2021-05-10 14:03:52 +02:00

1620 lines
58 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RiaApplication.h"
#include "RiaArgumentParser.h"
#include "RiaBaseDefs.h"
#include "RiaFilePathTools.h"
#include "RiaFontCache.h"
#include "RiaGuiApplication.h"
#include "RiaImportEclipseCaseTools.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "RiaProjectModifier.h"
#include "RiaSocketServer.h"
#include "RiaTextStringTools.h"
#include "RiaVersionInfo.h"
#include "RiaViewRedrawScheduler.h"
#include "ExportCommands/RicSnapshotAllViewsToFileFeature.h"
#include "HoloLensCommands/RicHoloLensSessionManager.h"
#include "RicImportGeneralDataFeature.h"
#include "RicfCommandFileExecutor.h"
#include "RicfCommandObject.h"
#include "Rim2dIntersectionViewCollection.h"
#include "RimAnnotationCollection.h"
#include "RimAnnotationInViewCollection.h"
#include "RimAnnotationTextAppearance.h"
#include "RimCellFilterCollection.h"
#include "RimCommandObject.h"
#include "RimCompletionTemplateCollection.h"
#include "RimEclipseCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimFormationNamesCollection.h"
#include "RimFractureTemplateCollection.h"
#include "RimGeoMechCase.h"
#include "RimGeoMechCellColors.h"
#include "RimGeoMechModels.h"
#include "RimGeoMechView.h"
#include "RimIdenticalGridCaseGroup.h"
#include "RimMainPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimObservedDataCollection.h"
#include "RimObservedFmuRftData.h"
#include "RimObservedSummaryData.h"
#include "RimOilField.h"
#include "RimPlotWindow.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimSimWellInViewCollection.h"
#include "RimStimPlanColors.h"
#include "RimStimPlanModel.h"
#include "RimStimPlanModelCollection.h"
#include "RimSummaryCase.h"
#include "RimSummaryCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimSummaryCaseMainCollection.h"
#include "RimSurfaceCollection.h"
#include "RimTextAnnotation.h"
#include "RimTextAnnotationInView.h"
#include "RimViewLinker.h"
#include "RimViewLinkerCollection.h"
#include "RimWellLogFile.h"
#include "RimWellPath.h"
#include "RimWellPathCollection.h"
#include "RimWellPathFracture.h"
#include "Riu3DMainWindowTools.h"
#include "RiuGuiTheme.h"
#include "RiuViewer.h"
#include "RiuViewerCommands.h"
#include "cafPdmCodeGenerator.h"
#include "cafPdmDataValueField.h"
#include "cafPdmDefaultObjectFactory.h"
#include "cafPdmMarkdownBuilder.h"
#include "cafPdmMarkdownGenerator.h"
#include "cafPdmScriptIOMessages.h"
#include "cafPdmSettings.h"
#include "cafPdmUiModelChangeDetector.h"
#include "cafProgressInfo.h"
#include "cafUiProcess.h"
#include "cafUtils.h"
#include "cvfProgramOptions.h"
#include "cvfqtUtils.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <unistd.h> // for usleep
#endif // WIN32
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#endif // USE_UNIT_TESTS
RiaApplication* RiaApplication::s_riaApplication = nullptr;
RiaApplication* RiaApplication::instance()
return s_riaApplication;
: m_socketServer( nullptr )
, m_workerProcess( nullptr )
, m_preferences( nullptr )
, m_runningWorkerProcess( false )
, m_currentScriptCaseId( -1 )
CAF_ASSERT( s_riaApplication == nullptr );
s_riaApplication = this;
// USed to get registry settings in the right place
QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName( RI_COMPANY_NAME );
QCoreApplication::setApplicationName( RI_APPLICATION_NAME );
#ifdef WIN32
m_startupDefaultDirectory = QDir::homePath();
m_startupDefaultDirectory = QDir::currentPath();
setLastUsedDialogDirectory( "MULTICASEIMPORT", "/" );
const char* RiaApplication::getVersionStringApp( bool includeCrtInfo )
// Use static buf so we can return ptr
static char szBuf[1024];
cvf::String crtInfo;
if ( includeCrtInfo )
#ifdef _MT
#ifdef _DLL
crtInfo = " (DLL CRT)";
crtInfo = " (static CRT)";
#endif //_MT
cvf::System::sprintf( szBuf, 1024, "%s%s", STRPRODUCTVER, crtInfo.toAscii().ptr() );
return szBuf;
bool RiaApplication::enableDevelopmentFeatures()
QString environmentVar = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().value( "RESINSIGHT_DEVEL", QString( "0" ) );
return environmentVar.toInt() == 1;
void RiaApplication::createMockModel()
RiaImportEclipseCaseTools::openMockModel( RiaDefines::mockModelBasic() );
void RiaApplication::createResultsMockModel()
RiaImportEclipseCaseTools::openMockModel( RiaDefines::mockModelBasicWithResults() );
void RiaApplication::createLargeResultsMockModel()
RiaImportEclipseCaseTools::openMockModel( RiaDefines::mockModelLargeWithResults() );
void RiaApplication::createMockModelCustomized()
RiaImportEclipseCaseTools::openMockModel( RiaDefines::mockModelCustomized() );
void RiaApplication::createInputMockModel()
RiaImportEclipseCaseTools::openEclipseInputCaseFromFileNames( QStringList( RiaDefines::mockModelBasicInputCase() ) );
void RiaApplication::setActiveReservoirView( Rim3dView* rv )
m_activeReservoirView = rv;
const Rim3dView* RiaApplication::activeReservoirView() const
return m_activeReservoirView;
Rim3dView* RiaApplication::activeReservoirView()
return m_activeReservoirView;
RimGridView* RiaApplication::activeGridView()
return dynamic_cast<RimGridView*>( m_activeReservoirView.p() );
RimGridView* RiaApplication::activeMainOrComparisonGridView()
RimGridView* activeView = RiaApplication::instance()->activeGridView();
RimGridView* viewOrComparisonView = activeView;
if ( activeView != nullptr && activeView->viewer() &&
activeView->viewer()->viewerCommands()->isCurrentPickInComparisonView() )
if ( RimGridView* compView = dynamic_cast<RimGridView*>( activeView->activeComparisonView() ) )
viewOrComparisonView = compView;
return viewOrComparisonView;
int RiaApplication::currentScriptCaseId() const
return m_currentScriptCaseId;
RimProject* RiaApplication::project()
return m_project.get();
bool RiaApplication::openFile( const QString& fileName )
if ( !caf::Utils::fileExists( fileName ) ) return false;
bool loadingSucceded = false;
QString lastUsedDialogTag;
RiaDefines::ImportFileType fileType = RiaDefines::obtainFileTypeFromFileName( fileName );
if ( fileType == RiaDefines::ImportFileType::RESINSIGHT_PROJECT_FILE )
loadingSucceded = loadProject( fileName );
else if ( fileType == RiaDefines::ImportFileType::GEOMECH_ODB_FILE )
loadingSucceded = openOdbCaseFromFile( fileName );
lastUsedDialogTag = "GEOMECH_MODEL";
else if ( int( fileType ) & int( RiaDefines::ImportFileType::ANY_ECLIPSE_FILE ) )
loadingSucceded = RicImportGeneralDataFeature::openEclipseFilesFromFileNames( QStringList{ fileName }, true );
lastUsedDialogTag = RiaDefines::defaultDirectoryLabel( fileType );
if ( loadingSucceded )
if ( !lastUsedDialogTag.isEmpty() )
RiaApplication::instance()->setLastUsedDialogDirectory( lastUsedDialogTag,
QFileInfo( fileName ).absolutePath() );
onFileSuccessfullyLoaded( fileName, fileType );
return loadingSucceded;
bool RiaApplication::isProjectSavedToDisc() const
if ( !m_project ) return false;
return caf::Utils::fileExists( m_project->fileName() );
QString RiaApplication::currentProjectPath() const
QString projectFolder;
if ( m_project )
QString projectFileName = m_project->fileName();
if ( !projectFileName.isEmpty() )
QFileInfo fi( projectFileName );
projectFolder = fi.absolutePath();
return projectFolder;
/// Create an absolute path from a path that is specified relative to the project directory
/// If the path specified in \a projectRelativePath is already absolute, no changes will be made
QString RiaApplication::createAbsolutePathFromProjectRelativePath( QString projectRelativePath )
// Check if path is already absolute
if ( QDir::isAbsolutePath( projectRelativePath ) )
return projectRelativePath;
QString absolutePath;
if ( m_project && !m_project->fileName().isEmpty() )
absolutePath = QFileInfo( m_project->fileName() ).absolutePath();
absolutePath = this->lastUsedDialogDirectory( "BINARY_GRID" );
QDir projectDir( absolutePath );
return projectDir.absoluteFilePath( projectRelativePath );
bool RiaApplication::loadProject( const QString& projectFileName,
ProjectLoadAction loadAction,
RiaProjectModifier* projectModifier )
// First Close the current project
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Starting to open project file : '%1'" ).arg( projectFileName ) );
// Create a absolute path file name, as this is required for update of file references in the project modifier object
QString fullPathProjectFileName = caf::Utils::absoluteFileName( projectFileName );
if ( !caf::Utils::fileExists( fullPathProjectFileName ) )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "File does not exist : '%1'" ).arg( fullPathProjectFileName ) );
return false;
m_project->fileName = fullPathProjectFileName;
// Apply any modifications to the loaded project before we go ahead and load actual data
if ( projectModifier )
projectModifier->applyModificationsToProject( m_project.get() );
// Propagate possible new location of project
m_project->setProjectFileNameAndUpdateDependencies( fullPathProjectFileName );
// On error, delete everything, and bail out.
if ( m_project->projectFileVersionString().isEmpty() )
QString errMsg = QString( "Unknown project file version detected in file \n%1\n\nCould not open project." )
.arg( fullPathProjectFileName );
onProjectOpeningError( errMsg );
// Delete all object possibly generated by readFile()
m_project = std::make_unique<RimProject>();
return true;
// Load the external data, and initialize stuff that needs specific ordering
// VL check regarding specific order mentioned in comment above...
m_preferences->lastUsedProjectFileName = fullPathProjectFileName;
for ( size_t oilFieldIdx = 0; oilFieldIdx < m_project->oilFields().size(); oilFieldIdx++ )
RimOilField* oilField = m_project->oilFields[oilFieldIdx];
RimEclipseCaseCollection* analysisModels = oilField ? oilField->analysisModels() : nullptr;
if ( analysisModels == nullptr ) continue;
for ( size_t cgIdx = 0; cgIdx < analysisModels->caseGroups.size(); ++cgIdx )
// Load the Main case of each IdenticalGridCaseGroup
RimIdenticalGridCaseGroup* igcg = analysisModels->caseGroups[cgIdx];
igcg->loadMainCaseAndActiveCellInfo(); // VL is this supposed to be done for each RimOilField?
// Load the formation names
for ( RimOilField* oilField : m_project->oilFields )
if ( oilField == nullptr ) continue;
if ( oilField->formationNamesCollection() != nullptr )
// Add well paths for each oil field
for ( size_t oilFieldIdx = 0; oilFieldIdx < m_project->oilFields().size(); oilFieldIdx++ )
RimOilField* oilField = m_project->oilFields[oilFieldIdx];
if ( oilField == nullptr ) continue;
if ( oilField->wellPathCollection == nullptr )
oilField->wellPathCollection = std::make_unique<RimWellPathCollection>();
RimMainPlotCollection* mainPlotColl = m_project->mainPlotCollection();
for ( RimOilField* oilField : m_project->oilFields )
if ( oilField == nullptr ) continue;
// Temporary
if ( !oilField->summaryCaseMainCollection() )
oilField->summaryCaseMainCollection = std::make_unique<RimSummaryCaseMainCollection>();
if ( !oilField->observedDataCollection() )
oilField->observedDataCollection = std::make_unique<RimObservedDataCollection>();
for ( RimObservedSummaryData* observedData : oilField->observedDataCollection()->allObservedSummaryData() )
for ( RimObservedFmuRftData* observedFmuData : oilField->observedDataCollection()->allObservedFmuRftData() )
std::vector<RimWellPathFracture*> wellPathFractures;
oilField->wellPathCollection->descendantsIncludingThisOfType( wellPathFractures );
for ( auto fracture : wellPathFractures )
// If load action is specified to recalculate statistics, do it now.
// Apparently this needs to be done before the views are loaded, lest the number of time steps for statistics will
// be clamped
if ( loadAction == ProjectLoadAction::PLA_CALCULATE_STATISTICS )
for ( size_t oilFieldIdx = 0; oilFieldIdx < m_project->oilFields().size(); oilFieldIdx++ )
RimOilField* oilField = m_project->oilFields[oilFieldIdx];
RimEclipseCaseCollection* analysisModels = oilField ? oilField->analysisModels() : nullptr;
if ( analysisModels )
// Now load the ReservoirViews for the cases
// Add all "native" cases in the project
std::vector<RimCase*> casesToLoad;
m_project->allCases( casesToLoad );
caf::ProgressInfo caseProgress( casesToLoad.size(), "Reading Cases" );
for ( size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < casesToLoad.size(); ++cIdx )
RimCase* cas = casesToLoad[cIdx];
CVF_ASSERT( cas );
// Make sure case name is updated. It can be out-of-sync if the
// user has updated the project file manually.
caseProgress.setProgressDescription( cas->caseUserDescription() );
std::vector<Rim3dView*> views = cas->views();
{ // To delete the view progress before incrementing the caseProgress
caf::ProgressInfo viewProgress( views.size(), "Creating Views" );
size_t j;
for ( j = 0; j < views.size(); j++ )
Rim3dView* riv = views[j];
CVF_ASSERT( riv );
viewProgress.setProgressDescription( riv->name() );
if ( m_project->isProjectFileVersionEqualOrOlderThan( "2018.1.0.103" ) )
std::vector<RimStimPlanColors*> stimPlanColors;
riv->descendantsIncludingThisOfType( stimPlanColors );
if ( stimPlanColors.size() == 1 )
if ( m_project->isProjectFileVersionEqualOrOlderThan( "2018.1.1.110" ) )
auto* geoView = dynamic_cast<RimGeoMechView*>( riv );
if ( geoView )
this->setActiveReservoirView( riv );
RimGridView* rigv = dynamic_cast<RimGridView*>( riv );
if ( rigv ) rigv->cellFilterCollection()->updateIconState();
if ( m_project->viewLinkerCollection() && m_project->viewLinkerCollection()->viewLinker() )
// Intersection Views: Sync from intersections in the case.
for ( RimCase* cas : casesToLoad )
cas->intersectionViewCollection()->syncFromExistingIntersections( false );
// Init summary case groups
for ( RimOilField* oilField : m_project->oilFields )
auto sumMainCollection = oilField->summaryCaseMainCollection();
if ( !sumMainCollection ) continue;
for ( auto sumCaseGroup : sumMainCollection->summaryCaseCollections() )
// Some procedures in onProjectOpened() may rely on the display model having been created
// So we need to force the completion of the display model here.
// NB! This function must be called before executing command objects,
// because the tree view state is restored from project file and sets
// current active view ( see restoreTreeViewState() )
// Default behavior for scripts is to use current active view for data read/write
// Loop over command objects and execute them
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_project->commandObjects.size(); i++ )
m_commandQueue.push_back( m_project->commandObjects[i] );
// Lock the command queue
// Execute command objects, and release the mutex when the queue is empty
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Completed open of project file : '%1'" ).arg( projectFileName ) );
return true;
bool RiaApplication::loadProject( const QString& projectFileName )
return loadProject( projectFileName, ProjectLoadAction::PLA_NONE, nullptr );
bool RiaApplication::saveProject( gsl::not_null<QString*> errorMessage )
CAF_ASSERT( m_project );
if ( !isProjectSavedToDisc() )
*errorMessage = "Project hasn't already been saved and no file name has been provided";
return false;
return saveProjectAs( m_project->fileName(), errorMessage );
bool RiaApplication::saveProjectAs( const QString& fileName, gsl::not_null<QString*> errorMessage )
CAF_ASSERT( m_project );
// Make sure we always store path with forward slash to avoid issues when opening the project file on Linux
m_project->fileName = RiaFilePathTools::toInternalSeparator( fileName );
if ( !m_project->writeProjectFile() )
*errorMessage = QString( "Not possible to save project file. Make sure you have sufficient access "
"rights.\n\nProject file location : %1" )
.arg( fileName );
return false;
m_preferences->lastUsedProjectFileName = fileName;
return true;
bool RiaApplication::hasValidProjectFileExtension( const QString& fileName )
if ( fileName.contains( ".rsp", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || fileName.contains( ".rip", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
return true;
return false;
void RiaApplication::closeProject()
QString RiaApplication::lastUsedDialogDirectory( const QString& dialogName )
QString lastUsedDirectory = m_startupDefaultDirectory;
auto it = m_fileDialogDefaultDirectories.find( dialogName );
if ( it != m_fileDialogDefaultDirectories.end() )
lastUsedDirectory = it->second;
return lastUsedDirectory;
QString RiaApplication::lastUsedDialogDirectoryWithFallback( const QString& dialogName, const QString& fallbackDirectory )
QString lastUsedDirectory = m_startupDefaultDirectory;
if ( !fallbackDirectory.isEmpty() )
lastUsedDirectory = fallbackDirectory;
auto it = m_fileDialogDefaultDirectories.find( dialogName );
if ( it != m_fileDialogDefaultDirectories.end() )
lastUsedDirectory = it->second;
return lastUsedDirectory;
QString RiaApplication::lastUsedDialogDirectoryWithFallbackToProjectFolder( const QString& dialogName )
return lastUsedDialogDirectoryWithFallback( dialogName, currentProjectPath() );
void RiaApplication::setLastUsedDialogDirectory( const QString& dialogName, const QString& directory )
m_fileDialogDefaultDirectories[dialogName] = directory;
bool RiaApplication::openOdbCaseFromFile( const QString& fileName, bool applyTimeStepFilter )
if ( !caf::Utils::fileExists( fileName ) ) return false;
QFileInfo gridFileName( fileName );
QString caseName = gridFileName.completeBaseName();
if ( !m_project->activeOilField() ) return false;
// Create the geoMech model container if it is not there already
if ( !m_project->activeOilField()->geoMechModels )
m_project->activeOilField()->geoMechModels = std::make_unique<RimGeoMechModels>();
gsl::not_null<RimGeoMechModels*> geoMechModelCollection = m_project->activeOilField()->geoMechModels();
// Check if the file is already open, the odb reader does not support opening the same file twice very well
for ( auto gmcase : geoMechModelCollection->cases() )
if ( gmcase->gridFileName() == fileName )
RiaLogging::warning( "File has already been opened. Cannot open the file twice! - " + fileName );
return false;
auto geoMechCase = std::make_unique<RimGeoMechCase>();
geoMechCase->setGridFileName( fileName );
geoMechCase->caseUserDescription = caseName;
geoMechCase->setApplyTimeFilter( applyTimeStepFilter );
m_project->assignCaseIdToCase( geoMechCase.get() );
RimGeoMechView* riv = geoMechCase->createAndAddReservoirView();
caf::ProgressInfo progress( 11, "Loading Case" );
progress.setNextProgressIncrement( 10 );
if ( !riv->geoMechCase() )
return false;
geoMechModelCollection->addCase( geoMechCase.release() );
progress.setProgressDescription( "Loading results information" );
Riu3DMainWindowTools::setExpanded( riv );
return true;
/// Add a list of well path file paths (JSON files) to the well path collection
std::vector<RimWellPath*> RiaApplication::addWellPathsToModel( QList<QString> wellPathFilePaths,
bool importGrouped,
gsl::not_null<QStringList*> errorMessages )
if ( m_project == nullptr || m_project->oilFields.size() < 1 ) return {};
RimOilField* oilField = m_project->activeOilField();
if ( oilField == nullptr ) return {};
if ( oilField->wellPathCollection == nullptr )
// printf("Create well path collection.\n");
oilField->wellPathCollection = std::make_unique<RimWellPathCollection>();
std::vector<RimWellPath*> wellPaths;
if ( oilField->wellPathCollection )
wellPaths = oilField->wellPathCollection->addWellPaths( wellPathFilePaths, importGrouped, errorMessages );
return wellPaths;
void RiaApplication::addWellPathFormationsToModel( QList<QString> wellPathFormationsFilePaths )
if ( m_project == nullptr || m_project->oilFields.size() < 1 ) return;
RimOilField* oilField = m_project->activeOilField();
if ( oilField == nullptr ) return;
if ( oilField->wellPathCollection == nullptr )
oilField->wellPathCollection = std::make_unique<RimWellPathCollection>();
if ( oilField->wellPathCollection )
oilField->wellPathCollection->addWellPathFormations( wellPathFormationsFilePaths );
/// Add a list of well log file paths (LAS files) to the well path collection
std::vector<RimWellLogFile*> RiaApplication::addWellLogsToModel( const QList<QString>& wellLogFilePaths,
gsl::not_null<QStringList*> errorMessages )
if ( m_project == nullptr || m_project->oilFields.size() < 1 ) return {};
RimOilField* oilField = m_project->activeOilField();
if ( oilField == nullptr ) return {};
if ( !oilField->wellPathCollection )
oilField->wellPathCollection = std::make_unique<RimWellPathCollection>();
std::vector<RimWellLogFile*> wellLogFiles =
oilField->wellPathCollection->addWellLogs( wellLogFilePaths, errorMessages );
return wellLogFiles;
QString RiaApplication::scriptDirectories() const
return m_preferences->scriptDirectories();
QString RiaApplication::scriptEditorPath() const
return m_preferences->scriptEditorExecutable();
QString RiaApplication::octavePath() const
return m_preferences->octaveExecutable();
QStringList RiaApplication::octaveArguments() const
// -p path
// Add path to the head of the search path for function files. The value of path specified on the command line
// will override any value of OCTAVE_PATH found in the environment, but not any commands in the system or
// user startup files that set the internal load path through one of the path functions.
QStringList arguments;
arguments.append( "--path" );
arguments << QApplication::applicationDirPath();
if ( !m_preferences->octaveShowHeaderInfoWhenExecutingScripts )
// -q
// Don't print the usual greeting and version message at startup.
arguments.append( "-q" );
return arguments;
QProcessEnvironment RiaApplication::octaveProcessEnvironment() const
QProcessEnvironment penv = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment();
#ifdef WIN32
// Octave plugins compiled by ResInsight are dependent on Qt (currently Qt 32-bit only)
// Some Octave installations for Windows have included Qt, and some don't. To make sure these plugins always can be
// executed, the path to octave_plugin_dependencies is added to global path
QString pathString = penv.value( "PATH", "" );
if ( pathString == "" )
pathString = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "\\octave_plugin_dependencies";
pathString = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "\\octave_plugin_dependencies" + ";" + pathString;
penv.insert( "PATH", pathString );
// Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to make the octave plugins find the embedded Qt
QString ldPath = penv.value( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "" );
if ( ldPath == "" )
ldPath = QApplication::applicationDirPath();
ldPath = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + ":" + ldPath;
penv.insert( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", ldPath );
return penv;
QString RiaApplication::pythonPath() const
return m_preferences->pythonExecutable();
QProcessEnvironment RiaApplication::pythonProcessEnvironment() const
return QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment();
bool RiaApplication::launchProcess( const QString& program,
const QStringList& arguments,
const QProcessEnvironment& processEnvironment )
if ( m_workerProcess == nullptr )
// If multiple cases are present, pop the first case ID from the list and set as current case
if ( !m_scriptCaseIds.empty() )
int nextCaseId = m_scriptCaseIds.front();
m_currentScriptCaseId = nextCaseId;
// Disable current case concept
m_currentScriptCaseId = -1;
m_runningWorkerProcess = true;
m_workerProcess = std::make_unique<caf::UiProcess>( QCoreApplication::instance() );
m_workerProcess->setProcessEnvironment( processEnvironment );
QCoreApplication::instance()->connect( m_workerProcess.get(),
SIGNAL( finished( int, QProcess::ExitStatus ) ),
SLOT( slotWorkerProcessFinished( int, QProcess::ExitStatus ) ) );
startMonitoringWorkProgress( m_workerProcess.get() );
m_workerProcess->start( program, arguments );
// The wait time is a compromise between large wait time when processing many octave runs after each other and
// short wait time when starting octave processes interactively
int waitTimeMilliseconds = 7 * 1000;
if ( !m_workerProcess->waitForStarted( waitTimeMilliseconds ) )
m_workerProcess = nullptr;
m_runningWorkerProcess = false;
return false;
return true;
return false;
bool RiaApplication::launchProcessForMultipleCases( const QString& program,
const QStringList& arguments,
const std::vector<int>& caseIds,
const QProcessEnvironment& processEnvironment )
std::copy( caseIds.begin(), caseIds.end(), std::back_inserter( m_scriptCaseIds ) );
m_currentProgram = program;
m_currentArguments = arguments;
return launchProcess( m_currentProgram, m_currentArguments, processEnvironment );
void RiaApplication::terminateProcess()
if ( m_workerProcess )
m_runningWorkerProcess = false;
m_workerProcess = nullptr;
void RiaApplication::waitForProcess() const
while ( m_runningWorkerProcess )
#ifdef WIN32
Sleep( 100 );
usleep( 100000 );
RiaPreferences* RiaApplication::preferences()
return m_preferences.get();
void RiaApplication::applyPreferences()
// The creation of a font is time consuming, so make sure you really need your own font
// instead of using the application font
std::map<RiaDefines::FontSettingType, RiaFontCache::FontSize> fontSizes = m_preferences->defaultFontSizes();
m_defaultSceneFont = RiaFontCache::getFont( fontSizes[RiaDefines::FontSettingType::SCENE_FONT] );
m_defaultAnnotationFont = RiaFontCache::getFont( fontSizes[RiaDefines::FontSettingType::ANNOTATION_FONT] );
m_defaultWellLabelFont = RiaFontCache::getFont( fontSizes[RiaDefines::FontSettingType::WELL_LABEL_FONT] );
if ( this->project() )
this->project()->setScriptDirectories( m_preferences->scriptDirectories() );
this->project()->setPlotTemplateFolders( m_preferences->plotTemplateFolders() );
caf::ProgressInfoStatic::setEnabled( m_preferences->showProgressBar() );
QString RiaApplication::commandLineParameterHelp()
QString helpText =
QString( "\n%1 v. %2\n" ).arg( RI_APPLICATION_NAME ).arg( RiaApplication::getVersionStringApp( false ) );
helpText += "Copyright Equinor ASA, Ceetron Solution AS, Ceetron AS\n\n";
helpText += m_commandLineHelpText;
return helpText;
void RiaApplication::setCacheDataObject( const QString& key, const QVariant& dataObject )
m_sessionCache[key] = dataObject;
QVariant RiaApplication::cacheDataObject( const QString& key ) const
QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator it = m_sessionCache.find( key );
if ( it != m_sessionCache.end() )
return it.value();
return QVariant();
void RiaApplication::executeCommandFile( const QString& commandFile )
QFile file( commandFile );
caf::PdmScriptIOMessages messages;
if ( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
// TODO : Error logging?
QTextStream in( &file );
RicfCommandFileExecutor::instance()->executeCommands( in );
void RiaApplication::addCommandObject( RimCommandObject* commandObject )
m_commandQueue.push_back( commandObject );
void RiaApplication::executeCommandObjects()
auto currentCommandQueue = m_commandQueue;
for ( auto command : currentCommandQueue )
if ( !command->isAsyncronous() )
m_commandQueue.remove( command );
if ( !m_commandQueue.empty() )
auto it = m_commandQueue.begin();
if ( it->notNull() )
RimCommandObject* first = *it;
// Unlock the command queue lock when the command queue is empty
// Required to lock the mutex before unlocking to avoid undefined behavior
void RiaApplication::waitUntilCommandObjectsHasBeenProcessed()
// Wait until all command objects have completed
bool mutexLockedSuccessfully = m_commandQueueLock.tryLock();
while ( !mutexLockedSuccessfully )
mutexLockedSuccessfully = m_commandQueueLock.tryLock();
int RiaApplication::launchUnitTests()
caf::ProgressInfoBlocker progressBlocker;
cvf::Assert::setReportMode( cvf::Assert::CONSOLE );
int argc = QCoreApplication::arguments().size();
QStringList arguments = QCoreApplication::arguments();
std::vector<std::string> argumentsStd;
for ( QString qstring : arguments )
argumentsStd.push_back( qstring.toStdString() );
std::vector<char*> argVector;
for ( std::string& string : argumentsStd )
argVector.push_back( &string.front() );
char** argv =;
testing::InitGoogleTest( &argc, argv );
// Use the gtest filter to execute a subset of tests
QString filterText = RiaPreferences::current()->gtestFilter();
if ( !filterText.isEmpty() )
::testing::GTEST_FLAG( filter ) = filterText.toStdString();
// Example on filter syntax
//::testing::GTEST_FLAG( filter ) = "*RifCaseRealizationParametersReaderTest*";
// Use this macro in main() to run all tests. It returns 0 if all
// tests are successful, or 1 otherwise.
// RUN_ALL_TESTS() should be invoked after the command line has been
// parsed by InitGoogleTest().
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
return -1;
const QString RiaApplication::startDir() const
return m_startupDefaultDirectory;
void RiaApplication::setStartDir( const QString& startDir )
m_startupDefaultDirectory = startDir;
void RiaApplication::setCommandLineHelpText( const QString& commandLineHelpText )
m_commandLineHelpText = commandLineHelpText;
std::vector<QString> RiaApplication::readFileListFromTextFile( QString listFileName )
std::vector<QString> fileList;
QFile file( listFileName );
if ( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
return fileList;
QTextStream in( &file );
QString line = in.readLine();
while ( !line.isNull() )
line = line.trimmed();
if ( !line.isEmpty() )
fileList.push_back( line );
line = in.readLine();
return fileList;
cvf::Font* RiaApplication::defaultSceneFont()
CVF_ASSERT( m_defaultSceneFont.notNull() );
// The creation of a font is time consuming, so make sure you really need your own font
// instead of using the application font
return m_defaultSceneFont.p();
cvf::Font* RiaApplication::sceneFont( int fontSize )
if ( fontSize != caf::FontTools::absolutePointSize( m_preferences->defaultSceneFontSize() ) )
auto font = RiaFontCache::getFont( fontSize );
return font.p();
return defaultSceneFont();
cvf::Font* RiaApplication::defaultAnnotationFont()
CVF_ASSERT( m_defaultAnnotationFont.notNull() );
return m_defaultAnnotationFont.p();
cvf::Font* RiaApplication::defaultWellLabelFont()
CVF_ASSERT( m_defaultWellLabelFont.notNull() );
return m_defaultWellLabelFont.p();
void RiaApplication::initialize()
m_preferences = std::make_unique<RiaPreferences>();
caf::PdmSettings::readFieldsFromApplicationStore( m_preferences.get() );
// Start with a project
m_project = std::make_unique<RimProject>();
m_project->setScriptDirectories( m_preferences->scriptDirectories() );
m_project->setPlotTemplateFolders( m_preferences->plotTemplateFolders() );
int RiaApplication::launchUnitTestsWithConsole()
return launchUnitTests();
void RiaApplication::loadAndUpdatePlotData()
if ( m_project->mainPlotCollection() )
void RiaApplication::resetProject()
bool RiaApplication::generateCode( const QString& fileName, gsl::not_null<QString*> errMsg )
std::string fileExt = QFileInfo( fileName ).suffix().toStdString();
// TODO: Manually instantiate the markdown generator until cmake issues are fixed
// This will make sure the markdown generator is registered in the factory in the cafPdmScripting library
caf::PdmMarkdownGenerator testObj;
std::unique_ptr<caf::PdmCodeGenerator> generator( caf::PdmCodeGeneratorFactory::instance()->create( fileExt ) );
if ( !generator )
*errMsg = QString( "No code generator matches the provided file extension" );
return false;
auto markdownGenerator = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmMarkdownGenerator*>( generator.get() );
if ( markdownGenerator )
QFileInfo fi( fileName );
QDir dir( fi.absoluteDir() );
QString baseName = fi.baseName();
QString outputFileName = dir.absoluteFilePath( baseName + "" );
QFile outputFile( outputFileName );
if ( ! QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
*errMsg = QString( "Could not open file %1 for writing" ).arg( outputFileName );
return false;
QTextStream out( &outputFile );
out << "+++ \n";
out << "title = \"Python Classes (BETA)\" \n";
out << "published = true \n";
out << "weight = 95 \n";
out << "+++ \n";
out << "# Introduction\n\n";
out << "As the Python interface is growing release by release, we are investigating how to automate "
"the building of documentation. This document shows the inheritance relationship between "
"objects derived from **PdmObject**. The **PdmObject** is the base object for all "
"objects automatically created based on the data model in ResInsight.";
out << generator->generate( caf::PdmDefaultObjectFactory::instance() );
QString outputFileName = dir.absoluteFilePath( baseName + "" );
QFile outputFile( outputFileName );
if ( ! QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
*errMsg = QString( "Could not open file %1 for writing" ).arg( outputFileName );
return false;
QTextStream out( &outputFile );
out << "As the Python interface is growing release by release, we are investigating how to automate "
"the building of reference documentation. This document is not complete, "
"but will improve as the automation moves forward.\n\n";
out << "More details on the command file operations, see "
// out << "## Currently missing features\n\n";
// out << " - Description of enums\n";
// out << " - Description of return values/classes\n";
// out << " - Description of each object\n\n";
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const caf::PdmObject>> commandObjects;
QStringList excludedClassNames{ "TestCommand1", "TC2" }; // See RifCommandCore-Text.cpp
auto allObjects = caf::PdmMarkdownBuilder::createAllObjects( caf::PdmDefaultObjectFactory::instance() );
for ( const auto& classObject : allObjects )
if ( dynamic_cast<const RicfCommandObject*>( classObject.get() ) )
if ( !excludedClassNames.contains( classObject->classKeyword(), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
commandObjects.push_back( classObject );
out << caf::PdmMarkdownBuilder::generateDocCommandObjects( commandObjects );
QFile outputFile( fileName );
if ( ! QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
*errMsg = QString( "Could not open file %1 for writing" ).arg( fileName );
return false;
QTextStream out( &outputFile );
out << generator->generate( caf::PdmDefaultObjectFactory::instance() );
return true;