Magne Sjaastad cc292b197a
Result Divided by Area: Establish concept used to compute flow velocity and normalized trans (#7349)
* Geometry Tools : Add convenience functions for polygon area

* #7232 Result Divided by Area: Add cell face result and show in GUI

Native support for flow rate is given by mass rate (mass per time) over a cell face. Add a derived result that takes flow rate divided by cell face area to get velocity (distance per time).

Add support for this concept on relevant native results, and indicate this result type in UI using a "/A" postfix

* Speed up divided-by-area calculations by using openmp

* Some refactoring of result data access.

* Make sure NNC data is scaled correctly in vector flow viz.

Co-authored-by: jonjenssen <>
2021-02-11 03:01:17 +01:00

1041 lines
43 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2011- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2013- Ceetron Solutions AS
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "RiaQDateTimeTools.h"
#include "RicGridStatisticsDialog.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
// #include "RigEclipseMultiPropertyStatCalc.h"
// #include "RigEclipseNativeVisibleCellsStatCalc.h"
// #include "RigFemNativeVisibleCellsStatCalc.h"
#include "RigFemPartCollection.h"
#include "RigFemPartResultsCollection.h"
#include "RigFemResultAddress.h"
#include "RigFlowDiagResults.h"
// #include "RigFlowDiagVisibleCellsStatCalc.h"
#include "RigGeoMechCaseData.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "Rim2dIntersectionView.h"
#include "Rim2dIntersectionViewCollection.h"
#include "Rim3dView.h"
#include "RimCase.h"
#include "RimCellEdgeColors.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseCellColors.h"
#include "RimEclipseContourMapProjection.h"
#include "RimEclipseContourMapView.h"
#include "RimEclipseFaultColors.h"
#include "RimEclipsePropertyFilterCollection.h"
#include "RimEclipseStatisticsCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimFaultInViewCollection.h"
#include "RimGeoMechCase.h"
#include "RimGeoMechContourMapProjection.h"
#include "RimGeoMechContourMapView.h"
#include "RimGeoMechResultDefinition.h"
#include "RimGeoMechView.h"
#include "RimReservoirCellResultsStorage.h"
#include "RimSimWellInViewCollection.h"
#include "RiuViewer.h"
#include <QLocale>
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig, "View3dOverlayInfoConfig" );
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "Info Box", ":/InfoBox16x16.png", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_active, "Active", true, "Active", "", "", "" );
m_active.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( true );
m_active = RiaPreferences::current()->showInfoBox();
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_showAnimProgress, "ShowAnimProgress", true, "Animation progress", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_showCaseInfo, "ShowInfoText", true, "Case Info", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_showResultInfo, "ShowResultInfo", true, "Result Info", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_showHistogram, "ShowHistogram", true, "Histogram", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_showVolumeWeightedMean, "ShowVolumeWeightedMean", true, "Mobile Volume Weighted Mean", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_showVersionInfo, "ShowVersionInfo", true, "Version Info", "", "", "" );
caf::AppEnum<RimHistogramCalculator::StatisticsTimeRangeType> defaultTimeRange =
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_statisticsTimeRange, "StatisticsTimeRange", defaultTimeRange, "Statistics Time Range", "", "", "" );
caf::AppEnum<RimHistogramCalculator::StatisticsCellRangeType> defaultCellRange =
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_statisticsCellRange, "StatisticsCellRange", defaultCellRange, "Statistics Cell Range", "", "", "" );
m_histogramCalculator.reset( new RimHistogramCalculator );
void Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField,
const QVariant& oldValue,
const QVariant& newValue )
if ( hasInvalidStatisticsCombination() )
displayPropertyFilteredStatisticsMessage( false );
if ( changedField == &m_statisticsTimeRange )
m_statisticsTimeRange = RimHistogramCalculator::StatisticsTimeRangeType::CURRENT_TIMESTEP;
if ( changedField == &m_statisticsCellRange )
m_statisticsCellRange = RimHistogramCalculator::StatisticsCellRangeType::ALL_CELLS;
if ( changedField == &m_showResultInfo )
if ( !m_showResultInfo() )
m_showVolumeWeightedMean = false;
m_showVolumeWeightedMean.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( true );
m_showVolumeWeightedMean = true;
m_showVolumeWeightedMean.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( false );
if ( m_viewDef && m_viewDef->viewer() )
void Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::setPosition( cvf::Vec2ui position )
m_position = position;
RigHistogramData Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::histogramData()
auto eclipseView = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseView*>( m_viewDef.p() );
auto geoMechView = dynamic_cast<RimGeoMechView*>( m_viewDef.p() );
auto eclipseContourMap = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseContourMapView*>( eclipseView );
auto geoMechContourMap = dynamic_cast<RimGeoMechContourMapView*>( geoMechView );
if ( eclipseContourMap )
return m_histogramCalculator->histogramData( eclipseContourMap );
else if ( geoMechContourMap )
return m_histogramCalculator->histogramData( geoMechContourMap );
else if ( eclipseView )
return m_histogramCalculator->histogramData( eclipseView, m_statisticsCellRange(), m_statisticsTimeRange() );
else if ( geoMechView )
return m_histogramCalculator->histogramData( geoMechView, m_statisticsCellRange(), m_statisticsTimeRange() );
return RigHistogramData();
QString Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::timeStepText()
RimEclipseView* eclipseView = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseView*>( m_viewDef.p() );
RimGeoMechView* geoMechView = dynamic_cast<RimGeoMechView*>( m_viewDef.p() );
if ( eclipseView ) return timeStepText( eclipseView );
if ( geoMechView ) return timeStepText( geoMechView );
return "";
QString Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::caseInfoText()
auto eclipseView = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseView*>( m_viewDef.p() );
auto geoMechView = dynamic_cast<RimGeoMechView*>( m_viewDef.p() );
if ( eclipseView ) return caseInfoText( eclipseView );
if ( geoMechView ) return caseInfoText( geoMechView );
return "";
QString Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::resultInfoText( const RigHistogramData& histData )
auto eclipseView = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseView*>( m_viewDef.p() );
auto geoMechView = dynamic_cast<RimGeoMechView*>( m_viewDef.p() );
if ( eclipseView ) return resultInfoText( histData, eclipseView, m_showVolumeWeightedMean() );
if ( geoMechView ) return resultInfoText( histData, geoMechView );
return "";
RicGridStatisticsDialog* Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::getOrCreateGridStatisticsDialog()
if ( !m_gridStatisticsDialog )
m_gridStatisticsDialog.reset( new RicGridStatisticsDialog( nullptr ) );
CVF_ASSERT( m_gridStatisticsDialog );
return m_gridStatisticsDialog.get();
QImage Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::statisticsDialogScreenShotImage()
if ( getOrCreateGridStatisticsDialog()->isVisible() )
return getOrCreateGridStatisticsDialog()->screenShotImage();
return QImage();
bool Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::showAnimProgress() const
return m_showAnimProgress;
bool Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::showCaseInfo() const
return m_showCaseInfo;
bool Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::showResultInfo() const
return m_showResultInfo;
bool Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::isActive() const
return m_active;
bool Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::showVersionInfo() const
return m_showVersionInfo();
QString Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::caseInfoText( RimEclipseView* eclipseView )
QString infoText;
if ( eclipseView && eclipseView->eclipseCase() )
QString caseName = eclipseView->eclipseCase()->caseUserDescription();
QLocale localeWithSpaceAsGroupSeparator( QLocale::Norwegian );
RimEclipseContourMapView* contourMap = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseContourMapView*>( eclipseView );
if ( contourMap && contourMap->contourMapProjection() )
QString totCellCount =
localeWithSpaceAsGroupSeparator.toString( contourMap->contourMapProjection()->numberOfCells() );
cvf::uint validCellCount = contourMap->contourMapProjection()->numberOfValidCells();
QString activeCellCountText = localeWithSpaceAsGroupSeparator.toString( validCellCount );
QString aggregationType = contourMap->contourMapProjection()->resultAggregationText();
QString weightingParameterString;
if ( contourMap->contourMapProjection()->weightingParameter() != "None" )
weightingParameterString +=
QString( " (Weight: %1)" ).arg( contourMap->contourMapProjection()->weightingParameter() );
infoText += QString( "<p><b>-- Contour Map: %1 --</b><p> "
"<b>Sample Count. Total:</b> %2 <b>Valid Results:</b> %3 <br>"
"<b>Projection Type:</b> %4%5<br>" )
.arg( caseName, totCellCount, activeCellCountText, aggregationType, weightingParameterString );
else if ( eclipseView->mainGrid() )
QString totCellCount = localeWithSpaceAsGroupSeparator.toString(
static_cast<int>( eclipseView->mainGrid()->globalCellArray().size() ) );
size_t mxActCellCount = eclipseView->eclipseCase()
->activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL )
size_t frActCellCount = eclipseView->eclipseCase()
->activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL )
QString activeCellCountText;
if ( frActCellCount > 0 ) activeCellCountText += "Matrix : ";
activeCellCountText += localeWithSpaceAsGroupSeparator.toString( static_cast<int>( mxActCellCount ) );
if ( frActCellCount > 0 )
activeCellCountText += " Fracture : " +
localeWithSpaceAsGroupSeparator.toString( static_cast<int>( frActCellCount ) );
QString iSize = QString::number( eclipseView->mainGrid()->cellCountI() );
QString jSize = QString::number( eclipseView->mainGrid()->cellCountJ() );
QString kSize = QString::number( eclipseView->mainGrid()->cellCountK() );
QString zScale = QString::number( eclipseView->scaleZ() );
infoText += QString( "<p><b>-- %1 --</b><p> "
"<b>Cell count. Total:</b> %2 <b>Active:</b> %3 <br>"
"<b>Main Grid I,J,K:</b> %4, %5, %6 <b>Z-Scale:</b> %7<br>" )
.arg( caseName, totCellCount, activeCellCountText, iSize, jSize, kSize, zScale );
return infoText;
QString Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::caseInfoText( RimGeoMechView* geoMechView )
QString infoText;
if ( geoMechView )
RimGeoMechCase* geoMechCase = geoMechView->geoMechCase();
RigGeoMechCaseData* caseData = geoMechCase ? geoMechCase->geoMechData() : nullptr;
RigFemPartCollection* femParts = caseData ? caseData->femParts() : nullptr;
if ( femParts )
QString caseName = geoMechCase->caseUserDescription();
RimGeoMechContourMapView* contourMap = dynamic_cast<RimGeoMechContourMapView*>( geoMechView );
if ( contourMap && contourMap->contourMapProjection() )
QString totCellCount = QString::number( contourMap->contourMapProjection()->numberOfCells() );
cvf::uint validCellCount = contourMap->contourMapProjection()->numberOfValidCells();
QString activeCellCountText = QString::number( validCellCount );
QString aggregationType = contourMap->contourMapProjection()->resultAggregationText();
infoText += QString( "<p><b>-- Contour Map: %1 --</b><p> "
"<b>Sample Count. Total:</b> %2 <b>Valid Results:</b> %3 <br>"
"<b>Projection Type:</b> %4<br>" )
.arg( caseName, totCellCount, activeCellCountText, aggregationType );
QString cellCount = QString( "%1" ).arg( femParts->totalElementCount() );
QString zScale = QString::number( geoMechView->scaleZ() );
infoText = QString( "<p><b>-- %1 --</b><p>"
"<b>Cell count:</b> %2 <b>Z-Scale:</b> %3<br>" )
.arg( caseName, cellCount, zScale );
return infoText;
QString Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::resultInfoText( const RigHistogramData& histData,
RimEclipseView* eclipseView,
bool showVolumeWeightedMean )
QString infoText;
RimEclipseContourMapView* contourMap = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseContourMapView*>( eclipseView );
if ( contourMap )
bool isResultsInfoRelevant = contourMap->contourMapProjection()->numberOfValidCells() > 0u;
if ( isResultsInfoRelevant )
QString propName = eclipseView->cellResult()->resultVariableUiShortName();
QString diffResString = eclipseView->cellResult()->additionalResultText();
if ( !contourMap->contourMapProjection()->isColumnResult() )
infoText += QString( "<b>Cell Property:</b> %1<br>" ).arg( propName );
if ( !diffResString.isEmpty() )
infoText += QString( "%1<br>" ).arg( diffResString );
if ( histData.isMinMaxValid() )
infoText += QString( "<br><b>Statistics:</b> Current Time Step and Visible Cells" );
infoText += QString( "<table border=0 cellspacing=5 >"
"<tr> <td>Min</td> <td>Mean</td> <td>Max</td> </tr>"
"<tr> <td>%1</td> <td> %2</td> <td> %3</td> </tr>"
"</table>" )
.arg( histData.min )
.arg( histData.mean )
.arg( histData.max );
else if ( eclipseView )
bool isResultsInfoRelevant = eclipseView->hasUserRequestedAnimation() && eclipseView->cellResult()->hasResult();
if ( eclipseView->cellResult()->isTernarySaturationSelected() )
QString propName = eclipseView->cellResult()->resultVariableUiShortName();
infoText += QString( "<b>Cell Property:</b> %1 " ).arg( propName );
if ( isResultsInfoRelevant )
QString propName = eclipseView->cellResult()->resultVariableUiShortName();
QString diffResString = eclipseView->cellResult()->additionalResultText();
QString timeRangeText = m_statisticsTimeRange().uiText();
if ( eclipseView->cellResult()->isFlowDiagOrInjectionFlooding() )
timeRangeText = caf::AppEnum<RimHistogramCalculator::StatisticsTimeRangeType>::uiText(
RimHistogramCalculator::StatisticsTimeRangeType::CURRENT_TIMESTEP );
infoText += QString( "<b>Cell Property:</b> %1<br>" ).arg( propName );
if ( !diffResString.isEmpty() )
infoText += QString( "%1<br>" ).arg( diffResString );
const RimSimWellInViewCollection* wellCollection = eclipseView->wellCollection();
if ( wellCollection && wellCollection->isActive() && wellCollection->isWellDisksVisible() )
infoText += QString( "<b>Well Disk Property:</b> %1<br>" ).arg( wellCollection->wellDiskPropertyUiText() );
if ( eclipseView->cellResult()->hasDualPorFractureResult() )
QString porosityModelText =
caf::AppEnum<RiaDefines::PorosityModelType>::uiText( eclipseView->cellResult()->porosityModel() );
infoText += QString( "<b>Dual Porosity Type:</b> %1<br>" ).arg( porosityModelText );
if ( histData.isMinMaxValid() )
infoText += QString( "<br><b>Statistics:</b> " ) + timeRangeText + " and " +
infoText +=
QString( "<table border=0 cellspacing=5 >"
"<tr> <td>Min</td> <td>P90</td> <td>Mean</td> <td>P10</td> <td>Max</td> <td>Sum</td> </tr>"
"<tr> <td>%1</td> <td> %2</td> <td> %3</td> <td> %4</td> <td> %5</td> <td> %6</td> </tr>"
"</table>" )
.arg( histData.min )
.arg( histData.p10 )
.arg( histData.mean )
.arg( histData.p90 )
.arg( histData.max )
.arg( histData.sum );
if ( eclipseView->faultResultSettings()->hasValidCustomResult() )
QString faultMapping;
bool isShowingGrid = eclipseView->faultCollection()->isGridVisualizationMode();
if ( !isShowingGrid )
if ( eclipseView->faultCollection()->faultResult() == RimFaultInViewCollection::FAULT_BACK_FACE_CULLING )
faultMapping = "Cells behind fault";
else if ( eclipseView->faultCollection()->faultResult() ==
RimFaultInViewCollection::FAULT_FRONT_FACE_CULLING )
faultMapping = "Cells in front of fault";
faultMapping = "Cells in front and behind fault";
faultMapping = "Cells in front and behind fault";
infoText += QString( "<b>Fault results: </b> %1<br>" ).arg( faultMapping );
infoText +=
QString( "<b>Fault Property:</b> %1 <br>" )
.arg( eclipseView->faultResultSettings()->customFaultResult()->resultVariableUiShortName() );
if ( eclipseView->hasUserRequestedAnimation() && eclipseView->cellEdgeResult()->hasResult() )
double min, max;
QString cellEdgeName = eclipseView->cellEdgeResult()->resultVariableUiShortName();
eclipseView->cellEdgeResult()->minMaxCellEdgeValues( min, max );
infoText += QString( "<b>Cell Edge Property:</b> %1 " ).arg( cellEdgeName );
infoText += QString( "<table border=0 cellspacing=5 >"
"<tr> <td>Min</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>Max</td> </tr>"
"<tr> <td>%1</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td> %2</td></tr>"
"</table>" )
.arg( min )
.arg( max );
if ( showVolumeWeightedMean && histData.weightedMean != HUGE_VAL )
infoText += QString( "<b>Mobile Volume Weighted Mean:</b> %1" ).arg( histData.weightedMean );
return infoText;
QString Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::resultInfoText( const RigHistogramData& histData, RimGeoMechView* geoMechView )
QString infoText;
if ( geoMechView )
RimGeoMechCase* geoMechCase = geoMechView->geoMechCase();
RigGeoMechCaseData* caseData = geoMechCase ? geoMechCase->geoMechData() : nullptr;
bool isResultsInfoRelevant = caseData && geoMechView->hasUserRequestedAnimation() &&
if ( isResultsInfoRelevant )
QString resultPos;
QString fieldName = geoMechView->cellResultResultDefinition()->resultFieldUiName();
QString compName = geoMechView->cellResultResultDefinition()->resultComponentUiName();
QString diffResString = geoMechView->cellResultResultDefinition()->diffResultUiName();
switch ( geoMechView->cellResultResultDefinition()->resultPositionType() )
resultPos = "Nodal";
resultPos = "Element nodal";
resultPos = "Integration point";
resultPos = "Element";
resultPos = "Differentials";
if ( compName == "" )
infoText += QString( "<b>Cell result:</b> %1, %2<br>" ).arg( resultPos ).arg( fieldName );
infoText +=
QString( "<b>Cell result:</b> %1, %2, %3<br>" ).arg( resultPos ).arg( fieldName ).arg( compName );
if ( geoMechView->cellResultResultDefinition()->isBiotCoefficientDependent() )
if ( geoMechCase->biotCoefficientType() == RimGeoMechCase::BiotCoefficientType::BIOT_NONE )
infoText += QString( "<b>Biot Coefficient</b>: 1.0 (None)<br>" );
else if ( geoMechCase->biotCoefficientType() == RimGeoMechCase::BiotCoefficientType::BIOT_FIXED )
infoText +=
QString( "<b>Biot Coefficient</b>: %1 (Fixed)<br>" ).arg( geoMechCase->biotFixedCoefficient() );
else if ( geoMechCase->biotCoefficientType() == RimGeoMechCase::BiotCoefficientType::BIOT_PER_ELEMENT )
infoText += QString( "<b>Biot Coefficient</b>: %1 (From element property)<br>" )
.arg( geoMechCase->biotResultAddress() );
const RimGeoMechContourMapView* contourMapView = dynamic_cast<const RimGeoMechContourMapView*>( geoMechView );
if ( contourMapView )
if ( !diffResString.isEmpty() )
infoText += QString( "%1<br>" ).arg( diffResString );
if ( histData.isMinMaxValid() )
infoText += QString( "<br><b>Statistics:</b> " ) + m_statisticsTimeRange().uiText() + " and " +
infoText += QString( "<table border=0 cellspacing=5 >"
"<tr> <td>Min</td> <td>Mean</td> <td>Max</td> </tr>"
"<tr> <td>%1</td> <td> %2</td> <td> %3</td> </tr>"
"</table>" )
.arg( histData.min )
.arg( histData.mean )
.arg( histData.max );
if ( !diffResString.isEmpty() )
infoText += QString( "%1<br>" ).arg( diffResString );
if ( histData.isMinMaxValid() )
infoText += QString( "<br><b>Statistics:</b> " ) + m_statisticsTimeRange().uiText() + " and " +
infoText +=
"<table border=0 cellspacing=5 >"
"<tr> <td>Min</td> <td>P90</td> <td>Mean</td> <td>P10</td> <td>Max</td> <td>Sum</td> </tr>"
"<tr> <td>%1</td> <td> %2</td> <td> %3</td> <td> %4</td> <td> %5</td> <td> %6</td> </tr>"
"</table>" )
.arg( histData.min )
.arg( histData.p10 )
.arg( histData.mean )
.arg( histData.p90 )
.arg( histData.max )
.arg( histData.sum );
infoText += QString( "<b>No valid result selected</b>" );
return infoText;
void Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::showStatisticsInfoDialog( bool raise )
if ( m_viewDef )
RicGridStatisticsDialog* dialog = getOrCreateGridStatisticsDialog();
// Show dialog before setting data due to text edit auto height setting
dialog->resize( 600, 800 );
dialog->setLabel( "Grid statistics" );
dialog->updateFromRimView( m_viewDef );
if ( raise )
void Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::update3DInfo()
if ( !m_viewDef ) return;
if ( !m_viewDef->viewer() ) return;
if ( !this->m_active() )
m_viewDef->viewer()->showInfoText( false );
m_viewDef->viewer()->showHistogram( false );
m_viewDef->viewer()->showAnimationProgress( false );
m_viewDef->viewer()->showVersionInfo( false );
m_viewDef->viewer()->showInfoText( m_showCaseInfo() || ( m_showResultInfo() && !m_viewDef->activeComparisonView() ) );
m_viewDef->viewer()->showHistogram( false );
m_viewDef->viewer()->showAnimationProgress( m_showAnimProgress() );
m_viewDef->viewer()->showVersionInfo( m_showVersionInfo() );
if ( hasInvalidStatisticsCombination() )
displayPropertyFilteredStatisticsMessage( true );
m_statisticsTimeRange = RimHistogramCalculator::StatisticsTimeRangeType::CURRENT_TIMESTEP;
RimEclipseView* reservoirView = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseView*>( m_viewDef.p() );
if ( reservoirView )
const RimEclipseStatisticsCase* eclipseStat =
dynamic_cast<const RimEclipseStatisticsCase*>( reservoirView->eclipseCase() );
if ( eclipseStat )
m_showVolumeWeightedMean = false;
updateEclipse3DInfo( reservoirView );
// Update statistics dialog
getOrCreateGridStatisticsDialog()->updateFromRimView( reservoirView );
RimGeoMechView* geoMechView = dynamic_cast<RimGeoMechView*>( m_viewDef.p() );
if ( geoMechView )
m_showVolumeWeightedMean = false;
updateGeoMech3DInfo( geoMechView );
// Update statistics dialog
getOrCreateGridStatisticsDialog()->updateFromRimView( geoMechView );
caf::PdmFieldHandle* Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::objectToggleField()
return &m_active;
void Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering )
caf::PdmUiGroup* visGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Visibility" );
RimEclipseView* eclipseView = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseView*>( m_viewDef.p() );
RimEclipseContourMapView* contourMap = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseContourMapView*>( eclipseView );
RimGeoMechView* geoMechView = dynamic_cast<RimGeoMechView*>( m_viewDef.p() );
bool isEclipseStatsCase = false;
if ( eclipseView )
isEclipseStatsCase = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseStatisticsCase*>( eclipseView->eclipseCase() ) != nullptr;
visGroup->add( &m_showAnimProgress );
visGroup->add( &m_showCaseInfo );
visGroup->add( &m_showResultInfo );
if ( !geoMechView && !contourMap && !isEclipseStatsCase )
visGroup->add( &m_showVolumeWeightedMean );
if ( !contourMap )
visGroup->add( &m_showHistogram );
visGroup->add( &m_showVersionInfo );
if ( contourMap )
m_statisticsTimeRange = RimHistogramCalculator::StatisticsTimeRangeType::CURRENT_TIMESTEP;
m_statisticsCellRange = RimHistogramCalculator::StatisticsCellRangeType::VISIBLE_CELLS;
caf::PdmUiGroup* statGroup = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Statistics Options" );
if ( !eclipseView || !eclipseView->cellResult()->isFlowDiagOrInjectionFlooding() )
statGroup->add( &m_statisticsTimeRange );
statGroup->add( &m_statisticsCellRange );
bool isUsingComparisonView = m_viewDef->activeComparisonView();
m_showResultInfo.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( isUsingComparisonView );
m_showVolumeWeightedMean.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( isUsingComparisonView );
m_showHistogram.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( isUsingComparisonView );
uiOrdering.skipRemainingFields( true );
void Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::setReservoirView( RimGridView* ownerReservoirView )
m_viewDef = ownerReservoirView;
void Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::updateEclipse3DInfo( RimEclipseView* eclipseView )
RigHistogramData histData;
if ( m_showHistogram() || m_showResultInfo() )
histData = histogramData();
QString infoText;
if ( m_showCaseInfo() )
infoText = caseInfoText();
if ( m_showResultInfo() )
infoText += resultInfoText( histData );
if ( !infoText.isEmpty() )
eclipseView->viewer()->setInfoText( infoText );
if ( m_showHistogram() )
bool isResultsInfoRelevant = eclipseView->hasUserRequestedAnimation() && eclipseView->cellResult()->hasResult();
if ( isResultsInfoRelevant && histData.isHistogramVectorValid() )
eclipseView->viewer()->showHistogram( true );
eclipseView->viewer()->setHistogram( histData.min, histData.max, *histData.histogram );
eclipseView->viewer()->setHistogramPercentiles( histData.p10, histData.p90, histData.mean );
void Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::updateGeoMech3DInfo( RimGeoMechView* geoMechView )
RigHistogramData histData;
if ( m_showResultInfo() || m_showHistogram() )
histData = m_histogramCalculator->histogramData( geoMechView, m_statisticsCellRange(), m_statisticsTimeRange() );
// Compose text
QString infoText;
if ( m_showCaseInfo() )
infoText = caseInfoText( geoMechView );
if ( m_showResultInfo() )
infoText += resultInfoText( histData, geoMechView );
if ( !infoText.isEmpty() )
geoMechView->viewer()->setInfoText( infoText );
// Populate histogram
if ( m_showHistogram() )
RimGeoMechCase* geoMechCase = geoMechView->geoMechCase();
RigGeoMechCaseData* caseData = geoMechCase ? geoMechCase->geoMechData() : nullptr;
bool isResultsInfoRelevant = caseData && geoMechView->hasUserRequestedAnimation() &&
if ( isResultsInfoRelevant && histData.isHistogramVectorValid() )
geoMechView->viewer()->showHistogram( true );
geoMechView->viewer()->setHistogram( histData.min, histData.max, *histData.histogram );
geoMechView->viewer()->setHistogramPercentiles( histData.p10, histData.p90, histData.mean );
void Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::update3DInfoIn2dViews() const
RimCase* rimCase;
firstAncestorOrThisOfType( rimCase );
if ( rimCase )
for ( Rim2dIntersectionView* view : rimCase->intersectionViewCollection()->views() )
QString Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::timeStepText( RimEclipseView* eclipseView )
QString dateTimeString;
if ( eclipseView && eclipseView->currentGridCellResults() )
int currTimeStepIndex = eclipseView->currentTimeStep();
std::vector<QDateTime> timeSteps = eclipseView->currentGridCellResults()->allTimeStepDatesFromEclipseReader();
if ( currTimeStepIndex >= 0 && currTimeStepIndex < (int)timeSteps.size() )
QString dateFormat = RiaQDateTimeTools::createTimeFormatStringFromDates( timeSteps );
QString dateString =
RiaQDateTimeTools::toStringUsingApplicationLocale( timeSteps[currTimeStepIndex], dateFormat );
dateTimeString =
QString( "Time Step: %1/%2 %3" )
.arg( QString::number( currTimeStepIndex ), QString::number( timeSteps.size() - 1 ), dateString );
return QString( "<p><b><center>-- %1 --</center></b>" ).arg( dateTimeString ) +
QString( "<center>------------------------------------------------</center>" );
QString Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::timeStepText( RimGeoMechView* geoMechView )
int currTimeStepIndex = geoMechView->currentTimeStep();
QStringList timeSteps;
if ( geoMechView->geoMechCase() ) timeSteps = geoMechView->geoMechCase()->timeStepStrings();
QString dateTimeString;
if ( currTimeStepIndex >= 0 && currTimeStepIndex < timeSteps.size() )
dateTimeString = QString( "Time Step: %1/%2 %3" )
.arg( QString::number( currTimeStepIndex ),
QString::number( timeSteps.size() - 1 ),
timeSteps[currTimeStepIndex] );
return QString( "<p><b><center>-- %1 --</center></b>" ).arg( dateTimeString ) +
QString( "<center>------------------------------------------------</center>" );
void Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::displayPropertyFilteredStatisticsMessage( bool showSwitchToCurrentTimestep )
static bool isShowing = false;
QString switchString;
if ( showSwitchToCurrentTimestep )
switchString = QString( "<br>"
"Switching to statistics for <b>Current Time Step</b>" );
if ( !isShowing )
isShowing = true;
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( m_viewDef->viewer()->layoutWidget(),
QString( "ResInsight" ),
"Statistics not available<br>"
"Statistics calculations of <b>Visible Cells</b> for <b>All Time Steps</b> "
"is not supported<br>"
"when you have an active Property filter on a time varying result.<br>" ) +
switchString );
isShowing = false;
bool Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig::hasInvalidStatisticsCombination()
if ( m_viewDef->propertyFilterCollection() && m_viewDef->propertyFilterCollection()->hasActiveDynamicFilters() &&
m_statisticsCellRange() == RimHistogramCalculator::StatisticsCellRangeType::VISIBLE_CELLS &&
m_statisticsTimeRange() == RimHistogramCalculator::StatisticsTimeRangeType::ALL_TIMESTEPS )
RimEclipseView* eclipseView = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseView*>( m_viewDef.p() );
if ( !( eclipseView && eclipseView->cellResult()->isFlowDiagOrInjectionFlooding() ) ) // If
// isFlowDiagOrInjFlooding
// then skip this check as
// overridden to CURRENT
// behind the scenes
return true;
return false;