Jørgen Herje 95202ad36a
Well allocation over time plot (#9655)
- Plot for showing well allocation over time. 
- Select time range
- Option to exclude time steps in selected range
- Possible value types: Flow rate, flow rate percentage, flow volume, accumulated flow volume, accumulated flow volume percentage
- Group small contributors into group "Others"
2023-01-18 09:18:00 +01:00

729 lines
32 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2023- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot.h"
#include "RiaColorTools.h"
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "RiaQDateTimeTools.h"
#include "RigAccWellFlowCalculator.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigSimWellData.h"
#include "RigSimulationWellCenterLineCalculator.h"
#include "RigWellResultPoint.h"
#include "RimEclipseCaseTools.h"
#include "RimEclipseCellColors.h"
#include "RimEclipseResultCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimFlowDiagSolution.h"
#include "RimSimWellInView.h"
#include "RimStackablePlotCurve.h"
#include "RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection.h"
#include "RimWellAllocationTools.h"
#include "RimWellLogFile.h"
#include "RimWellPlotTools.h"
#include "RiuContextMenuLauncher.h"
#include "RiuPlotCurve.h"
#include "RiuPlotWidget.h"
#include "RiuQwtCurvePointTracker.h"
#include "RiuQwtPlotTools.h"
#include "RiuQwtPlotWidget.h"
#include "cafCmdFeatureMenuBuilder.h"
#include "cafPdmUiComboBoxEditor.h"
#include "cafPdmUiPushButtonEditor.h"
#include "cafPdmUiTreeSelectionEditor.h"
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot, "RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot" );
namespace caf
template <>
void AppEnum<RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::FlowValueType>::setUp()
addItem( RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::FlowValueType::FLOW_RATE, "FLOW_RATE", "Flow Rates" );
addItem( RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::FlowValueType::FLOW_RATE_PERCENTAGE,
"Flow Rate Percentage" );
addItem( RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::FlowValueType::FLOW_VOLUME, "FLOW_VOLUME", "Flow Volumes" );
addItem( RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::FlowValueType::ACCUMULATED_FLOW_VOLUME,
"Accumulated Flow Volumes" );
addItem( RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::FlowValueType::ACCUMULATED_FLOW_VOLUME_PERCENTAGE,
"Accumulated Flow Volume Percentage" );
setDefault( RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::FlowValueType::FLOW_RATE );
} // namespace caf
// TODO: Add icon
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "Well Allocation Over Time Plot", ":/WellAllocOverTimePlot16x16.png" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_userName, "PlotDescription", QString( "Well Allocation Over Time Plot" ), "Name" );
m_userName.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( true );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_case, "CurveCase", "Case" );
m_case.uiCapability()->setUiTreeChildrenHidden( true );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_wellName, "WellName", QString( "None" ), "Well" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_selectedFromTimeStep, "FromTimeStep", "From Time Step" );
m_selectedFromTimeStep.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiComboBoxEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_selectedToTimeStep, "ToTimeStep", "To Time Step" );
m_selectedToTimeStep.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiComboBoxEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_excludeTimeSteps, "ExcludeTimeSteps", "" );
m_excludeTimeSteps.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiTreeSelectionEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_applyExcludeTimeSteps, "ApplyExcludeTimeSteps", "" );
caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditor::configureEditorForField( &m_applyExcludeTimeSteps );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_flowDiagSolution, "FlowDiagSolution", "Plot Type" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_flowValueType, "FlowValueType", "Value Type" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_groupSmallContributions, "GroupSmallContributions", true, "Group Small Contributions" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_smallContributionsThreshold, "SmallContributionsThreshold", 0.005, "Threshold" );
setShowWindow( false );
void RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::setDescription( const QString& description )
m_userName = description;
void RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::setFromSimulationWell( RimSimWellInView* simWell )
RimEclipseView* eclView;
simWell->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( eclView );
RimEclipseResultCase* eclCase;
simWell->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( eclCase );
m_case = eclCase;
m_wellName = simWell->simWellData()->m_wellName;
// Use the active flow diagnostics solutions, or the first one as default
m_flowDiagSolution = eclView->cellResult()->flowDiagSolution();
if ( !m_flowDiagSolution )
m_flowDiagSolution = m_case->defaultFlowDiagSolution();
RiuPlotWidget* RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::plotWidget()
return m_plotWidget;
QString RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::asciiDataForPlotExport() const
// Retrieve collection of allocation over time data for wells
RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection allocationOverTimeCollection = createWellAllocationOverTimeCollection();
QString titleText = m_userName + "\n\n";
QString dataText = "Time Step\t";
for ( auto& [wellName, wellValues] : allocationOverTimeCollection.wellValuesMap() )
dataText += wellName + "\t";
dataText += "\n";
const QString dateFormatStr = dateFormatString();
for ( const auto& timeStep : allocationOverTimeCollection.timeStepDates() )
dataText += timeStep.toString( dateFormatStr ) + "\t";
for ( auto& [wellName, wellValues] : allocationOverTimeCollection.wellValuesMap() )
dataText += wellValues.count( timeStep ) == 0 ? QString::number( 0.0 )
: QString::number( timeStep ) );
dataText += "\t";
dataText += "\n";
return titleText + dataText;
QString RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::description() const
return uiName();
QWidget* RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::viewWidget()
return plotWidget();
QImage RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::snapshotWindowContent()
QImage image;
if ( m_plotWidget )
QPixmap pix = m_plotWidget->grab();
image = pix.toImage();
return image;
RiuPlotWidget* RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::doCreatePlotViewWidget( QWidget* mainWindowParent )
// If called multiple times?
if ( m_plotWidget )
return m_plotWidget;
auto* plotWidget = new RiuQwtPlotWidget( this, mainWindowParent );
new RiuQwtCurvePointTracker( plotWidget->qwtPlot(), true, nullptr );
// Remove event filter to disable unwanted highlighting on left click in plot.
caf::CmdFeatureMenuBuilder menuBuilder;
menuBuilder << "RicShowPlotDataFeature";
new RiuContextMenuLauncher( plotWidget, menuBuilder );
m_plotWidget = plotWidget;
m_plotWidget->setAxisTitleEnabled( RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft(), true );
RiuQwtPlotTools::enableDateBasedBottomXAxis( m_plotWidget->qwtPlot(),
RiaDefines::TimeFormatComponents::TIME_FORMAT_NONE );
return m_plotWidget;
void RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::deleteViewWidget()
if ( m_plotWidget != nullptr )
m_plotWidget->setParent( nullptr );
delete m_plotWidget;
m_plotWidget = nullptr;
void RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::onLoadDataAndUpdate()
if ( m_plotWidget == nullptr || m_case == nullptr )
// If no 3D view is open, we have to make sure the case is opened
if ( !m_case->ensureReservoirCaseIsOpen() )
void RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::updateFromWell()
if ( !m_plotWidget )
m_plotWidget->insertLegend( RiuPlotWidget::Legend::BOTTOM );
m_plotWidget->detachItems( RiuPlotWidget::PlotItemType::CURVE );
// Retrieve collection of total fraction data for wells
RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection allocationOverTimeCollection = createWellAllocationOverTimeCollection();
std::vector<double> allStackedValues( allocationOverTimeCollection.timeStepDates().size(), 0.0 );
// Negative z-position to show grid lines
int zPos = -10000;
for ( auto& [wellName, wellValues] : allocationOverTimeCollection.wellValuesMap() )
cvf::Color3f color = m_flowDiagSolution ? m_flowDiagSolution->tracerColor( wellName ) : getTracerColor( wellName );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < allocationOverTimeCollection.timeStepDates().size(); ++i )
const auto value = allocationOverTimeCollection.timeStepDates()[i] );
allStackedValues[i] += value;
const auto qColor = QColor( color.rByte(), color.gByte(), color.bByte() );
const auto fillColor = RiaColorTools::blendQColors( qColor, QColor( Qt::white ), 3, 1 );
const QBrush fillBrush( fillColor, Qt::BrushStyle::SolidPattern );
auto interpolationType = m_flowValueType == FlowValueType::ACCUMULATED_FLOW_VOLUME
? RiuQwtPlotCurveDefines::CurveInterpolationEnum::INTERPOLATION_POINT_TO_POINT
: RiuQwtPlotCurveDefines::CurveInterpolationEnum::INTERPOLATION_STEP_LEFT;
RiuPlotCurve* curve = m_plotWidget->createPlotCurve( nullptr, wellName );
curve->setAppearance( RiuQwtPlotCurveDefines::LineStyleEnum::STYLE_SOLID, interpolationType, 2, qColor, fillBrush );
curve->setSamplesFromDatesAndYValues( allocationOverTimeCollection.timeStepDates(), allStackedValues, false );
curve->attachToPlot( m_plotWidget );
curve->setZ( zPos-- );
QString descriptionText = QString( m_flowDiagSolution() ? "Well Allocation Over Time: " : "Well Flow Over Time: " ) +
QString( "%1 (%2)" ).arg( m_wellName ).arg( m_case->caseUserDescription() );
QString valueTypeText = getValueTypeText();
QString newDescription = descriptionText + ", " + valueTypeText;
setDescription( newDescription );
m_plotWidget->setWindowTitle( newDescription );
m_plotWidget->setPlotTitle( descriptionText + "<br>" + valueTypeText + "</br>" );
m_plotWidget->setAxisTitleText( RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft(), valueTypeText );
/// Create well flow calculator per time step date, retrieve total tracer fractions and propagate
/// well data for all time steps. If well does not exist for specific time step date - value is
/// set to 0.
RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::createWellAllocationOverTimeCollection() const
if ( !m_case )
return RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection( {}, {} );
if ( m_selectedFromTimeStep() > m_selectedToTimeStep() )
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Selected 'From Time Step' (%1) must be prior to selected 'To Time Step' (%2)" )
.arg( m_selectedFromTimeStep().toString( dateFormatString() ) )
.arg( m_selectedToTimeStep().toString( dateFormatString() ) ) );
return RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection( {}, {} );
const RigSimWellData* simWellData = m_case->eclipseCaseData()->findSimWellData( m_wellName );
if ( !simWellData )
return RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection( {}, {} );
// Note: Threshold per calculator does not work for accumulated data - use no threshold for each calculator
// and filter on threshold value after accumulating non-filtered values.
const double smallContributionThreshold = m_groupSmallContributions() &&
m_flowValueType != FlowValueType::ACCUMULATED_FLOW_VOLUME &&
? m_smallContributionsThreshold
: 0.0;
auto isTimeStepInSelectedRange = [&]( const QDateTime& timeStep ) -> bool {
return m_selectedFromTimeStep() <= timeStep && timeStep <= m_selectedToTimeStep();
std::map<QDateTime, RigAccWellFlowCalculator> timeStepAndCalculatorPairs;
std::set<QDateTime> excludedTimeSteps = std::set( m_excludeTimeSteps().begin(), m_excludeTimeSteps().end() );
std::vector<QDateTime> allTimeSteps = m_case->timeStepDates();
std::vector<QDateTime> selectedTimeSteps;
std::copy_if( allTimeSteps.begin(), allTimeSteps.end(), std::back_inserter( selectedTimeSteps ), isTimeStepInSelectedRange );
const bool branchDetection = false;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < allTimeSteps.size(); ++i )
// NOTE: Must have all time step dates for case due to have correct time step index for simulation well data
if ( !isTimeStepInSelectedRange( allTimeSteps[i] ) ||
excludedTimeSteps.find( allTimeSteps[i] ) != excludedTimeSteps.end() )
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> pipeBranchesCLCoords;
std::vector<std::vector<RigWellResultPoint>> pipeBranchesCellIds;
std::map<QString, const std::vector<double>*> tracerFractionCellValues =
RimWellAllocationTools::findOrCreateRelevantTracerCellFractions( simWellData, m_flowDiagSolution, i );
RigSimulationWellCenterLineCalculator::calculateWellPipeCenterlineFromWellFrame( m_case->eclipseCaseData(),
pipeBranchesCellIds );
if ( tracerFractionCellValues.size() )
bool isProducer =
( simWellData->wellProductionType( i ) == RiaDefines::WellProductionType::PRODUCER ||
simWellData->wellProductionType( i ) == RiaDefines::WellProductionType::UNDEFINED_PRODUCTION_TYPE );
RigEclCellIndexCalculator cellIdxCalc( m_case->eclipseCaseData()->mainGrid(),
RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL ) );
const auto calculator = RigAccWellFlowCalculator( pipeBranchesCLCoords,
isProducer );
timeStepAndCalculatorPairs.emplace( allTimeSteps[i], calculator );
else if ( pipeBranchesCLCoords.size() > 0 )
const auto calculator =
RigAccWellFlowCalculator( pipeBranchesCLCoords, pipeBranchesCellIds, smallContributionThreshold );
// NOTE: Would like to prevent this check. Is added due to calculator.tracerNames() gives
// "oil", "water" and "gas" as return value when calculator.totalTracerFractions().size() = 0
if ( calculator.totalTracerFractions().size() > 0 )
timeStepAndCalculatorPairs.emplace( allTimeSteps[i], calculator );
// Create collection
RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection collection( selectedTimeSteps, timeStepAndCalculatorPairs );
if ( m_flowValueType == FlowValueType::FLOW_RATE_PERCENTAGE )
else if ( m_flowValueType == FlowValueType::FLOW_RATE )
else if ( m_flowValueType == FlowValueType::FLOW_VOLUME )
else if ( m_flowValueType == FlowValueType::ACCUMULATED_FLOW_VOLUME )
// Accumulated flow volume without threshold, and filter according to threshold after accumulating volumes
const double actualSmallContributionThreshold = m_groupSmallContributions() ? m_smallContributionsThreshold : 0.0;
collection.fillWithAccumulatedFlowVolumeValues( actualSmallContributionThreshold );
else if ( m_flowValueType == FlowValueType::ACCUMULATED_FLOW_VOLUME_PERCENTAGE )
// Accumulate flow volume percentages without threshold, and filter according to threshold after accumulating
// values
const double actualSmallContributionThreshold = m_groupSmallContributions() ? m_smallContributionsThreshold : 0.0;
collection.fillWithAccumulatedFlowVolumePercentageValues( actualSmallContributionThreshold );
CAF_ASSERT( "Not handled FlowValue type!" );
return collection;
caf::PdmFieldHandle* RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::userDescriptionField()
return &m_userName;
void RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering )
RimPlot::defineUiOrdering( uiConfigName, uiOrdering );
uiOrdering.add( &m_userName );
uiOrdering.add( &m_showPlotTitle );
caf::PdmUiGroup& dataGroup = *uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Plot Data" );
dataGroup.add( &m_case );
dataGroup.add( &m_wellName );
caf::PdmUiGroup& timeStepGroup = *uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Time Step" );
timeStepGroup.add( &m_selectedFromTimeStep );
timeStepGroup.add( &m_selectedToTimeStep );
caf::PdmUiGroup& excludeTimeStepGroup = *timeStepGroup.addNewGroup( "Exclude Time Steps" );
excludeTimeStepGroup.add( &m_excludeTimeSteps );
excludeTimeStepGroup.add( &m_applyExcludeTimeSteps );
caf::PdmUiGroup& optionGroup = *uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Options" );
optionGroup.add( &m_flowDiagSolution );
optionGroup.add( &m_flowValueType );
optionGroup.add( &m_groupSmallContributions );
optionGroup.add( &m_smallContributionsThreshold );
m_smallContributionsThreshold.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( !m_groupSmallContributions() );
uiOrdering.skipRemainingFields( true );
void RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::defineEditorAttribute( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* field,
QString uiConfigName,
caf::PdmUiEditorAttribute* attribute )
if ( field == &m_applyExcludeTimeSteps )
caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditorAttribute* attrib = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiPushButtonEditorAttribute*>( attribute );
if ( attrib )
attrib->m_buttonText = "Apply";
void RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField,
const QVariant& oldValue,
const QVariant& newValue )
RimPlot::fieldChangedByUi( changedField, oldValue, newValue );
if ( changedField == &m_case )
if ( m_flowDiagSolution && m_case )
m_flowDiagSolution = m_case->defaultFlowDiagSolution();
m_flowDiagSolution = nullptr;
std::set<QString> sortedWellNames = findSortedWellNames();
if ( !sortedWellNames.size() )
m_wellName = "";
else if ( sortedWellNames.count( m_wellName() ) == 0 )
m_wellName = *sortedWellNames.begin();
else if ( changedField == &m_wellName || changedField == &m_flowDiagSolution || changedField == &m_flowValueType ||
changedField == &m_groupSmallContributions || changedField == &m_smallContributionsThreshold ||
changedField == &m_selectedFromTimeStep || changedField == &m_selectedToTimeStep ||
changedField == &m_applyExcludeTimeSteps )
std::set<QString> RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::findSortedWellNames()
if ( m_case && m_case->eclipseCaseData() )
return m_case->eclipseCaseData()->findSortedWellNames();
return {};
RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::calculateValueOptions( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* fieldNeedingOptions )
QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo> options = RimPlot::calculateValueOptions( fieldNeedingOptions );
if ( !options.empty() )
return options;
if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_case )
auto resultCases = RimEclipseCaseTools::eclipseResultCases();
for ( RimEclipseResultCase* c : resultCases )
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( c->caseUserDescription(), c, false, c->uiIconProvider() ) );
else if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_wellName )
const std::set<QString> sortedWellNames = findSortedWellNames();
caf::IconProvider simWellIcon( ":/Well.svg" );
for ( const auto& name : sortedWellNames )
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( name, name, false, simWellIcon ) );
if ( options.size() == 0 )
options.push_front( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( "None", nullptr ) );
else if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_flowDiagSolution && m_case )
RimFlowDiagSolution* defaultFlowSolution = m_case->defaultFlowDiagSolution();
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( "Well Flow", nullptr ) );
if ( defaultFlowSolution )
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( "Allocation", defaultFlowSolution ) );
else if ( m_case && ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_excludeTimeSteps || fieldNeedingOptions == &m_selectedFromTimeStep ||
fieldNeedingOptions == &m_selectedToTimeStep ) )
const QString dateFormatStr = dateFormatString();
const auto timeSteps = m_case->timeStepDates();
for ( const auto& timeStep : timeSteps )
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( timeStep.toString( dateFormatStr ), timeStep ) );
return options;
cvf::Color3f RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::getTracerColor( const QString& tracerName )
if ( tracerName == RIG_FLOW_OIL_NAME ) return cvf::Color3f::DARK_GREEN;
if ( tracerName == RIG_FLOW_GAS_NAME ) return cvf::Color3f::DARK_RED;
if ( tracerName == RIG_FLOW_WATER_NAME ) return cvf::Color3f::BLUE;
return cvf::Color3f::DARK_GRAY;
QString RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::getValueTypeText() const
RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem unitSet = m_case->eclipseCaseData()->unitsType();
RimWellLogFile::WellFlowCondition condition = m_flowDiagSolution ? RimWellLogFile::WELL_FLOW_COND_RESERVOIR
if ( m_flowValueType == FlowValueType::FLOW_RATE_PERCENTAGE )
QString conditionText = condition == RimWellLogFile::WELL_FLOW_COND_RESERVOIR ? "Reservoir" : "Surface";
return QString( "Percentage of %1 Flow Rate [%]" ).arg( conditionText );
if ( m_flowValueType == FlowValueType::FLOW_RATE )
return RimWellPlotTools::flowPlotAxisTitle( condition, unitSet );
if ( m_flowValueType == FlowValueType::FLOW_VOLUME )
return RimWellPlotTools::flowVolumePlotAxisTitle( condition, unitSet );
if ( m_flowValueType == FlowValueType::ACCUMULATED_FLOW_VOLUME )
return "Accumulated " + RimWellPlotTools::flowVolumePlotAxisTitle( condition, unitSet );
if ( m_flowValueType == FlowValueType::ACCUMULATED_FLOW_VOLUME_PERCENTAGE )
QString conditionText = condition == RimWellLogFile::WELL_FLOW_COND_RESERVOIR ? "Reservoir" : "Surface";
return QString( "Accumulated %1 Flow Volume Allocation [%]" ).arg( conditionText );
return QString( "" );
QString RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::dateFormatString() const
return RiaQDateTimeTools::dateFormatString( RiaPreferences::current()->dateFormat(),
RiaDefines::DateFormatComponents::DATE_FORMAT_YEAR_MONTH_DAY );
/// Update selected "From Time Step" and "To Time Step" according to selected case.
/// If both selected time steps exist for case, keep as is. Otherwise set the 10 last time steps
/// for case. If less than 10 time steps exist, all are selected.
void RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot::setValidTimeStepRangeForCase()
if ( m_case == nullptr || m_case->timeStepDates().size() == 0 )
auto isTimeStepInCase = [&]( const QDateTime timeStep ) -> bool {
return std::find( m_case->timeStepDates().cbegin(), m_case->timeStepDates().cend(), timeStep ) !=
if ( m_selectedFromTimeStep().isValid() && isTimeStepInCase( m_selectedFromTimeStep() ) &&
m_selectedToTimeStep().isValid() && isTimeStepInCase( m_selectedToTimeStep() ) )
int numTimeSteps = m_case->timeStepDates().size();
m_selectedToTimeStep = m_case->timeStepDates().back();
m_selectedFromTimeStep = m_case->timeStepDates().at( std::max( numTimeSteps - m_initialNumberOfTimeSteps, 0 ) );