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// Copyright (C) 2011- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2013- Ceetron Solutions AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RimPerforationInterval.h"
#include "RiaColorTables.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigWellPath.h"
#include "RimPerforationCollection.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimWellLogTrack.h"
#include "RimWellPath.h"
#include "RimWellPathValve.h"
#include "cafPdmUiDateEditor.h"
#include "cafPdmUiDoubleSliderEditor.h"
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimPerforationInterval, "Perforation" );
// clang-format off
CAF_PDM_InitObject("Perforation", ":/PerforationInterval16x16.png", "", "");
CAF_PDM_InitField(&m_startMD, "StartMeasuredDepth", 0.0, "Start MD", "", "", "");
CAF_PDM_InitField(&m_endMD, "EndMeasuredDepth", 0.0, "End MD", "", "", "");
CAF_PDM_InitField(&m_diameter, "Diameter", 0.216, "Diameter", "", "", "");
CAF_PDM_InitField(&m_skinFactor, "SkinFactor", 0.0, "Skin Factor", "", "", "");
CAF_PDM_InitField(&m_startOfHistory_OBSOLETE, "StartOfHistory", true, "All Timesteps", "", "", "");
CAF_PDM_InitField(&m_useCustomStartDate, "UseCustomStartDate", false, "Custom Start Date", "", "", "");
CAF_PDM_InitField(&m_startDate, "StartDate", QDateTime::currentDateTime(), "Start Date", "", "", "");
CAF_PDM_InitField(&m_useCustomEndDate, "UseCustomEndDate", false, "Custom End Date", "", "", "");
CAF_PDM_InitField(&m_endDate, "EndDate", QDateTime::currentDateTime(), "End Date", "", "", "");
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault(&m_valves, "Valves", "Valves", "", "", "");
// clang-format on
setDeletable( true );
void RimPerforationInterval::setStartAndEndMD( double startMD, double endMD )
m_startMD = startMD;
m_endMD = endMD;
void RimPerforationInterval::enableCustomStartDate( bool enable )
m_useCustomStartDate = enable;
void RimPerforationInterval::setCustomStartDate( const QDate& date )
if ( date.isValid() )
m_startDate = QDateTime( date );
void RimPerforationInterval::setCustomEndDate( const QDate& date )
if ( date.isValid() )
m_endDate = QDateTime( date );
void RimPerforationInterval::setDiameter( double diameter )
m_diameter = diameter;
void RimPerforationInterval::setSkinFactor( double skinFactor )
m_skinFactor = skinFactor;
double RimPerforationInterval::diameter( RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem unitSystem ) const
RimWellPath* wellPath;
firstAncestorOrThisOfTypeAsserted( wellPath );
if ( unitSystem == RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem::UNITS_METRIC &&
wellPath->unitSystem() == RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem::UNITS_FIELD )
return RiaEclipseUnitTools::feetToMeter( m_diameter() );
else if ( unitSystem == RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem::UNITS_FIELD &&
wellPath->unitSystem() == RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem::UNITS_METRIC )
return RiaEclipseUnitTools::meterToFeet( m_diameter() );
return m_diameter();
double RimPerforationInterval::skinFactor() const
return m_skinFactor();
bool RimPerforationInterval::isActiveOnDate( const QDateTime& date ) const
if ( m_useCustomStartDate() && date < m_startDate() ) return false;
if ( m_useCustomEndDate() && date > m_endDate() ) return false;
return true;
cvf::BoundingBox RimPerforationInterval::boundingBoxInDomainCoords() const
cvf::BoundingBox bb;
RimWellPath* wellPath = nullptr;
this->firstAncestorOrThisOfTypeAsserted( wellPath );
RigWellPath* rigWellPath = wellPath->wellPathGeometry();
if ( rigWellPath )
bb.add( rigWellPath->interpolatedPointAlongWellPath( startMD() ) );
bb.add( rigWellPath->interpolatedPointAlongWellPath( endMD() ) );
return bb;
void RimPerforationInterval::setUnitSystemSpecificDefaults()
RimWellPath* wellPath;
firstAncestorOrThisOfType( wellPath );
if ( wellPath )
if ( wellPath->unitSystem() == RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem::UNITS_METRIC )
m_diameter = 0.216;
else if ( wellPath->unitSystem() == RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem::UNITS_FIELD )
m_diameter = 0.709;
void RimPerforationInterval::addValve( RimWellPathValve* valve )
m_valves.push_back( valve );
std::vector<RimWellPathValve*> RimPerforationInterval::valves() const
std::vector<RimWellPathValve*> allValves;
for ( RimWellPathValve* valve : m_valves() )
allValves.push_back( valve );
return allValves;
void RimPerforationInterval::updateAllReferringTracks()
std::vector<RimWellLogTrack*> wellLogTracks;
this->objectsWithReferringPtrFieldsOfType( wellLogTracks );
for ( RimWellLogTrack* track : wellLogTracks )
bool RimPerforationInterval::isEnabled() const
RimPerforationCollection* perforationCollection;
this->firstAncestorOrThisOfTypeAsserted( perforationCollection );
return perforationCollection->isChecked() && isChecked();
RiaDefines::WellPathComponentType RimPerforationInterval::componentType() const
return RiaDefines::WellPathComponentType::PERFORATION_INTERVAL;
QString RimPerforationInterval::componentLabel() const
return QString( "Perforation Interval\n%1" ).arg( name() );
QString RimPerforationInterval::componentTypeLabel() const
return "Perforations";
cvf::Color3f RimPerforationInterval::defaultComponentColor() const
return RiaColorTables::wellPathComponentColors()[componentType()];
double RimPerforationInterval::startMD() const
return m_startMD();
double RimPerforationInterval::endMD() const
return m_endMD();
void RimPerforationInterval::fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField,
const QVariant& oldValue,
const QVariant& newValue )
if ( changedField == &m_startMD || changedField == &m_endMD )
for ( RimWellPathValve* valve : m_valves() )
RimProject* proj = nullptr;
this->firstAncestorOrThisOfTypeAsserted( proj );
void RimPerforationInterval::defineUiTreeOrdering( caf::PdmUiTreeOrdering& uiTreeOrdering, QString uiConfigName /*= ""*/ )
this->setName( QString( "%1 - %2" ).arg( m_startMD ).arg( m_endMD ) );
void RimPerforationInterval::defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering )
RimWellPath* wellPath;
firstAncestorOrThisOfType( wellPath );
if ( wellPath )
if ( wellPath->unitSystem() == RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem::UNITS_METRIC )
m_startMD.uiCapability()->setUiName( "Start MD [m]" );
m_endMD.uiCapability()->setUiName( "End MD [m]" );
m_diameter.uiCapability()->setUiName( "Diameter [m]" );
else if ( wellPath->unitSystem() == RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem::UNITS_FIELD )
m_startMD.uiCapability()->setUiName( "Start MD [ft]" );
m_endMD.uiCapability()->setUiName( "End MD [ft]" );
m_diameter.uiCapability()->setUiName( "Diameter [ft]" );
uiOrdering.add( &m_startMD );
uiOrdering.add( &m_endMD );
uiOrdering.add( &m_diameter );
uiOrdering.add( &m_skinFactor );
uiOrdering.add( &m_useCustomStartDate );
uiOrdering.add( &m_startDate );
m_startDate.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( !m_useCustomStartDate );
uiOrdering.add( &m_useCustomEndDate );
uiOrdering.add( &m_endDate );
m_endDate.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( !m_useCustomEndDate );
void RimPerforationInterval::defineEditorAttribute( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* field,
QString uiConfigName,
caf::PdmUiEditorAttribute* attribute )
if ( field == &m_startDate || field == &m_endDate )
caf::PdmUiDateEditorAttribute* myAttr = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiDateEditorAttribute*>( attribute );
if ( myAttr )
myAttr->dateFormat = "dd MMM yyyy";
else if ( field == &m_startMD || field == &m_endMD )
caf::PdmUiDoubleSliderEditorAttribute* myAttr = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiDoubleSliderEditorAttribute*>( attribute );
if ( myAttr )
RimWellPath* rimWellPath = nullptr;
this->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( rimWellPath );
if ( !rimWellPath ) return;
RigWellPath* wellPathGeo = rimWellPath->wellPathGeometry();
if ( !wellPathGeo ) return;
if ( wellPathGeo->m_measuredDepths.size() > 1 )
myAttr->m_minimum = wellPathGeo->m_measuredDepths.front();
myAttr->m_maximum = wellPathGeo->m_measuredDepths.back();
void RimPerforationInterval::initAfterRead()
if ( !m_startOfHistory_OBSOLETE )
m_useCustomStartDate = true;