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// Copyright (C) 2019- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame.h"
#include "RiaTextStringTools.h"
#include "cvfScalarMapperDiscreteLinear.h"
#include "cvfScalarMapperDiscreteLog.h"
#include "cvfString.h"
#include "cvfqtUtils.h"
#include <QFontMetrics>
#include <QPaintEvent>
#include <QPainter>
#include <algorithm>
RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame::RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame( QWidget* parent, const QString& title, cvf::ScalarMapper* scalarMapper )
: RiuAbstractLegendFrame( parent, title )
, m_scalarMapper( scalarMapper )
, m_tickNumberPrecision( 4 )
, m_numberFormat( RiaNumberFormat::NumberFormatType::AUTO )
void RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame::setTickPrecision( int precision )
m_tickNumberPrecision = precision;
void RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame::setTickFormat( NumberFormat format )
m_numberFormat = format;
void RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame::updateTickValues()
if ( m_scalarMapper.notNull() )
m_tickValues = {};
m_scalarMapper->majorTickValues( &m_tickValues );
void RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame::setScalarMapper( cvf::ScalarMapper* scalarMapper )
m_scalarMapper = scalarMapper;
void RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame::layoutInfo( LayoutInfo* layout ) const
QFontMetrics fontMetrics( font() );
QStringList titleLines = RiaTextStringTools::splitSkipEmptyParts( m_title, "\n" );
layout->charHeight = fontMetrics.height();
layout->charAscent = fontMetrics.ascent();
layout->lineSpacing = fontMetrics.lineSpacing();
layout->margins = QMargins( 8, 8, 8, 8 );
layout->tickTextLeadSpace = 5;
int colorBarWidth = 25;
int colorBarHeight = layout->overallLegendSize.height() - layout->margins.top() - layout->margins.bottom() -
titleLines.size() * layout->lineSpacing - 1.0 * layout->lineSpacing;
int colorBarStartY = layout->margins.top() + titleLines.size() * layout->lineSpacing + 1.0 * layout->lineSpacing;
layout->colorBarRect = QRect( layout->margins.left(), colorBarStartY, colorBarWidth, colorBarHeight );
layout->tickStartX = layout->margins.left();
layout->tickMidX = layout->margins.left() + layout->colorBarRect.width();
layout->tickEndX = layout->tickMidX + 5;
// Build array containing the pixel positions of all the ticks
int numTicks = (int)m_tickValues.size();
layout->tickYPixelPos.reserve( numTicks );
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < numTicks; i++ )
double t = 0.0;
if ( m_scalarMapper.notNull() )
t = std::clamp( m_scalarMapper->normalizedValue( m_tickValues[i] ), 0.0, 1.1 );
if ( i == 0 )
layout->tickYPixelPos.push_back( 0.0 );
else if ( i == numTicks - 1 )
layout->tickYPixelPos.push_back( layout->colorBarRect.height() );
layout->tickYPixelPos.push_back( t * layout->colorBarRect.height() );
QString RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame::label( int index ) const
double tickValue = m_tickValues[index];
return RiaNumberFormat::valueToText( tickValue, m_numberFormat, m_tickNumberPrecision );
int RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame::labelCount() const
return (int)m_tickValues.size();
int RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame::rectCount() const
return (int)m_tickValues.size() - 1;
void RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame::renderRect( QPainter* painter, const LayoutInfo& layout, int rectIndex ) const
int rectIndexFromBottom = rectCount() - rectIndex - 1;
cvf::Color3ub startColor = m_scalarMapper->mapToColor( m_tickValues[rectIndexFromBottom] );
cvf::Color3ub endColor = m_scalarMapper->mapToColor( m_tickValues[rectIndexFromBottom + 1] );
if ( dynamic_cast<const cvf::ScalarMapperDiscreteLog*>( m_scalarMapper.p() ) ||
dynamic_cast<const cvf::ScalarMapperDiscreteLinear*>( m_scalarMapper.p() ) )
// Do not draw gradient for discrete legends
endColor = startColor;
QColor startQColor( startColor.r(), startColor.g(), startColor.b() );
QColor endQColor( endColor.r(), endColor.g(), endColor.b() );
QRectF gradientRect( QPointF( layout.tickStartX, layout.colorBarRect.bottom() - layout.tickYPixelPos[rectIndexFromBottom] + 1 ),
QPointF( layout.tickStartX, layout.colorBarRect.bottom() - layout.tickYPixelPos[rectIndexFromBottom + 1] + 1 ) );
QLinearGradient gradient( gradientRect.topLeft(), gradientRect.bottomRight() );
gradient.setCoordinateMode( QGradient::LogicalMode );
gradient.setColorAt( 0.0, startQColor );
gradient.setColorAt( 1.0, endQColor );
QRectF rect( QPointF( layout.tickStartX, layout.colorBarRect.bottom() - layout.tickYPixelPos[rectIndexFromBottom] + 1 ),
QPointF( layout.tickMidX, layout.colorBarRect.bottom() - layout.tickYPixelPos[rectIndexFromBottom + 1] + 1 ) );
painter->fillRect( rect, QBrush( gradient ) );
painter->drawLine( QPointF( layout.tickStartX, layout.colorBarRect.bottom() - layout.tickYPixelPos[rectIndexFromBottom] + 1 ),
QPointF( layout.tickEndX, layout.colorBarRect.bottom() - layout.tickYPixelPos[rectIndexFromBottom] + 1 ) );
painter->drawLine( QPointF( layout.tickStartX, layout.colorBarRect.bottom() - layout.tickYPixelPos[rectIndexFromBottom + 1] + 1 ),
QPointF( layout.tickEndX, layout.colorBarRect.bottom() - layout.tickYPixelPos[rectIndexFromBottom + 1] + 1 ) );
QRect RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame::labelRect( const LayoutInfo& layout, int index ) const
const int posX = layout.tickEndX + layout.tickTextLeadSpace;
QString labelI = label( index );
int width = fontMetrics().boundingRect( labelI ).width() + 4;
int height = layout.lineSpacing;
int posY = layout.colorBarRect.bottom() - layout.tickYPixelPos[index];
if ( index + 1 < labelCount() )
int posYp1 = layout.colorBarRect.bottom() - layout.tickYPixelPos[index + 1];
height = std::min( height, std::abs( posY - posYp1 ) );
return QRect( posX, posY - height / 2, width, height );