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Copyright 2016 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2016 Statoil ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media Project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/utility/graph/AssembledConnectionsIteration.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <vector>
/// \file
/// Facility for converting collection of entity pairs or weighted entity
/// triplets into a sparse (CSR) adjacency matrix representation of a graph.
/// Supports O(nnz) compression and, if applicable, accumulation of weight
/// values for repeated entity pairs.
namespace Opm {
/// Form CSR adjacency matrix representation of graph provided as a list
/// of connections between entities, possibly including edge weights.
class AssembledConnections
/// Add connection between entities.
/// \param[in] i Primary (source) entity. Used as row index.
/// \param[in] j Secondary (sink) entity. Used as column index.
void addConnection(const int i, const int j);
/// Add weighted connection between entities.
/// \param[in] i Primary (source) entity. Used as row index.
/// \param[in] j Secondary (sink) entity. Used as column index.
/// \param[in] v Edge weight associated to connection.
void addConnection(const int i, const int j, const double v);
/// Form CSR adjacency matrix representation of input graph from
/// connections established in previous calls to addConnection().
/// A call to function compress() will fail unless all previously
/// established connections have an explicit edge weight (\code
/// addConnection(i,j,v) \endcode) or none of those connections have
/// an explicit edge weight (\code addConnection(i,j) \endcode).
/// This method destroys the connection list so if there are
/// subsequent calls to method addConnection() then those will
/// effectively create a new graph.
/// \param[in] numRows Number of rows in resulting CSR matrix. If
/// prior calls to addConnection() supply source entity IDs (row
/// indices) greater than or equal to \p numRows, then method
/// compress() will throw \code std::invalid_argument \endcode.
void compress(const std::size_t numRows);
/// Representation of neighbouring entities.
using Neighbours = std::vector<int>;
/// Offset into neighbour array.
using Offset = Neighbours::size_type;
/// CSR start pointers.
using Start = std::vector<Offset>;
/// Aggregate connection weights
using ConnWeight = std::vector<double>;
/// Range of neighbours connected to a particular entity. Includes
/// edge weights.
using CellNeighbours = SimpleIteratorRange<NeighbourhoodIterator>;
/// Retrieve number of rows (source entities) in input graph.
/// Corresponds to value of argument passed to compress(). Valid
/// only after calling compress().
Offset numRows() const;
/// Retrieve raw CSR start pointers pertaining to current input
/// graph. Only valid after compress() is called.
const Start& startPointers() const;
/// Retrieve raw CSR column indices pertaining to current input
/// graph. Only valid after compress() is called. The neighbours
/// of entity \c i are
/// \code
/// neighbourhood()[startPointers()[i + 0]] ...
/// neighbourhood()[startPointers()[i + 1] - 1]
/// \endcode
const Neighbours& neighbourhood() const;
/// Retrieve accumulated connection weights for each aggregate
/// neighbour relation in the adjacency matrix. Only valid if the
/// input graph is specified in terms of explicit edge weights
/// (\code addConnection(i,j,v) \endcode).
/// Weights have the same ordering as the neighbours represented by
/// neighbourhood().
const ConnWeight& connectionWeight() const;
/// Provide a range over a cell neighbourhood.
/// Example usage:
/// \code
/// for (const auto& connection : cellNeighbourhood(cell) {
/// // connection.neigbour is the neigbouring cell
/// // connection.weight is the corresponding connection weight
/// }
/// \endcode
/// This method can only be called if the weight-providing
/// overload of addConnection() was used to build the instance.
CellNeighbours cellNeighbourhood(const int cell) const;
class Connections
using EntityVector = std::vector<int>;
using WeightVector = std::vector<double>;
void add(const int i, const int j);
void add(const int i, const int j, const double v);
void clear();
bool empty() const;
bool isValid() const;
bool isWeighted() const;
int maxRow() const;
int maxCol() const;
EntityVector::size_type nnz() const;
const EntityVector& i() const;
const EntityVector& j() const;
const WeightVector& v() const;
EntityVector i_;
EntityVector j_;
WeightVector v_;
int max_i_{ -1 };
int max_j_{ -1 };
class CSR
void create(const Connections& conns,
const Offset numRows);
const Start& ia() const;
const Neighbours& ja() const;
const ConnWeight& sa() const;
Start ia_;
Neighbours ja_;
ConnWeight sa_;
Start elmIdx_;
int numRows_{ 0 };
int numCols_{ 0 };
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of create()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void assemble(const Connections& conns);
void sort();
void condenseDuplicates();
void accumulateConnWeights(const std::vector<double>& v);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of assemble()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void accumulateRowEntries(const int numRows,
const std::vector<int>& rowIdx);
void createGraph(const std::vector<int>& rowIdx,
const std::vector<int>& colIdx);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// General utilities
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void transpose();
std::vector<int> expandStartPointers() const;
void unique(Neighbours::const_iterator begin,
Neighbours::const_iterator end);
void remapElementIndex(Start&& elmIdx);
Connections conns_;
CSR csr_;
/// Output an AssembledConnections object to a stream in text format.
/// Assumes compress() has been called, and that the
/// weight-providing overload of addConnection() was used to build
/// the ac instance, as for AssembledConnections::cellNeighbourhood().
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AssembledConnections& ac);
} // namespace Opm