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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helpers for locating Visual Studio on the computer
# VsWhere is available starting with Visual Studio 2017 version 15.2.
Set-Variable -name kVsWhereLocation `
-value "${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" #`
#-option Constant
# Default installation path of Visual Studio 2017. We'll use when VsWhere isn't available.
Set-Variable -name kVs15DefaultLocation `
-value "${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\$global:cptVisualStudioVersion\$aVisualStudioSku" #`
#-option Constant
# Registry key containing information about Visual Studio 2015 installation path.
Set-Variable -name kVs2015RegistryKey `
-value "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0" #`
#-option Constant
# Default location for v140 toolset when installed as a feature of a VS 2017 installation
Set-Variable -name kVs2017Toolset140DiskLocation `
-value "${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0" #`
#-option Constant
Function Get-MscVer()
return ((Get-Item "$(Get-VisualStudio-Path)\VC\Tools\MSVC\" | Get-ChildItem) | select -last 1).Name
Function Get-VisualStudio-Includes([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $vsPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $mscVer)
[string] $mscVerToken = ""
If (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($mscVer))
$mscVerToken = "Tools\MSVC\$mscVer\"
return @( "$vsPath\VC\$($mscVerToken)include"
, "$vsPath\VC\$($mscVerToken)atlmfc\include"
Function Get-VisualStudio-Path()
if ($global:cptVisualStudioVersion -eq "2015")
# try to detect full installation
[string] $installLocation = (Get-Item $kVs2015RegistryKey).GetValue("InstallDir")
if ($installLocation)
$installLocation = Canonize-Path -base $installLocation -child "..\.." -ignoreErrors
if ($installLocation)
return $installLocation
# we may have a VS 2017 installation with v140 toolset feature
[string] $iostreamLocation = Canonize-Path -base $kVs2017Toolset140DiskLocation `
-child "VC\include\iostream" -ignoreErrors
if ($iostreamLocation)
return $kVs2017Toolset140DiskLocation
Write-Err "Visual Studio 2015 installation location could not be detected"
if (Test-Path $kVsWhereLocation)
[string] $product = "*"
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($aVisualStudioSku))
$product = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.$aVisualStudioSku"
[string[]] $output = (& "$kVsWhereLocation" -nologo `
-property installationPath `
-products $product `
# the -prerelease switch is not available on older VS2017 versions
if (($output -join "").Contains("0x57")) <# error code for unknown parameter #>
$output = (& "$kVsWhereLocation" -nologo `
-property installationPath `
-products $product)
return $output[0]
if (Test-Path -Path $kVs15DefaultLocation)
return $kVs15DefaultLocation
throw "Cannot locate Visual Studio location"