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// Copyright (C) 2015- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2015- Ceetron Solutions AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "cvfAssert.h"
#include "cvfMath.h"
#include "cvfMatrix3.h"
#include "cvfSystem.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
namespace caf
template <typename S>
m_tensor[0] = (S)0.0;
m_tensor[1] = (S)0.0;
m_tensor[2] = (S)0.0;
m_tensor[3] = (S)0.0;
m_tensor[4] = (S)0.0;
m_tensor[5] = (S)0.0;
/// Copy constructor
template <typename S>
inline Tensor3<S>::Tensor3( const Tensor3& other )
cvf::System::memcpy( m_tensor, sizeof( m_tensor ), other.m_tensor, sizeof( other.m_tensor ) );
/// Explicit Cast constructor
template <typename S>
template <typename T>
Tensor3<S>::Tensor3( const Tensor3<T>& other )
m_tensor[SXX] = other[Tensor3<T>::SXX];
m_tensor[SYY] = other[Tensor3<T>::SYY];
m_tensor[SZZ] = other[Tensor3<T>::SZZ];
m_tensor[SXY] = other[Tensor3<T>::SXY];
m_tensor[SYZ] = other[Tensor3<T>::SYZ];
m_tensor[SZX] = other[Tensor3<T>::SZX];
/// Constructor with explicit initialization of all tensor elements.
template <typename S>
Tensor3<S>::Tensor3( S sxx, S syy, S szz, S sxy, S syz, S szx )
m_tensor[0] = sxx;
m_tensor[1] = syy;
m_tensor[2] = szz;
m_tensor[3] = sxy;
m_tensor[4] = syz;
m_tensor[5] = szx;
template <typename S>
Tensor3<S> caf::Tensor3<S>::invalid()
return caf::Tensor3<S>( std::numeric_limits<S>::infinity(),
std::numeric_limits<S>::infinity() );
/// Assignment operator
template <typename S>
inline Tensor3<S>& Tensor3<S>::operator=( const Tensor3& obj )
cvf::System::memcpy( m_tensor, sizeof( m_tensor ), obj.m_tensor, sizeof( obj.m_tensor ) );
return *this;
/// Component-wise addition
template <typename S>
Tensor3<S> caf::Tensor3<S>::operator+( const Tensor3& rhs ) const
Tensor3<S> result( *this );
result.m_tensor[0] += rhs.m_tensor[0];
result.m_tensor[1] += rhs.m_tensor[1];
result.m_tensor[2] += rhs.m_tensor[2];
result.m_tensor[3] += rhs.m_tensor[3];
result.m_tensor[4] += rhs.m_tensor[4];
result.m_tensor[5] += rhs.m_tensor[5];
return result;
template <typename S>
Tensor3<S> caf::Tensor3<S>::operator*( S scale ) const
Tensor3<S> result( *this );
result.m_tensor[0] *= scale;
result.m_tensor[1] *= scale;
result.m_tensor[2] *= scale;
result.m_tensor[3] *= scale;
result.m_tensor[4] *= scale;
result.m_tensor[5] *= scale;
return result;
/// Check if matrices are equal using exact comparisons.
template <typename S>
bool Tensor3<S>::equals( const Tensor3& ten ) const
for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
if ( m_tensor[i] != ten.m_tensor[i] ) return false;
return true;
/// Comparison operator. Checks for equality using exact comparisons.
template <typename S>
bool Tensor3<S>::operator==( const Tensor3& rhs ) const
return this->equals( rhs );
/// Comparison operator. Checks for not equal using exact comparisons.
template <typename S>
bool Tensor3<S>::operator!=( const Tensor3& rhs ) const
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
if ( m_tensor[i] != rhs.m_tensor[i] ) return true;
return false;
/// Get modifiable component 0,1,2. E.g. x = v[0];
template <typename S>
inline S Tensor3<S>::operator[]( TensorComponentEnum index ) const
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( index >= 0 );
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( index < 6 );
return m_tensor[index];
/// Get const component 0,1,2. E.g. x = v[0];
template <typename S>
inline S& Tensor3<S>::operator[]( TensorComponentEnum index )
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( index >= 0 );
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( index < 6 );
return m_tensor[index];
template <typename S>
void Tensor3<S>::setFromInternalLayout( S* tensorData )
m_tensor[0] = tensorData[0];
m_tensor[1] = tensorData[1];
m_tensor[2] = tensorData[2];
m_tensor[3] = tensorData[3];
m_tensor[4] = tensorData[4];
m_tensor[5] = tensorData[5];
template <typename S>
void Tensor3<S>::setFromAbaqusLayout( S* tensorData )
m_tensor[0] = tensorData[0];
m_tensor[1] = tensorData[1];
m_tensor[2] = tensorData[2];
m_tensor[3] = tensorData[3];
m_tensor[4] = tensorData[5];
m_tensor[5] = tensorData[4];
cvf::Mat3d cofactor3( const cvf::Mat3d& mx );
cvf::Vec3d eigenVector3( const cvf::Mat3d& mx, double eigenValue, bool* computedOk );
/// Compute principal values and optionally the principal directions
/// The tensor must be laid out as follows: SXX, SYY, SZZ, SXY, SYZ, SZX
template <typename S>
cvf::Vec3f Tensor3<S>::calculatePrincipals( cvf::Vec3f principalDirections[3] ) const
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( m_tensor );
const float floatThreshold = 1.0e-30f;
const double doubleThreshold = 1.0e-60;
cvf::Vec3f principalValues;
// Init return arrays to invalid
principalValues[0] = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
principalValues[1] = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
principalValues[2] = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
if ( principalDirections )
principalDirections[0] = cvf::Vec3f::ZERO;
principalDirections[1] = cvf::Vec3f::ZERO;
principalDirections[2] = cvf::Vec3f::ZERO;
// Return if we have an undefined component
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
if ( m_tensor[i] == std::numeric_limits<S>::infinity() )
return principalValues;
// Return 0, 0, 0 if all components are zero
bool isAllTensCompsZero = true;
for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
if ( !( fabs( m_tensor[i] ) < floatThreshold ) )
isAllTensCompsZero = false;
if ( isAllTensCompsZero )
return cvf::Vec3f::ZERO;
double SXX = m_tensor[0], SYY = m_tensor[1], SZZ = m_tensor[2];
double SXY = m_tensor[3], SYZ = m_tensor[4], SZX = m_tensor[5];
double pressure = -( SXX + SYY + SZZ ) / 3.0;
// Normally we would solve the eigenvalues by solving the 3'rd degree equation:
// -sigma^3 + A*sigma^2 - B*sigma + C = 0
// in which A, B, and C are the invariants of the stress tensor.
// http://www.engapplets.vt.edu/Mohr/java/nsfapplets/MohrCircles2-3D/Theory/theory.htm
// But the roots(eigenvalues) are calculated by transforming the above equation into
// s**3 + aa*s + b = 0 and using the trignometric solution.
// See crc standard mathematical tables 19th edition pp. 103-104.
SXX += pressure;
SYY += pressure;
SZZ += pressure;
double S1, S2, S3;
double AA, BB, CC, DD, angleP;
BB = SXX * SYZ * SYZ + SYY * SZX * SZX + SZZ * SXY * SXY - SXX * SYY * SZZ - 2.0 * SXY * SYZ * SZX;
if ( fabs( AA ) < doubleThreshold )
S1 = 0.0;
S2 = 0.0;
S3 = 0.0;
CC = -sqrt( 27.0 / AA ) * BB * 0.5 / AA;
if ( CC > 1.0 )
CC = 1.0;
else if ( CC < -1.0 )
CC = -1.0;
angleP = acos( CC ) / 3.0;
DD = 2.0 * sqrt( AA / 3.0 );
S1 = DD * cos( angleP );
S2 = DD * cos( angleP + 4.0 * cvf::PI_D / 3.0 );
S3 = DD * cos( angleP + 2.0 * cvf::PI_D / 3.0 );
int idxPMin = 2;
int idxPMid = 1;
int idxPMax = 0;
double principalsd[3];
principalsd[idxPMax] = ( S1 - pressure );
principalsd[idxPMid] = ( S2 - pressure );
principalsd[idxPMin] = ( S3 - pressure );
// Sort the principals if we have no Z component in the tensor at all
if ( ( m_tensor[2] == 0.0f ) && ( m_tensor[4] == 0.0f ) && ( m_tensor[5] == 0.0f ) )
if ( fabs( principalsd[idxPMin] ) > fabs( principalsd[idxPMid] ) ) std::swap( idxPMin, idxPMid );
if ( fabs( principalsd[idxPMin] ) > fabs( principalsd[idxPMax] ) ) std::swap( idxPMin, idxPMax );
if ( principalsd[idxPMax] < principalsd[idxPMid] ) std::swap( idxPMax, idxPMid );
principalsd[idxPMin] = 0;
// Calculate the principal directions if needed
if ( principalDirections )
cvf::Mat3d T;
T( 0, 0 ) = m_tensor[0];
T( 0, 1 ) = m_tensor[3];
T( 0, 2 ) = m_tensor[5];
T( 1, 0 ) = m_tensor[3];
T( 1, 1 ) = m_tensor[1];
T( 1, 2 ) = m_tensor[4];
T( 2, 0 ) = m_tensor[5];
T( 2, 1 ) = m_tensor[4];
T( 2, 2 ) = m_tensor[2];
principalDirections[0] = cvf::Vec3f( eigenVector3( T, principalsd[idxPMax], NULL ) );
principalDirections[1] = cvf::Vec3f( eigenVector3( T, principalsd[idxPMid], NULL ) );
principalDirections[2] = cvf::Vec3f( eigenVector3( T, principalsd[idxPMin], NULL ) );
principalValues[0] = (float)principalsd[idxPMax];
principalValues[1] = (float)principalsd[idxPMid];
principalValues[2] = (float)principalsd[idxPMin];
return principalValues;
template <typename S>
float caf::Tensor3<S>::calculateVonMises() const
return (float)sqrt( ( ( m_tensor[0] * m_tensor[0] + m_tensor[1] * m_tensor[1] + m_tensor[2] * m_tensor[2] ) ) +
( -( m_tensor[0] * m_tensor[1] + m_tensor[1] * m_tensor[2] + m_tensor[0] * m_tensor[2] ) ) +
( 3 * ( m_tensor[3] * m_tensor[3] + m_tensor[4] * m_tensor[4] + m_tensor[5] * m_tensor[5] ) ) );
/// Calculates Trot = rotMx*T*transpose(rotMx)
template <typename S>
Tensor3<S> caf::Tensor3<S>::rotated( const cvf::Matrix3<S>& rotMx ) const
cvf::Matrix3<S> tensor( m_tensor[SXX],
m_tensor[SZZ] );
cvf::Matrix3<S> transposedRotMx = rotMx;
cvf::Matrix3<S> rotatedTensor = rotMx * tensor * transposedRotMx;
return Tensor3( rotatedTensor( 0, 0 ),
rotatedTensor( 1, 1 ),
rotatedTensor( 2, 2 ),
rotatedTensor( 1, 0 ),
rotatedTensor( 1, 2 ),
rotatedTensor( 0, 2 ) );
} // namespace caf