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synced 2025-01-05 21:53:27 -06:00
Required changes to use Qt6 and disable support for Qt5. There are still some adjustments related to Qt6 to be done, but these changes are not required to make Qt6 compile on relevant systems. * Build system changes Qt6 * Override enterEvent * Update QKeySequence * QtChart changes * Use QScreen to instepct dotsPerInch * Add app->quit() * Required updates for code related to QString * Use RiaQDateTimeTools * Required changes related to regular expressions * Support compile on Qt < 6.5 When version < 6.5 is found, qt_generate_deploy_app_script() is disabled. Compilation of ResInsight will work, but the install target will be incomplete. * Octave: add missing header. * Qt Advanced Docking: force Qt6 where both Qt5 and Qt6 is available. --------- Co-authored-by: magnesj <1793152+magnesj@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Kristian Bendiksen <kristian.bendiksen@gmail.com>
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#include "RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesFeature.h"
// Copyright (C) 2023- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesUi.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigEclipseResultAddress.h"
#include "RigEclipseWellLogExtractor.h"
#include "RigGeoMechWellLogExtractor.h"
#include "RigResultAccessorFactory.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimGeoMechCase.h"
#include "RimMainPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimWellLogFile.h"
#include "RimWellLogLasFile.h"
#include "RimWellLogPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimWellPath.h"
#include "NRLib/nrlib/well/laswell.hpp"
#include <QRegularExpression>
void LasDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer::insertIndexAndValue( int kLayer, size_t index, double value )
m_kLayerIndexAndValuePairsMap[kLayer][index] = value;
bool LasDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer::hasKLayer( int kLayer ) const
return m_kLayerIndexAndValuePairsMap.find( kLayer ) != m_kLayerIndexAndValuePairsMap.end();
std::map<size_t, double> LasDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer::indexAndValuePairs( int kLayer ) const
if ( !hasKLayer( kLayer ) ) return std::map<size_t, double>();
return m_kLayerIndexAndValuePairsMap.at( kLayer );
cvf::ref<RigResultAccessor> RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createIndexKResultAccessor( RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase )
const int firstTimeStep = 0;
const int gridIndex = 0;
RigEclipseResultAddress indexKResAdr( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::STATIC_NATIVE, RiaResultNames::indexKResultName() );
eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData()->results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL )->ensureKnownResultLoaded( indexKResAdr );
return RigResultAccessorFactory::createFromResultAddress( eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData(),
indexKResAdr );
RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createLasDepthIndexAndPercValuePerKLayerFromMap( const std::vector<double>& lasWellDepths,
const std::map<int, IndexKDepthData>& indexKDepthDataMap )
// Create container of depth value (in percent) and its original index in a LAS file vector
// categorized by K-layer. Depth value as percentage value between MD top and MD bottom for K-layer.
auto lasWellDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer = LasDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < lasWellDepths.size(); ++i )
const double depth = lasWellDepths[i];
for ( const auto& [indexK, depthData] : indexKDepthDataMap )
if ( depthData.mdTop <= depth && depth <= depthData.mdBottom )
const double percentage = ( depth - depthData.mdTop ) / ( depthData.mdBottom - depthData.mdTop );
lasWellDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer.insertIndexAndValue( indexK, i, percentage );
return lasWellDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer;
/// NOTE: map createIndexKDepthDataMapFromCase is created using well extractor, while sourceWellLogData depth
/// values are from LAS file. Floating point rounding in LAS file can occur, thus depth values might be placed
/// outside of K-layer close to top/bottom due to inaccuracy.
void RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createDestinationWellsLasFiles( RimCase* selectedCase,
RimWellPath* sourceWell,
RimWellLogLasFile* soureWellLogFile,
const std::vector<RimWellPath*> destinationWells,
const std::vector<QString>& selectedResultProperties,
const QString& exportFolder,
double rkbDiff )
if ( !selectedCase || !sourceWell || !soureWellLogFile || destinationWells.empty() ) return;
auto* sourceWellLogData = soureWellLogFile->wellLogData();
const auto defaultPropertyMap = createDefaultPropertyMap( selectedResultProperties, sourceWellLogData );
// NOTE: map createIndexKDepthDataMapFromCase is created using well extractor, while sourceWellLogData depth
// values are from LAS file. Floating point rounding in LAS file can occur, thus depth values might be placed
// outside of K-layer close to top/bottom due to inaccuracy.
const auto sourceWellDepthIndexAndPercValuePerKLayer =
createLasDepthIndexAndPercValuePerKLayerFromMap( sourceWellLogData->depthValues(),
createIndexKDepthDataMapFromCase( selectedCase, sourceWell ) );
for ( RimWellPath* well : destinationWells )
const std::map<int, IndexKDepthData> destinationWellIndexKDepthsMap = createIndexKDepthDataMapFromCase( selectedCase, well );
if ( destinationWellIndexKDepthsMap.empty() ) continue;
std::vector<double> mdValues;
std::vector<double> tvdMslValues;
std::vector<double> tvdRkbValues;
std::map<QString, std::vector<double>> propertyMap = defaultPropertyMap;
for ( const auto& [indexK, depthData] : destinationWellIndexKDepthsMap )
if ( !sourceWellDepthIndexAndPercValuePerKLayer.hasKLayer( indexK ) ) continue;
for ( const auto& [index, depthPerc] : sourceWellDepthIndexAndPercValuePerKLayer.indexAndValuePairs( indexK ) )
if ( sourceWellLogData->hasTvdMslChannel() )
const double tvdMslValue = depthPerc * ( depthData.tvdBottom - depthData.tvdTop ) + depthData.tvdTop;
tvdMslValues.push_back( tvdMslValue );
if ( sourceWellLogData->hasTvdRkbChannel() )
const double tvdRkbValue = depthPerc * ( depthData.tvdBottom - depthData.tvdTop ) + depthData.tvdTop + rkbDiff;
tvdRkbValues.push_back( tvdRkbValue );
const double mdValue = depthPerc * ( depthData.mdBottom - depthData.mdTop ) + depthData.mdTop;
mdValues.push_back( mdValue );
for ( auto& [propertyName, values] : propertyMap )
double value = sourceWellLogData->values( propertyName )[index];
value = value == HUGE_VAL ? sourceWellLogData->getMissingValue() : value;
values.push_back( value );
createDestinationWellLasFile( well->name(),
exportFolder );
void RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createDestinationWellLasFile( const QString& wellName,
const QString& caseDescription,
const std::vector<double>& mdValues,
const std::vector<double>& tvdMslValues,
const std::vector<double>& tvdRkbValues,
const std::map<QString, std::vector<double>>& propertyMap,
const RigWellLogLasFile* sourceWellLogData,
const QString& exportFolder )
const auto depthUnitText = createDepthUnitText( sourceWellLogData->depthUnit() );
const auto depthUnitComment = createDepthUnitComment( sourceWellLogData->depthUnit() );
const auto deptUnit = sourceWellLogData->depthUnit();
// Build LAS file
NRLib::LasWell lasFile;
lasFile.setVersionInfo( "2.0" );
lasFile.setDepthUnit( depthUnitText );
lasFile.SetMissing( sourceWellLogData->getMissingValue() );
lasFile.setStartDepth( *std::min_element( mdValues.begin(), mdValues.end() ) );
lasFile.setStopDepth( *std::max_element( mdValues.begin(), mdValues.end() ) );
lasFile.addWellInfo( "WELL", wellName.toStdString() );
lasFile.addWellInfo( "DATE", sourceWellLogData->date().toStdString() );
// Add Measured depth
lasFile.AddLog( RiaDefines::propertyNameMeasuredDepth().toStdString(), depthUnitText, "Depth " + depthUnitComment, mdValues );
// Add tvd msl values if existing
if ( !tvdMslValues.empty() )
const auto unitText =
sourceWellLogData->convertedWellLogChannelUnitString( RiaDefines::propertyNameTvdMslDepth(), deptUnit ).toStdString();
lasFile.AddLog( RiaDefines::propertyNameTvdMslDepth().toStdString(), unitText, "True vertical depth " + depthUnitComment, tvdMslValues );
// Add tvd rkb values if existing
if ( !tvdRkbValues.empty() )
const auto unitText =
sourceWellLogData->convertedWellLogChannelUnitString( RiaDefines::propertyNameTvdRkbDepth(), deptUnit ).toStdString();
lasFile.AddLog( RiaDefines::propertyNameTvdRkbDepth().toStdString(), unitText, "True vertical depth (Rotary Kelly Bushing)", tvdRkbValues );
// Add property values
for ( auto& [name, values] : propertyMap )
std::string unitText = sourceWellLogData->wellLogChannelUnitString( name ).toStdString();
lasFile.AddLog( name.toUpper().toStdString(), unitText, "", values );
// Add comment to LAS file
const std::vector<std::string> commentHeader = {
QString( "Note: Generated depth adjusted LAS file for '%1', using '%2'" ).arg( wellName ).arg( sourceWellLogData->wellName() ).toStdString() };
// Add property value to file name if single property
QString propertyNameStr;
if ( propertyMap.size() == 1 )
propertyNameStr = QString( "-%1" ).arg( propertyMap.begin()->first );
// Replace white space from well names in file name
QString sourceWell = sourceWellLogData->wellName();
sourceWell = sourceWell.replace( QRegularExpression( "[\\s]+" ), "_" );
QString destinationWell = wellName;
destinationWell = destinationWell.replace( QRegularExpression( "[\\s]+" ), "_" );
// Create full file path name
QString fullPathName = exportFolder + "/" + destinationWell + "_Depth_Adjusted_Using_" + sourceWell + "_" + caseDescription +
propertyNameStr + "-" + sourceWellLogData->date() + ".las";
lasFile.WriteToFile( fullPathName.toStdString(), commentHeader );
std::string RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createDepthUnitText( RiaDefines::DepthUnitType depthUnitType )
return depthUnitType == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_METER ? "M" : depthUnitType == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_FEET ? "FT" : "";
std::string RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createDepthUnitComment( RiaDefines::DepthUnitType depthUnitType )
return depthUnitType == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_METER ? "in meters"
: depthUnitType == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_FEET ? "in feet"
: "in Connection number";
std::map<int, RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::IndexKDepthData>
RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createIndexKDepthDataMapFromCase( RimCase* selectedCase, RimWellPath* wellPath )
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseCase*>( selectedCase );
RimGeoMechCase* geomCase = dynamic_cast<RimGeoMechCase*>( selectedCase );
RimWellLogPlotCollection* wellLogCollection = RimMainPlotCollection::current()->wellLogPlotCollection();
if ( eclipseCase != nullptr )
cvf::ref<RigEclipseWellLogExtractor> wellExtractor = wellLogCollection->findOrCreateExtractor( wellPath, eclipseCase );
if ( wellExtractor.isNull() )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Could not create RigEclipseWellLogExtractor for %1" ).arg( wellPath->name() ) );
const auto result = createIndexKDepthDataMap( wellExtractor, createIndexKResultAccessor( eclipseCase ) );
if ( result.empty() )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Not able to create Index-K depth map for %1" ).arg( wellPath->name() ) );
return result;
else if ( geomCase != nullptr )
cvf::ref<RigGeoMechWellLogExtractor> wellExtractor = wellLogCollection->findOrCreateExtractor( wellPath, geomCase );
if ( wellExtractor.isNull() )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Could not create RigGeoMechWellLogExtractor for %1" ).arg( wellPath->name() ) );
const auto result = createIndexKDepthDataMap( wellExtractor );
if ( result.empty() )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Not able to create Index-K depth map for %1" ).arg( wellPath->name() ) );
return result;
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Invalid case when creating Index-K depth map for %1" ).arg( wellPath->name() ) );
return std::map<int, RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::IndexKDepthData>();
std::map<int, RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::IndexKDepthData>
RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createIndexKDepthDataMap( cvf::ref<RigEclipseWellLogExtractor> wellExtractor,
cvf::ref<RigResultAccessor> indexKResAcc )
std::vector<double> wellIndexKValues;
wellExtractor->curveData( indexKResAcc.p(), &wellIndexKValues );
return createIndexKDepthDataMapFromVectors( wellExtractor->cellIntersectionMDs(), wellExtractor->cellIntersectionTVDs(), wellIndexKValues );
std::map<int, RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::IndexKDepthData>
RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createIndexKDepthDataMap( cvf::ref<RigGeoMechWellLogExtractor> wellExtractor )
const int frameIdx = 0;
const int timeStepIdx = 0;
RigFemResultAddress indexKResAdr( RigFemResultPosEnum::RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL, "INDEX", "INDEX_K" );
std::vector<double> wellIndexKValues;
wellExtractor->curveData( indexKResAdr, timeStepIdx, frameIdx, &wellIndexKValues );
return createIndexKDepthDataMapFromVectors( wellExtractor->cellIntersectionMDs(), wellExtractor->cellIntersectionTVDs(), wellIndexKValues );
std::map<int, RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::IndexKDepthData>
RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createIndexKDepthDataMapFromVectors( const std::vector<double>& wellMdValues,
const std::vector<double>& wellTvdValues,
const std::vector<double>& wellIndexKValues )
std::map<int, IndexKDepthData> indexKDepthsMap;
// Must have non-empty equal length vectors!
if ( wellIndexKValues.empty() )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Empty vector of index-K values" ) );
return indexKDepthsMap;
if ( wellMdValues.size() != wellTvdValues.size() || wellMdValues.size() != wellIndexKValues.size() )
return indexKDepthsMap;
int prevKLayer = -1;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < wellIndexKValues.size(); ++i )
// Asymptotically increasing k-indexes!
const auto kLayer = static_cast<int>( wellIndexKValues[i] );
if ( kLayer < prevKLayer ) break;
if ( indexKDepthsMap.find( kLayer ) == indexKDepthsMap.end() )
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer] = IndexKDepthData();
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer].mdTop = wellMdValues[i];
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer].mdBottom = wellMdValues[i];
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer].tvdTop = wellTvdValues[i];
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer].tvdBottom = wellTvdValues[i];
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer].mdBottom = wellMdValues[i];
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer].tvdBottom = wellTvdValues[i];
return indexKDepthsMap;
std::map<QString, std::vector<double>>
RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createDefaultPropertyMap( const std::vector<QString>& selectedProperties,
const RigWellLogLasFile* wellLogFile )
const QStringList lasDepthNames = QStringList(
{ RiaDefines::propertyNameMeasuredDepth(), RiaDefines::propertyNameTvdMslDepth(), RiaDefines::propertyNameTvdRkbDepth() } );
std::vector<QString> validPropertyNames;
for ( const auto& propertyName : selectedProperties )
if ( !lasDepthNames.contains( propertyName ) && wellLogFile->wellLogChannelNames().contains( propertyName ) )
validPropertyNames.push_back( propertyName );
std::map<QString, std::vector<double>> defaultPropertyMap;
for ( const auto& name : validPropertyNames )
return defaultPropertyMap;