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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
Update result to generate well paths based on information from model generator. Store settings in JSON file. Add method to access local coordinate system definition
373 lines
15 KiB
373 lines
15 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2011- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2013- Ceetron Solutions AS
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RifWellPathImporter.h"
#include "RifJsonEncodeDecode.h"
#include "cafUtils.h"
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
RifWellPathImporter::WellData RifWellPathImporter::readWellData( const QString& filePath, size_t indexInFile )
CVF_ASSERT( caf::Utils::fileExists( filePath ) );
if ( isJsonFile( filePath ) )
return readJsonWellData( filePath );
return readAsciiWellData( filePath, indexInFile );
RifWellPathImporter::WellData RifWellPathImporter::readWellData( const QString& filePath )
return readWellData( filePath, ASCII_FILE_DEFAULT_START_INDEX );
RifWellPathImporter::WellMetaData RifWellPathImporter::readWellMetaData( const QString& filePath, size_t indexInFile )
CVF_ASSERT( caf::Utils::fileExists( filePath ) );
if ( isJsonFile( filePath ) )
return readJsonWellMetaData( filePath );
return readAsciiWellMetaData( filePath, indexInFile );
RifWellPathImporter::WellMetaData RifWellPathImporter::readWellMetaData( const QString& filePath )
return readWellMetaData( filePath, ASCII_FILE_DEFAULT_START_INDEX );
size_t RifWellPathImporter::wellDataCount( const QString& filePath )
if ( isJsonFile( filePath ) )
// Only support JSON files with single well data currently
return 1;
std::map<QString, std::vector<RifWellPathImporter::WellData>>::iterator it = m_fileNameToWellDataGroupMap.find( filePath );
// If we have the file in the map, assume it is already read.
if ( it != m_fileNameToWellDataGroupMap.end() )
return it->second.size();
readAllAsciiWellData( filePath );
it = m_fileNameToWellDataGroupMap.find( filePath );
CVF_ASSERT( it != m_fileNameToWellDataGroupMap.end() );
return it->second.size();
bool RifWellPathImporter::isJsonFile( const QString& filePath )
QFileInfo fileInfo( filePath );
return ( fileInfo.suffix().compare( "json" ) == 0 );
RifWellPathImporter::WellMetaData RifWellPathImporter::readJsonWellMetaData( const QString& filePath )
QMap<QString, QVariant> jsonMap = ResInsightInternalJson::JsonReader::decodeFile( filePath );
WellMetaData metadata;
metadata.m_id = jsonMap["id"].toString();
metadata.m_name = jsonMap["name"].toString();
metadata.m_sourceSystem = jsonMap["sourceSystem"].toString();
metadata.m_utmZone = jsonMap["utmZone"].toString();
metadata.m_updateUser = jsonMap["updateUser"].toString();
metadata.m_surveyType = jsonMap["surveyType"].toString();
// Convert updateDate from the following format:
// "Number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
// of January 1, 1970, not counting leap seconds"
QString updateDateStr = jsonMap["updateDate"].toString().trimmed();
uint updateDateUint = updateDateStr.toULongLong() / 1000; // Should be within 32 bit, maximum number is 4294967295
// which corresponds to year 2106
metadata.m_updateDate.setTime_t( updateDateUint );
return metadata;
RifWellPathImporter::WellData RifWellPathImporter::readJsonWellData( const QString& filePath )
QMap<QString, QVariant> jsonMap = ResInsightInternalJson::JsonReader::decodeFile( filePath );
double datumElevation = jsonMap["datumElevation"].toDouble();
QList<QVariant> pathList = jsonMap["path"].toList();
WellData wellData;
wellData.m_wellPathGeometry = new RigWellPath;
wellData.m_wellPathGeometry->setDatumElevation( datumElevation );
wellData.m_name = jsonMap["name"].toString();
foreach ( QVariant point, pathList )
QMap<QString, QVariant> coordinateMap = point.toMap();
cvf::Vec3d vec3d( coordinateMap["east"].toDouble(),
-( coordinateMap["tvd"].toDouble() - datumElevation ) );
double measuredDepth = coordinateMap["md"].toDouble();
wellData.m_wellPathGeometry->addWellPathPoint( vec3d );
wellData.m_wellPathGeometry->addMeasuredDepth( measuredDepth );
return wellData;
void RifWellPathImporter::readAllAsciiWellData( const QString& filePath )
std::map<QString, std::vector<RifWellPathImporter::WellData>>::iterator it = m_fileNameToWellDataGroupMap.find( filePath );
// If we have the file in the map, assume it is already read.
if ( it != m_fileNameToWellDataGroupMap.end() )
// Create the data container
std::vector<RifWellPathImporter::WellData>& fileWellDataArray = m_fileNameToWellDataGroupMap[filePath];
std::ifstream stream( filePath.toLatin1().data() );
bool hasReadWellPointInCurrentWell = false;
while ( stream.good() )
double x( HUGE_VAL ), y( HUGE_VAL ), tvd( HUGE_VAL ), md( HUGE_VAL );
// First check if we can read a number
stream >> x;
if ( stream.good() ) // If we can, assume this line is a well point entry
stream >> y >> tvd >> md;
if ( x != HUGE_VAL && y != HUGE_VAL && tvd != HUGE_VAL && md != HUGE_VAL )
if ( !fileWellDataArray.size() )
fileWellDataArray.push_back( RifWellPathImporter::WellData() );
fileWellDataArray.back().m_wellPathGeometry = new RigWellPath();
cvf::Vec3d wellPoint( x, y, -tvd );
fileWellDataArray.back().m_wellPathGeometry->addWellPathPoint( wellPoint );
fileWellDataArray.back().m_wellPathGeometry->addMeasuredDepth( md );
hasReadWellPointInCurrentWell = true;
if ( !stream.good() )
// -999 or otherwise to few numbers before some word
if ( x != -999 )
// Error in file: missing numbers at this line
// Could not read one double.
// we assume there is a comment line or a well path description
std::string line;
std::getline( stream, line, '\n' );
// Skip possible comment lines (-- is used in eclipse, so Haakon H<>gst<73>l considered it smart to skip these
// here as well) The first "-" is eaten by the stream >> x above
if ( line.find( "-" ) == 0 || line.find( "#" ) == 0 )
// Comment line, just ignore
// Find the first and the last position of any quotes (and do not care to match quotes)
size_t quoteStartIdx = line.find_first_of( "'`" );
size_t quoteEndIdx = line.find_last_of( "'`" );
std::string wellName;
bool haveAPossibleWellStart = false;
if ( quoteStartIdx < line.size() - 1 )
// Extract the text between the quotes
wellName = line.substr( quoteStartIdx + 1, quoteEndIdx - 1 - quoteStartIdx );
haveAPossibleWellStart = true;
else if ( quoteStartIdx > line.length() )
// We did not find any quotes
// Supported alternatives are
// name <WellNameA>
// wellname: <WellNameA>
std::string lineLowerCase = line;
transform( lineLowerCase.begin(),
[]( const char c ) -> char { return (char)::tolower( c ); } );
std::string tokenName = "name";
std::size_t foundNameIdx = lineLowerCase.find( tokenName );
if ( foundNameIdx != std::string::npos )
std::string tokenColon = ":";
std::size_t foundColonIdx = lineLowerCase.find( tokenColon, foundNameIdx );
if ( foundColonIdx != std::string::npos )
wellName = line.substr( foundColonIdx + tokenColon.length() );
wellName = line.substr( foundNameIdx + tokenName.length() );
haveAPossibleWellStart = true;
// Interpret the whole line as the well name.
QString name = line.c_str();
if ( !name.trimmed().isEmpty() )
wellName = name.trimmed().toStdString();
haveAPossibleWellStart = true;
if ( haveAPossibleWellStart )
// Create a new Well data if we have read some data into the previous one.
// if not, just overwrite the name
if ( hasReadWellPointInCurrentWell || fileWellDataArray.size() == 0 )
fileWellDataArray.push_back( RifWellPathImporter::WellData() );
fileWellDataArray.back().m_wellPathGeometry = new RigWellPath();
QString name = wellName.c_str();
if ( !name.trimmed().isEmpty() )
// Do not overwrite the name acquired from a line above, if this line is empty
fileWellDataArray.back().m_name = name.trimmed();
hasReadWellPointInCurrentWell = false;
RifWellPathImporter::WellData RifWellPathImporter::readAsciiWellData( const QString& filePath, size_t indexInFile )
readAllAsciiWellData( filePath );
std::map<QString, std::vector<RifWellPathImporter::WellData>>::iterator it = m_fileNameToWellDataGroupMap.find( filePath );
CVF_ASSERT( it != m_fileNameToWellDataGroupMap.end() );
if ( indexInFile < it->second.size() )
return it->second[indexInFile];
// Error : The ascii well path file does not contain that many well paths
return RifWellPathImporter::WellData();
RifWellPathImporter::WellMetaData RifWellPathImporter::readAsciiWellMetaData( const QString& filePath, size_t indexInFile )
// No metadata in ASCII files
return WellMetaData();
void RifWellPathImporter::clear()
void RifWellPathImporter::removeFilePath( const QString& filePath )
m_fileNameToWellDataGroupMap.erase( filePath );