mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
1208 lines
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1208 lines
45 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Statoil ASA, Ceetron AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RiuWellImportWizard.h"
#include "RiaFeatureCommandContext.h"
#include "RifJsonEncodeDecode.h"
#include "RimOilFieldEntry.h"
#include "RimOilRegionEntry.h"
#include "RimWellPathImport.h"
#include "cafCmdFeatureMenuBuilder.h"
#include "cafPdmDocument.h"
#include "cafPdmObject.h"
#include "cafPdmObjectGroup.h"
#include "cafPdmUiListView.h"
#include "cafPdmUiPropertyView.h"
#include "cafPdmUiTreeAttributes.h"
#include "cafPdmUiTreeView.h"
#include "cafPdmUiTreeViewEditor.h"
#include "cafUtils.h"
#include <QMenu>
#include <QObject>
#include <QSslConfiguration>
#include <QSslSocket>
#include <QtNetwork>
#include <QtWidgets>
#include <algorithm>
CAF_PDM_XML_ABSTRACT_SOURCE_INIT( ObjectGroupWithHeaders, "ObjectGroupWithHeaders" ); // Do not use. Abstract class
RiuWellImportWizard::RiuWellImportWizard( const QString& webServiceAddress,
const QString& downloadFolder,
RimWellPathImport* wellPathImportObject,
QWidget* parent /*= 0*/ )
: QWizard( parent )
m_wellPathImportObject = wellPathImportObject;
m_destinationFolder = downloadFolder;
m_webServiceAddress = webServiceAddress;
m_myProgressDialog = nullptr;
m_firstTimeRequestingAuthentication = true;
addPage( new AuthenticationPage( webServiceAddress, this ) );
m_fieldSelectionPageId = addPage( new FieldSelectionPage( m_wellPathImportObject, this ) );
m_wellSelectionPageId = addPage( new WellSelectionPage( m_wellPathImportObject, this ) );
m_wellSummaryPageId = addPage( new WellSummaryPage( m_wellPathImportObject, this ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( currentIdChanged( int ) ), SLOT( slotCurrentIdChanged( int ) ) );
connect( &m_networkAccessManager,
SIGNAL( authenticationRequired( QNetworkReply*, QAuthenticator* ) ),
SLOT( slotAuthenticationRequired( QNetworkReply*, QAuthenticator* ) ) );
#if !defined( QT_NO_OPENSSL ) && !defined( CVF_OSX )
connect( &m_networkAccessManager,
SIGNAL( sslErrors( QNetworkReply*, QList<QSslError> ) ),
SLOT( sslErrors( QNetworkReply*, QList<QSslError> ) ) );
QString RiuWellImportWizard::jsonFieldsFilePath()
return m_destinationFolder + "/fields.json";
QString RiuWellImportWizard::jsonWellsFilePath()
return m_destinationFolder + "/wellpaths.json";
void RiuWellImportWizard::downloadFields()
QString wellFileName = jsonWellsFilePath();
if ( caf::Utils::fileExists( wellFileName ) )
QFile::remove( wellFileName );
QString completeUrlText = m_webServiceAddress + "/resinsight/projects";
QString destinationFileName = jsonFieldsFilePath();
m_currentDownloadState = DOWNLOAD_FIELDS;
issueHttpRequestToFile( completeUrlText, destinationFileName );
void RiuWellImportWizard::issueHttpRequestToFile( QString completeUrlText, QString destinationFileName )
setUrl( completeUrlText );
m_file = new QFile( destinationFileName );
if ( !m_file->open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
QMessageBox::information( this,
tr( "HTTP" ),
tr( "Unable to save the file %1: %2." ).arg( destinationFileName ).arg( m_file->errorString() ) );
delete m_file;
m_file = nullptr;
// schedule the request
m_httpRequestAborted = false;
startRequest( m_url );
void RiuWellImportWizard::cancelDownload()
// m_statusLabel->setText(tr("Download canceled."));
m_httpRequestAborted = true;
void RiuWellImportWizard::httpFinished()
if ( m_httpRequestAborted )
if ( m_file )
delete m_file;
m_file = nullptr;
QVariant redirectionTarget = m_reply->attribute( QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute );
if ( m_reply->error() )
QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "HTTP" ), tr( "Download failed: %1." ).arg( m_reply->errorString() ) );
else if ( !redirectionTarget.isNull() )
QUrl newUrl = m_url.resolved( redirectionTarget.toUrl() );
if ( QMessageBox::question( this,
tr( "HTTP" ),
tr( "Redirect to %1 ?" ).arg( newUrl.toString() ),
QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::Yes )
m_url = newUrl;
m_file->open( QIODevice::WriteOnly );
m_file->resize( 0 );
startRequest( m_url );
// m_statusLabel->setText(tr("Downloaded data to %1.").arg(m_destinationFolder));
if ( m_currentDownloadState == DOWNLOAD_WELL_PATH )
QString singleWellPathFilePath = m_file->fileName();
QFile file( singleWellPathFilePath );
if ( file.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) )
QString singleWellPathContent = file.readAll();
// Strip leading and trailing []
if ( singleWellPathContent.indexOf( '{' ) > 0 )
singleWellPathContent =
singleWellPathContent.right( singleWellPathContent.size() - singleWellPathContent.indexOf( '{' ) );
if ( singleWellPathContent[singleWellPathContent.size() - 1] == ']' )
singleWellPathContent = singleWellPathContent.left( singleWellPathContent.size() - 1 );
QString wellPathName = getValue( "name", singleWellPathContent );
if ( !singleWellPathContent.isEmpty() && !wellPathName.isEmpty() )
// Write out the content without leading/trailing []
file.remove( singleWellPathFilePath );
if ( file.open( QFile::WriteOnly ) )
QTextStream out( &file );
out << singleWellPathContent;
progressDialog()->setLabelText( QString( "Downloaded well path : %1" ).arg( wellPathName ) );
int newValue = progressDialog()->maximum() - m_wellRequestQueue.size();
progressDialog()->setValue( newValue );
m_reply = nullptr;
delete m_file;
m_file = nullptr;
if ( m_currentDownloadState == DOWNLOAD_WELLS || m_currentDownloadState == DOWNLOAD_WELL_PATH )
else if ( m_currentDownloadState == DOWNLOAD_FIELDS )
m_currentDownloadState = DOWNLOAD_UNDEFINED;
void RiuWellImportWizard::httpReadyRead()
// this slot gets called every time the QNetworkReply has new data.
// We read all of its new data and write it into the file.
// That way we use less RAM than when reading it at the finished()
// signal of the QNetworkReply
if ( m_file ) m_file->write( m_reply->readAll() );
/// This slot will be called for the first network reply that will need authentication.
/// If the authentication is successful, the username/password is cached in the QNetworkAccessManager
void RiuWellImportWizard::slotAuthenticationRequired( QNetworkReply* networkReply, QAuthenticator* authenticator )
if ( m_firstTimeRequestingAuthentication )
// Use credentials from first wizard page
authenticator->setUser( field( "username" ).toString() );
authenticator->setPassword( field( "password" ).toString() );
m_firstTimeRequestingAuthentication = false;
QMessageBox::information( this,
"Authentication failed",
"Failed to authenticate credentials. You will now be directed back to the first "
"wizard page." );
m_firstTimeRequestingAuthentication = true;
#if !defined( QT_NO_OPENSSL ) && !defined( CVF_OSX )
void RiuWellImportWizard::sslErrors( QNetworkReply*, const QList<QSslError>& errors )
QString errorString;
foreach ( const QSslError& error, errors )
if ( !errorString.isEmpty() ) errorString += ", ";
errorString += error.errorString();
if ( QMessageBox::warning( this,
tr( "HTTP" ),
tr( "One or more SSL errors has occurred: %1" ).arg( errorString ),
QMessageBox::Ignore | QMessageBox::Abort ) == QMessageBox::Ignore )
void RiuWellImportWizard::setUrl( const QString& httpAddress )
m_url = httpAddress;
void RiuWellImportWizard::startRequest( QUrl url )
auto request = QNetworkRequest( url );
#if !defined( QT_NO_OPENSSL ) && !defined( CVF_OSX )
bool supportsSsl = QSslSocket::supportsSsl();
if ( supportsSsl )
QSslConfiguration config = QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration();
config.setProtocol( QSsl::TlsV1_0 );
request.setSslConfiguration( config );
m_reply = m_networkAccessManager.get( request );
connect( m_reply, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( httpFinished() ) );
connect( m_reply, SIGNAL( readyRead() ), this, SLOT( httpReadyRead() ) );
/// Search for string, and find the associated value inside the next quoted string
// text content : "A" : "B"
// A search for key "A" returns B
QString RiuWellImportWizard::getValue( const QString& key, const QString& stringContent )
QString quotedKey = "\"" + key + "\"";
int pos = stringContent.indexOf( quotedKey );
if ( pos >= 0 )
int valueStartPos = stringContent.indexOf( "\"", pos + quotedKey.size() );
int valueEndPos = stringContent.indexOf( "\"", valueStartPos + 1 );
if ( valueStartPos >= 0 && valueEndPos > valueStartPos )
return stringContent.mid( valueStartPos + 1, valueEndPos - valueStartPos - 1 );
return QString();
QProgressDialog* RiuWellImportWizard::progressDialog()
if ( !m_myProgressDialog )
m_myProgressDialog = new QProgressDialog( this );
return m_myProgressDialog;
void RiuWellImportWizard::hideProgressDialog()
if ( m_myProgressDialog )
void RiuWellImportWizard::updateFieldsModel()
QString fileName = jsonFieldsFilePath();
if ( caf::Utils::fileExists( fileName ) )
ResInsightInternalJson::JsonReader jsonReader;
QMap<QString, QVariant> jsonMap = jsonReader.decodeFile( fileName );
QStringList regions;
QStringList fields;
QStringList edmIds;
QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> it( jsonMap );
while ( it.hasNext() )
// If we have an array, skip to next node
if ( it.key() == "length" ) continue;
QMap<QString, QVariant> fieldMap = it.value().toMap();
regions.push_back( fieldMap["region"].toString() );
fields.push_back( fieldMap["name"].toString() );
edmIds.push_back( fieldMap["edmId"].toString() );
m_wellPathImportObject->updateRegions( regions, fields, edmIds );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_wellPathImportObject->regions.size(); i++ )
void RiuWellImportWizard::downloadWells()
for ( size_t rIdx = 0; rIdx < m_wellPathImportObject->regions.size(); rIdx++ )
RimOilRegionEntry* oilRegion = m_wellPathImportObject->regions[rIdx];
if ( oilRegion->selected )
for ( size_t fIdx = 0; fIdx < oilRegion->fields.size(); fIdx++ )
RimOilFieldEntry* oilField = oilRegion->fields[fIdx];
if ( oilField->selected )
DownloadEntity urlToFile;
QString wellRequest;
if ( m_wellPathImportObject->utmFilterMode == RimWellPathImport::UTM_FILTER_OFF )
wellRequest = QString( "/resinsight/projects/%1/wells" ).arg( oilField->edmId );
wellRequest = QString( "/resinsight/projects/%1/"
"wellsInArea?north=%2&south=%3&east=%4&west=%5&utmzone=32N" )
.arg( oilField->edmId )
.arg( QString::number( m_wellPathImportObject->north, 'g', 10 ) )
.arg( QString::number( m_wellPathImportObject->south, 'g', 10 ) )
.arg( QString::number( m_wellPathImportObject->east, 'g', 10 ) )
.arg( QString::number( m_wellPathImportObject->west, 'g', 10 ) );
urlToFile.requestUrl = m_webServiceAddress + wellRequest;
urlToFile.responseFilename = m_destinationFolder + QString( "/wells_%1.json" ).arg( oilField->edmId );
oilField->wellsFilePath = urlToFile.responseFilename;
m_wellRequestQueue.push_back( urlToFile );
m_currentDownloadState = DOWNLOAD_WELLS;
void RiuWellImportWizard::downloadWellPaths()
WellSelectionPage* wellSelectionPage = dynamic_cast<WellSelectionPage*>( page( m_wellSelectionPageId ) );
std::vector<DownloadEntity> downloadEntities;
wellSelectionPage->selectedWellPathEntries( downloadEntities, nullptr );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < downloadEntities.size(); i++ )
m_wellRequestQueue.push_back( downloadEntities[i] );
m_currentDownloadState = DOWNLOAD_WELL_PATH;
progressDialog()->setMaximum( m_wellRequestQueue.size() );
progressDialog()->setValue( 0 );
void RiuWellImportWizard::checkDownloadQueueAndIssueRequests()
if ( m_wellRequestQueue.size() > 0 )
DownloadEntity firstItem = m_wellRequestQueue[0];
QString completeUrlText = firstItem.requestUrl;
QString absoluteFilePath = firstItem.responseFilename;
issueHttpRequestToFile( completeUrlText, absoluteFilePath );
if ( m_currentDownloadState == DOWNLOAD_WELLS )
// Update UI with downloaded wells
for ( size_t rIdx = 0; rIdx < m_wellPathImportObject->regions.size(); rIdx++ )
RimOilRegionEntry* oilRegion = m_wellPathImportObject->regions[rIdx];
if ( oilRegion->selected )
for ( size_t fIdx = 0; fIdx < oilRegion->fields.size(); fIdx++ )
RimOilFieldEntry* oilField = oilRegion->fields[fIdx];
if ( oilField->selected )
parseWellsResponse( oilField );
else if ( m_currentDownloadState == DOWNLOAD_WELL_PATH )
WellSummaryPage* wellSummaryPage = dynamic_cast<WellSummaryPage*>( page( m_wellSummaryPageId ) );
if ( wellSummaryPage )
m_currentDownloadState = DOWNLOAD_UNDEFINED;
void RiuWellImportWizard::resetAuthenticationCount()
m_firstTimeRequestingAuthentication = true;
QStringList RiuWellImportWizard::absoluteFilePathsToWellPaths() const
QStringList filePaths;
WellSelectionPage* wellSelectionPage = dynamic_cast<WellSelectionPage*>( page( m_wellSelectionPageId ) );
std::vector<DownloadEntity> downloadEntities;
wellSelectionPage->selectedWellPathEntries( downloadEntities, nullptr );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < downloadEntities.size(); i++ )
if ( caf::Utils::fileExists( downloadEntities[i].responseFilename ) )
filePaths.push_back( downloadEntities[i].responseFilename );
return filePaths;
/// Set wells hidden from the field selection page
/// TODO: This can be refactored when UIOrdering for objects is created
void RiuWellImportWizard::slotCurrentIdChanged( int currentId )
bool hideWells = true;
if ( currentId == m_wellSelectionPageId ) hideWells = false;
for ( size_t rIdx = 0; rIdx < m_wellPathImportObject->regions.size(); rIdx++ )
RimOilRegionEntry* oilRegion = m_wellPathImportObject->regions[rIdx];
for ( size_t fIdx = 0; fIdx < oilRegion->fields.size(); fIdx++ )
RimOilFieldEntry* oilField = oilRegion->fields[fIdx];
oilField->wells.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( hideWells );
// Update the editors to propagate the changes to UI
void RiuWellImportWizard::parseWellsResponse( RimOilFieldEntry* oilFieldEntry )
QStringList surveyNames;
QStringList planNames;
if ( caf::Utils::fileExists( oilFieldEntry->wellsFilePath ) )
ResInsightInternalJson::JsonReader jsonReader;
QMap<QString, QVariant> jsonMap = jsonReader.decodeFile( oilFieldEntry->wellsFilePath );
QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> it( jsonMap );
while ( it.hasNext() )
// If we have an array, skip to next node
if ( it.key() == "length" ) continue;
QMap<QString, QVariant> rootMap = it.value().toMap();
if ( m_wellPathImportObject->wellTypeSurvey )
QMap<QString, QVariant> surveyMap = rootMap["survey"].toMap();
QString name = surveyMap["name"].toString();
if ( !oilFieldEntry->find( name, RimWellPathEntry::WELL_SURVEY ) )
QMap<QString, QVariant> linksMap = surveyMap["links"].toMap();
QString requestUrl = m_webServiceAddress + linksMap["entity"].toString();
QString surveyType = surveyMap["surveyType"].toString();
RimWellPathEntry* surveyWellPathEntry =
RimWellPathEntry::createWellPathEntry( name,
RimWellPathEntry::WELL_SURVEY );
oilFieldEntry->wells.push_back( surveyWellPathEntry );
surveyNames.push_back( name );
if ( m_wellPathImportObject->wellTypePlans )
QList<QVariant> plansList = rootMap["plans"].toList();
QListIterator<QVariant> planIt( plansList );
while ( planIt.hasNext() )
QMap<QString, QVariant> planMap = planIt.next().toMap();
QString name = planMap["name"].toString();
if ( !oilFieldEntry->find( name, RimWellPathEntry::WELL_PLAN ) )
QMap<QString, QVariant> linksMap = planMap["links"].toMap();
QString requestUrl = m_webServiceAddress + linksMap["entity"].toString();
QString surveyType = planMap["surveyType"].toString();
RimWellPathEntry* surveyWellPathEntry =
RimWellPathEntry::createWellPathEntry( name,
RimWellPathEntry::WELL_PLAN );
oilFieldEntry->wells.push_back( surveyWellPathEntry );
planNames.push_back( name );
// Delete the well path entries in the model that are not part of the reply from the web service
std::vector<RimWellPathEntry*> wellsToRemove;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < oilFieldEntry->wells.size(); i++ )
RimWellPathEntry* wellPathEntry = oilFieldEntry->wells[i];
if ( wellPathEntry->wellPathType == RimWellPathEntry::WELL_PLAN )
if ( !planNames.contains( wellPathEntry->name ) )
wellsToRemove.push_back( wellPathEntry );
if ( !surveyNames.contains( wellPathEntry->name ) )
wellsToRemove.push_back( wellPathEntry );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < wellsToRemove.size(); i++ )
oilFieldEntry->wells.removeChildObject( wellsToRemove[i] );
delete wellsToRemove[i];
WellSelectionPage* wellSelectionPage = dynamic_cast<WellSelectionPage*>( page( m_wellSelectionPageId ) );
if ( wellSelectionPage ) wellSelectionPage->buildWellTreeView();
void RiuWellImportWizard::setCredentials( const QString& username, const QString& password )
// Set the initial value of the fields defined in the Authorization page
setField( "username", username );
setField( "password", password );
int RiuWellImportWizard::wellSelectionPageId()
return m_wellSelectionPageId;
AuthenticationPage::AuthenticationPage( const QString& webServiceAddress, QWidget* parent /*= 0*/ )
: QWizardPage( parent )
setTitle( "SSIHUB - Login" );
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout;
QLabel* label = new QLabel( "Please enter your login information for SSIHUB at : " + webServiceAddress );
layout->addWidget( label );
QFormLayout* formLayout = new QFormLayout;
layout->addLayout( formLayout );
QLineEdit* usernameLineEdit = new QLineEdit( "", this );
QLineEdit* passwordlLineEdit = new QLineEdit( "", this );
passwordlLineEdit->setEchoMode( QLineEdit::Password );
formLayout->addRow( "&Username:", usernameLineEdit );
formLayout->addRow( "&Password:", passwordlLineEdit );
setLayout( layout );
// Make variables accessible to other pages in wizard
// Use * at end of field name to indicate mandatory field
registerField( "username", usernameLineEdit );
registerField( "password", passwordlLineEdit );
void AuthenticationPage::initializePage()
RiuWellImportWizard* wiz = dynamic_cast<RiuWellImportWizard*>( wizard() );
FieldSelectionPage::FieldSelectionPage( RimWellPathImport* wellPathImport, QWidget* parent /*= 0*/ )
setTitle( "Field Selection" );
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout;
setLayout( layout );
QLabel* label = new QLabel( "Select fields" );
layout->addWidget( label );
// Tree view
caf::PdmUiTreeView* treeView = new caf::PdmUiTreeView( this );
treeView->setPdmItem( wellPathImport );
layout->addWidget( treeView );
layout->setStretchFactor( treeView, 10 );
// Property view
m_propertyView = new caf::PdmUiPropertyView( this );
layout->addWidget( m_propertyView );
m_propertyView->showProperties( wellPathImport );
setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding ) );
void FieldSelectionPage::initializePage()
RiuWellImportWizard* wiz = dynamic_cast<RiuWellImportWizard*>( wizard() );
m_propertyView->showProperties( nullptr );
WellSelectionPage::WellSelectionPage( RimWellPathImport* wellPathImport, QWidget* parent /*= 0*/ )
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout;
setLayout( layout );
QLabel* label = new QLabel( "Select wells" );
layout->addWidget( label );
m_wellSelectionTreeView = new caf::PdmUiTreeView( this );
m_wellSelectionTreeView->treeView()->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
m_wellSelectionTreeView->enableSelectionManagerUpdating( true );
m_wellSelectionTreeView->treeView()->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection );
connect( m_wellSelectionTreeView->treeView(),
SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( const QPoint& ) ),
SLOT( customMenuRequested( const QPoint& ) ) );
layout->addWidget( m_wellSelectionTreeView );
m_wellPathImportObject = wellPathImport;
m_regionsWithVisibleWells = new ObjectGroupWithHeaders;
m_regionsWithVisibleWells->objects.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( true );
void WellSelectionPage::initializePage()
RiuWellImportWizard* wiz = dynamic_cast<RiuWellImportWizard*>( wizard() );
if ( !wiz ) return;
setButtonText( QWizard::NextButton, "Download" );
void WellSelectionPage::buildWellTreeView()
for ( size_t rIdx = 0; rIdx < m_regionsWithVisibleWells->objects.size(); rIdx++ )
caf::PdmObjectGroup* regGroup = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmObjectGroup*>( m_regionsWithVisibleWells->objects[rIdx] );
if ( !regGroup ) continue;
for ( size_t fIdx = 0; fIdx < regGroup->objects.size(); fIdx++ )
caf::PdmObjectGroup* fieldGroup = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmObjectGroup*>( regGroup->objects[fIdx] );
if ( !fieldGroup ) continue;
// RimWellPathEntry objects are present here, they must be taken out out the container, but not deleted
// If fieldGroup->objects->deleteObjects is performed, the objects are deleted
// Delete all temporary pdm object groups
for ( size_t rIdx = 0; rIdx < m_wellPathImportObject->regions.size(); rIdx++ )
RimOilRegionEntry* oilRegion = m_wellPathImportObject->regions[rIdx];
if ( oilRegion->selected )
caf::PdmObjectCollection* regGroup = new caf::PdmObjectCollection;
regGroup->objects.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( true );
regGroup->setUiName( oilRegion->userDescriptionField()->uiCapability()->uiValue().toString() );
m_regionsWithVisibleWells->objects.push_back( regGroup );
for ( size_t fIdx = 0; fIdx < oilRegion->fields.size(); fIdx++ )
RimOilFieldEntry* oilField = oilRegion->fields[fIdx];
if ( oilField->selected )
caf::PdmObjectCollection* fieldGroup = new caf::PdmObjectCollection;
fieldGroup->objects.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( true );
fieldGroup->setUiName( oilField->userDescriptionField()->uiCapability()->uiValue().toString() );
regGroup->objects.push_back( fieldGroup );
for ( size_t wIdx = 0; wIdx < oilField->wells.size(); wIdx++ )
RimWellPathEntry* wellPathEntry = oilField->wells[wIdx];
// Create a copy of the PdmObject, as it is not supported to have multiple parents of any objects
QString objStr = wellPathEntry->writeObjectToXmlString();
RimWellPathEntry* wellPathCopy = new RimWellPathEntry;
wellPathCopy->readObjectFromXmlString( objStr, caf::PdmDefaultObjectFactory::instance() );
wellPathCopy->selected = true;
fieldGroup->objects.push_back( wellPathCopy );
sortObjectsByDescription( fieldGroup );
m_wellSelectionTreeView->setPdmItem( m_regionsWithVisibleWells );
if ( m_wellSelectionTreeView )
m_wellSelectionTreeView->setPdmItem( nullptr );
delete m_regionsWithVisibleWells;
void WellSelectionPage::selectedWellPathEntries( std::vector<DownloadEntity>& downloadEntities,
caf::PdmObjectHandle* objHandle )
if ( objHandle == nullptr )
objHandle = m_regionsWithVisibleWells;
std::vector<caf::PdmFieldHandle*> childFields;
objHandle->fields( childFields );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < childFields.size(); i++ )
std::vector<caf::PdmObjectHandle*> childObjects;
childFields[i]->childObjects( &childObjects );
for ( size_t j = 0; j < childObjects.size(); j++ )
RimWellPathEntry* wellPathEntry = ( dynamic_cast<RimWellPathEntry*>( childObjects[j] ) );
if ( wellPathEntry )
if ( wellPathEntry->selected && wellPathEntry->isWellPathValid() )
DownloadEntity urlToFile;
urlToFile.name = wellPathEntry->name;
urlToFile.requestUrl = wellPathEntry->requestUrl;
urlToFile.responseFilename = wellPathEntry->wellPathFilePath;
downloadEntities.push_back( urlToFile );
selectedWellPathEntries( downloadEntities, childObjects[j] );
void WellSelectionPage::customMenuRequested( const QPoint& pos )
QMenu menu;
RiaFeatureCommandContextHelper helper( m_wellSelectionTreeView );
caf::CmdFeatureMenuBuilder menuBuilder;
menuBuilder << "RicToggleItemsOnFeature";
menuBuilder << "RicToggleItemsOffFeature";
menuBuilder << "RicToggleItemsFeature";
menuBuilder << "RicToggleItemsOnOthersOffFeature";
menuBuilder.appendToMenu( &menu );
// Qt doc: QAbstractScrollArea and its subclasses that map the context menu event to coordinates of the viewport().
// Since we might get this signal from different treeViews, we need to map the position accordingly.
QObject* senderObj = this->sender();
QTreeView* treeView = dynamic_cast<QTreeView*>( senderObj );
if ( treeView )
QPoint globalPos = treeView->viewport()->mapToGlobal( pos );
menu.exec( globalPos );
bool lessByDescription( const caf::PdmPointer<caf::PdmObjectHandle>& obj1, const caf::PdmPointer<caf::PdmObjectHandle>& obj2 )
caf::PdmUiFieldHandle* uiFieldHandle1 = nullptr;
caf::PdmUiFieldHandle* uiFieldHandle2 = nullptr;
if ( obj1.notNull() && obj1->uiCapability() && obj1->uiCapability()->userDescriptionField() )
uiFieldHandle1 = obj1->uiCapability()->userDescriptionField()->uiCapability();
if ( obj2.notNull() && obj2->uiCapability() && obj2->uiCapability()->userDescriptionField() )
uiFieldHandle2 = obj2->uiCapability()->userDescriptionField()->uiCapability();
if ( uiFieldHandle1 && uiFieldHandle2 )
QString string1 = uiFieldHandle1->uiValue().toString();
QString string2 = uiFieldHandle2->uiValue().toString();
return string1 < string2;
return true;
void WellSelectionPage::sortObjectsByDescription( caf::PdmObjectCollection* objects )
std::sort( objects->objects.begin(), objects->objects.end(), lessByDescription );
WellSummaryPage::WellSummaryPage( RimWellPathImport* wellPathImport, QWidget* parent /*= 0*/ )
m_wellPathImportObject = wellPathImport;
m_wellPathImportObject->setUiHidden( true );
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout;
setLayout( layout );
m_textEdit = new QTextEdit( this );
m_textEdit->setReadOnly( true );
layout->addWidget( m_textEdit );
QPushButton* button = new QPushButton( "Show/hide details", this );
connect( button, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotShowDetails() ) );
layout->addWidget( button );
m_listView = new caf::PdmUiListView( this );
layout->setStretchFactor( m_listView, 10 );
layout->addWidget( m_listView );
m_objectGroup = new caf::PdmObjectCollection;
setButtonText( QWizard::FinishButton, "Import" );
void WellSummaryPage::initializePage()
RiuWellImportWizard* wiz = dynamic_cast<RiuWellImportWizard*>( wizard() );
void WellSummaryPage::updateSummaryPage()
m_textEdit->setText( "Summary of imported wells\n\n" );
size_t wellPathCount = 0;
QString errorString;
RiuWellImportWizard* wiz = dynamic_cast<RiuWellImportWizard*>( wizard() );
WellSelectionPage* wellSelectionPage = dynamic_cast<WellSelectionPage*>( wiz->page( wiz->wellSelectionPageId() ) );
std::vector<DownloadEntity> downloadEntities;
wellSelectionPage->selectedWellPathEntries( downloadEntities, nullptr );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < downloadEntities.size(); i++ )
if ( caf::Utils::fileExists( downloadEntities[i].responseFilename ) )
errorString += QString( "Failed to get file '%1' from well '%2'\n" )
.arg( downloadEntities[i].responseFilename )
.arg( downloadEntities[i].name );
SummaryPageDownloadEntity* sumPageEntity = new SummaryPageDownloadEntity;
sumPageEntity->name = downloadEntities[i].name;
sumPageEntity->responseFilename = downloadEntities[i].responseFilename;
sumPageEntity->requestUrl = downloadEntities[i].requestUrl;
m_objectGroup->objects().push_back( sumPageEntity );
m_textEdit->setText( QString( "Downloaded successfully %1 well paths.\nPlease push 'Import' button to import well "
"paths into ResInsight.\n\n" )
.arg( wellPathCount ) );
if ( !errorString.isEmpty() )
m_textEdit->append( "Detected following errors during well path download. See details below." );
m_textEdit->append( errorString );
m_listView->setPdmObject( m_objectGroup );
void WellSummaryPage::slotShowDetails()
if ( m_listView->isHidden() )
void ObjectGroupWithHeaders::defineObjectEditorAttribute( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiEditorAttribute* attribute )
caf::PdmUiTreeViewEditorAttribute* myAttr = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiTreeViewEditorAttribute*>( attribute );
if ( myAttr )
QStringList colHeaders;
colHeaders << "Wells";
myAttr->columnHeaders = colHeaders;
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( SummaryPageDownloadEntity, "SummaryPageDownloadEntity" );
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "SummaryPageDownloadEntity" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &name, "Name", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &requestUrl, "RequestUrl", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &responseFilename, "ResponseFilename", "" );