Magne Sjaastad 4b0f2b362e Add support for placing legend at several positions
Show legends on top of preview plot
2023-11-27 13:14:16 +01:00

1584 lines
62 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2015- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2015- Ceetron Solutions AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RiuQwtPlotWidget.h"
#include "RiaColorTools.h"
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RiaGuiApplication.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaPlotDefines.h"
#include "RiaPlotWindowRedrawScheduler.h"
#include "RimPlot.h"
#include "RimPlotCurve.h"
#include "RiuDraggableOverlayFrame.h"
#include "RiuGuiTheme.h"
#include "RiuPlotAxis.h"
#include "RiuPlotMainWindowTools.h"
#include "RiuPlotWidget.h"
#include "RiuQwtCurvePointTracker.h"
#include "RiuQwtLinearScaleEngine.h"
#include "RiuQwtPlotCurve.h"
#include "RiuQwtPlotItem.h"
#include "RiuQwtPlotTools.h"
#include "RiuQwtScalePicker.h"
#include "cafAssert.h"
#include "qwt_axis.h"
#include "qwt_date_scale_engine.h"
#include "qwt_legend.h"
#include "qwt_legend_label.h"
#include "qwt_plot_barchart.h"
#include "qwt_plot_canvas.h"
#include "qwt_plot_curve.h"
#include "qwt_plot_grid.h"
#include "qwt_plot_layout.h"
#include "qwt_plot_marker.h"
#include "qwt_plot_renderer.h"
#include "qwt_plot_shapeitem.h"
#include "qwt_scale_draw.h"
#include "qwt_scale_engine.h"
#include "qwt_scale_widget.h"
#include "qwt_symbol.h"
#include "qwt_text.h"
#include "qwt_text_label.h"
#include <QFont>
#include <QFontMetrics>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPainterPath>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QWheelEvent>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
RiuQwtPlotWidget::RiuQwtPlotWidget( RimPlot* plotDefinition, QWidget* parent )
: RiuPlotWidget( plotDefinition, parent )
, m_titleRenderingFlags( Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::TextWordWrap )
, m_titleFontSize( -1 )
auto* layout = new QVBoxLayout;
layout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
setLayout( layout );
m_plot = new QwtPlot( this );
m_plot->setAcceptDrops( true );
layout->addWidget( m_plot );
RiuQwtPlotTools::setCommonPlotBehaviour( m_plot );
m_plot->installEventFilter( this );
m_plot->canvas()->installEventFilter( this );
setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
if ( plotDefinition )
connect( this, SIGNAL( plotSelected( bool ) ), plotDefinition, SLOT( onPlotSelected( bool ) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( axisSelected( RiuPlotAxis, bool ) ), plotDefinition, SLOT( onAxisSelected( RiuPlotAxis, bool ) ) );
connect( this,
SIGNAL( plotItemSelected( std::shared_ptr<RiuPlotItem>, bool, int ) ),
SLOT( onPlotItemSelected( std::shared_ptr<RiuPlotItem>, bool, int ) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( onKeyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* ) ), plotDefinition, SLOT( onKeyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* ) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( onWheelEvent( QWheelEvent* ) ), plotDefinition, SLOT( onWheelEvent( QWheelEvent* ) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), plotDefinition, SLOT( onViewerDestroyed() ) );
ensureAxisIsCreated( RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft() );
ensureAxisIsCreated( RiuPlotAxis::defaultBottom() );
ensureAxisIsCreated( RiuPlotAxis::defaultRight() );
ensureAxisIsCreated( RiuPlotAxis::defaultTop() );
if ( m_plotDefinition )
int RiuQwtPlotWidget::axisTitleFontSize( RiuPlotAxis axis ) const
if ( axisEnabled( axis ) )
return m_plot->axisFont( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ) ).pointSize();
return -1;
int RiuQwtPlotWidget::axisValueFontSize( RiuPlotAxis axis ) const
if ( axisEnabled( axis ) )
return m_plot->axisTitle( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ) ).font().pointSize();
return -1;
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxisFontsAndAlignment( RiuPlotAxis axis, int titleFontSize, int valueFontSize, bool titleBold, int alignment )
int titleFontPixelSize = caf::FontTools::pointSizeToPixelSize( titleFontSize );
int valueFontPixelSize = caf::FontTools::pointSizeToPixelSize( valueFontSize );
// Axis number font
auto qwtAxis = toQwtPlotAxis( axis );
QFont axisFont = m_plot->axisFont( qwtAxis );
axisFont.setPixelSize( valueFontPixelSize );
axisFont.setBold( false );
m_plot->setAxisFont( qwtAxis, axisFont );
// Axis title font
QwtText axisTitle = m_plot->axisTitle( qwtAxis );
QFont axisTitleFont = axisTitle.font();
axisTitleFont.setPixelSize( titleFontPixelSize );
axisTitleFont.setBold( titleBold );
axisTitle.setFont( axisTitleFont );
axisTitle.setRenderFlags( alignment | Qt::TextWordWrap );
m_plot->setAxisTitle( qwtAxis, axisTitle );
applyAxisTitleToQwt( axis );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxesFontsAndAlignment( int titleFontSize, int valueFontSize, bool titleBold, int alignment )
for ( const auto& axisTitlePair : m_axisTitles )
setAxisFontsAndAlignment( axisTitlePair.first, titleFontSize, valueFontSize, titleBold, alignment );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxisTitleText( RiuPlotAxis axis, const QString& title )
m_axisTitles[axis] = title;
applyAxisTitleToQwt( axis );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxisTitleEnabled( RiuPlotAxis axis, bool enable )
m_axisTitlesEnabled[axis] = enable;
applyAxisTitleToQwt( axis );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setPlotTitle( const QString& plotTitle )
m_plotTitleText = plotTitle;
const QString& RiuQwtPlotWidget::plotTitle() const
return m_plotTitleText;
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setPlotTitleEnabled( bool enabled )
m_plotTitleEnabled = enabled;
bool RiuQwtPlotWidget::plotTitleEnabled() const
return m_plotTitleEnabled;
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setPlotTitleFontSize( int titleFontSize )
m_titleFontSize = titleFontSize;
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setLegendFontSize( int fontSize )
if ( m_plot->legend() )
QFont font = m_plot->legend()->font();
font.setPixelSize( caf::FontTools::pointSizeToPixelSize( fontSize ) );
m_plot->legend()->setFont( font );
// Set font size for all existing labels
QList<QwtLegendLabel*> labels = m_plot->legend()->findChildren<QwtLegendLabel*>();
for ( QwtLegendLabel* label : labels )
label->setFont( font );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::insertLegend( RiuPlotWidget::Legend legendPosition )
CAF_ASSERT( legendPosition == RiuPlotWidget::Legend::BOTTOM || legendPosition == RiuPlotWidget::Legend::TOP ||
legendPosition == RiuPlotWidget::Legend::LEFT || legendPosition == RiuPlotWidget::Legend::RIGHT );
QwtPlot::LegendPosition pos = QwtPlot::LegendPosition::BottomLegend;
if ( legendPosition == RiuPlotWidget::Legend::TOP )
pos = QwtPlot::LegendPosition::TopLegend;
else if ( legendPosition == RiuPlotWidget::Legend::LEFT )
pos = QwtPlot::LegendPosition::LeftLegend;
else if ( legendPosition == RiuPlotWidget::Legend::RIGHT )
pos = QwtPlot::LegendPosition::RightLegend;
auto* legend = new QwtLegend( this );
m_plot->insertLegend( legend, pos );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::clearLegend()
m_plot->insertLegend( nullptr );
std::pair<double, double> RiuQwtPlotWidget::axisRange( RiuPlotAxis axis ) const
QwtInterval interval = m_plot->axisScaleDiv( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ) ).interval();
return std::make_pair( interval.minValue(), interval.maxValue() );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxisRange( RiuPlotAxis axis, double min, double max )
// Note: Especially the Y-axis may be inverted
if ( m_plot->axisScaleEngine( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ) )->testAttribute( QwtScaleEngine::Inverted ) )
setAxisScale( axis, max, min );
setAxisScale( axis, min, max );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxisInverted( RiuPlotAxis axis, bool isInverted )
auto scaleEngine = m_plot->axisScaleEngine( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ) );
if ( scaleEngine ) scaleEngine->setAttribute( QwtScaleEngine::Inverted, isInverted );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxisLabelsAndTicksEnabled( RiuPlotAxis axis, bool enableLabels, bool enableTicks )
m_plot->axisScaleDraw( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ) )->enableComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Ticks, enableTicks );
m_plot->axisScaleDraw( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ) )->enableComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels, enableLabels );
recalculateAxisExtents( axis );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::enableGridLines( RiuPlotAxis axis, bool majorGridLines, bool minorGridLines )
QwtPlotItemList plotItems = m_plot->itemList( QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotGrid );
auto qwtAxis = toQwtPlotAxis( axis );
for ( QwtPlotItem* plotItem : plotItems )
auto* grid = static_cast<QwtPlotGrid*>( plotItem );
if ( qwtAxis == QwtAxis::XTop || qwtAxis == QwtAxis::XBottom )
grid->setXAxis( qwtAxis );
grid->enableX( majorGridLines );
grid->enableXMin( minorGridLines );
grid->setYAxis( qwtAxis );
grid->enableY( majorGridLines );
grid->enableYMin( minorGridLines );
grid->setMajorPen( Qt::lightGray, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine );
grid->setMinorPen( Qt::lightGray, 1.0, Qt::DashLine );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setMajorTicksList( RiuPlotAxis axis, const QList<double>& majorTicks, double minValue, double maxValue )
auto qwtAxis = toQwtPlotAxis( axis );
QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv( minValue, maxValue );
scaleDiv.setTicks( QwtScaleDiv::TickType::MajorTick, majorTicks );
m_plot->setAxisScaleDiv( qwtAxis, scaleDiv );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setMajorAndMinorTickIntervals( RiuPlotAxis axis,
double majorTickInterval,
double minorTickInterval,
double minValue,
double maxValue )
auto qwtAxis = toQwtPlotAxis( axis );
auto* linearScaleEngine = dynamic_cast<RiuQwtLinearScaleEngine*>( m_plot->axisScaleEngine( qwtAxis ) );
if ( linearScaleEngine )
QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv = linearScaleEngine->divideScaleWithExplicitIntervals( minValue, maxValue, majorTickInterval, minorTickInterval );
m_plot->setAxisScaleDiv( qwtAxis, scaleDiv );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setMajorAndMinorTickIntervalsAndRange( RiuPlotAxis axis,
double majorTickInterval,
double minorTickInterval,
double minTickValue,
double maxTickValue,
double rangeMin,
double rangeMax )
auto qwtAxis = toQwtPlotAxis( axis );
auto* scaleEngine = dynamic_cast<RiuQwtLinearScaleEngine*>( m_plot->axisScaleEngine( qwtAxis ) );
if ( scaleEngine )
QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv = scaleEngine->divideScaleWithExplicitIntervalsAndRange( minTickValue,
rangeMax );
m_plot->setAxisScaleDiv( qwtAxis, scaleDiv );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAutoTickIntervalCounts( RiuPlotAxis axis, int maxMajorTickIntervalCount, int maxMinorTickIntervalCount )
m_plot->setAxisMaxMajor( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ), maxMajorTickIntervalCount );
m_plot->setAxisMaxMinor( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ), maxMinorTickIntervalCount );
// Reapply axis limits to force Qwt to use the tick settings.
QwtInterval currentRange = m_plot->axisInterval( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ) );
setAxisScale( axis, currentRange.minValue(), currentRange.maxValue() );
double RiuQwtPlotWidget::majorTickInterval( RiuPlotAxis axis ) const
QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv = m_plot->axisScaleDiv( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ) );
QList<double> majorTicks = scaleDiv.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick );
if ( majorTicks.size() < 2 ) return 0.0;
return 1 ) - 0 );
double RiuQwtPlotWidget::minorTickInterval( RiuPlotAxis axis ) const
QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv = m_plot->axisScaleDiv( QwtAxis::XTop );
QList<double> minorTicks = scaleDiv.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MinorTick );
if ( minorTicks.size() < 2 ) return 0.0;
return 1 ) - 0 );
int RiuQwtPlotWidget::axisExtent( RiuPlotAxis axis ) const
auto [rangeMin, rangeMax] = axisRange( axis );
if ( std::abs( rangeMax - rangeMin ) < 1.0e-14 ) return 0;
int lineExtent = 0;
auto qwtAxis = toQwtPlotAxis( axis );
if ( m_plot->axisScaleDraw( qwtAxis )->hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Ticks ) )
lineExtent += m_plot->axisScaleDraw( qwtAxis )->maxTickLength();
if ( m_plot->axisScaleDraw( qwtAxis )->hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels ) )
QFont tickLabelFont = m_plot->axisFont( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ) );
// Make space for a fairly long value label
QSize labelSize = QFontMetrics( tickLabelFont ).boundingRect( QString( "9.9e-9" ) ).size();
if ( axis.axis() == RiaDefines::PlotAxis::PLOT_AXIS_LEFT || axis.axis() == RiaDefines::PlotAxis::PLOT_AXIS_RIGHT )
lineExtent = labelSize.width();
lineExtent = labelSize.height();
if ( !m_plot->axisTitle( qwtAxis ).text().isEmpty() )
auto it = m_axisTitlesEnabled.find( axis );
if ( it != m_axisTitlesEnabled.end() && it->second )
QFont titleFont = m_plot->axisTitle( qwtAxis ).font();
// Label is aligned vertically on vertical axes
// So height is sufficient in both cases.
lineExtent += QFontMetrics( titleFont ).height();
return lineExtent;
QPoint RiuQwtPlotWidget::dragStartPosition() const
return m_clickPosition;
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::scheduleReplot()
RiaPlotWindowRedrawScheduler::instance()->schedulePlotWidgetReplot( this );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::updateLayout()
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::updateLegend()
bool RiuQwtPlotWidget::eventFilter( QObject* watched, QEvent* event )
if ( RiuPlotWidget::handleDragDropEvent( event ) ) return true;
auto* wheelEvent = dynamic_cast<QWheelEvent*>( event );
if ( wheelEvent && watched == m_plot->canvas() )
emit onWheelEvent( wheelEvent );
return true;
auto* mouseEvent = dynamic_cast<QMouseEvent*>( event );
if ( mouseEvent )
if ( isZoomerActive() ) return false;
if ( mouseEvent->type() == QMouseEvent::MouseButtonDblClick )
if ( m_plotDefinition ) m_plotDefinition->zoomAll();
return true;
bool toggleItemInSelection = ( mouseEvent->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ) != 0;
if ( mouseEvent->type() == QMouseEvent::MouseButtonPress && mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
m_clickPosition = mouseEvent->pos();
if ( watched == m_plot && !m_plot->canvas()->geometry().contains( mouseEvent->pos() ) )
if ( mouseEvent->type() == QMouseEvent::MouseButtonPress && ( mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) && !m_clickPosition.isNull() )
QWidget* childClicked = m_plot->childAt( m_clickPosition );
if ( childClicked )
auto* scaleWidget = qobject_cast<QwtScaleWidget*>( childClicked );
if ( scaleWidget )
onAxisSelected( scaleWidget, toggleItemInSelection );
m_clickPosition = QPoint();
return true;
emit plotSelected( toggleItemInSelection );
m_clickPosition = QPoint();
return true;
else if ( watched == m_plot->canvas() )
if ( mouseEvent->type() == QMouseEvent::MouseButtonRelease && mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton && !m_clickPosition.isNull() )
selectClosestPlotItem( mouseEvent->pos(), toggleItemInSelection );
m_clickPosition = QPoint();
return true;
onMouseMoveEvent( mouseEvent );
return false;
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::hideEvent( QHideEvent* event )
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* event )
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* event )
emit onKeyPressEvent( event );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::applyPlotTitleToQwt()
QString plotTitleToApply = m_plotTitleEnabled ? m_plotTitleText : QString( "" );
QwtText qwtText = m_plot->title();
qwtText.setRenderFlags( m_titleRenderingFlags );
if ( m_titleFontSize > 0 )
QFont font = qwtText.font();
font.setPixelSize( caf::FontTools::pointSizeToPixelSize( m_titleFontSize ) );
qwtText.setFont( font );
qwtText.setText( plotTitleToApply );
// Always set the title, as Qwt does not do anything if the text is the same
m_plot->setTitle( qwtText );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::applyAxisTitleToQwt( RiuPlotAxis axis )
QString titleToApply = m_axisTitlesEnabled[axis] ? m_axisTitles[axis] : QString( "" );
auto qwtAxis = toQwtPlotAxis( axis );
QwtText axisTitle = m_plot->axisTitle( qwtAxis );
if ( titleToApply != axisTitle.text() )
axisTitle.setText( titleToApply );
m_plot->setAxisTitle( qwtAxis, axisTitle );
recalculateAxisExtents( axis );
QSize RiuQwtPlotWidget::sizeHint() const
return { 0, 0 };
QSize RiuQwtPlotWidget::minimumSizeHint() const
return { 0, 0 };
bool RiuQwtPlotWidget::isZoomerActive() const
return false;
/// Empty default implementation
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::endZoomOperations()
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::renderTo( QPainter* painter, const QRect& targetRect, double scaling )
static_cast<QwtPlotCanvas*>( m_plot->canvas() )->setPaintAttribute( QwtPlotCanvas::BackingStore, false );
QPoint plotTopLeftInWindowCoords = targetRect.topLeft();
QRectF canvasRect = m_plot->plotLayout()->canvasRect();
QPoint canvasTopLeftInPlotCoords( canvasRect.topLeft().x() * scaling, canvasRect.topLeft().y() * scaling );
QPoint canvasBottomRightInPlotCoords( canvasRect.bottomRight().x(), canvasRect.bottomRight().y() );
QPoint canvasTopLeftInWindowCoords = canvasTopLeftInPlotCoords + plotTopLeftInWindowCoords;
QPoint canvasBottomRightInWindowCoords = canvasBottomRightInPlotCoords + plotTopLeftInWindowCoords;
QwtPlotRenderer renderer( this );
renderer.render( m_plot, painter, targetRect );
static_cast<QwtPlotCanvas*>( m_plot->canvas() )->setPaintAttribute( QwtPlotCanvas::BackingStore, true );
for ( RiuDraggableOverlayFrame* overlayFrame : m_overlayFrames )
if ( overlayFrame->isVisible() )
QPoint overlayTopLeftInCanvasCoords = overlayFrame->frameGeometry().topLeft();
QPoint overlayTopLeftInWindowCoords = overlayTopLeftInCanvasCoords + canvasTopLeftInWindowCoords;
QRect overlayRect = overlayFrame->frameGeometry();
QSize desiredSize = overlayRect.size();
QSize minimumSize = overlayFrame->minimumSizeHint();
QSize actualSize = desiredSize.expandedTo( minimumSize );
overlayRect.moveTo( overlayTopLeftInWindowCoords );
overlayRect.setSize( actualSize );
QPoint overlayBottomRightInWindowCoords = overlayRect.bottomRight();
overlayBottomRightInWindowCoords.setX( std::min( overlayBottomRightInWindowCoords.x(),
canvasBottomRightInWindowCoords.x() - (int)scaling * m_overlayMargins ) );
overlayBottomRightInWindowCoords.setY( std::min( overlayBottomRightInWindowCoords.y(),
canvasBottomRightInWindowCoords.y() - (int)scaling * m_overlayMargins ) );
overlayRect.moveBottomRight( overlayBottomRightInWindowCoords );
overlayFrame->renderTo( painter, overlayRect );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::renderTo( QPaintDevice* paintDevice, const QRect& targetRect )
auto scaling = RiaDefines::scalingFactor( paintDevice );
QPainter painter( paintDevice );
renderTo( &painter, targetRect, scaling );
int RiuQwtPlotWidget::overlayMargins() const
return m_overlayMargins;
RimViewWindow* RiuQwtPlotWidget::ownerViewWindow() const
return m_plotDefinition;
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::onAxisSelected( QwtScaleWidget* scale, bool toggleItemInSelection )
for ( int i = 0; i < QwtAxis::AxisPositions; ++i )
auto pos = static_cast<QwtAxis::Position>( i );
int count = m_plot->axesCount( pos );
for ( int id = 0; id < count; id++ )
QwtAxisId axisId( pos, id );
if ( scale == m_plot->axisWidget( axisId ) )
highlightPlotItemsForQwtAxis( axisId );
RiuPlotAxis plotAxis = findPlotAxisForQwtAxis( axisId );
emit axisSelected( plotAxis, toggleItemInSelection );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::recalculateAxisExtents( RiuPlotAxis axis )
auto qwtAxis = toQwtPlotAxis( axis );
if ( qwtAxis.pos == QwtAxis::YLeft || qwtAxis.pos == QwtAxis::YRight )
int extent = axisExtent( axis );
m_plot->axisScaleDraw( qwtAxis )->setMinimumExtent( extent );
setMinimumWidth( defaultMinimumWidth() + extent );
int RiuQwtPlotWidget::highlightItemWidthAdjustment()
return 2;
QWidget* RiuQwtPlotWidget::getParentForOverlay() const
return m_plot->canvas();
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::findClosestPlotItem( const QPoint& pos, QwtPlotItem** closestItem, int* closestCurvePoint, double* distanceFromClick ) const
CAF_ASSERT( closestItem && closestCurvePoint && distanceFromClick );
// Force empty defaults
*closestItem = nullptr;
*closestCurvePoint = -1;
*distanceFromClick = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
const QwtPlotItemList& itmList = m_plot->itemList();
for ( auto it : itmList )
if ( it->rtti() == QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotCurve )
auto* candidateCurve = static_cast<QwtPlotCurve*>( it );
double dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
int curvePoint = candidateCurve->closestPoint( pos, &dist );
if ( dist < *distanceFromClick )
*closestItem = candidateCurve;
*distanceFromClick = dist;
*closestCurvePoint = curvePoint;
else if ( it->rtti() == QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotShape )
auto* shapeItem = static_cast<QwtPlotShapeItem*>( it );
QPointF scalePos( m_plot->invTransform( QwtAxis::XBottom, pos.x() ), m_plot->invTransform( QwtAxis::YLeft, pos.y() ) );
if ( shapeItem->shape().boundingRect().contains( scalePos ) )
*closestItem = it;
*distanceFromClick = 0.0;
else if ( it->rtti() == QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotBarChart )
auto* barChart = static_cast<QwtPlotBarChart*>( it );
QPointF scalePos( m_plot->invTransform( QwtAxis::XBottom, pos.x() ), m_plot->invTransform( QwtAxis::YLeft, pos.y() ) );
bool horizontal = barChart->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < barChart->dataSize(); ++i )
QPointF samplePoint = barChart->sample( (int)i );
double dist = horizontal ? std::abs( samplePoint.x() - scalePos.y() ) : std::abs( samplePoint.x() - scalePos.x() );
if ( dist < *distanceFromClick )
*closestItem = it;
*closestCurvePoint = (int)i;
*distanceFromClick = dist;
std::pair<RiuPlotCurve*, int> RiuQwtPlotWidget::findClosestCurve( const QPoint& pos, double& distanceFromClick ) const
QwtPlotItem* closestItem = nullptr;
int closestCurvePoint = -1;
QPoint globalPos = mapToGlobal( pos );
QPoint localPos = qwtPlot()->canvas()->mapFromGlobal( globalPos );
findClosestPlotItem( localPos, &closestItem, &closestCurvePoint, &distanceFromClick );
auto plotCurve = dynamic_cast<RiuQwtPlotCurve*>( closestItem );
return std::make_pair( plotCurve, closestCurvePoint );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::selectClosestPlotItem( const QPoint& pos, bool toggleItemInSelection /*= false*/ )
QwtPlotItem* closestItem = nullptr;
double distanceFromClick = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
int closestCurvePoint = -1;
findClosestPlotItem( pos, &closestItem, &closestCurvePoint, &distanceFromClick );
if ( closestItem && distanceFromClick < 20 )
bool updateCurveOrder = false;
resetPlotItemHighlighting( updateCurveOrder );
std::set<const QwtPlotItem*> plotItems = { closestItem };
highlightPlotItems( plotItems );
auto plotItem = std::make_shared<RiuQwtPlotItem>( closestItem );
emit plotItemSelected( plotItem, toggleItemInSelection, distanceFromClick < 10 ? closestCurvePoint : -1 );
emit plotSelected( toggleItemInSelection );
// Always do a replot, as the reset operation also requires replot
int RiuQwtPlotWidget::defaultMinimumWidth()
return 80;
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::replot()
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::highlightPlotItems( const std::set<const QwtPlotItem*>& closestItems )
highlightPlotCurves( closestItems );
highlightPlotShapeItems( closestItems );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::highlightPlotCurves( const std::set<const QwtPlotItem*>& closestItems )
if ( !m_plotDefinition || !m_plotDefinition->isCurveHighlightSupported() )
auto plotItemList = m_plot->itemList();
for ( QwtPlotItem* plotItem : plotItemList )
auto* riuPlotCurve = dynamic_cast<RiuPlotCurve*>( plotItem );
auto pdmObject = m_plotDefinition->findPdmObjectFromPlotCurve( riuPlotCurve );
// Do not modify curve objects with no associated Rim object, as the Rim object is used to restore color after highlight manipulation
if ( !pdmObject ) continue;
auto* plotCurve = dynamic_cast<QwtPlotCurve*>( plotItem );
if ( plotCurve )
QPen existingPen = plotCurve->pen();
QColor bgColor = m_plot->canvasBackground().color();
QColor curveColor = existingPen.color();
QColor symbolColor;
QColor symbolLineColor;
auto penWidth = existingPen.width();
auto* symbol = const_cast<QwtSymbol*>( plotCurve->symbol() );
if ( symbol )
symbolColor = symbol->brush().color();
symbolLineColor = symbol->pen().color();
double zValue = plotCurve->z();
if ( closestItems.count( plotCurve ) > 0 )
auto highlightColor = curveColor;
const double threshold = 0.05;
if ( curveColor.hsvHueF() > threshold || curveColor.saturationF() > threshold )
auto saturation = 1.0;
auto value = 1.0;
auto hue = curveColor.hueF();
highlightColor = QColor::fromHsvF( hue, saturation, value );
existingPen.setColor( highlightColor );
existingPen.setWidth( penWidth + highlightItemWidthAdjustment() );
plotCurve->setPen( existingPen );
plotCurve->setZ( zValue + 100.0 );
highlightPlotAxes( plotCurve->xAxis(), plotCurve->yAxis() );
int backgroundWeight = 2;
QColor blendedColor = RiaColorTools::blendQColors( bgColor, curveColor, backgroundWeight, 1 );
QColor blendedSymbolColor = RiaColorTools::blendQColors( bgColor, symbolColor, backgroundWeight, 1 );
QColor blendedSymbolLineColor = RiaColorTools::blendQColors( bgColor, symbolLineColor, backgroundWeight, 1 );
plotCurve->setPen( blendedColor, existingPen.width(), );
if ( symbol )
symbol->setColor( blendedSymbolColor );
symbol->setPen( blendedSymbolLineColor, symbol->pen().width(), symbol->pen().style() );
m_originalZValues.insert( std::make_pair( plotCurve, zValue ) );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::highlightPlotShapeItems( const std::set<const QwtPlotItem*>& closestItems )
auto plotItemList = m_plot->itemList();
for ( QwtPlotItem* plotItem : plotItemList )
auto* plotShapeItem = dynamic_cast<QwtPlotShapeItem*>( plotItem );
if ( plotShapeItem && closestItems.count( plotItem ) > 0 )
QPen pen = plotShapeItem->pen();
pen.setColor( QColor( Qt::green ) );
pen.setWidth( 3 );
plotShapeItem->setPen( pen );
plotShapeItem->setZ( plotShapeItem->z() + 100.0 );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::resetPlotItemHighlighting( bool doUpdateCurveOrder )
if ( doUpdateCurveOrder ) updateCurveOrder();
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::resetPlotCurveHighlighting()
if ( !m_plotDefinition || m_originalZValues.empty() )
const auto& plotItemList = m_plot->itemList();
for ( QwtPlotItem* plotItem : plotItemList )
if ( auto* plotCurve = dynamic_cast<QwtPlotCurve*>( plotItem ) )
auto* riuPlotCurve = dynamic_cast<RiuPlotCurve*>( plotItem );
if ( auto rimPlotCurve = dynamic_cast<RimPlotCurve*>( m_plotDefinition->findPdmObjectFromPlotCurve( riuPlotCurve ) ) )
double zValue = m_originalZValues[plotCurve];
riuPlotCurve->setZ( zValue );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::resetPlotShapeItemHighlighting()
const auto& plotItemList = m_plot->itemList();
for ( QwtPlotItem* plotItem : plotItemList )
auto* plotShapeItem = dynamic_cast<QwtPlotShapeItem*>( plotItem );
if ( plotShapeItem )
QPen pen = plotShapeItem->pen();
auto color = RiuGuiTheme::getColorByVariableName( "markerColor" );
pen.setColor( color );
pen.setWidth( 1 );
plotShapeItem->setPen( pen );
plotShapeItem->setZ( plotShapeItem->z() - 100.0 );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::resetPlotAxisHighlighting()
// Reset axis widgets highlighting
std::vector<QwtAxis::Position> axisPositions = { QwtAxis::Position::YLeft,
QwtAxis::Position::XBottom };
// Use text color from theme
QColor textColor = RiuGuiTheme::getColorByVariableName( "textColor" );
QString style = QString( "color: %1;" ).arg( );
for ( auto pos : axisPositions )
int count = m_plot->axesCount( pos );
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
QwtAxisId axisId( pos, i );
auto axisWidget = m_plot->axisWidget( axisId );
axisWidget->setStyleSheet( style );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::highlightPlotItemsForQwtAxis( QwtAxisId axisId )
std::set<const QwtPlotItem*> plotItems;
auto plotItemList = m_plot->itemList();
for ( QwtPlotItem* plotItem : plotItemList )
auto* plotCurve = dynamic_cast<QwtPlotCurve*>( plotItem );
if ( plotCurve )
QwtAxisId xAxis = plotCurve->xAxis();
QwtAxisId yAxis = plotCurve->yAxis();
if ( xAxis == axisId || yAxis == axisId )
plotItems.insert( plotItem );
highlightPlotItems( plotItems );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::highlightPlotAxes( QwtAxisId axisIdX, QwtAxisId axisIdY )
std::vector<QwtAxis::Position> axisPositions = { QwtAxis::Position::YLeft,
QwtAxis::Position::XBottom };
// Highlight selected axis by toning down the others in same dimension
for ( auto pos : axisPositions )
int count = m_plot->axesCount( pos );
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
QwtAxisId axisId( pos, i );
if ( axisId != axisIdX && axisId != axisIdY )
auto axisWidget = m_plot->axisWidget( axisId );
auto color = RiuGuiTheme::getColorByVariableName( "backgroundColor2" );
auto colorText =;
axisWidget->setStyleSheet( QString( "color: %1;" ).arg( colorText ) );
QwtPlot* RiuQwtPlotWidget::qwtPlot() const
return m_plot;
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::ensureAxisIsCreated( RiuPlotAxis axis )
// Check if the axis already exists
auto it = m_axisMapping.find( axis );
if ( it != m_axisMapping.end() ) return;
// Special handling for default axis (index == 0):
// These are already created by qwt.
if ( axis.index() == 0 )
QwtAxisId newQwtAxis( RiuQwtPlotTools::toQwtPlotAxisEnum( axis.axis() ), 0 );
m_axisMapping.insert( std::make_pair( axis, newQwtAxis ) );
auto qwtAxisId = RiuQwtPlotTools::toQwtPlotAxisEnum( axis.axis() );
int count = m_plot->axesCount( qwtAxisId );
int requiredCount = count + 1;
m_plot->setAxesCount( qwtAxisId, requiredCount );
QwtAxisId newQwtAxis( qwtAxisId, count );
m_axisMapping.insert( std::make_pair( axis, newQwtAxis ) );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::enableAxis( RiuPlotAxis axis, bool isEnabled )
ensureAxisIsCreated( axis );
m_plot->setAxisVisible( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ), isEnabled );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::enableAxisNumberLabels( RiuPlotAxis axis, bool isEnabled )
m_plot->axisScaleDraw( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ) )->enableComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels, isEnabled );
bool RiuQwtPlotWidget::axisEnabled( RiuPlotAxis axis ) const
auto qwtPlotAxis = toQwtPlotAxis( axis );
if ( qwtPlotAxis.pos < 0 ) return false;
return m_plot->isAxisVisible( qwtPlotAxis );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxisMaxMinor( RiuPlotAxis axis, int maxMinor )
m_plot->setAxisMaxMinor( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ), maxMinor );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxisMaxMajor( RiuPlotAxis axis, int maxMajor )
m_plot->setAxisMaxMajor( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ), maxMajor );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::removeEventFilter()
m_plot->removeEventFilter( m_plot );
m_plot->canvas()->removeEventFilter( m_plot );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxisAutoScale( RiuPlotAxis axis, bool autoScale )
m_plot->setAxisAutoScale( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ), autoScale );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxisScale( RiuPlotAxis axis, double min, double max )
setAxisScale( toQwtPlotAxis( axis ), min, max );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxisScale( QwtAxisId axis, double min, double max )
m_plot->setAxisScale( axis, min, max );
RiuQwtPlotWidget::AxisScaleType RiuQwtPlotWidget::axisScaleType( RiuPlotAxis axis ) const
auto qwtAxis = toQwtPlotAxis( axis );
auto* logScaleEngine = dynamic_cast<QwtLogScaleEngine*>( m_plot->axisScaleEngine( qwtAxis ) );
auto* dateScaleEngine = dynamic_cast<QwtDateScaleEngine*>( m_plot->axisScaleEngine( qwtAxis ) );
if ( logScaleEngine != nullptr ) return AxisScaleType::LOGARITHMIC;
if ( dateScaleEngine != nullptr ) return AxisScaleType::DATE;
return AxisScaleType::LINEAR;
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxisScaleType( RiuPlotAxis axis, RiuQwtPlotWidget::AxisScaleType axisScaleType )
auto qwtAxis = toQwtPlotAxis( axis );
setAxisScaleType( qwtAxis, axisScaleType );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::setAxisScaleType( QwtAxisId axis, RiuQwtPlotWidget::AxisScaleType axisScaleType )
if ( axisScaleType == AxisScaleType::LOGARITHMIC ) m_plot->setAxisScaleEngine( axis, new QwtLogScaleEngine );
if ( axisScaleType == AxisScaleType::LINEAR ) m_plot->setAxisScaleEngine( axis, new QwtLinearScaleEngine );
if ( axisScaleType == AxisScaleType::DATE ) m_plot->setAxisScaleEngine( axis, new QwtDateScaleEngine );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::updateAxes()
RiuPlotAxis RiuQwtPlotWidget::createNextPlotAxis( RiaDefines::PlotAxis axis )
auto qwtAxis = RiuQwtPlotTools::toQwtPlotAxisEnum( axis );
auto count = m_plot->axesCount( qwtAxis );
return RiuPlotAxis( axis, count );
RiuPlotCurve* RiuQwtPlotWidget::createPlotCurve( RimPlotCurve* ownerRimCurve, const QString& title )
return new RiuQwtPlotCurve( ownerRimCurve, title );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::detachItems( RiuPlotWidget::PlotItemType plotItemType )
CAF_ASSERT( plotItemType == RiuPlotWidget::PlotItemType::CURVE );
if ( plotItemType == RiuPlotWidget::PlotItemType::CURVE ) qwtPlot()->detachItems( QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotCurve );
const QColor& RiuQwtPlotWidget::backgroundColor() const
return m_plot->canvasBackground().color();
bool RiuQwtPlotWidget::isMultiAxisSupported() const
return true;
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::pruneAxes( const std::set<RiuPlotAxis>& usedAxes )
// Make a list of axes to remove since moving the axis invalidates the m_axisMapping iterator
std::vector<RiuPlotAxis> axesToRemove;
for ( auto [plotAxis, qwtMapping] : m_axisMapping )
if ( usedAxes.count( plotAxis ) == 0 )
axesToRemove.push_back( plotAxis );
for ( const auto& plotAxis : axesToRemove )
moveAxis( plotAxis, RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft() );
RiuPlotAxis RiuQwtPlotWidget::findPlotAxisForQwtAxis( const QwtAxisId& qwtAxisId ) const
for ( auto [plotAxis, qwtMapping] : m_axisMapping )
if ( qwtMapping == qwtAxisId ) return plotAxis;
CAF_ASSERT( false );
return RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft();
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::onMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::moveAxis( RiuPlotAxis oldAxis, RiuPlotAxis newAxis )
auto countAxis = [this]( RiaDefines::PlotAxis axis )
int count = 0;
for ( auto [plotAxis, qwtMapping] : m_axisMapping )
if ( plotAxis.axis() == axis ) count++;
return count;
auto isLastItem = [this]( RiuPlotAxis plotAxis, int count )
auto qwtAxis = toQwtPlotAxis( plotAxis );
return == ( count - 1 );
auto removeAxis = [this, countAxis, isLastItem]( RiuPlotAxis plotAxis )
auto qwtAxisPos = RiuQwtPlotTools::toQwtPlotAxisEnum( plotAxis.axis() );
int count = countAxis( plotAxis.axis() );
bool isLast = isLastItem( plotAxis, count );
if ( isLast )
// If axis to remove is the last axis item on the given side it
// is safe to let qwt delete it in setAxesCount.
m_axisMapping.erase( plotAxis );
m_plot->setAxesCount( qwtAxisPos, count - 1 );
// When the axis to delete is not the last axis item on the given side
// we have to move the last axis into the position of the axis to remove.
// Move the last item into the spot which has been freed up
auto targetQwtAxis = m_axisMapping.find( plotAxis )->second;
// Last item on the same side as we are deleting from
auto sourceQwtAxis = QwtAxisId( qwtAxisPos, count - 1 );
auto sourcePlotAxis = findPlotAxisForQwtAxis( sourceQwtAxis );
// Copy properties of the last axis item
setAxisScaleType( targetQwtAxis, axisScaleType( sourcePlotAxis ) );
auto range = axisRange( sourcePlotAxis );
setAxisScale( targetQwtAxis, range.first, range.second );
bool autoScale = m_plot->axisAutoScale( sourceQwtAxis );
m_plot->setAxisAutoScale( targetQwtAxis, autoScale );
// Finally remove the last item (which has been overwritten the item to remove).
m_axisMapping.erase( plotAxis );
m_axisMapping.erase( sourcePlotAxis );
m_axisMapping.insert( std::make_pair( sourcePlotAxis, targetQwtAxis ) );
m_plot->setAxesCount( qwtAxisPos, count - 1 );
removeAxis( oldAxis );
QwtAxisId RiuQwtPlotWidget::toQwtPlotAxis( RiuPlotAxis plotAxis ) const
auto it = m_axisMapping.find( plotAxis );
if ( it != m_axisMapping.end() )
return it->second;
return { -1, -1 };
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::highlightPlotItem( const QwtPlotItem* plotItem )
bool refreshCurveOrder = false;
resetPlotItemHighlighting( refreshCurveOrder );
std::set<const QwtPlotItem*> items;
items.insert( plotItem );
highlightPlotItems( items );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::onLegendClicked( const QVariant& itemInfo, int index )
if ( !itemInfo.canConvert<QwtPlotItem*>() ) return;
QwtPlotItem* plotItem = qvariant_cast<QwtPlotItem*>( itemInfo );
if ( plotItem )
highlightPlotItem( plotItem );
auto wrappedPlotItem = std::make_shared<RiuQwtPlotItem>( plotItem );
emit plotItemSelected( wrappedPlotItem, false, -1 );
void RiuQwtPlotWidget::updateCurveOrder()
emit curveOrderNeedsUpdate();