sigurdp bbebebadd5 Added complete VizFwk
Added the complete VizFwk from the ResInsight branch in Perforce as of
changelist 190.
2013-11-01 08:49:42 +01:00

327 lines
12 KiB

// Custom Visualization Core library
// Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Ceetron AS
// This library may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or
// the GNU Lesser General Public License as follows:
// GNU General Public License Usage
// This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <<>>
// for more details.
// GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License at <<>>
// for more details.
#include "cvfBase.h"
#include "cvfSystem.h"
#include "cvfuInputEvents.h"
namespace cvfu {
/// \class cvfu::MouseEvent
/// \ingroup Utilities
MouseEvent::MouseEvent(int x, int y, MouseButtons buttonsDown, KeyboardModifiers modifiersDown)
m_x = x;
m_y = y;
m_mouseButtonsDown = buttonsDown;
m_keyboardModifiersDown = modifiersDown;
m_requestedAction = NONE;
int MouseEvent::x() const
return m_x;
int MouseEvent::y() const
return m_y;
MouseButtons MouseEvent::buttons() const
return m_mouseButtonsDown;
KeyboardModifiers MouseEvent::modifiers() const
return m_keyboardModifiersDown;
void MouseEvent::setRequestedAction(PostEventAction actionRequest)
m_requestedAction = actionRequest;
PostEventAction MouseEvent::requestedAction() const
return m_requestedAction;
cvf::String MouseEvent::toString() const
cvf::String btn;
if (m_mouseButtonsDown.testFlag(LeftButton)) btn += "L";
if (m_mouseButtonsDown.testFlag(MiddleButton)) btn += "M";
if (m_mouseButtonsDown.testFlag(RightButton)) btn += "R";
cvf::String mod;
if (m_keyboardModifiersDown.testFlag(ShiftModifier)) mod += "S";
if (m_keyboardModifiersDown.testFlag(ControlModifier)) mod += "C";
cvf::String str = "MouseEvent:";
str += " x=" + cvf::String(m_x) + " y=" + cvf::String(m_y) + " buttons=" + btn + " modifiers=" + mod;
return str;
/// \class cvfu::KeyEvent
/// \ingroup Utilities
KeyEvent::KeyEvent(Key key, unsigned short unicodeChar)
m_key = key;
m_unicodeChar = unicodeChar;
m_requestedAction = NONE;
Key KeyEvent::key() const
return m_key;
char KeyEvent::character() const
if (m_unicodeChar <= 0xff)
return static_cast<char>(m_unicodeChar);
return 0;
unsigned short KeyEvent::unicodeCharacter() const
return m_unicodeChar;
void KeyEvent::setRequestedAction(PostEventAction actionRequest)
m_requestedAction = actionRequest;
PostEventAction KeyEvent::requestedAction() const
return m_requestedAction;
cvf::String KeyEvent::toString() const
char szBuf[1024];
cvf::String keyString = toString(m_key);
unsigned char aChar = static_cast<unsigned char>(character());
cvf::System::sprintf(szBuf, 1024, "KeyEvent: key=%s unicodeChar=0x%04x character=0x%02x", keyString.toAscii().ptr(), m_unicodeChar, aChar);
cvf::String str(szBuf);
return str;
cvf::String KeyEvent::toString(Key key)
switch (key)
case Key_None: return "Key_None";
case Key_0: return "Key_0";
case Key_1: return "Key_1";
case Key_2: return "Key_2";
case Key_3: return "Key_3";
case Key_4: return "Key_4";
case Key_5: return "Key_5";
case Key_6: return "Key_6";
case Key_7: return "Key_7";
case Key_8: return "Key_8";
case Key_9: return "Key_9";
case Key_A: return "Key_A";
case Key_B: return "Key_B";
case Key_C: return "Key_C";
case Key_D: return "Key_D";
case Key_E: return "Key_E";
case Key_F: return "Key_F";
case Key_G: return "Key_G";
case Key_H: return "Key_H";
case Key_I: return "Key_I";
case Key_J: return "Key_J";
case Key_K: return "Key_K";
case Key_L: return "Key_L";
case Key_M: return "Key_M";
case Key_N: return "Key_N";
case Key_O: return "Key_O";
case Key_P: return "Key_P";
case Key_Q: return "Key_Q";
case Key_R: return "Key_R";
case Key_S: return "Key_S";
case Key_T: return "Key_T";
case Key_U: return "Key_U";
case Key_V: return "Key_V";
case Key_W: return "Key_W";
case Key_X: return "Key_X";
case Key_Y: return "Key_Y";
case Key_Z: return "Key_Z";
case Key_Return: return "Key_Return";
case Key_Backspace: return "Key_Backspace";
case Key_Tab: return "Key_Tab";
case Key_Space: return "Key_Space";
case Key_Control: return "Key_Control";
case Key_Alt: return "Key_Alt";
case Key_Shift: return "Key_Shift";
case Key_Insert: return "Key_Insert";
case Key_Delete: return "Key_Delete";
case Key_Home: return "Key_Home";
case Key_End: return "Key_End";
case Key_PageUp: return "Key_PageUp";
case Key_PageDown: return "Key_PageDown";
case Key_Left: return "Key_Left";
case Key_Right: return "Key_Right";
case Key_Up: return "Key_Up";
case Key_Down: return "Key_Down";
case Key_Clear: return "Key_Clear";
case Key_Escape: return "Key_Escape";
case Key_Plus: return "Key_Plus";
case Key_Minus: return "Key_Minus";
case Key_Comma: return "Key_Comma";
case Key_Period: return "Key_Period";
case Key_F1: return "Key_F1";
case Key_F2: return "Key_F2";
case Key_F3: return "Key_F3";
case Key_F4: return "Key_F4";
case Key_F5: return "Key_F5";
case Key_F6: return "Key_F6";
case Key_F7: return "Key_F7";
case Key_F8: return "Key_F8";
case Key_F9: return "Key_F9";
case Key_F10: return "Key_F10";
case Key_F11: return "Key_F11";
case Key_F12: return "Key_F12";
case Key_Unknown: return "Key_Unknown";
default: return "UNKNOWN";
} // namespace cvfu