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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
* Support copy and replace geomech case, to support importing another data file, but keep the view setup * Make sure surfaces and intersections get updated with the correct separate result, too * Simplify/refactor code * Better naming
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325 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2015- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2015- Ceetron Solutions AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RicCloseCaseFeature.h"
#include "RimAdvancedSnapshotExportDefinition.h"
#include "RimCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimEclipseResultCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseStatisticsCase.h"
#include "RimGeoMechCase.h"
#include "RimGeoMechModels.h"
#include "RimGridSummaryCase.h"
#include "RimIdenticalGridCaseGroup.h"
#include "RimMainPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimOilField.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimSummaryCaseMainCollection.h"
#include "RimWellLogPlotCollection.h"
#include "RiuMainWindow.h"
#include "cafPdmFieldHandle.h"
#include "cafPdmObjectGroup.h"
#include "cafSelectionManager.h"
#include <QAction>
#include <QMessageBox>
CAF_CMD_SOURCE_INIT( RicCloseCaseFeature, "RicCloseCaseFeature" );
bool RicCloseCaseFeature::isCommandEnabled()
return !selectedCases().empty();
void RicCloseCaseFeature::onActionTriggered( bool isChecked )
std::vector<RimEclipseCase*> eclipseCases;
std::vector<RimGeoMechCase*> geoMechCases;
for ( RimCase* rimCase : selectedCases() )
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseCase*>( rimCase );
if ( eclipseCase )
eclipseCases.push_back( eclipseCase );
RimGeoMechCase* geoMechCase = dynamic_cast<RimGeoMechCase*>( rimCase );
if ( geoMechCase )
geoMechCases.push_back( geoMechCase );
if ( !eclipseCases.empty() )
if ( userConfirmedGridCaseGroupChange( eclipseCases ) )
for ( RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase : eclipseCases )
deleteEclipseCase( eclipseCase );
if ( !geoMechCases.empty() )
for ( RimGeoMechCase* geoMechCase : geoMechCases )
deleteGeoMechCase( geoMechCase );
void RicCloseCaseFeature::setupActionLook( QAction* actionToSetup )
actionToSetup->setText( "Close" );
actionToSetup->setIcon( QIcon( ":/Erase.png" ) );
applyShortcutWithHintToAction( actionToSetup, QKeySequence::Delete );
std::vector<RimCase*> RicCloseCaseFeature::selectedCases() const
std::vector<RimCase*> selection;
caf::SelectionManager::instance()->objectsByType( &selection );
return selection;
void RicCloseCaseFeature::removeCaseFromAllGroups( RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase )
CVF_ASSERT( eclipseCase );
RimProject* proj = RimProject::current();
RimOilField* activeOilField = proj ? proj->activeOilField() : nullptr;
RimEclipseCaseCollection* analysisModels = ( activeOilField ) ? activeOilField->analysisModels() : nullptr;
if ( analysisModels )
analysisModels->removeCaseFromAllGroups( eclipseCase );
void RicCloseCaseFeature::deleteEclipseCase( RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase )
CVF_ASSERT( eclipseCase );
RimCaseCollection* caseCollection = eclipseCase->parentCaseCollection();
if ( caseCollection )
if ( RimIdenticalGridCaseGroup::isStatisticsCaseCollection( caseCollection ) )
RimIdenticalGridCaseGroup* caseGroup = caseCollection->parentCaseGroup();
CVF_ASSERT( caseGroup );
caseGroup->statisticsCaseCollection()->reservoirs.removeChildObject( eclipseCase );
RimIdenticalGridCaseGroup* caseGroup = caseCollection->parentCaseGroup();
if ( caseGroup )
// When deleting the last source case for statistics, remove any views on statistics cases.
// This is done because the views do not work well
if ( caseGroup->caseCollection()->reservoirs.size() == 1 )
std::vector<caf::PdmObjectHandle*> children;
caseGroup->statisticsCaseCollection()->reservoirs.childObjects( &children );
for ( size_t i = children.size(); i-- > 0; )
caf::PdmObjectHandle* obj = children[i];
delete obj;
caseGroup->statisticsCaseCollection()->reservoirs.erase( i );
removeCaseFromAllGroups( eclipseCase );
removeCaseFromAllGroups( eclipseCase );
RimEclipseResultCase* resultCase = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseResultCase*>( eclipseCase );
if ( resultCase )
RimProject* project = RimProject::current();
RimSummaryCaseMainCollection* sumCaseColl =
project->activeOilField() ? project->activeOilField()->summaryCaseMainCollection() : nullptr;
if ( sumCaseColl )
RimSummaryCase* summaryCase = sumCaseColl->findSummaryCaseFromEclipseResultCase( resultCase );
if ( summaryCase )
RimGridSummaryCase* gridSummaryCase = dynamic_cast<RimGridSummaryCase*>( summaryCase );
sumCaseColl->convertGridSummaryCasesToFileSummaryCases( gridSummaryCase );
delete eclipseCase;
RimProject* project = RimProject::current();
std::vector<RimCase*> cases;
project->allCases( cases );
if ( cases.empty() )
for ( RimAdvancedSnapshotExportDefinition* msd : project->multiSnapshotDefinitions() )
msd->additionalCases.removePtr( nullptr );
void RicCloseCaseFeature::deleteGeoMechCase( RimGeoMechCase* geoMechCase )
CVF_ASSERT( geoMechCase );
RimProject* proj = RimProject::current();
RimOilField* activeOilField = proj ? proj->activeOilField() : nullptr;
RimGeoMechModels* models = ( activeOilField ) ? activeOilField->geoMechModels() : nullptr;
if ( models )
models->removeCase( geoMechCase );
delete geoMechCase;
bool RicCloseCaseFeature::hasAnyStatisticsResults( RimIdenticalGridCaseGroup* gridCaseGroup )
CVF_ASSERT( gridCaseGroup );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < gridCaseGroup->statisticsCaseCollection()->reservoirs().size(); i++ )
RimEclipseStatisticsCase* rimStaticsCase =
dynamic_cast<RimEclipseStatisticsCase*>( gridCaseGroup->statisticsCaseCollection()->reservoirs[i] );
if ( rimStaticsCase )
if ( rimStaticsCase->hasComputedStatistics() )
return true;
return false;
bool RicCloseCaseFeature::userConfirmedGridCaseGroupChange( const std::vector<RimEclipseCase*>& casesToBeDeleted )
std::vector<RimIdenticalGridCaseGroup*> gridCaseGroups;
for ( auto caseToDelete : casesToBeDeleted )
RimIdenticalGridCaseGroup* gridCaseGroup = nullptr;
caseToDelete->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( gridCaseGroup );
if ( gridCaseGroup && hasAnyStatisticsResults( gridCaseGroup ) )
gridCaseGroups.push_back( gridCaseGroup );
if ( !gridCaseGroups.empty() )
RiuMainWindow* mainWnd = RiuMainWindow::instance();
QMessageBox msgBox( mainWnd );
msgBox.setIcon( QMessageBox::Question );
QString questionText;
if ( gridCaseGroups.size() == 1 )
questionText = QString( "This operation will invalidate statistics results in grid case group\n\"%1\".\n" )
.arg( gridCaseGroups[0]->name() );
questionText += "Computed results in this group will be deleted if you continue.";
questionText = "This operation will invalidate statistics results in grid case groups\n";
for ( auto& gridCaseGroup : gridCaseGroups )
questionText += QString( "\"%1\"\n" ).arg( gridCaseGroup->name() );
questionText += "Computed results in these groups will be deleted if you continue.";
msgBox.setText( questionText );
msgBox.setInformativeText( "Do you want to continue?" );
msgBox.setStandardButtons( QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No );
int ret = msgBox.exec();
if ( ret == QMessageBox::No )
return false;
return true;