Magne Sjaastad 64bed86f8f
Intersection : Add Python support for triangle and result values (#8505)
#8508 Python : Make sure an empty list will be received as empty list in Python

Co-authored-by: magnesj <>
2022-02-07 17:38:19 +00:00

929 lines
40 KiB

// Copyright (C) Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) Ceetron Solutions AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigResultAccessor.h"
#include "RigSurface.h"
#include "RigSurfaceResampler.h"
#include "RigWellPath.h"
#include "Rim3dView.h"
#include "RimCase.h"
#include "RimExtrudedCurveIntersection.h"
#include "RimGridView.h"
#include "RimSurface.h"
#include "RimSurfaceIntersectionBand.h"
#include "RimSurfaceIntersectionCurve.h"
#include "RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionPartMgr.h"
#include "RivIntersectionHexGridInterface.h"
#include "RivPolylineGenerator.h"
#include "RivSectionFlattener.h"
#include "cafDisplayCoordTransform.h"
#include "cafHexGridIntersectionTools/cafHexGridIntersectionTools.h"
#include "cvfDrawableGeo.h"
#include "cvfGeometryTools.h"
#include "cvfPlane.h"
#include "cvfPrimitiveSetDirect.h"
#include "cvfPrimitiveSetIndexedUInt.h"
#include "cvfRay.h"
#include "cvfScalarMapper.h"
cvf::ref<caf::DisplayCoordTransform> displayCoordTransform( const RimExtrudedCurveIntersection* intersection )
Rim3dView* rimView = nullptr;
intersection->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( rimView );
CVF_ASSERT( rimView );
cvf::ref<caf::DisplayCoordTransform> transForm = rimView->displayCoordTransform();
return transForm;
/// isFlattened means to transform each flat section of the intersection onto the XZ plane
/// placed adjacent to each other as if they were rotated around the common extrusion line like a hinge
RimExtrudedCurveIntersection* crossSection,
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& polylines,
const cvf::Vec3d& extrusionDirection,
const RivIntersectionHexGridInterface* grid,
bool isFlattened,
const cvf::Vec3d& flattenedPolylineStartPoint )
: m_intersection( crossSection )
, m_polylines( polylines )
, m_extrusionDirection( extrusionDirection )
, m_hexGrid( grid )
, m_isFlattened( isFlattened )
, m_flattenedPolylineStartPoint( flattenedPolylineStartPoint )
m_triangleVxes = new cvf::Vec3fArray;
m_cellBorderLineVxes = new cvf::Vec3fArray;
m_faultCellBorderLineVxes = new cvf::Vec3fArray;
if ( m_isFlattened ) m_extrusionDirection = -cvf::Vec3d::Z_AXIS;
void RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::calculateLineSegementTransforms()
if ( m_isFlattened )
if ( m_polylines.empty() || m_polylines.back().empty() ) return;
cvf::Vec3d startOffset = m_flattenedPolylineStartPoint;
for ( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polyLine : m_polylines )
startOffset.z() = polyLine[0].z();
RivSectionFlattener::calculateFlatteningCSsForPolyline( polyLine,
&startOffset ) );
cvf::Vec3d displayOffset( 0, 0, 0 );
RimGridView* gridView = nullptr;
m_intersection->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( gridView );
if ( gridView && gridView->ownerCase() )
displayOffset = gridView->ownerCase()->displayModelOffset();
cvf::Mat4d invSectionCS = cvf::Mat4d::fromTranslation( -displayOffset );
for ( const auto& polyLine : m_polylines )
std::vector<cvf::Mat4d>& segmentTransforms = m_lineSegmentTransforms.back();
for ( size_t lIdx = 0; lIdx < polyLine.size(); ++lIdx )
segmentTransforms.push_back( invSectionCS );
void RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::calculateTransformedPolyline()
if ( m_lineSegmentTransforms.size() != m_polylines.size() ) return;
for ( size_t lineIdx = 0; lineIdx < m_polylines.size(); ++lineIdx )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> flatPolyline;
const auto& polyline = m_polylines[lineIdx];
for ( size_t index = 0; index < polyline.size(); ++index )
flatPolyline.push_back( transformPointByPolylineSegmentIndex( polyline[index], lineIdx, index ) );
m_transformedPolyLines.emplace_back( flatPolyline );
void RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::calculateSurfaceIntersectionPoints()
if ( !m_polylines.empty() )
auto firstPolyLine = m_polylines.front();
std::vector<RimSurface*> surfaces;
for ( auto curve : m_intersection->surfaceIntersectionCurves() )
if ( curve->surface() ) surfaces.push_back( curve->surface() );
for ( auto band : m_intersection->surfaceIntersectionBands() )
if ( band->surface1() ) surfaces.push_back( band->surface1() );
if ( band->surface2() ) surfaces.push_back( band->surface2() );
for ( auto rimSurface : surfaces )
if ( !rimSurface ) return;
auto surface = rimSurface->surfaceData();
if ( !surface ) return;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> transformedSurfacePolyline;
// Resample polyline to required resolution
const double maxLineSegmentLength = 1.0;
auto resampledPolyline = computeResampledPolyline( firstPolyLine, maxLineSegmentLength );
for ( auto [point, segmentIndex] : resampledPolyline )
cvf::Vec3d pointAbove = cvf::Vec3d( point.x(), point.y(), 10000.0 );
cvf::Vec3d pointBelow = cvf::Vec3d( point.x(), point.y(), -10000.0 );
cvf::Vec3d intersectionPoint;
bool foundMatch = RigSurfaceResampler::resamplePoint( surface, pointAbove, pointBelow, intersectionPoint );
if ( !foundMatch )
intersectionPoint = cvf::Vec3d( point.x(), point.y(), std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() );
const size_t lineIndex = 0;
transformPointByPolylineSegmentIndex( intersectionPoint, lineIndex, segmentIndex ) );
m_transformedSurfaceIntersectionPolylines[rimSurface] = transformedSurfacePolyline;
class MeshLinesAccumulator
MeshLinesAccumulator( const RivIntersectionHexGridInterface* hexGrid )
: m_hexGrid( hexGrid )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3f> cellBorderLineVxes;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3f> faultCellBorderLineVxes;
std::map<const RigFault*, cvf::Vec3d> faultToHighestFaultMeshVxMap;
void accumulateMeshLines( const std::vector<int>& cellFaceForEachClippedTriangleEdge,
uint triVxIdx,
size_t globalCellIdx,
const cvf::Vec3d& p0,
const cvf::Vec3d& p1 )
#define isFace( faceEnum ) ( 0 <= faceEnum && faceEnum <= 5 )
using FaceType = cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType;
if ( isFace( cellFaceForEachClippedTriangleEdge[triVxIdx] ) )
const RigFault* fault =
m_hexGrid->findFaultFromCellIndexAndCellFace( globalCellIdx,
(FaceType)cellFaceForEachClippedTriangleEdge[triVxIdx] );
if ( fault )
cvf::Vec3d highestVx = p0.z() > p1.z() ? p0 : p1;
auto itIsInsertedPair = faultToHighestFaultMeshVxMap.insert( { fault, highestVx } );
if ( !itIsInsertedPair.second )
if ( itIsInsertedPair.first->second.z() < highestVx.z() )
itIsInsertedPair.first->second = highestVx;
faultCellBorderLineVxes.emplace_back( p0 );
faultCellBorderLineVxes.emplace_back( p1 );
cellBorderLineVxes.emplace_back( p0 );
cellBorderLineVxes.emplace_back( p1 );
cvf::cref<RivIntersectionHexGridInterface> m_hexGrid;
void RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::calculateArrays()
if ( m_triangleVxes->size() ) return;
if ( m_hexGrid.isNull() ) return;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3f> triangleVertices;
MeshLinesAccumulator meshAcc( m_hexGrid.p() );
cvf::BoundingBox gridBBox = m_hexGrid->boundingBox();
const double gridRadius = gridBBox.radius();
// set up our horizontal cut planes
const double topDepth = -1.0 * m_intersection->upperFilterDepth( gridRadius );
const double bottomDepth = -1.0 * m_intersection->lowerFilterDepth( gridRadius );
std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8> corners;
gridBBox.cornerVertices( );
cvf::Vec3d p1_low( corners[0].x(), corners[0].y(), bottomDepth );
cvf::Vec3d p2_low( corners[1].x(), corners[1].y(), bottomDepth );
cvf::Vec3d p3_low( corners[2].x(), corners[2].y(), bottomDepth );
cvf::Plane lowPlane;
lowPlane.setFromPoints( p1_low, p2_low, p3_low );
cvf::Vec3d p1_high( p1_low.x(), p1_low.y(), topDepth );
cvf::Vec3d p2_high( p2_low.x(), p2_low.y(), topDepth );
cvf::Vec3d p3_high( p3_low.x(), p3_low.y(), topDepth );
cvf::Plane highPlane;
highPlane.setFromPoints( p1_high, p2_high, p3_high );
for ( size_t pLineIdx = 0; pLineIdx < m_polylines.size(); ++pLineIdx )
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polyLine = m_polylines[pLineIdx];
if ( polyLine.size() < 2 ) continue;
size_t lineCount = polyLine.size();
size_t lIdx = 0;
while ( lIdx < lineCount - 1 )
size_t idxToNextP = RivSectionFlattener::indexToNextValidPoint( polyLine, m_extrusionDirection, lIdx );
if ( idxToNextP == size_t( -1 ) ) break;
cvf::Vec3d p1 = polyLine[lIdx];
cvf::Vec3d p2 = polyLine[idxToNextP];
cvf::BoundingBox sectionBBox;
sectionBBox.add( p1 );
sectionBBox.add( p2 );
cvf::Vec3d maxHeightVec;
double maxSectionHeightUp = 0;
double maxSectionHeightDown = 0;
if ( m_intersection->type() == RimExtrudedCurveIntersection::CrossSectionEnum::CS_AZIMUTHLINE )
maxSectionHeightUp = m_intersection->lengthUp();
maxSectionHeightDown = m_intersection->lengthDown();
if ( maxSectionHeightUp + maxSectionHeightDown == 0 )
cvf::Vec3d maxHeightVecDown = m_extrusionDirection * maxSectionHeightUp;
cvf::Vec3d maxHeightVecUp = m_extrusionDirection * maxSectionHeightDown;
sectionBBox.add( p1 + maxHeightVecUp );
sectionBBox.add( p1 - maxHeightVecDown );
sectionBBox.add( p2 + maxHeightVecUp );
sectionBBox.add( p2 - maxHeightVecDown );
maxHeightVec = maxHeightVecUp + maxHeightVecDown;
maxHeightVec = m_extrusionDirection * gridBBox.radius();
sectionBBox.add( p1 + maxHeightVec );
sectionBBox.add( p1 - maxHeightVec );
sectionBBox.add( p2 + maxHeightVec );
sectionBBox.add( p2 - maxHeightVec );
sectionBBox.cutBelow( bottomDepth );
sectionBBox.cutAbove( topDepth );
std::vector<size_t> columnCellCandidates;
m_hexGrid->findIntersectingCells( sectionBBox, &columnCellCandidates );
cvf::Plane plane;
plane.setFromPoints( p1, p2, p2 + maxHeightVec );
cvf::Plane p1Plane;
p1Plane.setFromPoints( p1, p1 + maxHeightVec, p1 + plane.normal() );
cvf::Plane p2Plane;
p2Plane.setFromPoints( p2, p2 + maxHeightVec, p2 - plane.normal() );
std::vector<caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::ClipVx> hexPlaneCutTriangleVxes;
hexPlaneCutTriangleVxes.reserve( 5 * 3 );
std::vector<int> cellFaceForEachTriangleEdge;
cellFaceForEachTriangleEdge.reserve( 5 * 3 );
cvf::Vec3d cellCorners[8];
size_t cornerIndices[8];
cvf::Mat4d invSectionCS = m_lineSegmentTransforms[pLineIdx][lIdx];
for ( auto globalCellIdx : columnCellCandidates )
if ( !m_hexGrid->useCell( globalCellIdx ) ) continue;
m_hexGrid->cellCornerVertices( globalCellIdx, cellCorners );
m_hexGrid->cellCornerIndices( globalCellIdx, cornerIndices );
caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::planeHexIntersectionMC( plane,
&cellFaceForEachTriangleEdge );
if ( m_intersection->type() == RimExtrudedCurveIntersection::CrossSectionEnum::CS_AZIMUTHLINE )
bool hasAnyPointsOnSurface = false;
for ( const caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::ClipVx& vertex : hexPlaneCutTriangleVxes )
cvf::Vec3d temp = vertex.vx - p1;
double dot = m_extrusionDirection );
double lengthCheck = 0;
if ( dot < 0 )
lengthCheck = maxSectionHeightUp;
lengthCheck = maxSectionHeightDown;
double distance = cvf::Math::sqrt( cvf::GeometryTools::linePointSquareDist( p1, p2, vertex.vx ) );
if ( distance < lengthCheck )
hasAnyPointsOnSurface = true;
if ( !hasAnyPointsOnSurface )
std::vector<caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::ClipVx> clippedTriangleVxes_stage1;
std::vector<int> cellFaceForEachClippedTriangleEdge_stage1;
caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::clipTrianglesBetweenTwoParallelPlanes( hexPlaneCutTriangleVxes,
&cellFaceForEachClippedTriangleEdge_stage1 );
for ( caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::ClipVx& clvx : clippedTriangleVxes_stage1 )
if ( !clvx.isVxIdsNative ) clvx.derivedVxLevel = 0;
std::vector<caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::ClipVx> clippedTriangleVxes;
std::vector<int> cellFaceForEachClippedTriangleEdge;
caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::clipTrianglesBetweenTwoParallelPlanes( clippedTriangleVxes_stage1,
&cellFaceForEachClippedTriangleEdge );
for ( caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::ClipVx& clvx : clippedTriangleVxes )
if ( !clvx.isVxIdsNative && clvx.derivedVxLevel == -1 ) clvx.derivedVxLevel = 1;
size_t clippedTriangleCount = clippedTriangleVxes.size() / 3;
for ( uint tIdx = 0; tIdx < clippedTriangleCount; ++tIdx )
uint triVxIdx = tIdx * 3;
// Accumulate triangle vertices
cvf::Vec3d point0( clippedTriangleVxes[triVxIdx + 0].vx );
cvf::Vec3d point1( clippedTriangleVxes[triVxIdx + 1].vx );
cvf::Vec3d point2( clippedTriangleVxes[triVxIdx + 2].vx );
point0 = point0.getTransformedPoint( invSectionCS );
point1 = point1.getTransformedPoint( invSectionCS );
point2 = point2.getTransformedPoint( invSectionCS );
if ( m_isFlattened )
// The points are transformed in to the XZ-plane with Y = zero.
// Set all y values to zero to avoid numerical issues
point0.y() = 0.0;
point1.y() = 0.0;
point2.y() = 0.0;
triangleVertices.emplace_back( point0 );
triangleVertices.emplace_back( point1 );
triangleVertices.emplace_back( point2 );
// Accumulate mesh lines
meshAcc.accumulateMeshLines( cellFaceForEachClippedTriangleEdge, triVxIdx + 0, globalCellIdx, point0, point1 );
meshAcc.accumulateMeshLines( cellFaceForEachClippedTriangleEdge, triVxIdx + 1, globalCellIdx, point1, point2 );
meshAcc.accumulateMeshLines( cellFaceForEachClippedTriangleEdge, triVxIdx + 2, globalCellIdx, point2, point0 );
// Mapping to cell index
m_triangleToCellIdxMap.push_back( globalCellIdx );
// Interpolation from nodes
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::ClipVx cvx = clippedTriangleVxes[triVxIdx + i];
if ( cvx.isVxIdsNative )
m_triVxToCellCornerWeights.emplace_back( cvx.clippedEdgeVx1Id,
cvx.normDistFromEdgeVx1 );
caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::ClipVx cvx1;
caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::ClipVx cvx2;
if ( cvx.derivedVxLevel == 0 )
cvx1 = hexPlaneCutTriangleVxes[cvx.clippedEdgeVx1Id];
cvx2 = hexPlaneCutTriangleVxes[cvx.clippedEdgeVx2Id];
else if ( cvx.derivedVxLevel == 1 )
cvx1 = clippedTriangleVxes_stage1[cvx.clippedEdgeVx1Id];
cvx2 = clippedTriangleVxes_stage1[cvx.clippedEdgeVx2Id];
CVF_ASSERT( false );
if ( cvx1.isVxIdsNative && cvx2.isVxIdsNative )
m_triVxToCellCornerWeights.emplace_back( cvx1.clippedEdgeVx1Id,
cvx.normDistFromEdgeVx1 );
caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::ClipVx cvx11;
caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::ClipVx cvx12;
caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::ClipVx cvx21;
caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::ClipVx cvx22;
if ( cvx1.isVxIdsNative )
cvx11 = cvx1;
cvx12 = cvx1;
else if ( cvx1.derivedVxLevel == 0 )
cvx11 = hexPlaneCutTriangleVxes[cvx1.clippedEdgeVx1Id];
cvx12 = hexPlaneCutTriangleVxes[cvx1.clippedEdgeVx2Id];
else if ( cvx2.derivedVxLevel == 1 )
cvx11 = clippedTriangleVxes_stage1[cvx1.clippedEdgeVx1Id];
cvx12 = clippedTriangleVxes_stage1[cvx1.clippedEdgeVx2Id];
CVF_ASSERT( false );
if ( cvx2.isVxIdsNative )
cvx21 = cvx2;
cvx22 = cvx2;
else if ( cvx2.derivedVxLevel == 0 )
cvx21 = hexPlaneCutTriangleVxes[cvx2.clippedEdgeVx1Id];
cvx22 = hexPlaneCutTriangleVxes[cvx2.clippedEdgeVx2Id];
else if ( cvx2.derivedVxLevel == 1 )
cvx21 = clippedTriangleVxes_stage1[cvx2.clippedEdgeVx1Id];
cvx22 = clippedTriangleVxes_stage1[cvx2.clippedEdgeVx2Id];
CVF_ASSERT( false );
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( cvx11.isVxIdsNative && cvx12.isVxIdsNative && cvx21.isVxIdsNative &&
cvx22.isVxIdsNative );
m_triVxToCellCornerWeights.emplace_back( cvx11.clippedEdgeVx1Id,
cvx.normDistFromEdgeVx1 );
lIdx = idxToNextP;
m_triangleVxes->assign( triangleVertices );
m_cellBorderLineVxes->assign( meshAcc.cellBorderLineVxes );
m_faultCellBorderLineVxes->assign( meshAcc.faultCellBorderLineVxes );
for ( const auto& it : meshAcc.faultToHighestFaultMeshVxMap )
m_faultMeshLabelAndAnchorPositions.emplace_back( it.first->name(), it.second );
/// Generate surface drawable geo from the specified region
cvf::ref<cvf::DrawableGeo> RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::generateSurface()
CVF_ASSERT( m_triangleVxes.notNull() );
if ( m_triangleVxes->size() == 0 ) return nullptr;
cvf::ref<cvf::DrawableGeo> geo = new cvf::DrawableGeo;
geo->setFromTriangleVertexArray( m_triangleVxes.p() );
return geo;
cvf::ref<cvf::DrawableGeo> RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::createMeshDrawable()
if ( !( m_cellBorderLineVxes.notNull() && m_cellBorderLineVxes->size() != 0 ) ) return nullptr;
cvf::ref<cvf::DrawableGeo> geo = new cvf::DrawableGeo;
geo->setVertexArray( m_cellBorderLineVxes.p() );
cvf::ref<cvf::PrimitiveSetDirect> prim = new cvf::PrimitiveSetDirect( cvf::PT_LINES );
prim->setIndexCount( m_cellBorderLineVxes->size() );
geo->addPrimitiveSet( prim.p() );
return geo;
cvf::ref<cvf::DrawableGeo> RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::createFaultMeshDrawable()
if ( !( m_faultCellBorderLineVxes.notNull() && m_faultCellBorderLineVxes->size() != 0 ) ) return nullptr;
cvf::ref<cvf::DrawableGeo> geo = new cvf::DrawableGeo;
geo->setVertexArray( m_faultCellBorderLineVxes.p() );
cvf::ref<cvf::PrimitiveSetDirect> prim = new cvf::PrimitiveSetDirect( cvf::PT_LINES );
prim->setIndexCount( m_faultCellBorderLineVxes->size() );
geo->addPrimitiveSet( prim.p() );
return geo;
cvf::ref<cvf::DrawableGeo> RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::createLineAlongPolylineDrawable()
return RivPolylineGenerator::createLineAlongPolylineDrawable( m_transformedPolyLines );
cvf::ref<cvf::DrawableGeo> RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::createLineAlongExtrusionLineDrawable(
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& extrusionLine )
cvf::ref<caf::DisplayCoordTransform> transform = displayCoordTransform( intersection() );
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> displayCoords;
for ( const auto& pt : extrusionLine )
displayCoords.push_back( transform->translateToDisplayCoord( pt ) );
return RivPolylineGenerator::createLineAlongPolylineDrawable(
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>( { displayCoords } ) );
cvf::ref<cvf::DrawableGeo> RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::createPointsFromPolylineDrawable()
return RivPolylineGenerator::createPointsFromPolylineDrawable( m_transformedPolyLines );
cvf::ref<cvf::DrawableGeo> RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::createPointsFromExtrusionLineDrawable(
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& extrusionLine )
cvf::ref<caf::DisplayCoordTransform> transform = displayCoordTransform( intersection() );
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> displayCoords;
for ( const auto& pt : extrusionLine )
displayCoords.push_back( transform->translateToDisplayCoord( pt ) );
return RivPolylineGenerator::createPointsFromPolylineDrawable(
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>( { displayCoords } ) );
const std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::flattenedOrOffsettedPolyLines()
return m_transformedPolyLines;
const std::vector<std::pair<QString, cvf::Vec3d>>&
return m_faultMeshLabelAndAnchorPositions;
const std::vector<size_t>& RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::triangleToCellIndex() const
CVF_ASSERT( m_triangleVxes->size() );
return m_triangleToCellIdxMap;
const std::vector<RivIntersectionVertexWeights>&
RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::triangleVxToCellCornerInterpolationWeights() const
CVF_ASSERT( m_triangleVxes->size() );
return m_triVxToCellCornerWeights;
const cvf::Vec3fArray* RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::triangleVxes() const
CVF_ASSERT( m_triangleVxes->size() );
return m_triangleVxes.p();
const cvf::Vec3fArray* RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::cellMeshVxes() const
CVF_ASSERT( m_cellBorderLineVxes->size() );
return m_cellBorderLineVxes.p();
const cvf::Vec3fArray* RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::faultMeshVxes() const
return m_faultCellBorderLineVxes.p();
void RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::ensureGeometryIsCalculated()
RimExtrudedCurveIntersection* RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::intersection() const
return m_intersection;
cvf::Vec3d RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::transformPointByPolylineSegmentIndex( const cvf::Vec3d& domainCoord,
size_t lineIndex,
size_t segmentIndex )
CVF_ASSERT( lineIndex < m_lineSegmentTransforms.size() );
CVF_ASSERT( segmentIndex < m_lineSegmentTransforms[lineIndex].size() );
// Each line segment along the polyline has a transformation matrix representing the transformation from 3D into
// flat 2D. Return the transformed domain coord using the required transformation matrix
return domainCoord.getTransformedPoint( m_lineSegmentTransforms[lineIndex][segmentIndex] );
std::vector<std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, size_t>>
RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::computeResampledPolyline( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polyline,
double resamplingDistance )
// Segments along the original polyline must be provided to be able to find the associated transform matrix
std::vector<std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, size_t>> resampledPolyline;
if ( polyline.size() > 1 )
std::vector<double> measuredDepth;
double aggregatedLength = 0.0;
cvf::Vec3d previousPoint = polyline.front();
measuredDepth.push_back( aggregatedLength );
for ( size_t i = 1; i < polyline.size(); i++ )
aggregatedLength += ( previousPoint - polyline[i] ).length();
previousPoint = polyline[i];
measuredDepth.push_back( aggregatedLength );
// Use RigWellPath to perform the interpolation along a line based on measured depth
RigWellPath dummyWellPath( polyline, measuredDepth );
for ( size_t i = 1; i < polyline.size(); i++ )
const auto& lineSegmentStart = polyline[i - 1];
const auto& lineSegmentEnd = polyline[i];
auto startMD = measuredDepth[i - 1];
auto endMD = measuredDepth[i];
const size_t segmentIndex = i - 1;
resampledPolyline.emplace_back( lineSegmentStart, segmentIndex );
for ( auto md = startMD + resamplingDistance; md < endMD; md += resamplingDistance )
resampledPolyline.emplace_back( dummyWellPath.interpolatedPointAlongWellPath( md ), segmentIndex );
resampledPolyline.emplace_back( lineSegmentEnd, segmentIndex );
return resampledPolyline;
RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::unflattenTransformMatrix( const cvf::Vec3d& intersectionPointFlat ) const
cvf::Mat4d flattenMx = cvf::Mat4d::IDENTITY;
for ( size_t pLineIdx = 0; pLineIdx < m_transformedPolyLines.size(); pLineIdx++ )
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polyLine = m_transformedPolyLines[pLineIdx];
for ( size_t pIdx = 0; pIdx < polyLine.size(); pIdx++ )
if ( polyLine[pIdx].x() >= intersectionPointFlat.x() )
size_t csIdx = pIdx > 0 ? pIdx - 1 : 0;
flattenMx = m_lineSegmentTransforms[pLineIdx][csIdx];
if ( pIdx == polyLine.size() - 1 )
flattenMx = m_lineSegmentTransforms[pLineIdx][pIdx];
return flattenMx.getInverted();
bool RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::isAnyGeometryPresent() const
if ( m_triangleVxes->size() == 0 )
return false;
return true;
std::map<RimSurface*, std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>
RivExtrudedCurveIntersectionGeometryGenerator::transformedSurfaceIntersectionPolylines() const
return m_transformedSurfaceIntersectionPolylines;