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// Copyright (C) 2020- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RimSurfaceCollection.h"
#include "RiaColorTables.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "Rim2dIntersectionView.h"
#include "Rim2dIntersectionViewCollection.h"
#include "RimCase.h"
#include "RimEnsembleSurface.h"
#include "RimFileSurface.h"
#include "RimGridCaseSurface.h"
#include "RimGridView.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimRegularLegendConfig.h"
#include "RimSurface.h"
#include "RimSurfaceInView.h"
#include "RimSurfaceResultDefinition.h"
#include "cafPdmFieldReorderCapability.h"
#include "cafPdmFieldScriptingCapability.h"
#include "cafPdmObjectScriptingCapability.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimSurfaceCollection, "SurfaceCollection" );
CAF_PDM_InitScriptableObject( "Surfaces", ":/ReservoirSurfaces16x16.png", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitScriptableFieldNoDefault( &m_collectionName, "SurfaceUserDecription", "Name" );
m_collectionName = "Surfaces";
CAF_PDM_InitScriptableFieldNoDefault( &m_subCollections, "SubCollections", "Surfaces" );
m_subCollections.uiCapability()->setUiTreeHidden( true );
auto reorderability = caf::PdmFieldReorderCapability::addToField( &m_subCollections );
reorderability->orderChanged.connect( this, &RimSurfaceCollection::orderChanged );
CAF_PDM_InitScriptableFieldNoDefault( &m_surfaces, "SurfacesField", "Surfaces" );
m_surfaces.uiCapability()->setUiTreeHidden( true );
setDeletable( true );
void RimSurfaceCollection::setAsTopmostFolder()
m_collectionName.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( true );
setDeletable( false );
QString RimSurfaceCollection::collectionName() const
return m_collectionName.value();
void RimSurfaceCollection::setCollectionName( const QString name )
return m_collectionName.setValue( name );
caf::PdmFieldHandle* RimSurfaceCollection::userDescriptionField()
return &m_collectionName;
void RimSurfaceCollection::addSurface( RimSurface* surface )
m_surfaces.push_back( surface );
void RimSurfaceCollection::addEnsembleSurface( RimEnsembleSurface* ensembleSurface )
addSubCollection( ensembleSurface );
std::vector<RimEnsembleSurface*> RimSurfaceCollection::ensembleSurfaces() const
std::vector<RimEnsembleSurface*> ensSurfaces;
this->descendantsIncludingThisOfType( ensSurfaces );
return ensSurfaces;
RimSurface* RimSurfaceCollection::importSurfacesFromFiles( const QStringList& fileNames, bool showLegend /* = true */ )
size_t newSurfCount = 0;
size_t existingSurfCount = m_surfaces().size();
QString errorMessages;
std::vector<RimSurface*> surfacesToLoad;
for ( const QString& newFileName : fileNames )
RimFileSurface* newSurface = new RimFileSurface;
auto newColor = RiaColorTables::categoryPaletteColors().cycledColor3f( existingSurfCount + newSurfCount );
newSurface->setSurfaceFilePath( newFileName );
newSurface->setUserDescription( QFileInfo( newFileName ).fileName() );
newSurface->setColor( newColor );
if ( !newSurface->onLoadData() )
delete newSurface;
errorMessages += newFileName + "\n";
this->addSurface( newSurface );
surfacesToLoad.push_back( newSurface );
if ( !errorMessages.isEmpty() )
RiaLogging::warning( "Import Surfaces : Could not import the following files:\n" + errorMessages );
updateViews( surfacesToLoad, showLegend );
if ( newSurfCount > 0 && !m_surfaces.empty() )
return m_surfaces[m_surfaces.size() - 1];
return nullptr;
void RimSurfaceCollection::reloadSurfaces( std::vector<RimSurface*> surfaces, bool showLegend /*=true*/ )
// ask the surfaces given to reload its data
for ( RimSurface* surface : surfaces )
updateViews( surfaces, showLegend );
RimSurface* RimSurfaceCollection::copySurfaces( std::vector<RimSurface*> surfaces )
std::vector<RimSurface*> newsurfaces;
// create a copy of each surface given
for ( RimSurface* surface : surfaces )
RimSurface* copy = surface->createCopy();
if ( copy )
newsurfaces.push_back( copy );
RiaLogging::warning( "Create Surface Copy: Could not create a copy of the surface " + surface->fullName() );
RimSurface* retsurf = nullptr;
for ( RimSurface* surface : newsurfaces )
m_surfaces.push_back( surface );
retsurf = surface;
return retsurf;
RimSurface* RimSurfaceCollection::addGridCaseSurface( RimCase* sourceCase, int oneBasedSliceIndex )
auto s = new RimGridCaseSurface;
s->setCase( sourceCase );
s->setOneBasedIndex( oneBasedSliceIndex );
s->setUserDescription( "Surface" );
if ( !s->onLoadData() )
RiaLogging::warning( "Add Grid Case Surface : Could not create the grid case surface." );
return nullptr;
m_surfaces.push_back( s );
std::vector<RimSurface*> surfacesToRefresh;
surfacesToRefresh.push_back( s );
updateViews( surfacesToRefresh );
return s;
std::vector<RimSurface*> RimSurfaceCollection::surfaces() const
return m_surfaces.childObjects();
std::vector<RimSurfaceCollection*> RimSurfaceCollection::subCollections() const
return m_subCollections.childObjects();
void RimSurfaceCollection::loadData()
for ( auto surf : m_surfaces )
for ( auto subColl : m_subCollections )
void RimSurfaceCollection::updateViews( const std::vector<RimSurface*>& surfsToReload, bool showLegend /* = true */ )
RimProject* proj = RimProject::current();
std::vector<Rim3dView*> views;
proj->allViews( views );
// Make sure the tree items are synchronized
for ( auto view : views )
auto gridView = dynamic_cast<RimGridView*>( view );
if ( gridView ) gridView->updateSurfacesInViewTreeItems();
std::set<RimGridView*> viewsNeedingUpdate;
for ( auto surf : surfsToReload )
std::vector<RimSurfaceInView*> surfsInView;
surf->objectsWithReferringPtrFieldsOfType( surfsInView );
for ( auto surfInView : surfsInView )
surfInView->surfaceResultDefinition()->legendConfig()->setShowLegend( showLegend );
RimGridView* gridView;
surfInView->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( gridView );
if ( gridView ) viewsNeedingUpdate.insert( gridView );
// Update the views:
for ( auto view : viewsNeedingUpdate )
if ( view->ownerCase() )
auto views = view->ownerCase()->intersectionViewCollection()->views();
for ( Rim2dIntersectionView* view : views )
void RimSurfaceCollection::updateViews()
RimProject* proj = RimProject::current();
std::vector<RimGridView*> views;
proj->allVisibleGridViews( views );
// Make sure the tree items are synchronized
for ( auto view : views )
for ( auto view : views )
void RimSurfaceCollection::onChildDeleted( caf::PdmChildArrayFieldHandle* childArray,
std::vector<caf::PdmObjectHandle*>& referringObjects )
void RimSurfaceCollection::orderChanged( const caf::SignalEmitter* emitter )
void RimSurfaceCollection::removeSurface( RimSurface* surface )
m_surfaces.removeChildObject( surface );
void RimSurfaceCollection::removeMissingFileSurfaces()
// get the existing surfaces
std::list<RimFileSurface*> missingSurfaces;
// check if a filesurface references a file no longer present
for ( auto& surface : surfaces() )
RimFileSurface* fileSurface = dynamic_cast<RimFileSurface*>( surface );
if ( fileSurface == nullptr ) continue;
QString filename = fileSurface->surfaceFilePath();
if ( !QFile::exists( filename ) )
missingSurfaces.push_back( fileSurface );
// remove all surfaces with a missing input file
for ( auto& surface : missingSurfaces )
removeSurface( surface );
RimSurface* RimSurfaceCollection::addSurfacesAtIndex( int position, std::vector<RimSurface*> surfaces )
// adjust index for number of folders we have
position = position - static_cast<int>( m_subCollections.size() );
RimSurface* returnSurface = nullptr;
if ( !surfaces.empty() ) returnSurface = surfaces[0];
// insert position at end?
if ( ( position >= static_cast<int>( m_surfaces.size() ) ) || ( position < 0 ) )
for ( auto surf : surfaces )
m_surfaces.push_back( surf );
// build the new surface order
std::vector<RimSurface*> orderedSurfs;
int i = 0;
while ( i < position )
orderedSurfs.push_back( m_surfaces[i++] );
for ( auto surf : surfaces )
orderedSurfs.push_back( surf );
int surfcount = static_cast<int>( m_surfaces.size() );
while ( i < surfcount )
orderedSurfs.push_back( m_surfaces[i++] );
// reset the surface collection and use the new order
for ( auto surf : orderedSurfs )
m_surfaces.push_back( surf );
// make sure the views are in sync with the collection order
return returnSurface;
void RimSurfaceCollection::addSubCollection( RimSurfaceCollection* subcoll )
m_subCollections.push_back( subcoll );
RimSurfaceCollection* RimSurfaceCollection::getSubCollection( const QString& name ) const
for ( auto coll : m_subCollections )
if ( coll->collectionName() == name ) return coll;
return nullptr;
void RimSurfaceCollection::deleteSubCollection( const QString& name )
auto coll = getSubCollection( name );
if ( coll )
auto index = m_subCollections.index( coll );
m_subCollections.erase( index );
bool RimSurfaceCollection::containsSurface()
bool containsSurface = ( surfaces().size() > 0 );
for ( auto coll : m_subCollections )
containsSurface |= coll->containsSurface();
return containsSurface;
bool RimSurfaceCollection::containsFileSurface( QString filename )
for ( auto& surface : surfaces() )
RimFileSurface* fileSurface = dynamic_cast<RimFileSurface*>( surface );
if ( fileSurface == nullptr ) continue;
if ( fileSurface->surfaceFilePath() == filename ) return true;
return false;