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// Copyright (C) 2011- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2013- Ceetron Solutions AS
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "ert/ecl/ecl_file.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
TEST(RigReservoirTest, WellTestErt)
char filename[1024] =
ecl_file_type* ecl_file = ecl_file_open(filename, ECL_FILE_CLOSE_STREAM); ecl_file_close(ecl_file);
char filename[1024] = "d:/Models/Statoil/kapoCoulibaly/data/15K_080910_AS1.X0000";
ecl_file_type* ecl_file = ecl_file_open(filename, ECL_FILE_CLOSE_STREAM);
if (ecl_file) ecl_file_close(ecl_file);
char filename[1024] = "d:/Models/Statoil/kapoCoulibaly/data/15K_080910_AS1.X0000";
ecl_file_type* ecl_file = ecl_file_open(filename, ECL_FILE_WRITABLE);
if (ecl_file) ecl_file_close(ecl_file);
#if 0
/// This file contains test code taken from the test cases in ERT source code.
// There is a typedef issue (center) between ERT and QTextStream, so this file does not include any
// Qt files.
TEST(RigReservoirTest, WellTestErt)
char filename[1024] = "TEST10K_FLT_LGR_NNC.UNRST";
well_info_type * well_info = well_info_alloc( NULL );
well_info_load_rstfile( well_info , filename);
// List all wells:
int iwell;
for (iwell = 0; iwell < well_info_get_num_wells( well_info ); iwell++)
printf("Well[%02d] : %s \n",iwell , well_info_iget_well_name( well_info , iwell));
// Look at the timeseries for one well:
well_ts_type * well_ts = well_info_get_ts( well_info , well_info_iget_well_name( well_info , 0));
for (int i =0; i < well_ts_get_size( well_ts ); i++)
well_state_type * well_state = well_ts_iget_state( well_ts , i );
printf("Well:%s report:%04d state:",well_state_get_name( well_state ), well_state_get_report_nr( well_state ));
if (well_state_is_open( well_state ))
// Look at one well_state:
well_state_type * well_state = well_info_iiget_state( well_info , 0 , 0 );
printf("Well:%s report:%04d \n",well_state_get_name( well_state ), well_state_get_report_nr( well_state ));
int branchCount = well_state_get_num_branches(well_state);
for (int ibranch = 0 ; ibranch < branchCount; ++ibranch)
printf("Branch: %d", ibranch);
for (int iconn = 0; iconn < well_state_get_num_connections( well_state, ibranch ); iconn++)
const well_conn_type * conn = well_state_get_connections( well_state , ibranch)[iconn];
printf("Connection:%02d i=%3d j=%3d k=%3d State:",iconn , conn->i, conn->j , conn->k);
if (conn->open)
well_info_free( well_info );
#if 0
/// This file contains test code taken from the test cases in ERT source code.
// There is a typedef issue (center) between ERT and QTextStream, so this file does not include any
// Qt files.
TEST(RigReservoirTest, ElipseInputGridFile)
RigCaseData res;
RifReaderEclipseInput inputReader;
bool result = inputReader.open("TEST10K_FLT_LGR_NNC.grdecl", &res);
TEST(RigReservoirTest, ReadFaults)
// QString filename("d:/Models/Statoil/testcase_juli_2011/data/grid_local.grdecl");
// std::vector< RifKeywordAndFilePos > fileKeywords;
// RifEclipseInputFileTools::findKeywordsOnFile(filename, fileKeywords);
// cvf::Collection<RigFault> faults;
// RifEclipseInputFileTools::readFaults(filename, faults, fileKeywords);
// for (size_t j = 0; j < faults.size(); j++)
// {
// printf(faults.at(j)->name().toLatin1());
// printf("\n");
// }
TEST(RigReservoirTest, ReadFaultsRecursively)
//TODO: Establish a way to define location of test model files
//QString filename("d:/Models/Statoil/TEST_RKMFAULTS/TEST_RKMFAULTS.DATA");
QString filename("d:/Models/Statoil/testcase_juli_2011/data/TEST10K_FLT_LGR_NNC.DATA");
// QString filename("d:/gitroot/ResInsight/TestModels/fault_test/regular27cell.DATA");
QString outFilename = "d:/tmp/msj_faults.txt";
QFile outputFile(outFilename);
if (!outputFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly))
QTextStream outStream(&outputFile);
cvf::Collection<RigFault> faults;
std::vector<QString> filenamesWithFaults;
RifEclipseInputFileTools::readFaultsInGridSection(filename, faults, filenamesWithFaults);
// EXPECT_EQ(4, faults.size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < faults.size(); j++)
const RigFault* rigFault = faults.at(j);
for (size_t faceType = 0; faceType < 6; faceType++)
cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType faceEnum = cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType(faceType);
// const std::vector<cvf::CellRange>& cellRanges = rigFault->cellRangeForFace(faceEnum);
// for (size_t i = 0; i < cellRanges.size(); i++)
// {
// cvf::Vec3st min, max;
// cellRanges[i].range(min, max);
// QString tmp;
// tmp = tmp.sprintf("min i=%3d j=%3d k=%3d - max i=%3d j=%3d k=%3d \n", min.x(), min.y(), min.z(), max.x(), max.y(), max.z());
// outStream << tmp;
// // printf("min i=%3d j=%3d k=%3d - max i=%3d j=%3d k=%3d ", min.x(), min.y(), min.z(), max.x(), max.y(), max.z());
// // printf("\n");
// }