2023-11-14 08:36:43 +01:00

789 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2016 Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RiuMainWindowBase.h"
#include "RiaApplication.h"
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "RiaRegressionTestRunner.h"
#include "RiaVersionInfo.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimViewWindow.h"
#include "RiuDockWidgetTools.h"
#include "RiuDragDrop.h"
#include "RiuGuiTheme.h"
#include "RiuMainWindowTools.h"
#include "RiuMdiArea.h"
#include "RiuMdiSubWindow.h"
#include "cafCmdFeatureManager.h"
#include "cafPdmObject.h"
#include "cafPdmUiTreeView.h"
#include "cafQTreeViewStateSerializer.h"
#include "DockManager.h"
#include "DockWidget.h"
#include <QAction>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QMdiArea>
#include <QMdiSubWindow>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QTreeView>
#include <QUndoStack>
#include <QUndoView>
: m_allowActiveViewChangeFromSelection( true )
, m_showFirstVisibleWindowMaximized( true )
, m_blockSubWindowActivation( false )
, m_blockSubWindowProjectTreeSelection( false )
, m_windowMenu( nullptr )
, m_mdiArea( nullptr )
ads::CDockManager::setAutoHideConfigFlags( ads::CDockManager::DefaultAutoHideConfig );
m_dockManager = new ads::CDockManager( this );
m_dockManager->setStyleSheet( "" );
if ( RiaPreferences::current()->useUndoRedo() && RiaApplication::enableDevelopmentFeatures() )
m_undoView = new QUndoView( this );
m_undoView = nullptr;
m_undoAction = new QAction( QIcon( ":/undo.png" ), tr( "Undo" ), this );
m_undoAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence::Undo );
connect( m_undoAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( slotUndo() ) );
m_redoAction = new QAction( QIcon( ":/redo.png" ), tr( "Redo" ), this );
m_redoAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence::Redo );
connect( m_redoAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( slotRedo() ) );
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
if ( RiaPreferences::current()->guiTheme() == RiaDefines::ThemeEnum::DARK )
RiuMainWindowTools::setDarkTitleBarWindows( this );
for ( auto v : m_projectTreeViews )
delete v;
ads::CDockManager* RiuMainWindowBase::dockManager() const
return m_dockManager;
RiuMdiArea* RiuMainWindowBase::mdiArea()
return m_mdiArea;
QMdiSubWindow* RiuMainWindowBase::createViewWindow()
RiuMdiSubWindow* subWin =
new RiuMdiSubWindow( nullptr, Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint );
subWin->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose ); // Make sure the contained widget is destroyed when the MDI window
// is closed
return subWin;
RimMdiWindowGeometry RiuMainWindowBase::windowGeometryForViewer( QWidget* viewer )
RiuMdiSubWindow* mdiWindow = dynamic_cast<RiuMdiSubWindow*>( findMdiSubWindow( viewer ) );
if ( mdiWindow )
return mdiWindow->windowGeometry();
RimMdiWindowGeometry geo;
return geo;
void RiuMainWindowBase::loadWinGeoAndDockToolBarLayout()
// Company and appname set through QCoreApplication
QSettings settings;
QVariant winGeo = settings.value( QString( "%1/winGeometry" ).arg( registryFolderName() ) );
QVariant toolbarLayout = settings.value( QString( "%1/toolBarLayout" ).arg( registryFolderName() ) );
if ( winGeo.isValid() )
if ( restoreGeometry( winGeo.toByteArray() ) )
if ( toolbarLayout.isValid() )
restoreState( toolbarLayout.toByteArray(), 1 );
if ( !RiaRegressionTestRunner::instance()->isRunningRegressionTests() )
// Performance of m_dockManager->restoreState() is very bad is degrading as more and more regression tests are
// launched. Disable restore of state for regression test.
bool dockingOk = false;
QVariant dockState = settings.value( QString( "%1/dockLayout" ).arg( registryFolderName() ) );
if ( dockState.isValid() )
dockingOk = m_dockManager->restoreState( dockState.toByteArray(), DOCKSTATE_VERSION );
if ( !dockingOk )
m_dockManager->restoreState( RiuDockWidgetTools::defaultDockState( defaultDockStateNames()[0] ), DOCKSTATE_VERSION );
m_lastDockState = m_dockManager->saveState( DOCKSTATE_VERSION );
settings.beginGroup( registryFolderName() );
m_dockManager->loadPerspectives( settings );
QString mainWindowDockWidgetSettingsKey( const QString& settingsFolderName )
QString key = settingsFolderName + "/dockWindowVisibilies";
return key;
void RiuMainWindowBase::saveWinGeoAndDockToolBarLayout()
// Company and appname set through QCoreApplication
QSettings settings;
QByteArray winGeo = saveGeometry();
settings.setValue( QString( "%1/winGeometry" ).arg( registryFolderName() ), winGeo );
QByteArray layout = saveState( 1 );
settings.setValue( QString( "%1/toolBarLayout" ).arg( registryFolderName() ), layout );
settings.setValue( QString( "%1/isMaximized" ).arg( registryFolderName() ), isMaximized() );
settings.setValue( QString( "%1/dockLayout" ).arg( registryFolderName() ), m_dockManager->saveState( DOCKSTATE_VERSION ) );
void RiuMainWindowBase::showWindow()
// Company and appname set through QCoreApplication
QSettings settings;
QVariant isMax = settings.value( QString( "%1/isMaximized" ).arg( registryFolderName() ), false );
if ( isMax.toBool() )
QString RiuMainWindowBase::registryFolderName()
QString versionName( STRPRODUCTVER );
QString regFolder = QString( "%1_Qt%2/%3" ).arg( versionName ).arg( QT_VERSION_STR ).arg( mainWindowName() );
return regFolder;
void RiuMainWindowBase::selectAsCurrentItem( const caf::PdmObject* object, bool allowActiveViewChange )
m_allowActiveViewChangeFromSelection = allowActiveViewChange;
auto tv = getTreeViewWithItem( object );
if ( tv )
tv->selectAsCurrentItem( object );
ads::CDockWidget* dw = dynamic_cast<ads::CDockWidget*>( tv->parentWidget() );
if ( dw )
m_allowActiveViewChangeFromSelection = true;
void RiuMainWindowBase::toggleItemInSelection( const caf::PdmObject* object, bool allowActiveViewChange )
auto tv = getTreeViewWithItem( object );
if ( !tv ) return;
m_allowActiveViewChangeFromSelection = allowActiveViewChange;
std::vector<caf::PdmUiItem*> currentSelection;
tv->selectedUiItems( currentSelection );
std::vector<const caf::PdmUiItem*> updatedSelection;
bool alreadySelected = false;
for ( caf::PdmUiItem* uiItem : currentSelection )
if ( object == uiItem )
alreadySelected = true;
updatedSelection.push_back( uiItem );
if ( !alreadySelected )
updatedSelection.push_back( object );
tv->selectItems( updatedSelection );
m_allowActiveViewChangeFromSelection = true;
void RiuMainWindowBase::enableShowFirstVisibleMdiWindowMaximized( bool enable )
m_showFirstVisibleWindowMaximized = enable;
void RiuMainWindowBase::setBlockSubWindowActivatedSignal( bool block )
m_blockSubWindowActivation = block;
bool RiuMainWindowBase::isBlockingSubWindowActivatedSignal() const
return m_blockSubWindowActivation;
void RiuMainWindowBase::setBlockViewSelectionOnSubWindowActivated( bool block )
m_blockSubWindowProjectTreeSelection = block;
bool RiuMainWindowBase::isBlockingViewSelectionOnSubWindowActivated() const
return m_blockSubWindowProjectTreeSelection;
void RiuMainWindowBase::removeViewerFromMdiArea( RiuMdiArea* mdiArea, QWidget* viewer )
bool removedSubWindowWasActive = false;
bool wasMaximized = true;
if ( QMdiSubWindow* subWindowBeingClosed = findMdiSubWindow( viewer ) )
wasMaximized = subWindowBeingClosed->isMaximized();
if ( subWindowBeingClosed->isActiveWindow() )
// If we are removing the active window, we will need a new active window
// Start by making the window inactive so Qt doesn't pick the active window itself
mdiArea->setActiveSubWindow( nullptr );
removedSubWindowWasActive = true;
mdiArea->removeSubWindow( subWindowBeingClosed );
// These two lines had to be introduced after themes was used
// Probably related to polish/unpolish of widgets in an MDI setting
QList<QMdiSubWindow*> subWindowList = mdiArea->subWindowList( QMdiArea::ActivationHistoryOrder );
if ( !subWindowList.empty() )
if ( removedSubWindowWasActive )
mdiArea->setActiveSubWindow( nullptr );
// Make the last activated window the current activated one
mdiArea->setActiveSubWindow( subWindowList.back() );
if ( wasMaximized && mdiArea->currentSubWindow() )
void RiuMainWindowBase::setExpanded( const caf::PdmUiItem* uiItem, bool expanded )
caf::PdmUiTreeView* tv = getTreeViewWithItem( uiItem );
if ( tv ) tv->setExpanded( uiItem, expanded );
void RiuMainWindowBase::slotDockWidgetToggleViewActionTriggered()
if ( !sender() ) return;
auto dockWidget = dynamic_cast<ads::CDockWidget*>( sender()->parent() );
if ( dockWidget )
if ( dockWidget->isVisible() )
// Raise the dock widget to make it visible if the widget is part of a tab widget
void RiuMainWindowBase::initializeSubWindow( RiuMdiArea* mdiArea, QMdiSubWindow* mdiSubWindow, const QPoint& subWindowPos, const QSize& subWindowSize )
bool initialStateMaximized = false;
auto initialState3dWindow = RimProject::current()->subWindowsTileMode3DWindow();
auto initialStatePlotWindow = RimProject::current()->subWindowsTileModePlotWindow();
if ( m_showFirstVisibleWindowMaximized && mdiArea->subWindowList().empty() )
// Show first 3D view maximized
initialStateMaximized = true;
if ( mdiArea->currentSubWindow() && mdiArea->currentSubWindow()->isMaximized() )
initialStateMaximized = true;
mdiArea->addSubWindow( mdiSubWindow );
if ( subWindowPos.x() > -1 )
mdiSubWindow->move( subWindowPos );
mdiSubWindow->resize( subWindowSize );
if ( initialStateMaximized )
if ( !isBlockingSubWindowActivatedSignal() )
RimProject::current()->setSubWindowsTileMode3DWindow( initialState3dWindow );
RimProject::current()->setSubWindowsTileModePlotWindow( initialStatePlotWindow );
void RiuMainWindowBase::slotRefreshHelpActions()
caf::CmdFeatureManager::instance()->action( "RicSearchHelpFeature" );
void RiuMainWindowBase::slotRedo()
if ( m_undoView && m_undoView->stack() && m_undoView->stack()->canRedo() )
void RiuMainWindowBase::slotUndo()
if ( m_undoView && m_undoView->stack() && m_undoView->stack()->canUndo() )
void RiuMainWindowBase::slotRefreshUndoRedoActions()
if ( !m_undoView ) return;
m_redoAction->setDisabled( !m_undoView->stack()->canRedo() );
m_undoAction->setDisabled( !m_undoView->stack()->canUndo() );
void RiuMainWindowBase::createTreeViews( int numberOfTrees )
CVF_ASSERT( m_projectTreeViews.empty() );
for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfTrees; i++ )
auto tv = new caf::PdmUiTreeView();
caf::PdmUiDragDropInterface* dragDropInterface = new RiuDragDrop( tv );
tv->setDragDropInterface( dragDropInterface );
m_projectTreeViews.push_back( tv );
caf::PdmUiTreeView* RiuMainWindowBase::projectTreeView( int treeId )
CVF_ASSERT( treeId >= 0 );
CVF_ASSERT( treeId < (int)m_projectTreeViews.size() );
return m_projectTreeViews[treeId];
caf::PdmUiTreeView* RiuMainWindowBase::getTreeViewWithItem( const caf::PdmUiItem* uiItem )
for ( auto tv : m_projectTreeViews )
QModelIndex qmi = tv->findModelIndex( uiItem );
if ( qmi.isValid() )
return tv;
return nullptr;
std::vector<caf::PdmUiTreeView*> RiuMainWindowBase::projectTreeViews()
return m_projectTreeViews;
void RiuMainWindowBase::restoreTreeViewStates( QString treeStateString, QString treeIndexeString )
QStringList treeStates = treeStateString.split( RiaDefines::stringListSeparator() );
QStringList treeIndexes = treeIndexeString.split( RiaDefines::stringListSeparator() );
const int nTreeViews = (int)projectTreeViews().size();
if ( treeStates.size() < nTreeViews ) return;
if ( treeIndexes.size() < nTreeViews ) return;
for ( int treeId = 0; treeId < nTreeViews; treeId++ )
auto tv = projectTreeView( treeId );
QString stateString = treeStates[treeId];
if ( !stateString.isEmpty() )
caf::QTreeViewStateSerializer::applyTreeViewStateFromString( tv->treeView(), stateString );
QString currentIndexString = treeIndexes[treeId];
if ( !currentIndexString.isEmpty() )
QModelIndex mi = caf::QTreeViewStateSerializer::getModelIndexFromString( tv->treeView()->model(), currentIndexString );
tv->treeView()->setCurrentIndex( mi );
ads::CDockAreaWidget* RiuMainWindowBase::addTabbedWidgets( std::vector<ads::CDockWidget*> widgets,
ads::DockWidgetArea whereToDock,
ads::CDockAreaWidget* dockInside )
ads::CDockAreaWidget* areaToDockIn = nullptr;
for ( auto widget : widgets )
if ( areaToDockIn )
m_dockManager->addDockWidgetTabToArea( widget, areaToDockIn );
areaToDockIn = m_dockManager->addDockWidget( whereToDock, widget, dockInside );
return areaToDockIn;
void RiuMainWindowBase::setDefaultDockLayout()
QAction* action = dynamic_cast<QAction*>( sender() );
if ( action )
QString layoutName = action->text();
QByteArray state = RiuDockWidgetTools::defaultDockState( layoutName );
dockManager()->restoreState( state, DOCKSTATE_VERSION );
void RiuMainWindowBase::setDockLayout()
QAction* action = dynamic_cast<QAction*>( sender() );
if ( action )
QString layoutName = action->text();
dockManager()->openPerspective( layoutName );
void RiuMainWindowBase::deleteDockLayout()
QAction* action = dynamic_cast<QAction*>( sender() );
if ( action )
QString name = action->text();
QString questionStr = "Are you sure you want to delete the window layout \"" + name + "\"?";
auto reply = QMessageBox::question( this, "Delete Window Layout", questionStr, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No );
if ( reply == QMessageBox::Yes )
dockManager()->removePerspective( name );
QSettings settings;
settings.beginGroup( registryFolderName() );
dockManager()->savePerspectives( settings );
void RiuMainWindowBase::exportDockLayout()
QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
if ( clipboard )
QByteArray state = dockManager()->saveState( DOCKSTATE_VERSION );
QString exportStr;
int i = 0;
exportStr = "static const char stateData[] = {\n";
for ( unsigned char c : state )
if ( i > 0 )
if ( i % 25 == 0 )
exportStr += ",\n";
exportStr += ", ";
exportStr += QString( "'\\x%1'" ).arg( c, 2, 16, QChar( '0' ) );
exportStr += "\n};\n";
clipboard->setText( exportStr );
void RiuMainWindowBase::saveDockLayout()
bool ok = false;
QString name = QInputDialog::getText( this, "Save Window Layout", "Give the window layout a name:", QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok );
if ( ok && !name.isEmpty() )
dockManager()->addPerspective( name );
QSettings settings;
settings.beginGroup( registryFolderName() );
dockManager()->savePerspectives( settings );
void RiuMainWindowBase::addDefaultEntriesToWindowsMenu()
QMenu* dockWindowsMenu = m_windowMenu->addMenu( QIcon( ":/window-management.svg" ), "Windows" );
auto dockMap = dockManager()->dockWidgetsMap();
auto keys = dockMap.keys();
for ( auto& key : keys )
auto dock = dockMap[key];
dockWindowsMenu->addAction( dock->toggleViewAction() );
QAction* saveLayoutAction = m_windowMenu->addAction( "Save Window Layout..." );
connect( saveLayoutAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( saveDockLayout() ) );
QStringList defaultNames = defaultDockStateNames();
QStringList names = dockManager()->perspectiveNames();
if ( defaultNames.size() + names.size() > 0 )
QMenu* layoutsMenu = m_windowMenu->addMenu( "Use Window Layout" );
QMenu* deleteLayoutMenu = nullptr;
if ( !names.empty() ) deleteLayoutMenu = m_windowMenu->addMenu( "Delete Window Layout" );
for ( auto& defLayout : defaultNames )
QAction* defLayoutAction = layoutsMenu->addAction( defLayout );
connect( defLayoutAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( setDefaultDockLayout() ) );
if ( !defaultNames.empty() ) layoutsMenu->addSeparator();
for ( auto& layout : names )
QAction* chooseLayoutAction = layoutsMenu->addAction( layout );
connect( chooseLayoutAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( setDockLayout() ) );
QAction* deleteLayoutAction = deleteLayoutMenu->addAction( layout );
connect( deleteLayoutAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( deleteDockLayout() ) );
if ( RiaApplication::enableDevelopmentFeatures() )
QAction* exportLayoutAction = m_windowMenu->addAction( "Export Layout to Clipboard" );
connect( exportLayoutAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( exportDockLayout() ) );
QAction* cascadeWindowsAction = new QAction( "Cascade Windows", this );
connect( cascadeWindowsAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_mdiArea, SLOT( cascadeSubWindows() ) );
QAction* closeAllSubWindowsAction = new QAction( "Close All Windows", this );
connect( closeAllSubWindowsAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_mdiArea, SLOT( closeAllSubWindows() ) );
caf::CmdFeatureManager* cmdFeatureMgr = caf::CmdFeatureManager::instance();
auto featureNames = windowsMenuFeatureNames();
for ( const auto& name : featureNames )
m_windowMenu->addAction( cmdFeatureMgr->action( name ) );
m_windowMenu->addAction( cascadeWindowsAction );
m_windowMenu->addAction( closeAllSubWindowsAction );