mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
* Better minimum width for well log tracks * Fix alignment of scrollbar in Well log plots * Better Well Log Plot export * Hide scroll bar before plotting * Better borders * Create plots through Python * #4817 Create WBS plots with Python * Rebase Summary and WellLogPlot on top of a new RimPlot * Also Python: Allow setting folder as a parameter to export_snapshots * #4832 Prepare for well path import command * Well Path import WIP * #4830 #4832 Import well paths and well log files from file using Python. * #4837 Implement import of formation names in Python * Fix debug build issue * Fix RiaLogging build issue * Fix warnings * Yet another RiaLogging.h import added * #4839 Import exporting of las and ascii files from well log plots
400 lines
17 KiB
400 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2019- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RiaGrpcCaseService.h"
#include "RiaGrpcCallbacks.h"
#include "RiaSocketTools.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigEclipseResultAddress.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimGeoMechCase.h"
#include <string.h> // memcpy
using namespace rips;
: m_request( nullptr )
, m_eclipseCase( nullptr )
, m_activeCellInfo( nullptr )
, m_currentCellIdx( 0u )
grpc::Status RiaActiveCellInfoStateHandler::init( const rips::CellInfoRequest* request )
CAF_ASSERT( request );
m_request = request;
m_porosityModel = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType( m_request->porosity_model() );
RimCase* rimCase = RiaGrpcServiceInterface::findCase( m_request->case_request().id() );
m_eclipseCase = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseCase*>( rimCase );
if ( !m_eclipseCase )
return grpc::Status( grpc::NOT_FOUND, "Eclipse Case not found" );
if ( !m_eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData() || !m_eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData()->mainGrid() )
return grpc::Status( grpc::NOT_FOUND, "Eclipse Case Data not found" );
m_activeCellInfo = m_eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData()->activeCellInfo( m_porosityModel );
if ( !m_activeCellInfo )
return grpc::Status( grpc::NOT_FOUND, "Active Cell Info not found" );
size_t globalCoarseningBoxCount = 0;
for ( size_t gridIdx = 0; gridIdx < m_eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData()->gridCount(); gridIdx++ )
m_globalCoarseningBoxIndexStart.push_back( globalCoarseningBoxCount );
RigGridBase* grid = m_eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData()->grid( gridIdx );
size_t localCoarseningBoxCount = grid->coarseningBoxCount();
globalCoarseningBoxCount += localCoarseningBoxCount;
return grpc::Status::OK;
grpc::Status RiaActiveCellInfoStateHandler::assignNextActiveCellInfoData( rips::CellInfo* cellInfo )
const std::vector<RigCell>& reservoirCells = m_eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData()->mainGrid()->globalCellArray();
while ( m_currentCellIdx < reservoirCells.size() )
size_t cellIdxToTry = m_currentCellIdx++;
if ( m_activeCellInfo->isActive( cellIdxToTry ) )
assignCellInfoData( cellInfo, reservoirCells, cellIdxToTry );
return grpc::Status::OK;
return Status( grpc::OUT_OF_RANGE, "We've reached the end. This is not an error but means transmission is finished" );
void RiaActiveCellInfoStateHandler::assignCellInfoData( rips::CellInfo* cellInfo,
const std::vector<RigCell>& reservoirCells,
size_t cellIdx )
RigGridBase* grid = reservoirCells[cellIdx].hostGrid();
CVF_ASSERT( grid != nullptr );
size_t cellIndex = reservoirCells[cellIdx].gridLocalCellIndex();
size_t i, j, k;
grid->ijkFromCellIndex( cellIndex, &i, &j, &k );
size_t pi, pj, pk;
RigGridBase* parentGrid = nullptr;
if ( grid->isMainGrid() )
pi = i;
pj = j;
pk = k;
parentGrid = grid;
size_t parentCellIdx = reservoirCells[cellIdx].parentCellIndex();
parentGrid = ( static_cast<RigLocalGrid*>( grid ) )->parentGrid();
CVF_ASSERT( parentGrid != nullptr );
parentGrid->ijkFromCellIndex( parentCellIdx, &pi, &pj, &pk );
cellInfo->set_grid_index( (int)grid->gridIndex() );
cellInfo->set_parent_grid_index( (int)parentGrid->gridIndex() );
size_t coarseningIdx = reservoirCells[cellIdx].coarseningBoxIndex();
if ( coarseningIdx != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T )
size_t globalCoarseningIdx = m_globalCoarseningBoxIndexStart[grid->gridIndex()] + coarseningIdx;
cellInfo->set_coarsening_box_index( (int)globalCoarseningIdx );
cellInfo->set_coarsening_box_index( -1 );
rips::Vec3i* local_ijk = new rips::Vec3i;
local_ijk->set_i( (int)i );
local_ijk->set_j( (int)j );
local_ijk->set_k( (int)k );
cellInfo->set_allocated_local_ijk( local_ijk );
rips::Vec3i* parent_ijk = new rips::Vec3i;
parent_ijk->set_i( (int)pi );
parent_ijk->set_j( (int)pj );
parent_ijk->set_k( (int)pk );
cellInfo->set_allocated_parent_ijk( parent_ijk );
RigActiveCellInfo* RiaActiveCellInfoStateHandler::activeCellInfo() const
return m_activeCellInfo;
const std::vector<RigCell>& RiaActiveCellInfoStateHandler::reservoirCells() const
const std::vector<RigCell>& reservoirCells = m_eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData()->mainGrid()->globalCellArray();
return reservoirCells;
grpc::Status RiaActiveCellInfoStateHandler::assignReply( rips::CellInfoArray* reply )
const size_t packageSize = RiaGrpcServiceInterface::numberOfMessagesForByteCount( sizeof( rips::CellInfoArray ) );
size_t packageIndex = 0u;
reply->mutable_data()->Reserve( (int)packageSize );
for ( ; packageIndex < packageSize && m_currentCellIdx < m_activeCellInfo->reservoirCellCount(); ++packageIndex )
rips::CellInfo singleCellInfo;
grpc::Status singleCellInfoStatus = assignNextActiveCellInfoData( &singleCellInfo );
if ( singleCellInfoStatus.ok() )
rips::CellInfo* allocCellInfo = reply->add_data();
*allocCellInfo = singleCellInfo;
if ( packageIndex > 0u )
return Status::OK;
return Status( grpc::OUT_OF_RANGE, "We've reached the end. This is not an error but means transmission is finished" );
grpc::Status RiaGrpcCaseService::GetGridCount( grpc::ServerContext* context,
const rips::CaseRequest* request,
rips::GridCount* reply )
RimCase* rimCase = findCase( request->id() );
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseCase*>( rimCase );
if ( eclipseCase )
int gridCount = (int)eclipseCase->mainGrid()->gridCount();
reply->set_count( gridCount );
return Status::OK;
return grpc::Status( grpc::NOT_FOUND, "Eclipse Case not found" );
grpc::Status RiaGrpcCaseService::GetCellCount( grpc::ServerContext* context,
const rips::CellInfoRequest* request,
rips::CellCount* reply )
RimCase* rimCase = findCase( request->case_request().id() );
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseCase*>( rimCase );
if ( eclipseCase )
auto porosityModel = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType( request->porosity_model() );
RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo = eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData()->activeCellInfo( porosityModel );
reply->set_active_cell_count( (int)activeCellInfo->reservoirActiveCellCount() );
reply->set_reservoir_cell_count( (int)activeCellInfo->reservoirCellCount() );
return grpc::Status::OK;
return grpc::Status( grpc::NOT_FOUND, "Eclipse Case not found" );
grpc::Status RiaGrpcCaseService::GetTimeSteps( grpc::ServerContext* context,
const rips::CaseRequest* request,
rips::TimeStepDates* reply )
RimCase* rimCase = findCase( request->id() );
if ( rimCase )
std::vector<QDateTime> timeStepDates = rimCase->timeStepDates();
for ( QDateTime dateTime : timeStepDates )
rips::TimeStepDate* date = reply->add_dates();
date->set_year( dateTime.date().year() );
date->set_month( dateTime.date().month() );
date->set_day( dateTime.date().day() );
date->set_hour( dateTime.time().hour() );
date->set_minute( dateTime.time().minute() );
date->set_second( dateTime.time().second() );
return grpc::Status::OK;
return grpc::Status( grpc::NOT_FOUND, "Case not found" );
grpc::Status RiaGrpcCaseService::GetDaysSinceStart( grpc::ServerContext* context,
const rips::CaseRequest* request,
rips::DaysSinceStart* reply )
RimCase* rimCase = findCase( request->id() );
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseCase*>( rimCase );
if ( eclipseCase )
RigEclipseResultAddress addrToMaxTimeStepCountResult;
if ( eclipseCase && eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData() )
->results( RiaDefines::MATRIX_MODEL )
->maxTimeStepCount( &addrToMaxTimeStepCountResult );
if ( !addrToMaxTimeStepCountResult.isValid() )
return grpc::Status( grpc::NOT_FOUND, "Invalid result. No time steps found." );
std::vector<double> daysSinceSimulationStart = eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData()
->results( RiaDefines::MATRIX_MODEL )
->daysSinceSimulationStart( addrToMaxTimeStepCountResult );
for ( auto days : daysSinceSimulationStart )
reply->add_day_decimals( days );
return grpc::Status::OK;
return grpc::Status( grpc::NOT_FOUND, "Eclipse Case not found" );
grpc::Status RiaGrpcCaseService::GetCaseInfo( grpc::ServerContext* context,
const rips::CaseRequest* request,
rips::CaseInfo* reply )
RimCase* rimCase = findCase( request->id() );
if ( rimCase )
qint64 caseId = rimCase->caseId();
qint64 caseGroupId = -1;
QString caseName, caseType;
RiaSocketTools::getCaseInfoFromCase( rimCase, caseId, caseName, caseType, caseGroupId );
reply->set_id( caseId );
reply->set_group_id( caseGroupId );
reply->set_name( caseName.toStdString() );
reply->set_type( caseType.toStdString() );
return Status::OK;
return Status( grpc::NOT_FOUND, "No cases found" );
grpc::Status RiaGrpcCaseService::GetPdmObject( grpc::ServerContext* context,
const rips::CaseRequest* request,
rips::PdmObject* reply )
RimCase* rimCase = findCase( request->id() );
if ( rimCase )
copyPdmObjectFromCafToRips( rimCase, reply );
return grpc::Status::OK;
grpc::Status RiaGrpcCaseService::GetCellInfoForActiveCells( grpc::ServerContext* context,
const rips::CellInfoRequest* request,
rips::CellInfoArray* reply,
RiaActiveCellInfoStateHandler* stateHandler )
return stateHandler->assignReply( reply );
std::vector<RiaGrpcCallbackInterface*> RiaGrpcCaseService::createCallbacks()
typedef RiaGrpcCaseService Self;
return {new RiaGrpcUnaryCallback<Self, CaseRequest, GridCount>( this, &Self::GetGridCount, &Self::RequestGetGridCount ),
new RiaGrpcUnaryCallback<Self, CellInfoRequest, CellCount>( this,
&Self::RequestGetCellCount ),
new RiaGrpcUnaryCallback<Self, CaseRequest, TimeStepDates>( this,
&Self::RequestGetTimeSteps ),
new RiaGrpcUnaryCallback<Self, CaseRequest, DaysSinceStart>( this,
&Self::RequestGetDaysSinceStart ),
new RiaGrpcUnaryCallback<Self, CaseRequest, CaseInfo>( this, &Self::GetCaseInfo, &Self::RequestGetCaseInfo ),
new RiaGrpcUnaryCallback<Self, CaseRequest, PdmObject>( this, &Self::GetPdmObject, &Self::RequestGetPdmObject ),
new RiaGrpcServerToClientStreamCallback<Self,
RiaActiveCellInfoStateHandler>( this,
new RiaActiveCellInfoStateHandler )};
static bool RiaGrpcCaseService_init = RiaGrpcServiceFactory::instance()->registerCreator<RiaGrpcCaseService>(
typeid( RiaGrpcCaseService ).hash_code() );