2019-10-03 15:45:20 +02:00

377 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2015- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2015- Ceetron Solutions AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RiuWellLogTrack.h"
#include "RiaApplication.h"
#include "RimWellLogCurve.h"
#include "RimWellLogPlot.h"
#include "RimWellLogTrack.h"
#include "RiuPlotMainWindowTools.h"
#include "RiuQwtCurvePointTracker.h"
#include "RiuQwtPlotTools.h"
#include "RiuQwtLinearScaleEngine.h"
#include "qwt_legend.h"
#include "qwt_plot_curve.h"
#include "qwt_plot_grid.h"
#include "qwt_plot_layout.h"
#include "qwt_plot_marker.h"
#include "qwt_plot_picker.h"
#include "qwt_scale_draw.h"
#include "qwt_symbol.h"
#include "qwt_text.h"
#include <QFont>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QScrollArea>
#include <QWheelEvent>
#include <cfloat>
RiuWellLogTrack::RiuWellLogTrack( RimWellLogTrack* plotTrackDefinition, QWidget* parent )
: QwtPlot( parent )
Q_ASSERT( plotTrackDefinition );
m_plotTrackDefinition = plotTrackDefinition;
RiuWellLogTrack::~RiuWellLogTrack() {}
void RiuWellLogTrack::setDefaults()
RiuQwtPlotTools::setCommonPlotBehaviour( this );
enableAxis( QwtPlot::xTop, true );
enableAxis( QwtPlot::yLeft, true );
enableAxis( QwtPlot::xBottom, false );
enableAxis( QwtPlot::yRight, false );
axisScaleEngine( QwtPlot::yLeft )->setAttribute( QwtScaleEngine::Inverted, true );
// Align the canvas with the actual min and max values of the curves
axisScaleEngine( QwtPlot::xTop )->setAttribute( QwtScaleEngine::Floating, true );
axisScaleEngine( QwtPlot::yLeft )->setAttribute( QwtScaleEngine::Floating, true );
setAxisScale( QwtPlot::yLeft, 1000, 0 );
setXRange( 0, 100 );
QFont font = axisFont( QwtPlot::xTop );
int lineHeight = QFontMetrics( font ).height() + axisScaleDraw( QwtPlot::xTop )->tickLength( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick );
axisScaleDraw( QwtPlot::xTop )->setMinimumExtent( lineHeight );
void RiuWellLogTrack::setDepthZoom( double minDepth, double maxDepth )
// Note: Y-axis is inverted
setAxisScale( QwtPlot::yLeft, maxDepth, minDepth );
void RiuWellLogTrack::setXRange( double min, double max, QwtPlot::Axis axis )
setAxisScale( axis, min, max );
void RiuWellLogTrack::setDepthTitle( const QString& title )
QwtText axisTitleY = axisTitle( QwtPlot::yLeft );
if ( title != axisTitleY.text() )
axisTitleY.setText( title );
setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::yLeft, axisTitleY );
void RiuWellLogTrack::setXTitle( const QString& title )
QwtText axisTitleX = axisTitle( QwtPlot::xTop );
if ( title != axisTitleX.text() )
axisTitleX.setText( title );
setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::xTop, axisTitleX );
bool RiuWellLogTrack::eventFilter( QObject* watched, QEvent* event )
if ( watched == canvas() )
QWheelEvent* wheelEvent = dynamic_cast<QWheelEvent*>( event );
if ( wheelEvent )
if ( !m_plotTrackDefinition )
return QwtPlot::eventFilter( watched, event );
RimWellLogPlot* plotDefinition;
m_plotTrackDefinition->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( plotDefinition );
if ( !plotDefinition )
return QwtPlot::eventFilter( watched, event );
if ( wheelEvent->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier )
QwtScaleMap scaleMap = canvasMap( QwtPlot::yLeft );
double zoomCenter = scaleMap.invTransform( wheelEvent->pos().y() );
if ( wheelEvent->delta() > 0 )
plotDefinition->setDepthZoomByFactorAndCenter( RIU_SCROLLWHEEL_ZOOMFACTOR, zoomCenter );
plotDefinition->setDepthZoomByFactorAndCenter( 1.0 / RIU_SCROLLWHEEL_ZOOMFACTOR, zoomCenter );
plotDefinition->panDepth( wheelEvent->delta() < 0 ? RIU_SCROLLWHEEL_PANFACTOR
return true;
QMouseEvent* mouseEvent = dynamic_cast<QMouseEvent*>( event );
if ( mouseEvent )
if ( mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton && mouseEvent->type() == QMouseEvent::MouseButtonRelease )
selectClosestCurve( mouseEvent->pos() );
return QwtPlot::eventFilter( watched, event );
void RiuWellLogTrack::selectClosestCurve( const QPoint& pos )
QwtPlotCurve* closestCurve = nullptr;
double distMin = DBL_MAX;
const QwtPlotItemList& itmList = itemList();
for ( QwtPlotItemIterator it = itmList.begin(); it != itmList.end(); it++ )
if ( ( *it )->rtti() == QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotCurve )
QwtPlotCurve* candidateCurve = static_cast<QwtPlotCurve*>( *it );
double dist = DBL_MAX;
candidateCurve->closestPoint( pos, &dist );
if ( dist < distMin )
closestCurve = candidateCurve;
distMin = dist;
if ( closestCurve && distMin < 20 )
RimWellLogCurve* selectedCurve = m_plotTrackDefinition->curveDefinitionFromCurve( closestCurve );
if ( selectedCurve )
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( selectedCurve );
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( m_plotTrackDefinition );
QSize RiuWellLogTrack::sizeHint() const
return QSize( 0, 0 );
QSize RiuWellLogTrack::minimumSizeHint() const
return QSize( 0, 0 );
bool RiuWellLogTrack::isRimTrackVisible()
if ( m_plotTrackDefinition )
return m_plotTrackDefinition->isVisible();
return false;
void RiuWellLogTrack::enableDepthAxisLabelsAndTicks( bool enable )
this->axisScaleDraw( QwtPlot::yLeft )->enableComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Ticks, enable );
this->axisScaleDraw( QwtPlot::yLeft )->enableComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels, enable );
int RiuWellLogTrack::widthScaleFactor() const
if ( m_plotTrackDefinition )
return m_plotTrackDefinition->widthScaleFactor();
return 1;
void RiuWellLogTrack::enableXGridLines( bool majorGridLines, bool minorGridLines )
QwtPlotItemList plotItems = this->itemList( QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotGrid );
for ( QwtPlotItem* plotItem : plotItems )
QwtPlotGrid* grid = static_cast<QwtPlotGrid*>( plotItem );
grid->setXAxis( QwtPlot::xTop );
grid->enableX( majorGridLines );
grid->enableXMin( minorGridLines );
grid->setMajorPen( Qt::lightGray, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine );
grid->setMinorPen( Qt::lightGray, 1.0, Qt::DashLine );
void RiuWellLogTrack::enableDepthGridLines( bool majorGridLines, bool minorGridLines )
QwtPlotItemList plotItems = this->itemList( QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotGrid );
for ( QwtPlotItem* plotItem : plotItems )
QwtPlotGrid* grid = static_cast<QwtPlotGrid*>( plotItem );
grid->setYAxis( QwtPlot::yLeft );
grid->enableY( majorGridLines );
grid->enableYMin( minorGridLines );
grid->setMajorPen( Qt::lightGray, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine );
grid->setMinorPen( Qt::lightGray, 1.0, Qt::DashLine );
void RiuWellLogTrack::setMajorAndMinorTickIntervals( double majorTickInterval, double minorTickInterval )
RiuQwtLinearScaleEngine* scaleEngine = dynamic_cast<RiuQwtLinearScaleEngine*>(
this->axisScaleEngine( QwtPlot::xTop ) );
if ( scaleEngine )
QwtInterval currentRange = this->axisInterval( QwtPlot::xTop );
QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv = scaleEngine->divideScaleWithExplicitIntervals( currentRange.minValue(),
minorTickInterval );
this->setAxisScaleDiv( QwtPlot::xTop, scaleDiv );
void RiuWellLogTrack::setAutoTickIntervalCounts( int maxMajorTickIntervalCount, int maxMinorTickIntervalCount )
this->setAxisMaxMajor( QwtPlot::xTop, maxMajorTickIntervalCount );
this->setAxisMaxMinor( QwtPlot::xTop, maxMinorTickIntervalCount );
// Reapply axis limits to force Qwt to use the tick settings.
QwtInterval currentRange = this->axisInterval( QwtPlot::xTop );
this->setXRange( currentRange.minValue(), currentRange.maxValue() );
double RiuWellLogTrack::getCurrentMajorTickInterval() const
QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv = this->axisScaleDiv( QwtPlot::xTop );
QList<double> majorTicks = scaleDiv.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick );
if ( majorTicks.size() < 2 ) return 0.0;
return 1 ) - 0 );
double RiuWellLogTrack::getCurrentMinorTickInterval() const
QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv = this->axisScaleDiv( QwtPlot::xTop );
QList<double> minorTicks = scaleDiv.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MinorTick );
if ( minorTicks.size() < 2 ) return 0.0;
return 1 ) - 0 );