mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
* Make sure clang-tidy action use .clang-tidy config file Use add-paths to instruct create-pull-request to a sub folder to avoid diff from Qt and vcpkg * Use empty() in macro to avoid clang-tidy warning * Add NOLINT to CAF_ASSERT * Add NOLINT to cvfAssert
1172 lines
45 KiB
1172 lines
45 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2017- Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog.h"
#include "RiaEnsembleNameTools.h"
#include "RiaFilePathTools.h"
#include "RiaGuiApplication.h"
#include "RiaStringListSerializer.h"
#include "RiuFileDialogTools.h"
#include "RiuTools.h"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/EclUtil.hpp"
#include <QAbstractItemView>
#include <QAction>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QCollator>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QDir>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QListWidget>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QSignalBlocker>
#include <QTextEdit>
#include <QTime>
#include <QToolBar>
#include <QToolTip>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#define FILES_FOUND_TEXT "Files Found"
/// Internal functions
static void sortStringsByLength( QStringList& strings, bool ascending = true );
RicRecursiveFileSearchDialogResult RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::runRecursiveSearchDialog( QWidget* parent,
const QString& caption,
const QString& dir,
const QString& pathFilter,
const QString& fileNameFilter,
const std::vector<FileType>& fileTypes )
const QString filePathRegistryKey = QString( "RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog %1" ).arg( caption ).replace( " ", "_" );
const QString fileFilterRegistryKey = QString( "RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog file filter %1" ).arg( caption ).replace( " ", "_" );
const QString useRealizationStarRegistryKey = "RecursiveFileSearchDialog_use_realization";
QSettings settings;
RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog dialog( parent, fileTypes );
QSignalBlocker signalBlocker( dialog.m_pathFilterField );
QSignalBlocker signalBlocker2( dialog.m_ensembleGroupingMode );
dialog.setWindowTitle( caption );
QString pathFilterText = dir;
RiaFilePathTools::appendSeparatorIfNo( pathFilterText );
pathFilterText += pathFilter;
dialog.m_fileFilterField->addItem( fileNameFilter );
dialog.m_pathFilterField->addItem( QDir::toNativeSeparators( pathFilterText ) );
for ( const auto& fileType : fileTypes )
QString item = QString( "%1 (%2)" ).arg( fileNameForType( fileType ) ).arg( fileExtensionForType( fileType ) );
dialog.m_fileTypeField->addItem( item, static_cast<int>( fileType ) );
dialog.m_fileFilterField->addItem( fileNameFilter );
populateComboBoxHistoryFromRegistry( dialog.m_pathFilterField, filePathRegistryKey );
populateComboBoxHistoryFromRegistry( dialog.m_fileFilterField, fileFilterRegistryKey );
bool isChecked = settings.value( useRealizationStarRegistryKey, true ).toBool();
dialog.m_useRealizationStarCheckBox->setChecked( isChecked );
dialog.m_fileFilterField->setCurrentText( fileNameFilter );
dialog.m_fileFilterField->setEditable( true );
dialog.m_pathFilterField->setCurrentText( QDir::toNativeSeparators( pathFilterText ) );
dialog.m_pathFilterField->setEditable( true );
if ( !fileTypes.empty() )
dialog.m_fileExtensions = QStringList( fileExtensionForType( fileTypes.front() ) );
dialog.m_fileType = fileTypes.front();
for ( const auto& s : caf::AppEnum<RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode>::uiTexts() )
dialog.m_ensembleGroupingMode->addItem( s );
dialog.setOkButtonEnabled( false );
dialog.resize( 800, 150 );
if ( dialog.result() == QDialog::Accepted )
settings.setValue( useRealizationStarRegistryKey, dialog.m_useRealizationStarCheckBox->isChecked() );
const int maxItemsInRegistry = 10;
RiaStringListSerializer stringListSerializer( filePathRegistryKey );
stringListSerializer.addString( dialog.m_pathFilterField->currentText(), maxItemsInRegistry );
RiaStringListSerializer stringListSerializer( fileFilterRegistryKey );
stringListSerializer.addString( dialog.m_fileFilterField->currentText(), maxItemsInRegistry );
return RicRecursiveFileSearchDialogResult( dialog.result() == QDialog::Accepted,
dialog.ensembleGroupingMode() );
RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog( QWidget* parent, const std::vector<FileType>& fileTypes )
: QDialog( parent, RiuTools::defaultDialogFlags() )
, m_incomingFileTypes( fileTypes )
// Create widgets
m_browseButton = new QPushButton();
m_useRealizationStarCheckBox = new QCheckBox( "Use 'realization-*' in filter" );
connect( m_useRealizationStarCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotUseRealizationStarClicked() ) );
m_pathFilterLabel = new QLabel();
m_pathFilterField = new QComboBox();
m_fileFilterLabel = new QLabel();
m_fileFilterField = new QComboBox();
m_fileTypeLabel = new QLabel();
m_fileTypeField = new QComboBox();
m_fileExtensionLabel = new QLabel();
m_fileExtensionField = new QLineEdit();
m_effectiveFilterLabel = new QLabel();
m_effectiveFilterContentLabel = new QLabel();
m_ensembleGroupingMode = new QComboBox();
m_searchRootLabel = new QLabel();
m_searchRootContentLabel = new QLabel();
m_findOrCancelButton = new QPushButton();
m_fileListWidget = new QListWidget();
m_buttons = new QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel );
// Connect to signals
connect( m_pathFilterField, SIGNAL( currentTextChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotPathFilterChanged( const QString& ) ) );
connect( m_pathFilterField, SIGNAL( editTextChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotPathFilterChanged( const QString& ) ) );
connect( m_fileFilterField, SIGNAL( currentTextChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotFileFilterChanged( const QString& ) ) );
connect( m_fileFilterField, SIGNAL( editTextChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotFileFilterChanged( const QString& ) ) );
connect( m_fileTypeField, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotFileTypeChanged( int ) ) );
connect( m_fileExtensionField, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotFileExtensionChanged( const QString& ) ) );
connect( m_fileListWidget,
SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( const QPoint& ) ),
SLOT( slotFileListCustomMenuRequested( const QPoint& ) ) );
connect( m_browseButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotBrowseButtonClicked() ) );
connect( m_findOrCancelButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotFindOrCancelButtonClicked() ) );
connect( m_buttons, SIGNAL( accepted() ), this, SLOT( slotDialogOkClicked() ) );
connect( m_buttons, SIGNAL( rejected() ), this, SLOT( slotDialogCancelClicked() ) );
// Set widget properties
m_pathFilterLabel->setText( "Path pattern" );
m_fileFilterLabel->setText( "File pattern" );
m_fileTypeLabel->setText( "File type" );
m_fileExtensionLabel->setText( "File extension" );
m_effectiveFilterLabel->setText( "Effective filter" );
m_searchRootLabel->setText( "Root" );
m_searchRootLabel->setVisible( false );
m_effectiveFilterContentLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
m_searchRootContentLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
m_searchRootContentLabel->setVisible( false );
m_fileListWidget->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection );
m_fileListWidget->setVisible( false );
m_fileListWidget->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
m_fileListWidget->setMinimumHeight( 350 );
m_browseButton->setText( "..." );
m_browseButton->setFixedWidth( 25 );
m_findOrCancelButton->setText( FIND_BUTTON_FIND_TEXT );
m_findOrCancelButton->setFixedWidth( 75 );
m_findOrCancelButton->setDefault( true );
// Define layout
QVBoxLayout* dialogLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
QGroupBox* inputGroup = new QGroupBox( "Filter" );
QGridLayout* inputGridLayout = new QGridLayout();
int row = 0;
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_pathFilterLabel, row, 0 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_pathFilterField, row, 1, 1, 2 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_browseButton, row, 3 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileFilterLabel, row, 0 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileFilterField, row, 1, 1, 2 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileTypeLabel, row, 0 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileTypeField, row, 1, 1, 2 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileExtensionLabel, row, 0 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileExtensionField, row, 1, 1, 2 );
QHBoxLayout* horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
horizontalLayout->addWidget( m_useRealizationStarCheckBox );
QLabel* ensembleGroupingLabel = new QLabel( "Ensemble Grouping" );
horizontalLayout->addWidget( ensembleGroupingLabel );
horizontalLayout->addWidget( m_ensembleGroupingMode );
horizontalLayout->addStretch( 1 );
inputGridLayout->addLayout( horizontalLayout, row, 1 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_effectiveFilterLabel, row, 0 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_effectiveFilterContentLabel, row, 1 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_findOrCancelButton, row, 2 );
inputGroup->setLayout( inputGridLayout );
m_outputGroup = new QGroupBox( "Files Found" );
QGridLayout* outputGridLayout = new QGridLayout();
outputGridLayout->addWidget( m_searchRootLabel, 1, 0 );
outputGridLayout->addWidget( m_searchRootContentLabel, 1, 1 );
// outputGridLayout->addWidget(m_fileListLabel, 2, 0);
outputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileListWidget, 2, 0, 1, 3 );
m_outputGroup->setLayout( outputGridLayout );
dialogLayout->addWidget( inputGroup );
dialogLayout->addWidget( m_outputGroup );
dialogLayout->addWidget( m_buttons );
setLayout( dialogLayout );
QString text = "The path filter uses normal wildcard file globbing, like in any unix shell. \n"
"When the filter ends with a single \"*\" (eg. \"/home/*\"), however, ResInsight will \n"
"search recursively in all subdirectories from that point.\n"
"This is indicated by \"...\" in the Effective Filter label below.\n"
"An asterix \"*\" matches any number of any characters, except the path separator.\n"
"A question mark \"?\" matches any single character, except the path separator.\n"
"Square brackets \"[]\" encloses a list of characters and matches one of the enclosed characters.\n"
"they are also used to escape the characters *,? and []";
// https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qregularexpression.html#wildcardToRegularExpression
m_pathFilterLabel->setToolTip( text );
m_pathFilterField->setToolTip( text );
QString text = "Define the extension using \".EGRID|.GRDECL\"";
m_fileExtensionLabel->setToolTip( text );
m_fileExtensionField->setToolTip( text );
QString text = "The file filter uses normal wild cards, but is not allowed to contain path separators. ";
m_fileFilterLabel->setToolTip( text );
m_fileFilterField->setToolTip( text );
QString text = "This label displays the complete filter that is being applied. \n"
"The possible \"...\" indicates a complete recursive directory search.";
m_effectiveFilterLabel->setToolTip( text );
m_effectiveFilterContentLabel->setToolTip( text );
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::cleanTextFromPathFilterField() const
QString pathFilterText = m_pathFilterField->currentText().trimmed();
pathFilterText = RiaFilePathTools::toInternalSeparator( pathFilterText );
pathFilterText = RiaFilePathTools::removeDuplicatePathSeparators( pathFilterText );
pathFilterText.replace( QString( "**" ), QString( "*" ) );
if ( m_useRealizationStarCheckBox->isChecked() )
pathFilterText = replaceWithRealizationStar( pathFilterText );
return pathFilterText;
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::rootDirWithEndSeparator() const
QString rootDir = cleanTextFromPathFilterField();
rootDir = RiaFilePathTools::rootSearchPathFromSearchFilter( rootDir );
return RiaFilePathTools::appendSeparatorIfNo( rootDir );
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::pathFilterWithoutStartSeparator() const
QString pathFilter = cleanTextFromPathFilterField();
QString rootDir = RiaFilePathTools::rootSearchPathFromSearchFilter( pathFilter );
pathFilter.remove( 0, rootDir.size() );
if ( pathFilter.startsWith( RiaFilePathTools::separator() ) ) pathFilter.remove( 0, 1 );
return pathFilter;
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileNameFilter() const
return m_fileFilterField->currentText().trimmed();
QStringList RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileExtensions() const
QString extFromFilter = extensionFromFileNameFilter();
if ( !extFromFilter.isEmpty() )
return QStringList( { extFromFilter } );
QStringList exts = m_fileExtensions;
sortStringsByLength( exts );
return exts;
RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileType() const
return m_fileType;
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::extensionFromFileNameFilter() const
for ( const QString& ext : m_fileExtensions )
if ( m_fileFilterField->currentText().endsWith( ext, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
return ext;
return "";
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::updateFileListWidget()
if ( ensembleGroupingMode() != RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode::NONE )
if ( m_fileType == RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType::STIMPLAN_SUMMARY ||
m_fileType == RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType::REVEAL_SUMMARY )
auto fileType = RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::mapSummaryFileType( m_fileType );
std::map<QString, QStringList> groupedByEnsemble = RiaEnsembleNameTools::groupFilesByCustomEnsemble( m_foundFiles, fileType );
for ( auto [ensembleName, groupedFileNames] : groupedByEnsemble )
new QListWidgetItem( QDir::toNativeSeparators( ensembleName ), m_fileListWidget );
addToFileListWidget( groupedFileNames );
std::vector<QStringList> groupedByEnsemble = RiaEnsembleNameTools::groupFilesByEnsemble( m_foundFiles, ensembleGroupingMode() );
for ( const QStringList& groupedFileNames : groupedByEnsemble )
QString ensembleName = RiaEnsembleNameTools::findSuitableEnsembleName( groupedFileNames, ensembleGroupingMode() );
new QListWidgetItem( QDir::toNativeSeparators( ensembleName ), m_fileListWidget );
addToFileListWidget( groupedFileNames );
addToFileListWidget( m_foundFiles );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::addToFileListWidget( const QStringList& fileNames )
int rootSearchPathLength = rootDirWithEndSeparator().size();
for ( const auto& fileName : fileNames )
QString itemText = fileName;
itemText.remove( 0, rootSearchPathLength );
QListWidgetItem* item = new QListWidgetItem( QDir::toNativeSeparators( itemText ), m_fileListWidget );
item->setFlags( item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable );
item->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::clearFileList()
m_outputGroup->setTitle( FILES_FOUND_TEXT );
setOkButtonEnabled( false );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::updateStatus( Status status, const QString& extraText )
static int progressLoopStep = 0;
static QTime lastStatusUpdate = QTime::currentTime();
QTime now = QTime::currentTime();
// Do not update dialog more often than twice per second to avoid text update from slowing down search progress
if ( status != NO_FILES_FOUND && lastStatusUpdate.msecsTo( now ) < 250 ) return;
QString newStatus;
if ( status == SEARCHING_FOR_DIRS || status == SEARCHING_FOR_FILES )
switch ( status )
newStatus = "Scanning Directories";
newStatus = "Finding Files";
for ( int progress = 0; progress < progressLoopStep; ++progress )
newStatus += " .";
if ( ++progressLoopStep >= 5 ) progressLoopStep = 0;
if ( !extraText.isEmpty() ) newStatus += "\n" + extraText;
else if ( status == NO_FILES_FOUND )
newStatus = "No files found";
lastStatusUpdate = now;
new QListWidgetItem( newStatus, m_fileListWidget );
QStringList RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::findMatchingFiles()
if ( cleanTextFromPathFilterField().isEmpty() ) return QStringList();
QStringList dirs;
QString pathFilter = pathFilterWithoutStartSeparator();
QString rootDir = rootDirWithEndSeparator();
if ( rootDir.size() > 1 && rootDir.endsWith( RiaFilePathTools::separator() ) ) rootDir.chop( 1 );
buildDirectoryListRecursiveSimple( rootDir, pathFilter, &dirs );
return findFilesInDirs( dirs );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::buildDirectoryListRecursiveSimple( const QString& currentDirFullPathNoEndSeparator,
const QString& currentPathFilterNoEndSeparator,
QStringList* accumulatedDirs )
QString currDir = currentDirFullPathNoEndSeparator;
QString pathFilter = currentPathFilterNoEndSeparator;
if ( m_isCancelPressed )
updateStatus( SEARCHING_FOR_DIRS, currDir );
if ( pathFilter.isEmpty() )
accumulatedDirs->push_back( currentDirFullPathNoEndSeparator );
QStringList pathFilterPartList = pathFilter.split( RiaFilePathTools::separator() );
QDir qdir( currDir, pathFilterPartList[0], QDir::NoSort, QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot );
QStringList subDirs = qdir.entryList();
if ( pathFilterPartList.size() == 1 && pathFilterPartList[0] == "*" )
accumulatedDirs->push_back( currDir );
for ( const QString& subDir : subDirs )
QString fullPath = qdir.absoluteFilePath( subDir );
QString nextPathFilter;
if ( pathFilterPartList.size() == 1 && pathFilterPartList[0] == "*" )
nextPathFilter = "*";
auto pf = pathFilterPartList;
nextPathFilter = pf.join( RiaFilePathTools::separator() );
buildDirectoryListRecursiveSimple( fullPath, nextPathFilter, accumulatedDirs );
QStringList RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::findFilesInDirs( const QStringList& dirs )
QStringList allFiles;
QStringList filters = createFileNameFilterList();
for ( const auto& dir : dirs )
QDir qdir( dir );
QStringList files = qdir.entryList( filters, QDir::Files );
if ( m_isCancelPressed ) return QStringList();
updateStatus( SEARCHING_FOR_FILES, qdir.absolutePath() );
for ( QString file : files )
QString absFilePath = qdir.absoluteFilePath( file );
allFiles.append( absFilePath );
return allFiles;
QStringList RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::createFileNameFilterList()
QString fileNameFilter = this->fileNameFilter();
QStringList fileExtensions = this->fileExtensions();
QStringList nameFilter;
QString effectiveFileNameFilter = !fileNameFilter.isEmpty() ? fileNameFilter : "*";
if ( fileExtensions.empty() || !extensionFromFileNameFilter().isEmpty() )
nameFilter.append( effectiveFileNameFilter );
for ( QString fileExtension : fileExtensions )
nameFilter.append( effectiveFileNameFilter + "." + fileExtension );
return nameFilter;
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::replaceWithRealizationStar( const QString& text )
const QString pattern = "realization-\\d+";
QRegExp regexp( pattern, Qt::CaseInsensitive );
QString textWithStar = text;
textWithStar.replace( regexp, "realization-*" );
return textWithStar;
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::populateComboBoxHistoryFromRegistry( QComboBox* comboBox, const QString& registryKey )
RiaStringListSerializer stringListSerializer( registryKey );
QStringList files = stringListSerializer.textStrings();
const int maxItemsInRegistry = 10;
int numRecentFiles = std::min( files.size(), maxItemsInRegistry );
for ( int i = 0; i < numRecentFiles; i++ )
comboBox->addItem( files[i] );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::updateEffectiveFilter()
QString pathFilterText = pathFilterWithoutStartSeparator();
if ( pathFilterText == "*" || pathFilterText.endsWith( QString( RiaFilePathTools::separator() ) + "*" ) )
pathFilterText.chop( 1 );
pathFilterText = pathFilterText + "...";
QString effFilterText =
QString( "%1%2/%3" ).arg( rootDirWithEndSeparator() ).arg( pathFilterText ).arg( createFileNameFilterList().join( "|" ) );
effFilterText = RiaFilePathTools::removeDuplicatePathSeparators( effFilterText );
// Present native separators to the user
m_effectiveFilterContentLabel->setText( QDir::toNativeSeparators( effFilterText ) );
m_searchRootContentLabel->setText( QDir::toNativeSeparators( rootDirWithEndSeparator() ) );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::setOkButtonEnabled( bool enabled )
m_buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setEnabled( enabled );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::warningIfInvalidCharacters()
if ( fileNameFilter().contains( QRegExp( "[\\\\/:]" ) ) )
QToolTip::showText( m_fileFilterField->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0, 0 ) ), "File pattern contains invalid characters" );
m_effectiveFilterContentLabel->setText( "(Invalid filter)" );
m_searchRootContentLabel->setText( "" );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotPathFilterChanged( const QString& text )
m_findOrCancelButton->setDefault( true );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotFileFilterChanged( const QString& text )
m_findOrCancelButton->setDefault( true );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotFileTypeChanged( int index )
m_fileType = static_cast<FileType>( m_fileTypeField->itemData( index ).toInt() );
QString extension = fileExtensionForType( m_fileType );
m_fileExtensions = QStringList( extension );
m_fileExtensionField->setText( extension );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotFileExtensionChanged( const QString& text )
m_fileExtensions = QStringList( text );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotFileListCustomMenuRequested( const QPoint& point )
QMenu menu;
QAction* action;
action = new QAction( QIcon( ":/Copy.svg" ), "&Copy", this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( slotCopyFileItemText() ) );
menu.addAction( action );
action = new QAction( "On", this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( slotTurnOnFileListItems() ) );
menu.addAction( action );
action = new QAction( "Off", this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( slotTurnOffFileListItems() ) );
menu.addAction( action );
action = new QAction( "Toggle", this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( slotToggleFileListItems() ) );
menu.addAction( action );
QPoint globalPoint = m_fileListWidget->mapToGlobal( point );
menu.exec( globalPoint );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotToggleFileListItems()
for ( auto& item : m_fileListWidget->selectedItems() )
if ( ( item->flags() & Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ) != 0 )
item->setCheckState( item->checkState() == Qt::Checked ? Qt::Unchecked : Qt::Checked );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotTurnOffFileListItems()
for ( auto& item : m_fileListWidget->selectedItems() )
if ( ( item->flags() & Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ) != 0 )
item->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotTurnOnFileListItems()
for ( auto& item : m_fileListWidget->selectedItems() )
if ( ( item->flags() & Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ) != 0 )
item->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotCopyFileItemText()
if ( m_fileListWidget->currentItem() )
QString relativePathText = m_fileListWidget->currentItem()->text();
QApplication::clipboard()->setText( relativePathText );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotFindOrCancelButtonClicked()
if ( m_findOrCancelButton->text() == FIND_BUTTON_FIND_TEXT )
if ( !m_fileListWidget->isVisible() )
m_fileListWidget->setVisible( true );
m_searchRootLabel->setVisible( true );
m_searchRootContentLabel->setVisible( true );
m_findOrCancelButton->setText( "Cancel" );
m_isCancelPressed = false;
QStringList candidates = findMatchingFiles();
// Sort by numbers instead of alphabetically
QCollator collator;
collator.setNumericMode( true );
std::sort( candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), collator );
m_foundFiles = candidates;
m_findOrCancelButton->setText( FIND_BUTTON_FIND_TEXT );
if ( m_isCancelPressed )
else if ( m_foundFiles.isEmpty() )
updateStatus( NO_FILES_FOUND );
m_outputGroup->setTitle( QString( "%1 (%2)" ).arg( FILES_FOUND_TEXT ).arg( m_foundFiles.size() ) );
setOkButtonEnabled( !m_foundFiles.isEmpty() );
m_buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setDefault( true );
m_isCancelPressed = true;
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotDialogOkClicked()
int itemCount = m_fileListWidget->count();
for ( int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++ )
const QListWidgetItem* item = m_fileListWidget->item( i );
if ( ( item->flags() & Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ) != 0 && item->checkState() )
m_foundFiles.push_back( rootDirWithEndSeparator() + RiaFilePathTools::toInternalSeparator( item->text() ) );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotDialogCancelClicked()
m_foundFiles = QStringList();
m_isCancelPressed = true;
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotBrowseButtonClicked()
QString folder = RiuFileDialogTools::getExistingDirectory( this, "Select folder", rootDirWithEndSeparator() );
RiaFilePathTools::appendSeparatorIfNo( folder );
folder += "*";
if ( !folder.isEmpty() )
m_pathFilterField->addItem( QDir::toNativeSeparators( folder ) );
m_pathFilterField->setCurrentText( QDir::toNativeSeparators( folder ) );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotUseRealizationStarClicked()
RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::ensembleGroupingMode() const
if ( m_ensembleGroupingMode->currentIndex() == 0 ) return RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode::FMU_FOLDER_STRUCTURE;
if ( m_ensembleGroupingMode->currentIndex() == 1 ) return RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode::EVEREST_FOLDER_STRUCTURE;
if ( m_ensembleGroupingMode->currentIndex() == 2 ) return RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode::NONE;
return RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode::FMU_FOLDER_STRUCTURE;
QStringList RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileTypeToExtensionStrings( const std::vector<RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType>& fileTypes )
QStringList extensions;
for ( const auto& f : fileTypes )
extensions.append( RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileExtensionForType( f ) );
return extensions;
/// Internal functions
void sortStringsByLength( QStringList& strings, bool ascending /*= true*/ )
QStringList sorted = strings;
int numItems = sorted.size();
bool swapped;
swapped = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < numItems - 1; i++ )
int s0 = strings[i].size();
int s1 = strings[i + 1].size();
if ( ( ascending && s0 > s1 ) || ( !ascending && s0 < s1 ) )
const QString temp = strings[i];
strings[i] = strings[i + 1];
strings[i + 1] = temp;
swapped = true;
} while ( swapped );
/// Obsolete
QStringList RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::buildDirectoryListRecursive( const QString& currentDir, int level )
QStringList allDirs;
if ( m_isCancelPressed ) return allDirs;
QString currPathFilter = pathFilterWithoutStartSeparator();
bool subStringFilter = false;
// Optimizing for speed by a refined match at first directory level
if ( level == 1 )
QString pathFilter = pathFilterWithoutStartSeparator();
if ( !pathFilter.startsWith( "*" ) )
int wildcardIndex = pathFilter.indexOf( QRegExp( QString( "[*%1]" ).arg( RiaFilePathTools::separator() ) ) );
if ( wildcardIndex >= 0 )
currPathFilter = pathFilter.left( wildcardIndex + 1 );
subStringFilter = true;
QString currRelPath = RiaFilePathTools::relativePath( rootDirWithEndSeparator(), currentDir );
if ( pathFilterMatch( currPathFilter, currRelPath ) )
allDirs.push_back( currentDir );
else if ( level == 1 && subStringFilter )
return QStringList();
QDir qdir( currentDir );
QStringList subDirs = qdir.entryList( QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot );
for ( QString subDir : subDirs )
QString subDirFullPath = qdir.absoluteFilePath( subDir );
updateStatus( SEARCHING_FOR_DIRS, subDirFullPath );
allDirs += buildDirectoryListRecursive( subDirFullPath, level + 1 );
return m_isCancelPressed ? QStringList() : allDirs;
/// Obsolete
bool RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::pathFilterMatch( const QString& pathFilter, const QString& relPath )
QString pattern = pathFilter;
if ( relPath.endsWith( RiaFilePathTools::separator() ) && !pathFilter.endsWith( RiaFilePathTools::separator() ) )
pattern += RiaFilePathTools::separator();
QRegExp regexp( pattern, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard );
return regexp.exactMatch( relPath );
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileExtensionForType( FileType fileType )
switch ( fileType )
case FileType::GRDECL:
return "GRDECL";
case FileType::EGRID:
return "EGRID";
case FileType::GRID:
return "GRID";
case FileType::SMSPEC:
return "SMSPEC";
return "XML";
case FileType::LAS:
return "LAS";
case FileType::SURFACE:
return "TS";
return "CSV";
case FileType::REVEAL_SUMMARY:
return "CSV";
return "*";
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileNameForType( FileType fileType )
switch ( fileType )
case FileType::GRDECL:
return "Eclipse Text File";
case FileType::EGRID:
return "Eclipse Grid File";
case FileType::GRID:
return "Eclipse Grid File";
case FileType::SMSPEC:
return "Eclipse Summary File";
return "StimPlan Fracture";
case FileType::LAS:
return "LAS File";
case FileType::SURFACE:
return "Surface File";
return "StimPlan Summary File";
case FileType::REVEAL_SUMMARY:
return "Reveal Summary File";
return "*";
RiaDefines::FileType RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::mapSummaryFileType( RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType fileType )
switch ( fileType )
case RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType::SMSPEC:
return RiaDefines::FileType::SMSPEC;
case RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType::REVEAL_SUMMARY:
return RiaDefines::FileType::REVEAL_SUMMARY;
case RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType::STIMPLAN_SUMMARY:
return RiaDefines::FileType::STIMPLAN_SUMMARY;
CAF_ASSERT( false && "Unsupported file type" );
return RiaDefines::FileType::SMSPEC;