Magne Sjaastad 212f5bf5ae
Add support for Qt6 and disable Qt5
Required changes to use Qt6 and disable support for Qt5. There are still some adjustments related to Qt6 to be done, but these changes are not required to make Qt6 compile on relevant systems.

* Build system changes Qt6
* Override enterEvent
* Update QKeySequence
* QtChart changes
* Use QScreen to instepct dotsPerInch
* Add app->quit()
* Required updates for code related to QString
* Use RiaQDateTimeTools
* Required changes related to regular expressions
* Support compile on Qt  < 6.5
When version < 6.5 is found, qt_generate_deploy_app_script() is disabled. Compilation of ResInsight will work, but the install target will be incomplete.
* Octave: add missing header.
* Qt Advanced Docking: force Qt6 where both Qt5 and Qt6 is available.


Co-authored-by: magnesj <>
Co-authored-by: Kristian Bendiksen <>
2024-09-30 11:21:17 +02:00

439 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2018- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "VdeVizDataExtractor.h"
#include "VdeArrayDataPacket.h"
#include "VdeCachingHashedIdFactory.h"
#include "VdePacketDirectory.h"
#include "RicHoloLensExportImpl.h"
#include "RifJsonEncodeDecode.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "cvfAssert.h"
#include "cvfDrawableGeo.h"
#include "cvfPrimitiveSet.h"
#include "cvfTimer.h"
#include "cvfTrace.h"
#include "cvfTransform.h"
VdeVizDataExtractor::VdeVizDataExtractor( const RimGridView& view, VdeCachingHashedIdFactory* cachingIdFactory )
: m_view( view )
, m_cachingIdFactory( cachingIdFactory )
CVF_ASSERT( m_cachingIdFactory );
void VdeVizDataExtractor::extractViewContents( QString* modelMetaJsonStr,
std::vector<int>* allReferencedArrayIds,
VdePacketDirectory* packetDirectory )
cvf::Timer tim;
// First extract the parts (cvfPart + info) to be exported from from the ResInsight view
const std::vector<VdeExportPart> exportPartsArr = RicHoloLensExportImpl::partsForExport( m_view );
// Convert this to an array of export ready meshes
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<VdeMesh>> meshArr = buildMeshArray( exportPartsArr );
const int buildMeshes_ms = static_cast<int>( tim.lapTime() * 1000 );
const size_t meshCount = meshArr.size();
cvf::Trace::show( "Analyzing and generating array packet data for %d meshes", meshCount );
std::vector<VdeMeshArrayIds> allMeshesArrayIdsArr;
size_t totNumPrimitives = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < meshCount; i++ )
const VdeMesh* mesh = meshArr[i].get();
const size_t primCount = mesh->connArr.size() / mesh->verticesPerPrimitive;
totNumPrimitives += primCount;
cvf::Trace::show( " mesh %2d: primCount=%d vertsPerPrim=%d meshSourceObjName='%s' meshSourceObjType='%s'",
mesh->meshSourceObjTypeStr.toLatin1().constData() );
VdeMeshArrayIds arrayIdsThisMesh;
const float* floatArr = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( mesh->vertexArr->ptr() );
const size_t arrElementCount = 3 * mesh->vertexArr->size();
arrayIdsThisMesh.vertexArrId =
m_cachingIdFactory->getOrCreateIdForFloatArr( VdeCachingHashedIdFactory::VertexArr, floatArr, arrElementCount );
if ( !packetDirectory->lookupPacket( arrayIdsThisMesh.vertexArrId ) )
cvf::Trace::show( " generating vertices, arrayId=%d", arrayIdsThisMesh.vertexArrId );
std::unique_ptr<VdeArrayDataPacket> dataPacket =
VdeArrayDataPacket::fromFloat32Arr( arrayIdsThisMesh.vertexArrId, floatArr, arrElementCount );
// Debug testing of decoding
// debugComparePackets(*dataPacket,
// VdeArrayDataPacket::fromRawPacketBuffer(dataPacket->fullPacketRawPtr(), dataPacket->fullPacketSize(),
// nullptr));
packetDirectory->addPacket( std::move( dataPacket ) );
const unsigned int* uintArr = mesh->;
const size_t arrElementCount = mesh->connArr.size();
arrayIdsThisMesh.connArrId =
m_cachingIdFactory->getOrCreateIdForUint32Arr( VdeCachingHashedIdFactory::ConnArr, uintArr, arrElementCount );
if ( !packetDirectory->lookupPacket( arrayIdsThisMesh.connArrId ) )
cvf::Trace::show( " generating connectivities, arrayId=%d", arrayIdsThisMesh.connArrId );
std::unique_ptr<VdeArrayDataPacket> dataPacket =
VdeArrayDataPacket::fromUint32Arr( arrayIdsThisMesh.connArrId, uintArr, arrElementCount );
// Debug testing of decoding
// debugComparePackets(*dataPacket,
// VdeArrayDataPacket::fromRawPacketBuffer(dataPacket->fullPacketRawPtr(), dataPacket->fullPacketSize(),
// nullptr));
packetDirectory->addPacket( std::move( dataPacket ) );
if ( mesh->texCoordArr.notNull() && mesh->texImage.notNull() )
const float* floatArr = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( mesh->texCoordArr->ptr() );
const size_t arrElementCount = 2 * mesh->texCoordArr->size();
arrayIdsThisMesh.texCoordsArrId =
m_cachingIdFactory->getOrCreateIdForFloatArr( VdeCachingHashedIdFactory::TexCoordsArr, floatArr, arrElementCount );
if ( !packetDirectory->lookupPacket( arrayIdsThisMesh.texCoordsArrId ) )
cvf::Trace::show( " generating texture coords, arrayId=%d", arrayIdsThisMesh.texCoordsArrId );
std::unique_ptr<VdeArrayDataPacket> dataPacket =
VdeArrayDataPacket::fromFloat32Arr( arrayIdsThisMesh.texCoordsArrId, floatArr, arrElementCount );
// Debug testing of decoding
// debugComparePackets(*dataPacket,
// VdeArrayDataPacket::fromRawPacketBuffer(dataPacket->fullPacketRawPtr(),
// dataPacket->fullPacketSize(), nullptr));
packetDirectory->addPacket( std::move( dataPacket ) );
cvf::ref<cvf::UByteArray> byteArr = mesh->texImage->toRgb();
arrayIdsThisMesh.texImageArrId =
m_cachingIdFactory->getOrCreateIdForUint8Arr( VdeCachingHashedIdFactory::TexImage, byteArr->ptr(), byteArr->size() );
if ( !packetDirectory->lookupPacket( arrayIdsThisMesh.texImageArrId ) )
cvf::Trace::show( " generating texture image, arrayId=%d", arrayIdsThisMesh.texImageArrId );
std::unique_ptr<VdeArrayDataPacket> dataPacket = VdeArrayDataPacket::fromUint8ImageRGBArr( arrayIdsThisMesh.texImageArrId,
byteArr->size() );
// Debug testing of decoding
// debugComparePackets(*dataPacket,
// VdeArrayDataPacket::fromRawPacketBuffer(dataPacket->fullPacketRawPtr(),
// dataPacket->fullPacketSize(), nullptr));
packetDirectory->addPacket( std::move( dataPacket ) );
allMeshesArrayIdsArr.push_back( arrayIdsThisMesh );
const int fillPacketDir_ms = static_cast<int>( tim.lapTime() * 1000 );
// Extract any exportable labels present in the view
const std::vector<std::pair<cvf::Vec3f, cvf::String>> labelAndPositionsArr = RicHoloLensExportImpl::labelsForExport( m_view );
// Actually create the JSON containing model meta data
*modelMetaJsonStr = createModelMetaJsonString( meshArr, allMeshesArrayIdsArr, labelAndPositionsArr );
// Find all unique packet array IDs referenced
std::set<int> referencedIdsSet;
for ( const VdeMeshArrayIds& meshArrayIds : allMeshesArrayIdsArr )
if ( meshArrayIds.vertexArrId != -1 ) referencedIdsSet.insert( meshArrayIds.vertexArrId );
if ( meshArrayIds.connArrId != -1 ) referencedIdsSet.insert( meshArrayIds.connArrId );
if ( meshArrayIds.texImageArrId != -1 ) referencedIdsSet.insert( meshArrayIds.texImageArrId );
if ( meshArrayIds.texCoordsArrId != -1 ) referencedIdsSet.insert( meshArrayIds.texCoordsArrId );
allReferencedArrayIds->assign( referencedIdsSet.begin(), referencedIdsSet.end() );
RiaLogging::debug( QString( "HoloLens: Extracted %1 meshes (total of %2 primitives) in %3ms (buildMeshes=%4ms, "
"fillPacketDir=%5ms)" )
.arg( meshCount )
.arg( totNumPrimitives )
.arg( static_cast<int>( tim.time() * 1000 ) )
.arg( buildMeshes_ms )
.arg( fillPacketDir_ms ) );
// cvf::Trace::show("Total number of primitives extracted: %d in %dms", totNumPrimitives,
// static_cast<int>(tim.time()*1000));
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<VdeMesh>> VdeVizDataExtractor::buildMeshArray( const std::vector<VdeExportPart>& exportPartsArr )
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<VdeMesh>> meshArr;
for ( const VdeExportPart& exportPart : exportPartsArr )
std::unique_ptr<VdeMesh> mesh = createMeshFromExportPart( exportPart );
if ( mesh )
meshArr.push_back( std::move( mesh ) );
return meshArr;
std::unique_ptr<VdeMesh> VdeVizDataExtractor::createMeshFromExportPart( const VdeExportPart& exportPart )
// cvf::Timer tim;
const cvf::Part* cvfPart = exportPart.part();
const cvf::DrawableGeo* geo = dynamic_cast<const cvf::DrawableGeo*>( cvfPart ? cvfPart->drawable() : nullptr );
if ( !geo )
return nullptr;
if ( geo->primitiveSetCount() != 1 )
RiaLogging::debug( "Only geometries with exactly one primitive set is supported" );
return nullptr;
const cvf::Vec3fArray* vertexArr = geo->vertexArray();
const cvf::PrimitiveSet* primSet = geo->primitiveSet( 0 );
if ( !vertexArr || !primSet || primSet->faceCount() == 0 )
return nullptr;
// Support 2 or 3 vertices per primitive
const cvf::PrimitiveType primType = primSet->primitiveType();
if ( primType != cvf::PT_TRIANGLES && primType != cvf::PT_LINES )
RiaLogging::debug( QString( "Currently only triangle and line primitive sets are supported (saw primitive type: %1)" ).arg( primType ) );
return nullptr;
const int vertsPerPrimitive = ( primType == cvf::PT_TRIANGLES ) ? 3 : 2;
std::unique_ptr<VdeMesh> mesh( new VdeMesh );
mesh->verticesPerPrimitive = vertsPerPrimitive;
// Possibly transform the vertices
if ( cvfPart->transform() )
const cvf::Mat4f m = cvf::Mat4f( cvfPart->transform()->worldTransform() );
cvf::ref<cvf::Vec3fArray> transVertexArr = new cvf::Vec3fArray( *vertexArr );
const size_t vertexCount = transVertexArr->size();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++ )
transVertexArr->ptr( i )->transformPoint( m );
mesh->vertexArr = transVertexArr.p();
mesh->vertexArr = vertexArr;
// Fetch connectivities
// Using getFaceIndices() allows us to access strips and fans in the same way as triangles
// Note that HoloLens visualization wants triangles in clockwise order so we try and fix the winding
// This point might be moot if the HoloLens visualization always has to use two-sided lighting to get good results
const size_t faceCount = primSet->faceCount();
mesh->connArr.reserve( faceCount * vertsPerPrimitive );
cvf::UIntArray faceConn;
for ( size_t iface = 0; iface < faceCount; iface++ )
primSet->getFaceIndices( iface, &faceConn );
if ( vertsPerPrimitive == 3 && exportPart.winding() == VdeExportPart::COUNTERCLOCKWISE )
// Reverse the winding
const size_t numConn = faceConn.size();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < numConn; i++ )
mesh->connArr.push_back( faceConn[numConn - i - 1] );
mesh->connArr.insert( mesh->connArr.end(), faceConn.begin(), faceConn.end() );
if ( exportPart.textureImage() && geo->textureCoordArray() )
mesh->texCoordArr = geo->textureCoordArray();
mesh->texImage = exportPart.textureImage();
QString srcObjType = "unknown";
if ( exportPart.sourceObjectType() == VdeExportPart::OBJ_TYPE_GRID )
srcObjType = "grid";
else if ( exportPart.sourceObjectType() == VdeExportPart::OBJ_TYPE_PIPE )
srcObjType = "pipe";
mesh->meshSourceObjTypeStr = srcObjType;
mesh->meshSourceObjName = exportPart.sourceObjectName();
mesh->color = exportPart.color();
mesh->opacity = exportPart.opacity();
if ( exportPart.cullFace() != VdeExportPart::CF_NONE )
if ( exportPart.cullFace() == VdeExportPart::CF_FRONT )
mesh->cullFaceModeStr = "front";
else if ( exportPart.cullFace() == VdeExportPart::CF_BACK )
mesh->cullFaceModeStr = "back";
mesh->cullFaceModeStr = "none";
// cvf::Trace::show("createMeshFromExportPart(): numFaces=%d, time=%dms", faceCount,
// static_cast<int>(tim.time()*1000));
return mesh;
QString VdeVizDataExtractor::createModelMetaJsonString( const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<VdeMesh>>& meshArr,
const std::vector<VdeMeshArrayIds>& meshContentIdsArr,
const std::vector<std::pair<cvf::Vec3f, cvf::String>>& labelAndPositionsArr )
QVariantList jsonMeshMetaList;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < meshArr.size(); i++ )
const VdeMesh* mesh = meshArr[i].get();
const VdeMeshArrayIds& meshIds = meshContentIdsArr[i];
QMap<QString, QVariant> jsonMeshMeta;
jsonMeshMeta["meshSourceObjType"] = mesh->meshSourceObjTypeStr;
jsonMeshMeta["meshSourceObjName"] = mesh->meshSourceObjName;
jsonMeshMeta["verticesPerPrimitive"] = mesh->verticesPerPrimitive;
jsonMeshMeta["vertexArrId"] = meshIds.vertexArrId;
jsonMeshMeta["connArrId"] = meshIds.connArrId;
if ( meshIds.texCoordsArrId >= 0 && meshIds.texImageArrId >= 0 )
jsonMeshMeta["texCoordsArrId"] = meshIds.texCoordsArrId;
jsonMeshMeta["texImageArrId"] = meshIds.texImageArrId;
QMap<QString, QVariant> jsonColor;
jsonColor["r"] = mesh->color.r();
jsonColor["g"] = mesh->color.g();
jsonColor["b"] = mesh->color.b();
jsonMeshMeta["color"] = jsonColor;
jsonMeshMeta["opacity"] = mesh->opacity;
if ( !mesh->cullFaceModeStr.isEmpty() )
jsonMeshMeta["cullFaceMode"] = mesh->cullFaceModeStr;
jsonMeshMetaList.push_back( jsonMeshMeta );
QVariantList jsonLabelList;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < labelAndPositionsArr.size(); i++ )
const cvf::Vec3f& pos = labelAndPositionsArr[i].first;
const cvf::String& txt = labelAndPositionsArr[i].second;
QMap<QString, QVariant> jsonPos;
jsonPos["x"] = pos.x();
jsonPos["y"] = pos.y();
jsonPos["z"] = pos.z();
QMap<QString, QVariant> jsonLabelEntry;
jsonLabelEntry["position"] = jsonPos;
jsonLabelEntry["text"] = QString::fromLatin1( txt.toAscii().ptr() );
jsonLabelList.push_back( jsonLabelEntry );
QMap<QString, QVariant> jsonModelMeta;
jsonModelMeta["modelName"] = "ResInsightExport";
jsonModelMeta["meshArr"] = jsonMeshMetaList;
jsonModelMeta["labelsArr"] = jsonLabelList;
const bool prettifyJson = true;
QString jsonStr = ResInsightInternalJson::Json::encode( jsonModelMeta, prettifyJson );
return jsonStr;
void VdeVizDataExtractor::debugComparePackets( const VdeArrayDataPacket& packetA, const VdeArrayDataPacket& packetB )
CVF_ASSERT( packetA.elementCount() == packetB.elementCount() );
CVF_ASSERT( packetA.elementSize() == packetB.elementSize() );
CVF_ASSERT( packetA.elementType() == packetB.elementType() );
const char* arrA = packetA.arrayData();
const char* arrB = packetB.arrayData();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < packetA.elementCount(); i++ )
CVF_ASSERT( arrA[i] == arrB[i] );