Magne Sjaastad 01f3fb8e94 Moved result interface from struct grid to struct grid scalar data access
Use this concept to configure result data values to use for vizualization. Created data access object for RegGrid.
p4#: 20334
2013-02-01 12:25:34 +01:00

464 lines
16 KiB

// Custom Visualization Core library
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
// This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <<>>
// for more details.
#include "cvfBase.h"
#include "cvfStructGrid.h"
#include "cvfStructGridGeometryGenerator.h"
#include "cvfStructGridScalarDataAccess.h"
#include "cvfDebugTimer.h"
#include "cvfGeometryBuilderDrawableGeo.h"
#include "cvfPrimitiveSetIndexedUInt.h"
#include "cvfScalarMapper.h"
#include "cvfArray.h"
#include "cvfOutlineEdgeExtractor.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace cvf {
/// \class CellRangeFilter
void CellRangeFilter::addCellIncludeRange(size_t minI, size_t minJ, size_t minK, size_t maxI, size_t maxJ, size_t maxK)
m_includeRanges.push_back(CellRange(minI, minJ, minK, maxI, maxJ, maxK));
void CellRangeFilter::addCellExcludeRange(size_t minI, size_t minJ, size_t minK, size_t maxI, size_t maxJ, size_t maxK)
m_excludeRanges.push_back(CellRange(minI, minJ, minK, maxI, maxJ, maxK));
void CellRangeFilter::addCellInclude(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k)
m_includeRanges.push_back(CellRange(i, j, k, i, j, k));
bool CellRangeFilter::isCellRejected(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const
if (m_includeRanges.size() == 0)
return true;
size_t idx;
for (idx = 0; idx < m_excludeRanges.size(); idx++)
if (m_excludeRanges[idx].isInRange(i, j, k))
return true;
for (idx = 0; idx < m_includeRanges.size(); idx++)
if (m_includeRanges[idx].isInRange(i, j, k))
return false;
return true;
CellRangeFilter::CellStateType CellRangeFilter::cellState(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const
if (m_includeRanges.size() == 0 && m_excludeRanges.size() == 0)
return INCLUDED;
size_t idx;
for (idx = 0; idx < m_excludeRanges.size(); idx++)
if (m_excludeRanges[idx].isInRange(i, j, k))
return EXCLUDED;
for (idx = 0; idx < m_includeRanges.size(); idx++)
if (m_includeRanges[idx].isInRange(i, j, k))
return INCLUDED;
CellRangeFilter::CellStateType CellRangeFilter::combine(CellRangeFilter::CellStateType a, CellRangeFilter::CellStateType b)
if (a == EXCLUDED || b == EXCLUDED) return EXCLUDED;
if (a == INCLUDED || b == INCLUDED) return INCLUDED;
/// \class cvf::StructGridGeometry
/// \ingroup StructGrid
StructGridGeometryGenerator::StructGridGeometryGenerator(const StructGridInterface* grid)
: m_grid(grid)
/// Generate surface drawable geo from the specified region
ref<DrawableGeo> StructGridGeometryGenerator::generateSurface()
if (m_vertices->size() == 0) return NULL;
ref<DrawableGeo> geo = new DrawableGeo;
return geo;
/// Generates simplified mesh as line drawing
/// Must call generateSurface first
ref<DrawableGeo> StructGridGeometryGenerator::createMeshDrawable()
if (!(m_vertices.notNull() && m_vertices->size() != 0)) return NULL;
ref<DrawableGeo> geo = new DrawableGeo;
ref<UIntArray> indices = lineIndicesFromQuadVertexArray(m_vertices.p());
ref<PrimitiveSetIndexedUInt> prim = new PrimitiveSetIndexedUInt(PT_LINES);
return geo;
ref<DrawableGeo> StructGridGeometryGenerator::createOutlineMeshDrawable(double creaseAngle)
if (!(m_vertices.notNull() && m_vertices->size() != 0)) return NULL;
cvf::OutlineEdgeExtractor ee(creaseAngle, *m_vertices);
ref<UIntArray> indices = lineIndicesFromQuadVertexArray(m_vertices.p());
ee.addPrimitives(4, *indices);
ref<cvf::UIntArray> lineIndices = ee.lineIndices();
if (lineIndices->size() == 0)
return NULL;
ref<PrimitiveSetIndexedUInt> prim = new PrimitiveSetIndexedUInt(PT_LINES);
ref<DrawableGeo> geo = new DrawableGeo;
return geo;
ref<UIntArray> StructGridGeometryGenerator::lineIndicesFromQuadVertexArray(const Vec3fArray* vertexArray)
size_t numVertices = vertexArray->size();
int numQuads = static_cast<int>(numVertices/4);
CVF_ASSERT(numVertices%4 == 0);
ref<UIntArray> indices = new UIntArray;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < numQuads; i++)
int idx = 8*i;
indices->set(idx + 0, i*4 + 0);
indices->set(idx + 1, i*4 + 1);
indices->set(idx + 2, i*4 + 1);
indices->set(idx + 3, i*4 + 2);
indices->set(idx + 4, i*4 + 2);
indices->set(idx + 5, i*4 + 3);
indices->set(idx + 6, i*4 + 3);
indices->set(idx + 7, i*4 + 0);
return indices;
void StructGridGeometryGenerator::addFaceVisibilityFilter(const CellFaceVisibilityFilter* cellVisibilityFilter)
bool StructGridGeometryGenerator::isCellFaceVisible(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, StructGridInterface::FaceType face) const
size_t idx;
for (idx = 0; idx < m_cellVisibilityFilters.size(); idx++)
const cvf::CellFaceVisibilityFilter* cellFilter = m_cellVisibilityFilters[idx];
if (cellFilter->isFaceVisible(i, j, k, face, m_cellVisibility.p()))
return true;
return false;
void StructGridGeometryGenerator::computeArrays()
std::vector<Vec3f> vertices;
cvf::Vec3d offset = m_grid->displayModelOffset();
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
for (int k = 0; k < static_cast<int>(m_grid->cellCountK()); k++)
size_t j;
for (j = 0; j < m_grid->cellCountJ(); j++)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < m_grid->cellCountI(); i++)
size_t cellIndex = m_grid->cellIndexFromIJK(i, j, k);
if (m_cellVisibility.notNull() && !(*m_cellVisibility)[cellIndex])
std::vector<StructGridInterface::FaceType> visibleFaces;
if (isCellFaceVisible(i, j, k, StructGridInterface::NEG_I)) visibleFaces.push_back(cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_I);
if (isCellFaceVisible(i, j, k, StructGridInterface::POS_I)) visibleFaces.push_back(cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I);
if (isCellFaceVisible(i, j, k, StructGridInterface::NEG_J)) visibleFaces.push_back(cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_J);
if (isCellFaceVisible(i, j, k, StructGridInterface::POS_J)) visibleFaces.push_back(cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_J);
if (isCellFaceVisible(i, j, k, StructGridInterface::NEG_K)) visibleFaces.push_back(cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_K);
if (isCellFaceVisible(i, j, k, StructGridInterface::POS_K)) visibleFaces.push_back(cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_K);
if (visibleFaces.size() > 0)
size_t cellIndex = m_grid->cellIndexFromIJK(i, j, k);
cvf::Vec3d cornerVerts[8];
m_grid->cellCornerVertices(cellIndex, cornerVerts);
size_t idx;
for (idx = 0; idx < visibleFaces.size(); idx++)
cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType face = visibleFaces[idx];
ubyte faceConn[4];
m_grid->cellFaceVertexIndices(face, faceConn);
// Critical section to avoid two threads accessing the arrays at the same time.
#pragma omp critical
int n;
for (n = 0; n < 4; n++)
vertices.push_back(cvf::Vec3f(cornerVerts[faceConn[n]] - offset));
// Keep track of the source cell index per quad
m_vertices = new cvf::Vec3fArray;
void StructGridGeometryGenerator::textureCoordinates(Vec2fArray* textureCoords, const StructGridScalarDataAccess* dataAccessObject, const ScalarMapper* mapper) const
if (!dataAccessObject) return;
size_t numVertices = m_quadsToGridCells.size()*4;
cvf::Vec2f* rawPtr = textureCoords->ptr();
double cellScalarValue;
cvf::Vec2f texCoord;
#pragma omp parallel for private(texCoord, cellScalarValue)
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(m_quadsToGridCells.size()); i++)
cellScalarValue = dataAccessObject->cellScalar(m_quadsToGridCells[i]);
texCoord = mapper->mapToTextureCoord(cellScalarValue);
if (cellScalarValue == HUGE_VAL || cellScalarValue != cellScalarValue) // a != a is true for NAN's
texCoord[1] = 1.0f;
size_t j;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
rawPtr[i*4 + j] = texCoord;
ref<cvf::Array<size_t> > StructGridGeometryGenerator::triangleToSourceGridCellMap() const
ref<Array<size_t> > triangles = new Array<size_t>(2*m_quadsToGridCells.size());
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(m_quadsToGridCells.size()); i++)
triangles->set(i*2, m_quadsToGridCells[i]);
triangles->set(i*2+1, m_quadsToGridCells[i]);
return triangles;
void StructGridGeometryGenerator::setCellVisibility(const UByteArray* cellVisibility)
m_cellVisibility = cellVisibility;
const std::vector<size_t>& StructGridGeometryGenerator::quadToGridCellIndices() const
return m_quadsToGridCells;
const std::vector<StructGridInterface::FaceType>& StructGridGeometryGenerator::quadToFace() const
return m_quadsToFace;
} // namespace cvf