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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
Improve curve colors when only one curve of a given phase is displayed Make sure to call the base class directly above current inheritance level Improve colors
327 lines
13 KiB
327 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2015- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2015- Ceetron Solutions AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RimWellLogCurve.h"
#include "RiaCurveDataTools.h"
#include "RigWellLogCurveData.h"
#include "RimDepthTrackPlot.h"
#include "RimWellLogTrack.h"
#include "RiuQwtPlotCurve.h"
#include "RiuQwtPlotWidget.h"
#include "cafPdmUiComboBoxEditor.h"
#include "cvfAssert.h"
#include "qwt_symbol.h"
#include <algorithm>
// NB! Special macro for pure virtual class
CAF_PDM_XML_ABSTRACT_SOURCE_INIT( RimWellLogCurve, "WellLogPlotCurve" );
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "WellLogCurve", ":/WellLogCurve16x16.png", "", "" );
m_qwtPlotCurve->setXAxis( QwtPlot::xTop );
m_qwtCurveErrorBars->setXAxis( QwtPlot::xTop );
m_qwtPlotCurve->setYAxis( QwtPlot::yLeft );
m_curveData = new RigWellLogCurveData;
m_curveDataXRange = std::make_pair( std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() );
setDeletable( true );
bool RimWellLogCurve::xValueRangeInData( double* minimumValue, double* maximumValue ) const
CAF_ASSERT( minimumValue && maximumValue );
if ( !( minimumValue && maximumValue ) )
return false;
if ( m_curveDataXRange.first == -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() ||
m_curveDataXRange.second == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() )
return false;
*minimumValue = m_curveDataXRange.first;
*maximumValue = m_curveDataXRange.second;
return true;
bool RimWellLogCurve::yValueRangeInData( double* minimumValue, double* maximumValue ) const
CAF_ASSERT( minimumValue && maximumValue );
if ( !( minimumValue && maximumValue ) )
return false;
RimDepthTrackPlot* wellLogPlot = nullptr;
firstAncestorOrThisOfTypeAsserted( wellLogPlot );
auto depthType = wellLogPlot->depthType();
auto displayUnit = wellLogPlot->depthUnit();
return m_curveData->calculateDepthRange( depthType, displayUnit, minimumValue, maximumValue );
void RimWellLogCurve::setValuesAndDepths( const std::vector<double>& xValues,
const std::vector<double>& depths,
RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum depthType,
double rkbDiff,
RiaDefines::DepthUnitType depthUnit,
bool isExtractionCurve,
const QString& xUnits )
m_curveData->setValuesAndDepths( xValues, depths, depthType, rkbDiff, depthUnit, isExtractionCurve );
m_curveData->setXUnits( xUnits );
void RimWellLogCurve::setValuesAndDepths( const std::vector<double>& xValues,
const std::map<RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum, std::vector<double>>& depths,
double rkbDiff,
RiaDefines::DepthUnitType depthUnit,
bool isExtractionCurve,
const QString& xUnits )
m_curveData->setValuesAndDepths( xValues, depths, rkbDiff, depthUnit, isExtractionCurve );
m_curveData->setXUnits( xUnits );
void RimWellLogCurve::setValuesWithMdAndTVD( const std::vector<double>& xValues,
const std::vector<double>& measuredDepths,
const std::vector<double>& tvdMSL,
double rkbDiff,
RiaDefines::DepthUnitType depthUnit,
bool isExtractionCurve,
const QString& xUnits )
std::map<RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum, std::vector<double>> depths = { { RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH,
measuredDepths },
{ RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH,
tvdMSL } };
setValuesAndDepths( xValues, depths, rkbDiff, depthUnit, isExtractionCurve, xUnits );
const RigWellLogCurveData* RimWellLogCurve::curveData() const
return m_curveData.p();
void RimWellLogCurve::updateCurveAppearance()
if ( m_fillStyle != Qt::BrushStyle::NoBrush )
m_qwtPlotCurve->setOrientation( Qt::Horizontal );
m_qwtPlotCurve->setBaseline( -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() );
m_qwtPlotCurve->setCurveAttribute( QwtPlotCurve::Inverted, true );
QString RimWellLogCurve::wellLogChannelName() const
return wellLogChannelUiName();
QString RimWellLogCurve::wellLogCurveIconName()
return ":/WellLogCurve16x16.png";
void RimWellLogCurve::setOverrideCurveData( const std::vector<double>& xValues,
const std::vector<double>& depthValues,
const RiaCurveDataTools::CurveIntervals& curveIntervals )
auto minmax_it = std::minmax_element( xValues.begin(), xValues.end() );
this->setOverrideCurveDataXRange( *( minmax_it.first ), *( minmax_it.second ) );
if ( m_qwtPlotCurve )
m_qwtPlotCurve->setSamples( xValues.data(), depthValues.data(), static_cast<int>( depthValues.size() ) );
m_qwtPlotCurve->setLineSegmentStartStopIndices( curveIntervals );
RiaDefines::PhaseType RimWellLogCurve::resultPhase() const
return RiaDefines::PhaseType::PHASE_NOT_APPLICABLE;
void RimWellLogCurve::updateZoomInParentPlot()
const double eps = 1.0e-8;
RimWellLogTrack* wellLogTrack;
firstAncestorOrThisOfType( wellLogTrack );
if ( wellLogTrack )
RimDepthTrackPlot* wellLogPlot;
wellLogTrack->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( wellLogPlot );
if ( wellLogPlot )
double minPlotDepth, maxPlotDepth;
wellLogPlot->availableDepthRange( &minPlotDepth, &maxPlotDepth );
bool updateDepthZoom = false;
if ( minPlotDepth == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() ||
maxPlotDepth == -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() )
updateDepthZoom = true;
double plotRange = std::abs( maxPlotDepth - minPlotDepth );
double minCurveDepth, maxCurveDepth;
m_curveData->calculateDepthRange( wellLogPlot->depthType(),
&maxCurveDepth );
updateDepthZoom = minCurveDepth < minPlotDepth - eps * plotRange ||
maxCurveDepth > maxPlotDepth + eps * plotRange;
if ( updateDepthZoom )
wellLogPlot->setAutoScaleDepthEnabled( true );
void RimWellLogCurve::updateLegendsInPlot()
RimWellLogTrack* wellLogTrack;
firstAncestorOrThisOfType( wellLogTrack );
if ( wellLogTrack )
void RimWellLogCurve::setOverrideCurveDataXRange( double minimumValue, double maximumValue )
m_curveDataXRange = std::make_pair( minimumValue, maximumValue );
void RimWellLogCurve::calculateCurveDataXRange()
// Invalidate range first
m_curveDataXRange = std::make_pair( std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() );
for ( double xValue : m_curveData->xValues() )
if ( RiaCurveDataTools::isValidValue( xValue, false ) )
m_curveDataXRange.first = std::min( m_curveDataXRange.first, xValue );
m_curveDataXRange.second = std::max( m_curveDataXRange.second, xValue );
void RimWellLogCurve::fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField,
const QVariant& oldValue,
const QVariant& newValue )
RimStackablePlotCurve::fieldChangedByUi( changedField, oldValue, newValue );
if ( changedField == &m_showCurve && m_showCurve() )
if ( changedField == &m_isStacked )
loadDataAndUpdate( true );