayImage->setBlending( cvf::OverlayImage::TEXTURE_ALPHA );
m_overlayImage->setLayoutFixedPosition( cvf::Vec2i( 0, 0 ) );
m_showPerfInfoHud = false;
sm_viewers.push_back( this );
sm_viewers.remove( this );
// To delete the layout widget
if ( m_layoutWidget ) m_layoutWidget->deleteLater();
void caf::Viewer::setupMainRendering()
m_mainRendering->setCamera( m_mainCamera.p() );
m_comparisonMainRendering->setCamera( m_comparisonMainCamera.p() );
m_overlayItemsRendering->setCamera( m_mainCamera.p() );
m_mainRendering->setRenderQueueSorter( new cvf::RenderQueueSorterBasic( cvf::RenderQueueSorterBasic::EFFECT_ONLY ) );
new cvf::RenderQueueSorterBasic( cvf::RenderQueueSorterBasic::EFFECT_ONLY ) );
new cvf::RenderQueueSorterBasic( cvf::RenderQueueSorterBasic::EFFECT_ONLY ) );
m_mainRendering->addGlobalDynamicUniformSet( m_globalUniformSet.p() );
m_comparisonMainRendering->addGlobalDynamicUniformSet( m_globalUniformSet.p() );
// Set fixed function rendering if QGLFormat does not support directRendering
if ( !this->format().directRendering() )
m_mainRendering->renderEngine()->enableForcedImmediateMode( true );
m_comparisonMainRendering->renderEngine()->enableForcedImmediateMode( true );
m_overlayItemsRendering->renderEngine()->enableForcedImmediateMode( true );
if ( contextGroup()->capabilities() &&
contextGroup()->capabilities()->hasCapability( cvf::OpenGLCapabilities::FRAMEBUFFER_OBJECT ) )
m_offscreenFbo = new cvf::FramebufferObject;
m_mainRendering->setTargetFramebuffer( m_offscreenFbo.p() );
m_comparisonMainRendering->setTargetFramebuffer( m_offscreenFbo.p() );
m_overlayItemsRendering->setTargetFramebuffer( m_offscreenFbo.p() );
cvf::ref<cvf::RenderbufferObject> rbo =
new cvf::RenderbufferObject( cvf::RenderbufferObject::DEPTH_COMPONENT24, 1, 1 );
m_offscreenFbo->attachDepthRenderbuffer( rbo.p() );
m_offscreenTexture = new cvf::Texture( cvf::Texture::TEXTURE_2D, cvf::Texture::RGBA );
m_offscreenTexture->setSize( 1, 1 );
m_offscreenFbo->attachColorTexture2d( 0, m_offscreenTexture.p() );
void caf::Viewer::setupRenderingSequence()
m_renderingSequence->addRendering( m_mainRendering.p() );
m_renderingSequence->addRendering( m_comparisonMainRendering.p() );
m_renderingSequence->addRendering( m_overlayItemsRendering.p() );
if ( m_offscreenFbo.notNull() )
// Setup second rendering drawing the texture on the screen
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
cvf::SingleQuadRenderingGenerator quadRenderGen;
cvf::ref<cvf::Sampler> sampler = new cvf::Sampler;
sampler->setWrapMode( cvf::Sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
sampler->setMinFilter( cvf::Sampler::NEAREST );
sampler->setMagFilter( cvf::Sampler::NEAREST );
quadRenderGen.addTexture( m_offscreenTexture.p(), sampler.p(), "u_texture2D" );
cvf::ShaderSourceProvider::instance()->getSourceFromRepository( cvf::ShaderSourceRepository::fs_Unlit ) );
cvf::ShaderSourceProvider::instance()->getSourceFromRepository( cvf::ShaderSourceRepository::src_Texture ) );
m_quadRendering = quadRenderGen.generate();
m_renderingSequence->addRendering( m_quadRendering.p() );
updateCamera( width(), height() );
caf::Viewer* caf::Viewer::sharedWidget()
if ( sm_viewers.size() > 0 )
return *( sm_viewers.begin() );
return nullptr;
cvf::OpenGLContextGroup* caf::Viewer::contextGroup()
if ( sm_openGLContextGroup.isNull() )
sm_openGLContextGroup = new cvf::OpenGLContextGroup();
return sm_openGLContextGroup.p();
cvf::Camera* caf::Viewer::mainCamera()
return m_mainCamera.p();
cvf::Camera* caf::Viewer::comparisonMainCamera()
return m_comparisonMainCamera.p();
void caf::Viewer::setComparisonViewEyePointOffset( const cvf::Vec3d& offset )
m_comparisonViewOffset = offset;
const cvf::Vec3d caf::Viewer::comparisonViewEyePointOffset()
return m_comparisonViewOffset;
/// setNormalizedComparisonViewRect
void caf::Viewer::setComparisonViewVisibleNormalizedRect( const cvf::Rectf& visibleRect )
m_comparisonWindowNormalizedRect = visibleRect;
updateCamera( width(), height() );
cvf::Rectf caf::Viewer::comparisonViewVisibleNormalizedRect() const
return m_comparisonWindowNormalizedRect;
bool caf::Viewer::isComparisonViewActive() const
return m_isComparisonViewActiveFlag;
/// Set the scene to be rendered when the animation is inactive (Stopped)
void caf::Viewer::setMainScene( cvf::Scene* scene, bool isForComparisonView )
appendAllStaticModelsToFrame( scene, isForComparisonView );
if ( !isForComparisonView )
m_mainScene = scene;
m_mainRendering->setScene( scene );
m_comparisonMainScene = scene;
m_comparisonMainRendering->setScene( scene );
cvf::Scene* caf::Viewer::mainScene( bool isForComparisonView )
if ( !isForComparisonView )
return m_mainScene.p();
return m_comparisonMainScene.p();
/// Return the currently rendered scene
cvf::Scene* caf::Viewer::currentScene( bool isForComparisonView )
if ( !isForComparisonView )
return m_mainRendering->scene();
return m_comparisonMainRendering->scene();
void caf::Viewer::updateCamera( int width, int height )
if ( width < 1 || height < 1 ) return;
m_mainCamera->viewport()->set( 0, 0, width, height );
m_comparisonMainCamera->viewport()->set( 0, 0, width, height );
->setScissorRectangle( static_cast<int>( width * m_comparisonWindowNormalizedRect.min().x() ),
static_cast<int>( height * m_comparisonWindowNormalizedRect.min().y() ),
static_cast<int>( width * m_comparisonWindowNormalizedRect.width() ),
static_cast<int>( height * m_comparisonWindowNormalizedRect.height() ) );
if ( m_mainCamera->projection() == cvf::Camera::PERSPECTIVE )
m_mainCamera->setProjectionAsPerspective( m_cameraFieldOfViewYDeg,
m_mainCamera->farPlane() );
m_mainCamera->setProjectionAsOrtho( m_mainCamera->frontPlaneFrustumHeight(),
m_mainCamera->farPlane() );
bool caf::Viewer::canRender() const
if ( m_renderingSequence->renderingCount() < 1 ) return false;
if ( m_mainCamera.isNull() ) return false;
if ( m_mainCamera->viewport()->width() < 1 ) return false;
if ( m_mainCamera->viewport()->height() < 1 ) return false;
return true;
void caf::Viewer::optimizeClippingPlanes()
double nearPlaneDist = HUGE_VAL;
double farPlaneDist = HUGE_VAL;
cvf::Vec3d navPointOfinterest = m_navigationPolicy->pointOfInterest();
if ( calculateNearFarPlanes( m_mainRendering.p(), navPointOfinterest, &farPlaneDist, &nearPlaneDist ) )
if ( m_mainCamera->projection() == cvf::Camera::PERSPECTIVE )
m_mainCamera->setProjectionAsPerspective( m_cameraFieldOfViewYDeg, nearPlaneDist, farPlaneDist );
m_mainCamera->setProjectionAsOrtho( m_mainCamera->frontPlaneFrustumHeight(), nearPlaneDist, farPlaneDist );
copyCameraView( m_mainCamera.p(), m_comparisonMainCamera.p() );
m_comparisonMainCamera->viewport()->setClearColor( m_mainCamera->viewport()->clearColor() );
if ( m_comparisonMainRendering->scene() )
cvf::Vec3d camUp;
cvf::Vec3d camEye;
cvf::Vec3d camViewRefPoint;
m_comparisonMainCamera->toLookAt( &camEye, &camViewRefPoint, &camUp );
camEye += m_comparisonViewOffset;
camViewRefPoint += m_comparisonViewOffset;
m_comparisonMainCamera->setFromLookAt( camEye, camViewRefPoint, camUp );
navPointOfinterest += m_comparisonViewOffset;
if ( calculateNearFarPlanes( m_comparisonMainRendering.p(), navPointOfinterest, &farPlaneDist, &nearPlaneDist ) )
if ( m_comparisonMainCamera->projection() == cvf::Camera::PERSPECTIVE )
m_comparisonMainCamera->setProjectionAsPerspective( m_cameraFieldOfViewYDeg, nearPlaneDist, farPlaneDist );
m_comparisonMainCamera->setProjectionAsOrtho( m_comparisonMainCamera->frontPlaneFrustumHeight(),
farPlaneDist );
bool caf::Viewer::calculateNearFarPlanes( const cvf::Rendering* rendering,
const cvf::Vec3d& navPointOfinterest,
double* farPlaneDist,
double* nearPlaneDist )
cvf::BoundingBox bb = rendering->boundingBox();
if ( !bb.isValid() ) return false;
cvf::Vec3d eye = rendering->camera()->position();
cvf::Vec3d viewdir = rendering->camera()->direction();
cvf::Vec3d bboxCorners[8];
bb.cornerVertices( bboxCorners );
// Find the distance to the bbox corners most behind and most in front of camera
double maxDistEyeToCornerAlongViewDir = -HUGE_VAL;
double minDistEyeToCornerAlongViewDir = HUGE_VAL;
for ( int bcIdx = 0; bcIdx < 8; ++bcIdx )
double distEyeBoxCornerAlongViewDir = ( bboxCorners[bcIdx] - eye ) * viewdir;
if ( distEyeBoxCornerAlongViewDir > maxDistEyeToCornerAlongViewDir )
maxDistEyeToCornerAlongViewDir = distEyeBoxCornerAlongViewDir;
if ( distEyeBoxCornerAlongViewDir < minDistEyeToCornerAlongViewDir )
minDistEyeToCornerAlongViewDir = distEyeBoxCornerAlongViewDir; // Sometimes negative-> behind camera
( *farPlaneDist ) = CVF_MIN( maxDistEyeToCornerAlongViewDir * 1.2, m_maxClipPlaneDistance );
// Near-plane:
bool isOrthoNearPlaneFollowingCamera = false;
// If we have perspective projection, set the near plane just in front of camera, and not behind
if ( rendering->camera()->projection() == cvf::Camera::PERSPECTIVE || isOrthoNearPlaneFollowingCamera )
// Choose the one furthest from the camera of: 0.8*bbox distance, m_minPerspectiveNearPlaneDistance.
( *nearPlaneDist ) = CVF_MAX( m_defaultPerspectiveNearPlaneDistance, 0.8 * minDistEyeToCornerAlongViewDir );
// If we are zooming into a detail, allow the near-plane to move towards camera beyond the
// m_minPerspectiveNearPlaneDistance
if ( ( *nearPlaneDist ) == m_defaultPerspectiveNearPlaneDistance // We are inside the bounding box
&& m_navigationPolicy.notNull() && m_navigationPolicyEnabled )
double pointOfInterestDist = ( eye - navPointOfinterest ).length();
( *nearPlaneDist ) = CVF_MIN( ( *nearPlaneDist ), pointOfInterestDist * 0.2 );
// Guard against the zero nearplane possibility
if ( ( *nearPlaneDist ) <= 0 ) ( *nearPlaneDist ) = m_defaultPerspectiveNearPlaneDistance;
else // Orthographic projection. Set to encapsulate the complete boundingbox, possibly setting a negative nearplane
if ( minDistEyeToCornerAlongViewDir >= 0 )
( *nearPlaneDist ) = CVF_MIN( 0.8 * minDistEyeToCornerAlongViewDir, m_maxClipPlaneDistance );
( *nearPlaneDist ) = CVF_MAX( 1.2 * minDistEyeToCornerAlongViewDir, -m_maxClipPlaneDistance );
if ( ( *farPlaneDist ) <= ( *nearPlaneDist ) ) ( *farPlaneDist ) = ( *nearPlaneDist ) + 1.0;
return true;
/// Forward all events classified as QInputEvent to the navigation policy
bool caf::Viewer::event( QEvent* e )
// The most reliable way we have found of detecting when an OpenGL context is about to be destroyed is
// hooking into the QEvent::PlatformSurface event and checking for the SurfaceAboutToBeDestroyed event type.
// From the Qt doc:
// The underlying native surface will be destroyed immediately after this event.
// The SurfaceAboutToBeDestroyed event type is useful as a means of stopping rendering to a platform window before
// it is destroyed.
if ( e->type() == QEvent::PlatformSurface )
QPlatformSurfaceEvent* platformSurfaceEvent = static_cast<QPlatformSurfaceEvent*>( e );
if ( platformSurfaceEvent->surfaceEventType() == QPlatformSurfaceEvent::SurfaceAboutToBeDestroyed )
if ( e && m_navigationPolicy.notNull() && m_navigationPolicyEnabled )
switch ( e->type() )
case QEvent::ContextMenu:
case QEvent::KeyPress:
case QEvent::KeyRelease:
case QEvent::ShortcutOverride:
case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
case QEvent::MouseMove:
case QEvent::TabletMove:
case QEvent::TabletPress:
case QEvent::TabletRelease:
case QEvent::TabletEnterProximity:
case QEvent::TabletLeaveProximity:
case QEvent::Wheel:
case QEvent::TouchBegin:
case QEvent::TouchUpdate:
case QEvent::TouchEnd:
if ( m_navigationPolicy->handleInputEvent( static_cast<QInputEvent*>( e ) ) )
return true;
return QGLWidget::event( e );
return QGLWidget::event( e );
return QGLWidget::event( e );
/// Set the pointer to the navigation policy to be used. Stored as a cvf::ref internally
void caf::Viewer::setNavigationPolicy( caf::NavigationPolicy* navigationPolicy )
m_navigationPolicy = navigationPolicy;
if ( m_navigationPolicy.notNull() ) m_navigationPolicy->setViewer( this );
const caf::NavigationPolicy* caf::Viewer::getNavigationPolicy() const
return m_navigationPolicy.p();
cvf::ref<cvf::RayIntersectSpec> caf::Viewer::rayIntersectSpecFromWindowCoordinates( int winPosX, int winPosY )
bool mousePosIsWithinComparisonView = isMousePosWithinComparisonView( winPosX, winPosY );
return this->rayIntersectSpecFromWindowCoordinates( winPosX, winPosY, mousePosIsWithinComparisonView );
caf::Viewer::rayIntersectSpecFromWindowCoordinates( int winPosX, int winPosY, bool isForComparisonView )
int translatedMousePosX = winPosX;
int translatedMousePosY = height() - winPosY;
cvf::Rendering* renderingToInvestigate = isForComparisonView ? m_comparisonMainRendering.p() : m_mainRendering.p();
return renderingToInvestigate->rayIntersectSpecFromWindowCoordinates( translatedMousePosX, translatedMousePosY );
bool caf::Viewer::rayPick( int winPosX, int winPosY, cvf::HitItemCollection* pickedPoints, cvf::Vec3d* globalRayOrigin /*=nullptr*/ )
CVF_ASSERT( m_mainRendering.notNull() );
bool mousePosIsWithinComparisonView = isMousePosWithinComparisonView( winPosX, winPosY );
cvf::Rendering* renderingToInvestigate = mousePosIsWithinComparisonView ? m_comparisonMainRendering.p()
: m_mainRendering.p();
cvf::ref<cvf::RayIntersectSpec> ris = rayIntersectSpecFromWindowCoordinates( winPosX, winPosY );
if ( ris.notNull() )
bool retVal = renderingToInvestigate->rayIntersect( *ris, pickedPoints );
if ( retVal && globalRayOrigin )
CVF_ASSERT( ris->ray() != nullptr );
*globalRayOrigin = ris->ray()->origin();
return retVal;
return false;
bool caf::Viewer::isMousePosWithinComparisonView( int winPosX, int winPosY )
bool mousePosIsWithinComparisonView = false;
int translatedMousePosX = winPosX;
int translatedMousePosY = height() - winPosY;
if ( m_comparisonMainRendering.notNull() && m_comparisonMainRendering->scene() )
if ( cvf::RenderingScissor* sciss = m_comparisonMainRendering->renderingScissor() )
cvf::Recti scissorRect( sciss->x(), sciss->y(), sciss->width(), sciss->height() );
if ( scissorRect.contains( cvf::Vec2i( translatedMousePosX, translatedMousePosY ) ) )
mousePosIsWithinComparisonView = true;
else // Whole screen is covered
mousePosIsWithinComparisonView = true;
return mousePosIsWithinComparisonView;
void caf::Viewer::resizeGL( int width, int height )
if ( width < 1 || height < 1 ) return;
if ( m_offscreenFbo.notNull() )
m_offscreenFbo->resizeAttachedBuffers( width, height );
m_offscreenViewportWidth = width;
m_offscreenViewportHeight = height;
if ( m_quadRendering.notNull() )
m_quadRendering->camera()->viewport()->set( 0, 0, width, height );
updateCamera( width, height );
void caf::Viewer::enablePerfInfoHud( bool enable )
m_showPerfInfoHud = enable;
bool caf::Viewer::isPerfInfoHudEnabled()
return m_showPerfInfoHud;
void caf::Viewer::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* event )
cvf::ref<cvf::OpenGLContext> myOglContext = cvfOpenGLContext();
CVF_CHECK_OGL( myOglContext.p() );
CVF_ASSERT( myOglContext->isContextValid() );
QPainter painter( this );
if ( m_renderingSequence.isNull() || !canRender() )
QColor bgClr( 128, 128, 128 );
painter.fillRect( rect(), bgClr );
// If Qt overlay painting is enabled, paint to an QImage, and set it to the cvf::OverlayImage
if ( m_isOverlayPaintingEnabled || m_showPerfInfoHud )
// Set up image to draw to, and painter
if ( m_overlayPaintingQImage.size() != this->size() )
m_overlayPaintingQImage = QImage( this->size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
m_overlayPaintingQImage.fill( Qt::transparent );
QPainter overlayPainter( &m_overlayPaintingQImage );
// Call virtual method to allow subclasses to paint on the OpenGlCanvas
if ( m_isOverlayPaintingEnabled )
this->paintOverlayItems( &overlayPainter );
// Draw performance overlay
if ( m_showPerfInfoHud )
cvfqt::PerformanceInfoHud hud;
hud.addStrings( m_renderingSequence->performanceInfo() );
hud.addStrings( *m_mainCamera );
hud.addString( QString( "PaintCount: %1" ).arg( m_paintCounter++ ) );
hud.draw( &overlayPainter, width(), height() );
// Convert the QImage into the cvf::TextureImage,
// handling vertical mirroring and (possible) byteswapping
if ( ( (int)m_overlayTextureImage->height() ) != this->height() ||
( (int)m_overlayTextureImage->width() != this->width() ) )
m_overlayTextureImage->allocate( this->width(), this->height() );
cvfqt::Utils::toTextureImage( m_overlayPaintingQImage, m_overlayTextureImage.p() );
m_overlayImage->setImage( m_overlayTextureImage.p() );
m_overlayImage->setPixelSize( cvf::Vec2ui( this->width(), this->height() ) );
if ( isShadersSupported() )
cvfqt::OpenGLContext::saveOpenGLState( myOglContext.p() );
m_renderingSequence->removeRendering( m_comparisonMainRendering.p() );
if ( m_comparisonMainRendering->scene() )
m_renderingSequence->insertRendering( m_overlayItemsRendering.p(), m_comparisonMainRendering.p() );
if ( m_poiVisualizationManager.notNull() )
m_poiVisualizationManager->update( m_navigationPolicy->pointOfInterest() ); // Todo: Must be inserted in
// comparison scene as well, using
// the display offset
m_mainRendering->scene()->addModel( m_poiVisualizationManager->model() );
// Do normal drawing
m_renderingSequence->render( myOglContext.p() );
CVF_CHECK_OGL( cvfOpenGLContext() );
if ( m_poiVisualizationManager.notNull() )
m_mainRendering->scene()->removeModel( m_poiVisualizationManager->model() );
if ( isShadersSupported() )
cvfqt::OpenGLContext::restoreOpenGLState( myOglContext.p() );
void caf::Viewer::setDefaultPerspectiveNearPlaneDistance( double dist )
m_defaultPerspectiveNearPlaneDistance = dist;
void caf::Viewer::setMaxClipPlaneDistance( double dist )
m_maxClipPlaneDistance = dist;
void caf::Viewer::setView( const cvf::Vec3d& alongDirection, const cvf::Vec3d& upDirection )
if ( m_navigationPolicy.notNull() && m_navigationPolicyEnabled )
m_navigationPolicy->setView( alongDirection, upDirection );
void caf::Viewer::zoomAll()
cvf::BoundingBox bb = m_mainRendering->boundingBox();
if ( !bb.isValid() )
cvf::Vec3d eye, vrp, up;
m_mainCamera->toLookAt( &eye, &vrp, &up );
cvf::Vec3d newEye = m_mainCamera->computeFitViewEyePosition( bb,
vrp - eye,
m_mainCamera->viewport()->aspectRatio() );
m_mainCamera->setFromLookAt( newEye, bb.center(), up );
updateParallelProjectionHeightFromMoveZoom( bb.center() );
if ( m_navigationPolicy.notNull() ) m_navigationPolicy->setPointOfInterest( bb.center() );
void caf::Viewer::addFrame( cvf::Scene* scene, bool isForComparisonView )
appendAllStaticModelsToFrame( scene, isForComparisonView );
if ( !isForComparisonView )
m_frameScenes.push_back( scene );
m_comparisonFrameScenes.push_back( scene );
m_animationControl->setNumFrames( static_cast<int>( frameCount() ) );
void caf::Viewer::removeAllFrames( bool isForComparisonView )
if ( !isForComparisonView )
m_mainRendering->setScene( m_mainScene.p() );
m_comparisonMainRendering->setScene( m_comparisonMainScene.p() );
m_animationControl->setNumFrames( static_cast<int>( frameCount() ) );
bool caf::Viewer::isAnimationActive( bool isForComparisonView )
if ( !isForComparisonView )
cvf::Scene* currentScene = m_mainRendering->scene();
if ( !currentScene )
return false;
if ( m_mainScene.notNull() && m_mainScene.p() == currentScene )
return false;
return true;
cvf::Scene* currentScene = m_comparisonMainRendering->scene();
if ( !currentScene )
return false;
if ( m_comparisonMainScene.notNull() && m_comparisonMainScene.p() == currentScene )
return false;
return true;
void caf::Viewer::updateComparisonViewActiveFlag()
m_isComparisonViewActiveFlag = m_comparisonMainRendering->scene() != nullptr;
this->setProperty( "cafViewer_IsComparisonViewActive", QVariant( m_isComparisonViewActiveFlag ) );
void caf::Viewer::setCurrentComparisonFrame( int frameIndex )
if ( m_frameScenes.size() == 0 ) return;
unsigned clampedFrameIndex = static_cast<unsigned>( clampFrameIndex( frameIndex ) );
if ( m_releaseOGLResourcesEachFrame )
if ( m_comparisonFrameScenes.size() > clampedFrameIndex && m_comparisonFrameScenes.at( clampedFrameIndex ) != nullptr )
m_comparisonMainRendering->setScene( m_comparisonFrameScenes.at( clampedFrameIndex ) );
m_comparisonMainRendering->setScene( nullptr );
void caf::Viewer::setComparisonViewToFollowAnimation( bool isToFollow )
m_isComparisonFollowingAnimation = isToFollow;
void caf::Viewer::slotSetCurrentFrame( int frameIndex )
if ( m_frameScenes.size() == 0 ) return;
unsigned clampedFrameIndex = static_cast<unsigned>( clampFrameIndex( frameIndex ) );
if ( m_releaseOGLResourcesEachFrame )
if ( m_frameScenes.size() > clampedFrameIndex && m_frameScenes.at( clampedFrameIndex ) != nullptr )
m_mainRendering->setScene( m_frameScenes.at( clampedFrameIndex ) );
m_mainRendering->setScene( nullptr );
if ( m_isComparisonFollowingAnimation )
if ( m_comparisonFrameScenes.size() > clampedFrameIndex && m_comparisonFrameScenes.at( clampedFrameIndex ) != nullptr )
m_comparisonMainRendering->setScene( m_comparisonFrameScenes.at( clampedFrameIndex ) );
m_comparisonMainRendering->setScene( nullptr );
void caf::Viewer::releaseOGlResourcesForCurrentFrame()
if ( isAnimationActive() )
cvf::Scene* currentScene = m_mainRendering->scene();
cvf::uint modelCount = currentScene->modelCount();
for ( cvf::uint i = 0; i < modelCount; ++i )
cvf::Collection<cvf::Part> partCollection;
currentScene->model( i )->allParts( &partCollection );
for ( size_t pIdx = 0; pIdx < partCollection.size(); ++pIdx )
if ( partCollection[pIdx].notNull() && partCollection[pIdx]->drawable() )
void caf::Viewer::slotEndAnimation()
if ( m_releaseOGLResourcesEachFrame )
m_mainRendering->setScene( m_mainScene.p() );
/// This only updates the boundingboxes yet. Might want to do other things as well
void caf::Viewer::updateCachedValuesInScene()
if ( m_mainScene.notNull() )
cvf::uint midx;
for ( midx = 0; midx < m_mainScene->modelCount(); ++midx )
m_mainScene->model( midx )->updateBoundingBoxesRecursive();
size_t sIdx;
for ( sIdx = 0; sIdx < m_frameScenes.size(); ++sIdx )
cvf::uint midx;
for ( midx = 0; midx < m_frameScenes[sIdx]->modelCount(); ++midx )
m_frameScenes[sIdx]->model( midx )->updateBoundingBoxesRecursive();
bool caf::Viewer::isShadersSupported()
QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlags flags = QGLFormat::openGLVersionFlags();
bool hasOpenGL_2_0 = QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_2_0 & flags;
if ( hasOpenGL_2_0 )
return true;
return false;
QImage caf::Viewer::snapshotImage()
// Qt5 : Call paintEvent() manually to make sure invisible widgets are rendered properly
// If this call is skipped, we get an assert in cvf::FramebufferObject::bind()
paintEvent( nullptr );
QImage image;
if ( m_offscreenFbo.notNull() && m_offscreenViewportWidth > 0 && m_offscreenViewportHeight > 0 )
cvf::ref<cvf::OpenGLContext> myOglContext = cvfOpenGLContext();
m_offscreenFbo->bind( myOglContext.p() );
GLint iOldPackAlignment = 0;
glGetIntegerv( GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, &iOldPackAlignment );
glPixelStorei( GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 );
CVF_CHECK_OGL( myOglContext.p() );
cvf::UByteArray arr( 3 * m_offscreenViewportWidth * m_offscreenViewportHeight );
glReadPixels( 0,
static_cast<GLsizei>( m_offscreenViewportWidth ),
static_cast<GLsizei>( m_offscreenViewportHeight ),
arr.ptr() );
CVF_CHECK_OGL( myOglContext.p() );
glPixelStorei( GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, iOldPackAlignment );
CVF_CHECK_OGL( myOglContext.p() );
cvf::FramebufferObject::useDefaultWindowFramebuffer( myOglContext.p() );
cvf::TextureImage texImage;
texImage.setFromRgb( arr.ptr(), m_offscreenViewportWidth, m_offscreenViewportHeight );
image = cvfqt::Utils::toQImage( texImage );
// Code moved from RimView::snapshotWindowContent()
GLint currentReadBuffer;
glGetIntegerv( GL_READ_BUFFER, ¤tReadBuffer );
glReadBuffer( GL_FRONT );
image = this->grabFrameBuffer();
glReadBuffer( currentReadBuffer );
return image;
cvf::Scene* caf::Viewer::frame( size_t frameIndex, bool isForComparisonView )
if ( !isForComparisonView )
if ( frameIndex < m_frameScenes.size() )
return m_frameScenes[frameIndex].p();
return nullptr;
if ( frameIndex < m_comparisonFrameScenes.size() )
return m_comparisonFrameScenes[frameIndex].p();
return nullptr;
/// Helper function used to write out the name of all parts in a rendering sequence
void caf::Viewer::debugShowRenderingSequencePartNames()
qDebug() << "\n\n";
size_t globalPartCount = 0;
cvf::uint rIdx = m_renderingSequence->renderingCount();
for ( rIdx = 0; rIdx < m_renderingSequence->renderingCount(); rIdx++ )
cvf::Rendering* rendering = m_renderingSequence->rendering( rIdx );
if ( rendering && rendering->scene() )
cvf::uint mIdx;
for ( mIdx = 0; mIdx < rendering->scene()->modelCount(); mIdx++ )
cvf::Model* model = rendering->scene()->model( mIdx );
if ( model )
cvf::Collection<cvf::Part> parts;
model->allParts( &parts );
size_t pIdx;
for ( pIdx = 0; pIdx < parts.size(); pIdx++ )
cvf::Part* part = parts.at( pIdx );
qDebug() << QString( "%1" ).arg( globalPartCount++ ) << cvfqt::Utils::toQString( part->name() );
void caf::Viewer::enableNavigationPolicy( bool enable )
m_navigationPolicyEnabled = enable;
if ( enable && m_navigationPolicy.notNull() ) m_navigationPolicy->init();
QSize caf::Viewer::sizeHint() const
return QSize( 500, 400 );
void caf::Viewer::enableForcedImmediateMode( bool enable )
cvf::uint rIdx = m_renderingSequence->renderingCount();
for ( rIdx = 0; rIdx < m_renderingSequence->renderingCount(); rIdx++ )
cvf::Rendering* rendering = m_renderingSequence->rendering( rIdx );
if ( rendering && rendering->scene() )
rendering->renderEngine()->enableForcedImmediateMode( enable );
int caf::Viewer::currentFrameIndex() const
if ( m_animationControl )
int clampedFrameIndex = clampFrameIndex( m_animationControl->currentFrame() );
return clampedFrameIndex;
return 0;
bool caf::Viewer::isOverlayPaintingEnabled() const
return m_isOverlayPaintingEnabled;
void caf::Viewer::enableOverlayPainting( bool val )
m_isOverlayPaintingEnabled = val;
cvf::Rendering* caf::Viewer::overlayItemsRendering()
return m_overlayItemsRendering.p();
void caf::Viewer::updateOverlayImagePresence()
if ( m_isOverlayPaintingEnabled || m_showPerfInfoHud )
m_overlayItemsRendering->addOverlayItem( m_overlayImage.p() );
m_overlayItemsRendering->removeOverlayItem( m_overlayImage.p() );
/// Create a virtual method so it is possible to override this function in derived classes
void caf::Viewer::navigationPolicyUpdate()
void caf::Viewer::addStaticModelOnce( cvf::Model* model, bool isForComparisonView )
if ( !isForComparisonView )
if ( m_staticModels.contains( model ) ) return;
m_staticModels.push_back( model );
if ( m_comparisonStaticModels.contains( model ) ) return;
m_comparisonStaticModels.push_back( model );
appendModelToAllFrames( model, isForComparisonView );
void caf::Viewer::removeStaticModel( cvf::Model* model )
if ( m_staticModels.contains( model ) || m_comparisonStaticModels.contains( model ) )
removeModelFromAllFrames( model );
m_staticModels.erase( model );
m_comparisonStaticModels.erase( model );
void caf::Viewer::removeAllStaticModels()
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_staticModels.size(); i++ )
removeModelFromAllFrames( m_staticModels.at( i ) );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_comparisonStaticModels.size(); i++ )
removeModelFromAllFrames( m_comparisonStaticModels.at( i ) );
void caf::Viewer::setEnableMask( unsigned int mask, bool isForComparisonView /*= false */ )
if ( !isForComparisonView )
m_mainRendering->setEnableMask( mask );
m_comparisonMainRendering->setEnableMask( mask );
void caf::Viewer::removeModelFromAllFrames( cvf::Model* model )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_frameScenes.size(); i++ )
cvf::Scene* scene = m_frameScenes.at( i );
scene->removeModel( model );
if ( m_mainScene.notNull() )
m_mainScene->removeModel( model );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_comparisonFrameScenes.size(); i++ )
cvf::Scene* scene = m_comparisonFrameScenes.at( i );
scene->removeModel( model );
if ( m_comparisonMainScene.notNull() )
m_comparisonMainScene->removeModel( model );
void caf::Viewer::appendModelToAllFrames( cvf::Model* model, bool isForComparisonView )
if ( !isForComparisonView )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_frameScenes.size(); i++ )
cvf::Scene* scene = m_frameScenes.at( i );
scene->addModel( model );
if ( m_mainScene.notNull() )
m_mainScene->addModel( model );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_comparisonFrameScenes.size(); i++ )
cvf::Scene* scene = m_comparisonFrameScenes.at( i );
scene->addModel( model );
if ( m_comparisonMainScene.notNull() )
m_comparisonMainScene->addModel( model );
void caf::Viewer::appendAllStaticModelsToFrame( cvf::Scene* scene, bool isForComparisonView )
if ( !scene ) return;
if ( !isForComparisonView )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_staticModels.size(); i++ )
scene->addModel( m_staticModels.at( i ) );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_comparisonStaticModels.size(); i++ )
scene->addModel( m_comparisonStaticModels.at( i ) );
cvf::OverlayItem* caf::Viewer::overlayItem( int winPosX, int winPosY )
if ( m_overlayItemsRendering.isNull() ) return nullptr;
int translatedMousePosX = winPosX;
int translatedMousePosY = height() - winPosY;
return m_overlayItemsRendering->overlayItemFromWindowCoordinates( translatedMousePosX, translatedMousePosY );
void caf::Viewer::enableParallelProjection( bool enableOrtho )
if ( enableOrtho && m_mainCamera->projection() == cvf::Camera::PERSPECTIVE )
cvf::Vec3d pointOfInterest;
if ( m_navigationPolicy.isNull() || !m_navigationPolicyEnabled )
using namespace cvf;
Vec3d eye, vrp, up;
m_mainCamera->toLookAt( &eye, &vrp, &up );
Vec3d eyeToFocus = pointOfInterest - eye;
Vec3d camDir = vrp - eye;
double distToFocusPlane = 0.5 * ( m_mainCamera->farPlane() - m_mainCamera->nearPlane() );
pointOfInterest = camDir * distToFocusPlane;
pointOfInterest = m_navigationPolicy->pointOfInterest();
m_mainCamera->setProjectionAsOrtho( 1.0, m_mainCamera->nearPlane(), m_mainCamera->farPlane() );
this->updateParallelProjectionHeightFromMoveZoom( pointOfInterest );
// Set a fake directional light by putting the point far away from the scene
float sceneDepth = m_mainCamera->farPlane() - m_mainCamera->nearPlane();
this->m_renderingSequence->setDefaultFFLightPositional( -m_parallelProjectionLightDirection * 10 * sceneDepth );
m_globalUniformSet->setHeadLightPosition( -m_parallelProjectionLightDirection * 10 * sceneDepth );
else if ( !enableOrtho && m_mainCamera->projection() == cvf::Camera::ORTHO )
// We currently expect all the navigation policies to do walk-based navigation and not fiddle with the field of
// view so we do not need to update the camera position based on orthoHeight and fieldOfView. We assume the
// camera is in a sensible position.
// Set dummy near and far plane. These will be updated by the optimize clipping planes
m_mainCamera->setProjectionAsPerspective( m_cameraFieldOfViewYDeg, 0.1, 1.0 );
this->m_renderingSequence->setDefaultFFLightPositional( cvf::Vec3f( 0.5, 5.0, 7.0 ) );
m_globalUniformSet->setHeadLightPosition( cvf::Vec3f( 0.5, 5.0, 7.0 ) );
/// Direction in camera coordinates default is (0, 0, -1) directly from behind
void caf::Viewer::setParallelProjectionHeadLightDirection( const cvf::Vec3f& direction )
m_parallelProjectionLightDirection = direction;
float sceneDepth = m_mainCamera->farPlane() - m_mainCamera->nearPlane();
this->m_renderingSequence->setDefaultFFLightPositional( -m_parallelProjectionLightDirection * 10 * sceneDepth );
m_globalUniformSet->setHeadLightPosition( -m_parallelProjectionLightDirection * 10 * sceneDepth );
void caf::Viewer::setPointOfInterestVisualizer( PointOfInterestVisualizer* poiVisualizer )
m_poiVisualizationManager = poiVisualizer;
double calculateOrthoHeight( double perspectiveViewAngleYDeg, double focusPlaneDist )
return 2 * ( cvf::Math::tan( cvf::Math::toRadians( 0.5 * perspectiveViewAngleYDeg ) ) * focusPlaneDist );
double calculateDistToPlaneOfOrthoHeight( double perspectiveViewAngleYDeg, double orthoHeight )
return orthoHeight / ( 2 * ( cvf::Math::tan( cvf::Math::toRadians( 0.5 * perspectiveViewAngleYDeg ) ) ) );
double distToPlaneOfInterest( const cvf::Camera* camera, const cvf::Vec3d& pointOfInterest )
using namespace cvf;
CVF_ASSERT( camera );
Vec3d eye, vrp, up;
camera->toLookAt( &eye, &vrp, &up );
Vec3d camDir = vrp - eye;
Vec3d eyeToFocus = pointOfInterest - eye;
double distToFocusPlane = eyeToFocus * camDir;
return distToFocusPlane;
/// Update the ortho projection view height from a walk based camera manipulation.
/// Using pointOfInterest, the perspective Y-field Of View along with the camera position
void caf::Viewer::updateParallelProjectionHeightFromMoveZoom( const cvf::Vec3d& pointOfInterest )
using namespace cvf;
cvf::Camera* camera = m_mainCamera.p();
if ( !camera || camera->projection() != Camera::ORTHO ) return;
// Negative distance can occur. If so, do not set a negative ortho.
double distToFocusPlane = cvf::Math::abs( distToPlaneOfInterest( camera, pointOfInterest ) );
double orthoHeight = calculateOrthoHeight( m_cameraFieldOfViewYDeg, distToFocusPlane );
camera->setProjectionAsOrtho( orthoHeight, camera->nearPlane(), camera->farPlane() );
/// Update the camera eye position from point of interest, keeping the ortho height fixed and in sync
/// with distToPlaneOfInterest from a walk based camera manipulation in ortho projection.
void caf::Viewer::updateParallelProjectionCameraPosFromPointOfInterestMove( const cvf::Vec3d& pointOfInterest )
using namespace cvf;
cvf::Camera* camera = m_mainCamera.p();
if ( !camera || camera->projection() != Camera::ORTHO ) return;
double orthoHeight = camera->frontPlaneFrustumHeight();
// Trace::show(String::number(orthoHeight));
double neededDistToFocusPlane = calculateDistToPlaneOfOrthoHeight( m_cameraFieldOfViewYDeg, orthoHeight );
Vec3d eye, vrp, up;
camera->toLookAt( &eye, &vrp, &up );
Vec3d camDir = vrp - eye;
double existingDistToFocusPlane = distToPlaneOfInterest( camera, pointOfInterest );
Vec3d newEye = eye + ( existingDistToFocusPlane - neededDistToFocusPlane ) * camDir;
// Trace::show(String::number(newEye.x()) + ", " + String::number(newEye.y()) + ", " +String::number(newEye.z()));
camera->setFromLookAt( newEye, newEye + 10.0 * camDir, up );
int caf::Viewer::clampFrameIndex( int frameIndex ) const
int clampedFrameIndex = frameIndex;
int frameCountInt = static_cast<int>( frameCount() );
if ( clampedFrameIndex >= frameCountInt )
clampedFrameIndex = frameCountInt - 1;
else if ( clampedFrameIndex < 0 )
clampedFrameIndex = 0;
return clampedFrameIndex;
void caf::Viewer::copyCameraView( cvf::Camera* srcCamera, cvf::Camera* dstCamera )
if ( srcCamera->projection() == cvf::Camera::PERSPECTIVE )
dstCamera->setProjectionAsPerspective( srcCamera->fieldOfViewYDeg(), srcCamera->nearPlane(), srcCamera->farPlane() );
dstCamera->setProjectionAsOrtho( srcCamera->frontPlaneFrustumHeight(),
srcCamera->farPlane() );
dstCamera->setViewMatrix( srcCamera->viewMatrix() );