jonjenssen 2f5f83b959
opm_common reader updates (#11535)
* Read NNC info from init file, if needed
* Read active cell information before geometry
2024-07-01 12:44:41 +02:00

1077 lines
42 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2023- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RifReaderOpmCommon.h"
#include "RiaEclipseFileNameTools.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaQDateTimeTools.h"
#include "RiaStdStringTools.h"
#include "RifEclipseOutputFileTools.h"
#include "RifEclipseReportKeywords.h"
#include "RifEclipseUnifiedRestartFileAccess.h"
#include "RifOpmRadialGridTools.h"
#include "RifReaderEclipseWell.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigEclipseResultInfo.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigNNCData.h"
#include "RigSimWellData.h"
#include "RigWellResultFrame.h"
#include "cafProgressInfo.h"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/EGrid.hpp"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/EInit.hpp"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/ERst.hpp"
#include "opm/output/eclipse/VectorItems/intehead.hpp"
#include <QStringList>
using namespace Opm;
: m_eclipseCaseData( nullptr )
, m_gridUnit( -1 )
bool RifReaderOpmCommon::open( const QString& fileName, RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData )
caf::ProgressInfo progress( 100, "Reading Grid" );
QStringList fileSet;
if ( !RifEclipseOutputFileTools::findSiblingFilesWithSameBaseName( fileName, &fileSet ) ) return false;
m_gridFileName = fileName.toStdString();
locateInitAndRestartFiles( fileName );
if ( !importGrid( eclipseCaseData->mainGrid(), eclipseCaseData ) )
RiaLogging::error( "Failed to open grid file " + fileName );
return false;
auto task = progress.task( "Reading faults", 25 );
if ( isFaultImportEnabled() )
cvf::Collection<RigFault> faults;
importFaults( fileSet, &faults );
RigMainGrid* mainGrid = eclipseCaseData->mainGrid();
mainGrid->setFaults( faults );
m_eclipseCaseData = eclipseCaseData;
auto task = progress.task( "Reading Results Meta data", 25 );
buildMetaData( eclipseCaseData, progress );
auto task = progress.task( "Handling NCC Result data", 25 );
if ( isNNCsEnabled() )
caf::ProgressInfo nncProgress( 10, "" );
RigMainGrid* mainGrid = eclipseCaseData->mainGrid();
// This test should probably be improved to test more directly for presence of NNC data
if ( eclipseCaseData->results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL )->hasFlowDiagUsableFluxes() )
auto subNncTask = nncProgress.task( "Reading dynamic NNC data" );
transferDynamicNNCData( mainGrid );
RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo = m_eclipseCaseData->activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL );
bool includeInactiveCells = includeInactiveCellsInFaultGeometry();
mainGrid->nncData()->setSourceDataForProcessing( mainGrid, activeCellInfo, includeInactiveCells );
return true;
catch ( std::exception& e )
auto description = e.what();
RiaLogging::error( description );
return true;
bool RifReaderOpmCommon::importGrid( RigMainGrid* mainGrid, RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData )
caf::ProgressInfo progInfo( 5, "Importing Eclipse Grid" );
Opm::EclIO::EGrid opmGrid( m_gridFileName );
RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo = eclipseCaseData->activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL );
RigActiveCellInfo* fractureActiveCellInfo = eclipseCaseData->activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL );
const auto& dims = opmGrid.dimension();
mainGrid->setGridPointDimensions( cvf::Vec3st( dims[0] + 1, dims[1] + 1, dims[2] + 1 ) );
mainGrid->setGridName( "Main grid" );
mainGrid->setDualPorosity( opmGrid.porosity_mode() > 0 );
// assign grid unit, if found (1 = Metric, 2 = Field, 3 = Lab)
auto gridUnitStr = RiaStdStringTools::toUpper( opmGrid.grid_unit() );
if ( gridUnitStr.starts_with( 'M' ) )
m_gridUnit = 1;
else if ( gridUnitStr.starts_with( 'F' ) )
m_gridUnit = 2;
else if ( gridUnitStr.starts_with( 'C' ) )
m_gridUnit = 3;
auto totalCellCount = opmGrid.totalNumberOfCells();
auto globalMatrixActiveSize = opmGrid.activeCells();
auto globalFractureActiveSize = opmGrid.activeFracCells();
const auto& lgr_names = opmGrid.list_of_lgrs();
m_gridNames.push_back( "global" );
m_gridNames.insert( m_gridNames.end(), lgr_names.begin(), lgr_names.end() );
const auto& lgr_parent_names = opmGrid.list_of_lgr_parents();
const int numLGRs = (int)lgr_names.size();
std::vector<Opm::EclIO::EGrid> lgrGrids;
for ( int lgrIdx = 0; lgrIdx < numLGRs; lgrIdx++ )
lgrGrids.emplace_back( Opm::EclIO::EGrid( m_gridFileName, lgr_names[lgrIdx] ) );
RigLocalGrid* localGrid = new RigLocalGrid( mainGrid );
const auto& lgrDims = lgrGrids[lgrIdx].dimension();
localGrid->setGridPointDimensions( cvf::Vec3st( lgrDims[0] + 1, lgrDims[1] + 1, lgrDims[2] + 1 ) );
localGrid->setGridId( lgrIdx + 1 );
localGrid->setGridName( lgr_names[lgrIdx] );
mainGrid->addLocalGrid( localGrid );
localGrid->setIndexToStartOfCells( totalCellCount );
totalCellCount += lgrGrids[lgrIdx].totalNumberOfCells();
activeCellInfo->setReservoirCellCount( totalCellCount );
fractureActiveCellInfo->setReservoirCellCount( totalCellCount );
mainGrid->globalCellArray().reserve( (size_t)totalCellCount );
mainGrid->nodes().reserve( (size_t)totalCellCount * 8 );
activeCellInfo->setGridCount( 1 + numLGRs );
fractureActiveCellInfo->setGridCount( 1 + numLGRs );
auto task = progInfo.task( "Getting Active Cell Information", 1 );
for ( int lgrIdx = 0; lgrIdx < numLGRs; lgrIdx++ )
globalMatrixActiveSize += lgrGrids[lgrIdx].activeCells();
globalFractureActiveSize += lgrGrids[lgrIdx].activeFracCells();
// in case init file and grid file disagrees with number of active cells, read extra porv information from init file to correct this
if ( !verifyActiveCellInfo( globalMatrixActiveSize, globalFractureActiveSize ) )
updateActiveCellInfo( eclipseCaseData, opmGrid, lgrGrids, mainGrid );
globalMatrixActiveSize = opmGrid.activeCells();
globalFractureActiveSize = opmGrid.activeFracCells();
activeCellInfo->setGridActiveCellCounts( 0, globalMatrixActiveSize );
fractureActiveCellInfo->setGridActiveCellCounts( 0, globalFractureActiveSize );
transferActiveCells( opmGrid, 0, eclipseCaseData, 0, 0 );
size_t cellCount = opmGrid.totalNumberOfCells();
for ( int lgrIdx = 0; lgrIdx < numLGRs; lgrIdx++ )
auto& lgrGrid = lgrGrids[lgrIdx];
transferActiveCells( lgrGrid, cellCount, eclipseCaseData, globalMatrixActiveSize, globalFractureActiveSize );
cellCount += lgrGrid.totalNumberOfCells();
globalMatrixActiveSize += lgrGrid.activeCells();
globalFractureActiveSize += lgrGrid.activeFracCells();
activeCellInfo->setGridActiveCellCounts( lgrIdx + 1, lgrGrid.activeCells() );
fractureActiveCellInfo->setGridActiveCellCounts( lgrIdx + 1, lgrGrid.activeFracCells() );
auto task = progInfo.task( "Loading Main Grid Geometry", 1 );
transferGeometry( opmGrid, opmGrid, mainGrid, mainGrid, eclipseCaseData );
bool hasParentInfo = ( lgr_parent_names.size() >= (size_t)numLGRs );
auto task = progInfo.task( "Loading LGR Grid Geometry ", 1 );
for ( int lgrIdx = 0; lgrIdx < numLGRs; lgrIdx++ )
RigGridBase* parentGrid = hasParentInfo ? mainGrid->gridByName( lgr_parent_names[lgrIdx] ) : mainGrid;
RigLocalGrid* localGrid = static_cast<RigLocalGrid*>( mainGrid->gridById( lgrIdx + 1 ) );
localGrid->setParentGrid( parentGrid );
transferGeometry( opmGrid, lgrGrids[lgrIdx], mainGrid, localGrid, eclipseCaseData );
if ( isNNCsEnabled() )
auto task = progInfo.task( "Loading NNC data", 1 );
transferStaticNNCData( opmGrid, lgrGrids, mainGrid );
auto opmMapAxes = opmGrid.get_mapaxes();
if ( opmMapAxes.size() == 6 )
std::array<double, 6> mapAxes;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < opmMapAxes.size(); ++i )
mapAxes[i] = opmMapAxes[i];
// Set the map axes transformation matrix on the main grid
mainGrid->setMapAxes( mapAxes );
mainGrid->setUseMapAxes( true );
auto transform = mainGrid->mapAxisTransform();
// Invert the transformation matrix to convert from file coordinates to domain coordinates
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( long i = 0; i < static_cast<long>( mainGrid->nodes().size() ); i++ )
auto& n = mainGrid->nodes()[i];
n.transformPoint( transform );
return true;
void RifReaderOpmCommon::transferStaticNNCData( Opm::EclIO::EGrid& opmMainGrid, std::vector<Opm::EclIO::EGrid>& lgrGrids, RigMainGrid* mainGrid )
for ( auto& lgr : lgrGrids )
auto connections = opmMainGrid.nnc_connections( 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)lgrGrids.size(); i++ )
auto conn = lgrGrids[i].nnc_connections( i + 1 );
connections.insert( connections.end(), conn.begin(), conn.end() );
if ( connections.size() > 0 )
// Transform to our own data structures
RigConnectionContainer nncConnections;
std::vector<double> transmissibilityValues;
for ( auto& c : connections )
RigGridBase* grid1 = mainGrid->gridByIndex( c.grid1_Id );
RigGridBase* grid2 = mainGrid->gridByIndex( c.grid2_Id );
RigConnection nncConnection( grid1->reservoirCellIndex( c.grid1_CellIdx - 1 ), grid2->reservoirCellIndex( c.grid2_CellIdx - 1 ) );
nncConnections.push_back( nncConnection );
transmissibilityValues.push_back( c.transValue );
mainGrid->nncData()->setEclipseConnections( nncConnections );
mainGrid->nncData()->makeScalarResultAndSetValues( RiaDefines::propertyNameCombTrans(), transmissibilityValues );
void RifReaderOpmCommon::transferDynamicNNCData( RigMainGrid* mainGrid )
if ( !m_restartFile ) return;
const size_t timeStepCount = m_restartFile->numberOfReportSteps();
std::vector<std::vector<double>>& waterFluxData =
mainGrid->nncData()->makeDynamicConnectionScalarResult( RiaDefines::propertyNameFluxWat(), timeStepCount );
std::vector<std::vector<double>>& oilFluxData =
mainGrid->nncData()->makeDynamicConnectionScalarResult( RiaDefines::propertyNameFluxOil(), timeStepCount );
std::vector<std::vector<double>>& gasFluxData =
mainGrid->nncData()->makeDynamicConnectionScalarResult( RiaDefines::propertyNameFluxGas(), timeStepCount );
for ( size_t timeStep = 0; timeStep < timeStepCount; ++timeStep )
dynamicResult( "FLRWATN+", RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL, timeStep, &waterFluxData[timeStep] );
dynamicResult( "FLRGASN+", RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL, timeStep, &gasFluxData[timeStep] );
dynamicResult( "FLROILN+", RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL, timeStep, &oilFluxData[timeStep] );
void RifReaderOpmCommon::transferActiveCells( Opm::EclIO::EGrid& opmGrid,
size_t cellStartIndex,
RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData,
size_t matrixActiveStartIndex,
size_t fractureActiveStartIndex )
const int cellCount = opmGrid.totalNumberOfCells();
RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo = eclipseCaseData->activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL );
RigActiveCellInfo* fractureActiveCellInfo = eclipseCaseData->activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL );
const auto& active_indexes = opmGrid.active_indexes();
const auto& active_frac_indexes = opmGrid.active_frac_indexes();
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( int opmCellIndex = 0; opmCellIndex < (int)cellCount; opmCellIndex++ )
// active cell index
int matrixActiveIndex = active_indexes[opmCellIndex];
if ( matrixActiveIndex != -1 )
activeCellInfo->setCellResultIndex( cellStartIndex + opmCellIndex, matrixActiveStartIndex + matrixActiveIndex );
int fractureActiveIndex = active_frac_indexes[opmCellIndex];
if ( fractureActiveIndex != -1 )
fractureActiveCellInfo->setCellResultIndex( cellStartIndex + opmCellIndex, fractureActiveStartIndex + fractureActiveIndex );
void RifReaderOpmCommon::transferGeometry( Opm::EclIO::EGrid& opmMainGrid,
Opm::EclIO::EGrid& opmGrid,
RigMainGrid* mainGrid,
RigGridBase* localGrid,
RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData )
int cellCount = opmGrid.totalNumberOfCells();
size_t cellStartIndex = mainGrid->globalCellArray().size();
size_t nodeStartIndex = mainGrid->nodes().size();
RigCell defaultCell;
defaultCell.setHostGrid( localGrid );
mainGrid->globalCellArray().resize( cellStartIndex + cellCount, defaultCell );
mainGrid->nodes().resize( nodeStartIndex + cellCount * 8, cvf::Vec3d( 0, 0, 0 ) );
auto& riNodes = mainGrid->nodes();
const bool isRadialGrid = opmGrid.is_radial();
const auto& gridDimension = opmGrid.dimension();
const auto& hostCellGlobalIndices = opmGrid.hostCellsGlobalIndex();
// Compute the center of the LGR radial grid cells for each K layer
auto radialGridCenterTopLayerOpm = isRadialGrid ? RifOpmRadialGridTools::computeXyCenterForTopOfCells( opmMainGrid, opmGrid, localGrid )
: std::map<int, std::pair<double, double>>();
// use same mapping as resdata
const size_t cellMappingECLRi[8] = { 0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6 };
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( int opmCellIndex = 0; opmCellIndex < static_cast<int>( localGrid->cellCount() ); opmCellIndex++ )
auto opmIJK = opmGrid.ijk_from_global_index( opmCellIndex );
double xCenterCoordOpm = 0.0;
double yCenterCoordOpm = 0.0;
if ( isRadialGrid && radialGridCenterTopLayerOpm.contains( opmIJK[2] ) )
const auto& [xCenter, yCenter] = radialGridCenterTopLayerOpm[opmIJK[2]];
xCenterCoordOpm = xCenter;
yCenterCoordOpm = yCenter;
auto riReservoirIndex = localGrid->cellIndexFromIJK( opmIJK[0], opmIJK[1], opmIJK[2] );
RigCell& cell = mainGrid->globalCellArray()[cellStartIndex + riReservoirIndex];
cell.setGridLocalCellIndex( riReservoirIndex );
// parent cell index
if ( ( hostCellGlobalIndices.size() > (size_t)opmCellIndex ) && hostCellGlobalIndices[opmCellIndex] >= 0 )
cell.setParentCellIndex( hostCellGlobalIndices[opmCellIndex] );
cell.setParentCellIndex( cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T );
// corner coordinates
std::array<double, 8> opmX{};
std::array<double, 8> opmY{};
std::array<double, 8> opmZ{};
opmGrid.getCellCorners( opmCellIndex, opmX, opmY, opmZ );
// Each cell has 8 nodes, use reservoir cell index and multiply to find first node index for cell
auto riNodeStartIndex = nodeStartIndex + riReservoirIndex * 8;
for ( size_t opmNodeIndex = 0; opmNodeIndex < 8; opmNodeIndex++ )
auto riCornerIndex = cellMappingECLRi[opmNodeIndex];
size_t riNodeIndex = riNodeStartIndex + riCornerIndex;
auto& riNode = riNodes[riNodeIndex];
riNode.x() = opmX[opmNodeIndex] + xCenterCoordOpm;
riNode.y() = opmY[opmNodeIndex] + yCenterCoordOpm;
riNode.z() = -opmZ[opmNodeIndex];
cell.cornerIndices()[riCornerIndex] = riNodeIndex;
// First grid dimension is radius, check if cell are at the outer-most slice
if ( isRadialGrid && !hostCellGlobalIndices.empty() && ( gridDimension[0] - 1 == opmIJK[0] ) )
auto hostCellIndex = hostCellGlobalIndices[opmCellIndex];
RifOpmRadialGridTools::lockToHostPillars( riNode,
yCenterCoordOpm );
cell.setInvalid( cell.isLongPyramidCell() );
// subgrid pointers
RigLocalGrid* realLocalGrid = dynamic_cast<RigLocalGrid*>( localGrid );
RigGridBase* parentGrid = realLocalGrid != nullptr ? realLocalGrid->parentGrid() : nullptr;
if ( parentGrid != nullptr )
for ( auto localCellInGlobalIdx : hostCellGlobalIndices )
parentGrid->cell( localCellInGlobalIdx ).setSubGrid( realLocalGrid );
bool RifReaderOpmCommon::staticResult( const QString& result, RiaDefines::PorosityModelType matrixOrFracture, std::vector<double>* values )
if ( m_initFile )
auto resultName = result.toStdString();
std::vector<double> combinedFileValues;
const auto& resultEntries = m_initFile->getList();
for ( const auto& entry : resultEntries )
const auto& [keyword, kwType, size] = entry;
if ( keyword == resultName )
for ( auto& gridName : m_gridNames )
if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::REAL )
const auto& fileValues = m_initFile->getInitData<float>( resultName, gridName );
combinedFileValues.insert( combinedFileValues.end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
else if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::DOUB )
const auto& fileValues = m_initFile->getInitData<double>( resultName, gridName );
combinedFileValues.insert( combinedFileValues.end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
else if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::INTE )
const auto& fileValues = m_initFile->getInitData<int>( resultName, gridName );
combinedFileValues.insert( combinedFileValues.end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
// Always clear data after reading to avoid memory use
RifEclipseOutputFileTools::extractResultValuesBasedOnPorosityModel( m_eclipseCaseData, matrixOrFracture, values, combinedFileValues );
return true;
catch ( std::exception& e )
RiaLogging::error( e.what() );
return false;
bool RifReaderOpmCommon::dynamicResult( const QString& result,
RiaDefines::PorosityModelType matrixOrFracture,
size_t stepIndex,
std::vector<double>* values )
if ( m_restartFile )
auto resultName = result.toStdString();
size_t indexOnFile = timeStepIndexOnFile( stepIndex );
const auto& stepNumbers = m_restartFile->listOfReportStepNumbers();
auto stepNumber = stepNumbers[indexOnFile];
std::vector<double> combinedFileValues;
auto resultEntries = m_restartFile->getList();
for ( const auto& entry : resultEntries )
const auto& [keyword, kwType, size] = entry;
if ( keyword == resultName )
for ( auto& gridName : m_gridNames )
if ( gridName == "global" ) // main grid, need to use separate method due to inner workings in opm_common
if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::DOUB )
const auto& fileValues = m_restartFile->getRestartData<double>( resultName, stepNumber );
combinedFileValues.insert( combinedFileValues.end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::REAL )
const auto& fileValues = m_restartFile->getRestartData<float>( resultName, stepNumber );
combinedFileValues.insert( combinedFileValues.end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
else if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::INTE )
const auto& fileValues = m_restartFile->getRestartData<int>( resultName, stepNumber );
combinedFileValues.insert( combinedFileValues.end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::DOUB )
const auto& fileValues = m_restartFile->getRestartData<double>( resultName, stepNumber, gridName );
combinedFileValues.insert( combinedFileValues.end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::REAL )
const auto& fileValues = m_restartFile->getRestartData<float>( resultName, stepNumber, gridName );
combinedFileValues.insert( combinedFileValues.end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
else if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::INTE )
const auto& fileValues = m_restartFile->getRestartData<int>( resultName, stepNumber, gridName );
combinedFileValues.insert( combinedFileValues.end(), fileValues.begin(), fileValues.end() );
// Always clear data after reading to avoid memory use
RifEclipseOutputFileTools::extractResultValuesBasedOnPorosityModel( m_eclipseCaseData, matrixOrFracture, values, combinedFileValues );
return true;
catch ( std::exception& e )
RiaLogging::error( e.what() );
return false;
static std::vector<RifEclipseKeywordValueCount> createKeywordInfo( std::vector<EclIO::EclFile::EclEntry> entries )
RifEclipseReportKeywords keywordsReport;
for ( const auto& entry : entries )
const auto& [keyword, kwType, size] = entry;
RifEclipseKeywordValueCount::KeywordDataType dataType = RifEclipseKeywordValueCount::KeywordDataType::UNKNOWN;
if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::INTE )
dataType = RifEclipseKeywordValueCount::KeywordDataType::INTEGER;
else if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::REAL )
dataType = RifEclipseKeywordValueCount::KeywordDataType::FLOAT;
else if ( kwType == EclIO::eclArrType::DOUB )
dataType = RifEclipseKeywordValueCount::KeywordDataType::DOUBLE;
if ( dataType != RifEclipseKeywordValueCount::KeywordDataType::UNKNOWN )
keywordsReport.appendKeywordCount( keyword, static_cast<size_t>( size ), dataType );
return keywordsReport.keywordValueCounts();
void RifReaderOpmCommon::locateInitAndRestartFiles( QString gridFileName )
auto getFileNameForType = []( RiaEclipseFileNameTools::EclipseFileType fileType, const QString& candidate ) -> std::string
const QString ext = caf::AppEnum<RiaEclipseFileNameTools::EclipseFileType>::text( fileType );
if ( candidate.endsWith( ext, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) return candidate.toStdString();
return {};
if ( m_initFileName.empty() || m_restartFileName.empty() )
QStringList fileSet;
RifEclipseOutputFileTools::findSiblingFilesWithSameBaseName( gridFileName, &fileSet );
for ( const auto& s : fileSet )
auto initCandidate = getFileNameForType( RiaEclipseFileNameTools::EclipseFileType::ECLIPSE_INIT, s );
auto restartCandidate = getFileNameForType( RiaEclipseFileNameTools::EclipseFileType::ECLIPSE_UNRST, s );
if ( !initCandidate.empty() ) m_initFileName = initCandidate;
if ( !restartCandidate.empty() ) m_restartFileName = restartCandidate;
void RifReaderOpmCommon::setupInitAndRestartAccess()
if ( ( m_initFile == nullptr ) && !m_initFileName.empty() )
m_initFile = std::make_unique<EclIO::EInit>( m_initFileName );
if ( ( m_restartFile == nullptr ) && !m_restartFileName.empty() )
m_restartFile = std::make_unique<EclIO::ERst>( m_restartFileName );
std::vector<RigEclipseTimeStepInfo> RifReaderOpmCommon::createFilteredTimeStepInfos()
std::vector<RigEclipseTimeStepInfo> timeStepInfos;
if ( m_restartFile == nullptr ) return timeStepInfos;
auto timeStepsOnFile = readTimeSteps();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < timeStepsOnFile.size(); i++ )
if ( isTimeStepIncludedByFilter( i ) )
QDate date( timeStepsOnFile[i].year, timeStepsOnFile[i].month, timeStepsOnFile[i].day );
auto datetime = RiaQDateTimeTools::createDateTime( date, Qt::TimeSpec::UTC );
RigEclipseTimeStepInfo( datetime, timeStepsOnFile[i].sequenceNumber, timeStepsOnFile[i].simulationTimeFromStart ) );
return timeStepInfos;
void RifReaderOpmCommon::buildMetaData( RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData, caf::ProgressInfo& progress )
std::vector<QDateTime> timeSteps;
std::vector<RigEclipseTimeStepInfo> filteredTimeStepInfos;
RigEclipseTimeStepInfo firstTimeStepInfo{ QDateTime(), 0, 0.0 };
if ( m_restartFile != nullptr )
std::vector<EclIO::EclFile::EclEntry> entries;
for ( auto reportNumber : m_restartFile->listOfReportStepNumbers() )
auto stepEntries = m_restartFile->listOfRstArrays( reportNumber );
std::set<std::pair<std::string, Opm::EclIO::eclArrType>> keyNames;
for ( auto& [keyName, resType, nValues] : stepEntries )
keyNames.insert( { keyName, resType } );
for ( auto& [keyName, resType] : keyNames )
auto dataSize = m_restartFile->dataSize( keyName, reportNumber );
entries.emplace_back( keyName, resType, dataSize );
auto last = std::unique( entries.begin(), entries.end() );
entries.erase( last, entries.end() );
std::vector<RifEclipseKeywordValueCount> keywordInfo = createKeywordInfo( entries );
filteredTimeStepInfos = createFilteredTimeStepInfos();
RifEclipseOutputFileTools::createResultEntries( keywordInfo,
m_restartFile->numberOfReportSteps() );
if ( filteredTimeStepInfos.size() > 0 ) firstTimeStepInfo = filteredTimeStepInfos.front();
if ( m_initFile != nullptr )
// entries from main grid
auto entries = m_initFile->list_arrays();
// add lgr entries, too
auto nGrids = m_gridNames.size();
for ( size_t i = 1; i < nGrids; i++ )
auto gridEntries = m_initFile->list_arrays( m_gridNames[i] );
entries.insert( entries.end(), gridEntries.begin(), gridEntries.end() );
std::vector<RifEclipseKeywordValueCount> keywordInfo = createKeywordInfo( entries );
RifEclipseOutputFileTools::createResultEntries( keywordInfo,
{ firstTimeStepInfo },
1 );
// Unit system
// Default units type is METRIC, look in restart file, then init file and then grid file until we find something
RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem unitsType = RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_METRIC;
int unitsTypeValue = -1;
if ( m_restartFile != nullptr )
if ( m_restartFile->hasArray( "INTEHEAD", 0 ) )
const auto& intHeader = m_restartFile->getRestartData<int>( "INTEHEAD", 0 );
if ( intHeader.size() > 2 ) unitsTypeValue = intHeader[2];
if ( unitsTypeValue < 0 )
if ( m_initFile != nullptr )
const auto& intHeader = m_initFile->getInitData<int>( "INTEHEAD" );
if ( intHeader.size() > 2 ) unitsTypeValue = intHeader[2];
if ( unitsTypeValue < 0 )
unitsTypeValue = m_gridUnit;
if ( unitsTypeValue == 2 )
unitsType = RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_FIELD;
else if ( unitsTypeValue == 3 )
unitsType = RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_LAB;
m_eclipseCaseData->setUnitsType( unitsType );
auto task = progress.task( "Handling well information", 10 );
if ( loadWellDataEnabled() && !m_restartFileName.empty() )
auto restartAccess = std::make_unique<RifEclipseUnifiedRestartFileAccess>();
restartAccess->setRestartFiles( QStringList( QString::fromStdString( m_restartFileName ) ) );
std::vector<QDateTime> filteredTimeSteps;
for ( auto& a : filteredTimeStepInfos )
filteredTimeSteps.push_back( a.m_date );
RifReaderEclipseWell::readWellCells( restartAccess.get(),
isImportOfCompleteMswDataEnabled() );
RiaLogging::info( "Skipping import of simulation well data" );
std::vector<RifReaderOpmCommon::TimeDataFile> RifReaderOpmCommon::readTimeSteps()
std::vector<RifReaderOpmCommon::TimeDataFile> reportTimeData;
if ( m_restartFile == nullptr ) return reportTimeData;
namespace VI = Opm::RestartIO::Helpers::VectorItems;
for ( auto seqNum : m_restartFile->listOfReportStepNumbers() )
const std::string inteheadString = "INTEHEAD";
const std::string doubheadString = "DOUBHEAD";
if ( m_restartFile->hasArray( inteheadString, seqNum ) )
const auto& intehead = m_restartFile->getRestartData<int>( inteheadString, seqNum );
auto year = intehead[VI::intehead::YEAR];
auto month = intehead[VI::intehead::MONTH];
auto day = intehead[VI::intehead::DAY];
double daySinceSimStart = 0.0;
if ( m_restartFile->hasArray( doubheadString, seqNum ) )
const auto& doubhead = m_restartFile->getRestartData<double>( doubheadString, seqNum );
if ( !doubhead.empty() )
// Read out the simulation time from start from DOUBHEAD. There is no enum defined to access this value.
daySinceSimStart = doubhead[0];
TimeDataFile{ .sequenceNumber = seqNum, .year = year, .month = month, .day = day, .simulationTimeFromStart = daySinceSimStart } );
catch ( std::exception& e )
std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return reportTimeData;
std::vector<QDateTime> RifReaderOpmCommon::timeStepsOnFile( QString gridFileName )
locateInitAndRestartFiles( gridFileName );
if ( m_restartFile == nullptr ) return {};
auto timeStepsFromFile = readTimeSteps();
std::vector<QDateTime> dateTimes;
for ( const auto& timeStep : timeStepsFromFile )
QDate date( timeStep.year, timeStep.month, );
QDateTime dateTime = RiaQDateTimeTools::createDateTime( date, Qt::UTC );
dateTimes.push_back( dateTime );
return dateTimes;
bool RifReaderOpmCommon::verifyActiveCellInfo( int activeSizeMat, int activeSizeFrac )
if ( m_initFile == nullptr ) return true;
int activeCells = 0;
for ( const auto& name : m_gridNames )
activeCells += m_initFile->activeCells( name );
return activeCells == ( activeSizeFrac + activeSizeMat );
std::vector<std::vector<int>> RifReaderOpmCommon::readActiveCellInfoFromPorv( RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData, bool isDualPorosity )
if ( m_initFile == nullptr ) return {};
std::vector<std::vector<int>> activeCellsAllGrids;
bool divideCellCountByTwo = isDualPorosity;
const int nGrids = (int)m_gridNames.size();
for ( int gridIdx = 0; gridIdx < nGrids; gridIdx++ )
auto porvValues = m_initFile->getInitData<float>( "PORV", m_gridNames[gridIdx] );
int activeCellCount = (int)porvValues.size();
if ( divideCellCountByTwo )
activeCellCount /= 2;
std::vector<int> activeCellsOneGrid;
activeCellsOneGrid.resize( activeCellCount, 0 );
for ( int poreValueIndex = 0; poreValueIndex < static_cast<int>( porvValues.size() ); poreValueIndex++ )
int indexToCell = poreValueIndex;
if ( indexToCell >= activeCellCount )
indexToCell = poreValueIndex - activeCellCount;
if ( porvValues[poreValueIndex] > 0.0f )
if ( isDualPorosity )
if ( poreValueIndex < activeCellCount )
activeCellsOneGrid[indexToCell] += (int)ActiveType::ACTIVE_MATRIX_VALUE;
activeCellsOneGrid[indexToCell] += (int)ActiveType::ACTIVE_FRACTURE_VALUE;
activeCellsOneGrid[indexToCell] += (int)ActiveType::ACTIVE_MATRIX_VALUE;
activeCellsAllGrids.push_back( activeCellsOneGrid );
return activeCellsAllGrids;
void RifReaderOpmCommon::updateActiveCellInfo( RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData,
Opm::EclIO::EGrid& opmGrid,
std::vector<Opm::EclIO::EGrid>& lgrGrids,
RigMainGrid* mainGrid )
auto activeCellInfoPerGrid = readActiveCellInfoFromPorv( eclipseCaseData, opmGrid.porosity_mode() > 0 );
int nInfos = (int)activeCellInfoPerGrid.size();
if ( nInfos > 0 )
int gridIdx = 0;
opmGrid.set_active_cells( activeCellInfoPerGrid[gridIdx++] );
for ( auto& lgr : lgrGrids )
if ( gridIdx < nInfos ) lgr.set_active_cells( activeCellInfoPerGrid[gridIdx++] );