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// Copyright (C) 2021- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator.h"
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RiaInterpolationTools.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaStimPlanModelDefines.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigGridBase.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigStatisticsMath.h"
#include "RigWellPath.h"
#include "RigWellPathGeometryTools.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimModeledWellPath.h"
#include "RimPressureTable.h"
#include "RimPressureTableItem.h"
#include "RimStimPlanModel.h"
#include "RimStimPlanModelCalculator.h"
#include "RimStimPlanModelTemplate.h"
#include "RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator.h"
#include <limits>
RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator( RimStimPlanModelCalculator* stimPlanModelCalculator )
: RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator( stimPlanModelCalculator )
bool RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::isMatching( RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty ) const
std::vector<RiaDefines::CurveProperty> matching = {
return std::find( matching.begin(), matching.end(), curveProperty ) != matching.end();
size_t findFirstIndex( double depth, const std::vector<double>& depths )
if ( !depths.empty() )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < depths.size(); i++ )
if ( depths[i] > depth ) return i - 1;
// Not found
return depths.size();
size_t findLastIndex( double depth, const std::vector<double>& depths, size_t firstIndex )
if ( !depths.empty() )
for ( size_t i = firstIndex; i < depths.size(); i++ )
if ( depths[i] >= depth ) return i;
// Not found
return depths.size();
std::pair<size_t, size_t> findIndex( double depth, const std::vector<double>& depths )
size_t firstIndex = findFirstIndex( depth, depths );
size_t lastIndex = findLastIndex( depth, depths, firstIndex );
return std::make_pair( firstIndex, lastIndex );
bool RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::extractValuesForProperty( RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty,
const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
int timeStep,
std::vector<double>& values,
std::vector<double>& measuredDepthValues,
std::vector<double>& tvDepthValues,
double& rkbDiff ) const
// Get depth from the static eclipse case
std::vector<double> targetTvds;
std::vector<double> targetMds;
std::vector<double> faciesValues;
if ( !RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::extractValuesForProperty( RiaDefines::CurveProperty::FACIES,
rkbDiff ) )
return false;
RiaDefines::CurveProperty pressureCurveProperty = curveProperty;
if ( curveProperty == RiaDefines::CurveProperty::PRESSURE_GRADIENT )
// Use initial pressure for pressure diff
pressureCurveProperty = RiaDefines::CurveProperty::INITIAL_PRESSURE;
if ( stimPlanModel->stimPlanModelTemplate()->usePressureTableForProperty( pressureCurveProperty ) )
if ( !extractPressureDataFromTable( pressureCurveProperty, stimPlanModel, values, measuredDepthValues, tvDepthValues ) )
RiaLogging::error( "Unable to extract pressure data from table" );
return false;
// Extract the property we care about
RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::extractValuesForProperty( pressureCurveProperty,
rkbDiff );
if ( targetTvds.size() != tvDepthValues.size() )
auto [tvds, mds, results] = interpolateMissingValues( targetTvds, targetMds, measuredDepthValues, values );
tvDepthValues = tvds;
measuredDepthValues = mds;
values = results;
if ( curveProperty == RiaDefines::CurveProperty::INITIAL_PRESSURE )
bool hasMissingValues = std::find( values.begin(), values.end(), std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() ) !=
if ( hasMissingValues )
if ( !interpolateInitialPressureByEquilibrationRegion( curveProperty,
values ) )
RiaLogging::error( "Pressure interpolation by equilibration region failed." );
else if ( curveProperty == RiaDefines::CurveProperty::PRESSURE_GRADIENT )
std::vector<double> initialPressureValues = values;
if ( !interpolatePressureDifferenceByEquilibrationRegion( curveProperty,
values ) )
RiaLogging::error( "Pressure interpolation by equilibration region failed." );
else if ( curveProperty == RiaDefines::CurveProperty::PRESSURE )
if ( !handleFaciesWithInitialPressure( stimPlanModel, timeStep, faciesValues, values ) )
return false;
return true;
std::tuple<std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>>
RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::interpolateMissingValues( const std::vector<double>& targetTvds,
const std::vector<double>& targetMds,
const std::vector<double>& sourceMds,
const std::vector<double>& sourceValues )
// Populate output with values interpolated from the source values/depth at the
// depths specified by the target depths
std::vector<double> tvds;
std::vector<double> mds;
std::vector<double> interpolatedValues;
double prevEndIndex = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < targetTvds.size(); i++ )
double tvd = targetTvds[i];
double md = targetMds[i];
double value = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
// Find value before and after this depth in the source data
auto [startIndex, endIndex] = findIndex( md, sourceMds );
if ( startIndex < sourceValues.size() && endIndex < sourceValues.size() )
double prevValue = sourceValues[startIndex];
double nextValue = sourceValues[endIndex];
if ( startIndex == endIndex )
const double delta = 0.001;
double prevMd = targetMds[i - 1];
double diffMd = std::fabs( prevMd - md );
if ( startIndex > prevEndIndex && diffMd > delta )
// Avoid skipping datapoints in the original data:
// this can happen when multiple point have same measured depth.
// Need to get the "stair step" look of the pressure data after interpolation.
value = sourceValues[prevEndIndex];
// Exact match: not need to interpolate
value = prevValue;
else if ( !std::isinf( prevValue ) && !std::isinf( nextValue ) )
// Interpolate a value for the given md
std::vector<double> xs = { sourceMds[startIndex], md, sourceMds[endIndex] };
std::vector<double> ys = { prevValue, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), sourceValues[endIndex] };
RiaInterpolationTools::interpolateMissingValues( xs, ys );
value = ys[1];
prevEndIndex = endIndex;
// The last point is added without interpolation
value = sourceValues.back();
interpolatedValues.push_back( value );
tvds.push_back( tvd );
mds.push_back( md );
return std::make_tuple( tvds, mds, interpolatedValues );
bool RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::extractPressureDataFromTable( RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty,
const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
std::vector<double>& values,
std::vector<double>& measuredDepthValues,
std::vector<double>& tvDepthValues ) const
RimStimPlanModelTemplate* stimPlanModelTemplate = stimPlanModel->stimPlanModelTemplate();
if ( !stimPlanModelTemplate ) return false;
RimPressureTable* pressureTable = stimPlanModelTemplate->pressureTable();
if ( !pressureTable ) return false;
std::vector<RimPressureTableItem*> items = pressureTable->items();
if ( items.empty() ) return false;
if ( !stimPlanModel->thicknessDirectionWellPath() )
return false;
RigWellPath* wellPathGeometry = stimPlanModel->thicknessDirectionWellPath()->wellPathGeometry();
if ( !wellPathGeometry )
RiaLogging::error( "No well path geometry found for pressure data table." );
return false;
// Convert table data into a "fake" well log extraction
for ( RimPressureTableItem* item : items )
if ( curveProperty == RiaDefines::CurveProperty::INITIAL_PRESSURE )
values.push_back( item->initialPressure() );
values.push_back( item->pressure() );
tvDepthValues.push_back( item->depth() );
// Interpolate MDs from the tvd data from the table and well path geometry
const std::vector<double>& mdValuesOfWellPath = wellPathGeometry->measuredDepths();
const std::vector<double>& tvdValuesOfWellPath = wellPathGeometry->trueVerticalDepths();
measuredDepthValues =
RigWellPathGeometryTools::interpolateMdFromTvd( mdValuesOfWellPath, tvdValuesOfWellPath, tvDepthValues );
CVF_ASSERT( measuredDepthValues.size() == tvDepthValues.size() );
return true;
std::set<int> RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::findUniqueValues( const std::vector<double>& values )
std::set<int> res;
for ( double v : values )
if ( !std::isinf( v ) )
res.insert( static_cast<int>( v ) );
return res;
void RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::sortAndRemoveDuplicates( DepthValuePairVector& depthValuePairs )
std::sort( depthValuePairs.begin(), depthValuePairs.end() );
depthValuePairs.erase( unique( depthValuePairs.begin(), depthValuePairs.end() ), depthValuePairs.end() );
void RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::binByDepthAndAverage( DepthValuePairVector& depthValuePairs )
if ( depthValuePairs.size() < 2 ) return;
double minDepth = std::floor( depthValuePairs.front().first );
double maxDepth = std::ceil( depthValuePairs.back().first );
RiaLogging::debug( QString( "Binning: min depth=%1 max depth=%2. Vec size=%3." )
.arg( minDepth )
.arg( maxDepth )
.arg( depthValuePairs.size() ) );
double binSize = 1.0;
double diff = maxDepth - minDepth;
int nBins = diff / binSize;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> histogramBins;
histogramBins.resize( nBins );
for ( auto [depth, value] : depthValuePairs )
int bin = static_cast<int>( std::floor( ( depth - minDepth ) / binSize ) );
histogramBins[bin].push_back( value );
DepthValuePairVector newDepthValuePairs;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < histogramBins.size(); i++ )
double startDepth = minDepth + i * binSize;
double endDepth = minDepth + ( i + 1 ) * binSize;
double min;
double max;
double sum;
double range;
double mean;
double dev;
RigStatisticsMath::calculateBasicStatistics( histogramBins[i], &min, &max, &sum, &range, &mean, &dev );
RiaLogging::debug( QString( "Bin[%1]. TVD: [%2 - %3]. Samples: %4. Pressure: [%5 - %6]. Mean: %7 Dev: %8" )
.arg( i )
.arg( startDepth )
.arg( endDepth )
.arg( histogramBins[i].size() )
.arg( min )
.arg( max )
.arg( mean )
.arg( dev ) );
if ( !std::isinf( mean ) )
double binCenterDepth = startDepth + binSize / 2.0;
newDepthValuePairs.push_back( std::make_pair( binCenterDepth, mean ) );
depthValuePairs = newDepthValuePairs;
bool RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::buildPressureTablesPerEqlNum( const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
EqlNumToDepthValuePairMap& valuesPerEqlNum,
const std::set<int>& presentEqlNums )
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = stimPlanModel->eclipseCaseForProperty( RiaDefines::CurveProperty::EQLNUM );
// TODO: too naive??
int gridIndex = 0;
const RigGridBase* grid = eclipseCase->mainGrid()->gridByIndex( gridIndex );
RigEclipseCaseData* caseData = eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData();
RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL;
const std::vector<double>& eqlNumValues =
RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::loadResults( caseData,
const std::vector<double>& pressureValues =
RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::loadResults( caseData,
if ( eqlNumValues.size() != pressureValues.size() )
RiaLogging::error( "Unexpected result size for EQLNUM and PRESSURE found for pressure calculation." );
return false;
auto activeCellInfo = caseData->activeCellInfo( porosityModel );
size_t cellCount = activeCellInfo->reservoirActiveCellCount();
if ( cellCount != pressureValues.size() )
RiaLogging::error( "Unexpected number of active cells in pressure calculation." );
return false;
for ( size_t cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < cellCount; cellIndex++ )
size_t resultIdx = activeCellInfo->cellResultIndex( cellIndex );
int eqlNum = static_cast<int>( eqlNumValues[resultIdx] );
double pressure = pressureValues[resultIdx];
if ( presentEqlNums.count( eqlNum ) > 0 && !std::isinf( pressure ) )
cvf::Vec3d center = grid->cell( cellIndex ).center();
valuesPerEqlNum[eqlNum].push_back( std::make_pair( -center.z(), pressure ) );
// Sort and remove duplicates for each depth/value dataset
for ( int eqlNum : presentEqlNums )
sortAndRemoveDuplicates( valuesPerEqlNum[eqlNum] );
for ( int eqlNum : presentEqlNums )
binByDepthAndAverage( valuesPerEqlNum[eqlNum] );
return true;
double RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::interpolatePressure( const DepthValuePairVector& depthValuePairs,
double depth,
int eqlNum )
std::vector<double> depths;
for ( auto dvp : depthValuePairs )
depths.push_back( dvp.first );
// Find value before and after this depth in the static data
auto [startIndex, endIndex] = findIndex( depth, depths );
auto [startDepth, startValue] = depthValuePairs[startIndex];
auto [endDepth, endValue] = depthValuePairs[endIndex];
// Interpolate a value for the given tvd
std::vector<double> xs = { startDepth, depth, endDepth };
std::vector<double> ys = { startValue, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), endValue };
RiaInterpolationTools::interpolateMissingValues( xs, ys );
double value = ys[1];
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Interpolating initial pressure from %1 depth/value pairs (EQLNUM: %2, TVD: %3)."
" Above: TVD: %4, P: %5. Below: TVD: %6, P: %7. Pressure: %8" )
.arg( depthValuePairs.size() )
.arg( eqlNum )
.arg( depth )
.arg( startDepth )
.arg( startValue )
.arg( endDepth )
.arg( endValue )
.arg( value ) );
return value;
bool RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::interpolateInitialPressureByEquilibrationRegion(
RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty,
const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
int timeStep,
const std::vector<double>& measuredDepthValues,
const std::vector<double>& tvDepthValues,
std::vector<double>& values ) const
std::vector<double> eqlNumValues;
std::vector<double> eqlNumMeasuredDepthsValues;
std::vector<double> eqlNumTvDepthValues;
double rkbDiff = -1.0;
if ( !stimPlanModel->calculator()->extractCurveData( RiaDefines::CurveProperty::EQLNUM,
rkbDiff ) )
RiaLogging::error( "Failed to extract EQLNUM data in pressure calculation" );
return false;
std::set<int> presentEqlNums = findUniqueValues( eqlNumValues );
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Found %1 EQLNUM values." ).arg( presentEqlNums.size() ) );
EqlNumToDepthValuePairMap valuesPerEqlNum;
if ( !buildPressureTablesPerEqlNum( stimPlanModel, valuesPerEqlNum, presentEqlNums ) )
RiaLogging::error( "Failed to build EQLNUM pressure data in pressure calculation" );
return false;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++ )
if ( std::isinf( values[i] ) )
int eqlNum = static_cast<int>( eqlNumValues[i] );
DepthValuePairVector depthValuePairs = valuesPerEqlNum[eqlNum];
if ( !depthValuePairs.empty() )
double depth = tvDepthValues[i];
double value = interpolatePressure( depthValuePairs, depth, eqlNum );
values[i] = value;
return true;
bool RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::interpolatePressureDifferenceByEquilibrationRegion(
RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty,
const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
int timeStep,
const std::vector<double>& measuredDepthValues,
const std::vector<double>& tvDepthValues,
const std::vector<double>& initialPressureValues,
std::vector<double>& values ) const
std::vector<double> eqlNumValues;
std::vector<double> eqlNumMeasuredDepthsValues;
std::vector<double> eqlNumTvDepthValues;
double rkbDiff = -1.0;
if ( !stimPlanModel->calculator()->extractCurveData( RiaDefines::CurveProperty::EQLNUM,
rkbDiff ) )
RiaLogging::error( "Failed to extract EQLNUM data in pressure calculation" );
return false;
std::set<int> presentEqlNums = findUniqueValues( eqlNumValues );
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Found %1 EQLNUM values." ).arg( presentEqlNums.size() ) );
EqlNumToDepthValuePairMap valuesPerEqlNum;
if ( !buildPressureTablesPerEqlNum( stimPlanModel, valuesPerEqlNum, presentEqlNums ) )
RiaLogging::error( "Failed to build EQLNUM pressure data in pressure calculation" );
return false;
values.resize( initialPressureValues.size(), std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++ )
if ( std::isinf( initialPressureValues[i] ) )
int eqlNum = static_cast<int>( eqlNumValues[i] );
DepthValuePairVector depthValuePairs = valuesPerEqlNum[eqlNum];
if ( !depthValuePairs.empty() )
double offset = pressureDifferenceInterpolationOffset();
double depth = tvDepthValues[i];
double p1 = interpolatePressure( depthValuePairs, depth - offset, eqlNum );
double p2 = interpolatePressure( depthValuePairs, depth + offset, eqlNum );
values[i] = p2 - p1;
RiaLogging::debug( QString( "INTERPOLATING PRESSURE DIFF: %1 %2 = %3" ).arg( p1 ).arg( p2 ).arg( p2 - p1 ) );
return true;
double RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::pressureDifferenceInterpolationOffset()
// Unit: meter
return 1.0;
bool RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::handleFaciesWithInitialPressure( const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
int timeStep,
const std::vector<double>& faciesValues,
std::vector<double>& values ) const
// Filter out the facies which does not have pressure depletion.
std::map<int, double> faciesWithInitialPressure = stimPlanModel->stimPlanModelTemplate()->faciesWithInitialPressure();
if ( !faciesWithInitialPressure.empty() )
std::vector<double> initialPressureValues;
std::vector<double> initialPressureMeasuredDepthValues;
std::vector<double> initialPressureTvDepthValues;
double rkbDiff;
if ( !extractValuesForProperty( RiaDefines::CurveProperty::INITIAL_PRESSURE,
rkbDiff ) )
return false;
CAF_ASSERT( faciesValues.size() == initialPressureValues.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < faciesValues.size(); i++ )
// Use the values from initial pressure curve
int faciesValue = static_cast<int>( faciesValues[i] );
double currentPressure = values[i];
double initialPressure = initialPressureValues[i];
auto faciesConfig = faciesWithInitialPressure.find( faciesValue );
if ( faciesConfig != faciesWithInitialPressure.end() && !std::isinf( currentPressure ) &&
!std::isinf( initialPressure ) )
double fraction = faciesConfig->second;
double value = initialPressure - ( initialPressure - currentPressure ) * fraction;
values[i] = value;
return true;