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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
- Plot for showing well allocation over time. - Select time range - Option to exclude time steps in selected range - Possible value types: Flow rate, flow rate percentage, flow volume, accumulated flow volume, accumulated flow volume percentage - Group small contributors into group "Others"
156 lines
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156 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2017 Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#pragma once
#include "RimViewWindow.h"
#include "cafPdmField.h"
#include "cafPdmObject.h"
#include "cafPdmPtrField.h"
#include <QPointer>
class RigSimWellData;
class RimEclipseResultCase;
class RimFlowDiagSolution;
class RimSimWellInView;
class RimTofAccumulatedPhaseFractionsPlot;
class RimTotalWellAllocationPlot;
class RimWellAllocationPlotLegend;
class RimWellLogPlot;
class RimWellLogTrack;
class RiuWellAllocationPlot;
namespace cvf
class Color3f;
namespace caf
class PdmOptionItemInfo;
class RimWellAllocationPlot : public RimViewWindow
enum FlowType
~RimWellAllocationPlot() override;
int id() const final;
void setFromSimulationWell( RimSimWellInView* simWell );
void setDescription( const QString& description );
QString description() const;
QWidget* viewWidget() override;
void zoomAll() override;
RimWellLogPlot* accumulatedWellFlowPlot();
RimTotalWellAllocationPlot* totalWellFlowPlot();
RimTofAccumulatedPhaseFractionsPlot* tofAccumulatedPhaseFractionsPlot();
caf::PdmObject* plotLegend();
RimEclipseResultCase* rimCase();
int timeStep();
FlowType flowType();
QString wellName() const;
void removeFromMdiAreaAndDeleteViewWidget();
void showPlotLegend( bool doShow );
int fontSize() const override;
void updateFonts() override;
// Overridden PDM methods
caf::PdmFieldHandle* userDescriptionField() override { return &m_userName; }
void fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField, const QVariant& oldValue, const QVariant& newValue ) override;
std::set<QString> findSortedWellNames();
QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo> calculateValueOptions( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* fieldNeedingOptions ) override;
QImage snapshotWindowContent() override;
void defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering ) override;
void onLoadDataAndUpdate() override;
void updateFromWell();
void updateWellFlowPlotXAxisTitle( RimWellLogTrack* plotTrack );
void addStackedCurve( const QString& tracerName,
RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum depthType,
const std::vector<double>& depthValues,
const std::vector<double>& accFlow,
RimWellLogTrack* plotTrack,
bool showCurve );
void updateWidgetTitleWindowTitle();
static QString wellStatusTextForTimeStep( const QString& wellName,
const RimEclipseResultCase* eclipseResultCase,
size_t timeStep );
// RimViewWindow overrides
void assignIdIfNecessary() final;
QWidget* createViewWidget( QWidget* mainWindowParent ) override;
void deleteViewWidget() override;
cvf::Color3f getTracerColor( const QString& tracerName );
void updateFormationNamesData() const;
caf::PdmField<bool> m_showPlotTitle;
caf::PdmField<QString> m_userName;
caf::PdmField<bool> m_branchDetection;
caf::PdmPtrField<RimEclipseResultCase*> m_case;
caf::PdmField<QString> m_wellName;
caf::PdmField<int> m_timeStep;
caf::PdmPtrField<RimFlowDiagSolution*> m_flowDiagSolution;
caf::PdmField<bool> m_groupSmallContributions;
caf::PdmField<double> m_smallContributionsThreshold;
caf::PdmField<caf::AppEnum<FlowType>> m_flowType;
QPointer<RiuWellAllocationPlot> m_wellAllocationPlotWidget;
caf::PdmChildField<RimWellLogPlot*> m_accumulatedWellFlowPlot;
caf::PdmChildField<RimTotalWellAllocationPlot*> m_totalWellAllocationPlot;
caf::PdmChildField<RimWellAllocationPlotLegend*> m_wellAllocationPlotLegend;
caf::PdmChildField<RimTofAccumulatedPhaseFractionsPlot*> m_tofAccumulatedPhaseFractionsPlot;