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# Global variables
# vcxproj and property sheet files declare MsBuild properties (e.g. $(MYPROP)).
# they are used in project xml nodes expressions. we have a
# translation engine (MSBUILD-POWERSHELL) for these. it relies on
# PowerShell to evaluate these expressions. We have to inject project
# properties in the PowerShell runtime context. We keep track of them in
# this list, so that each project can know to clean previous vars before loading begins.
if (! (Test-Path variable:global:ProjectSpecificVariables))
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $global:ProjectSpecificVariables = @()
if (! (Test-Path variable:global:ScriptParameterBackupValues))
[System.Collections.Hashtable] $global:ScriptParameterBackupValues = @{}
# current vcxproj and property sheets
[xml[]] $global:projectFiles = @();
# path of current project
[string] $global:vcxprojPath = "";
# namespace of current project vcxproj XML
[System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager] $global:xpathNS = $null;
Set-Variable -name "kRedundantSeparatorsReplaceRules" -option Constant `
-value @( <# handle multiple consecutive separators #> `
(";+" , ";") `
<# handle separator at end #> `
, (";$" , "") `
<# handle separator at beginning #> `
, ("^;" , "") `
Function Set-Var([parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $name
,[parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $value
,[parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch] $asScriptParameter
if ($asScriptParameter)
if (Test-Path "variable:$name")
$oldVar = Get-Variable $name
$oldValue = $oldVar.Value
if ($oldValue -and
$oldValue.GetType() -and
$oldValue.GetType().ToString() -eq "System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter")
$oldValue = $oldValue.ToBool()
$global:ScriptParameterBackupValues[$name] = $oldValue
$global:ScriptParameterBackupValues[$name] = $null
Write-Verbose "SET_VAR $($name): $value"
if ($asScriptParameter)
Set-Variable -name $name -Value $value -Scope Script
Set-Variable -name $name -Value $value -Scope Global
if (!$asScriptParameter -and !$global:ProjectSpecificVariables.Contains($name))
$global:ProjectSpecificVariables.Add($name) | Out-Null
Function Clear-Vars()
Write-Verbose-Array -array $global:ProjectSpecificVariables `
-name "Deleting variables initialized by previous project"
foreach ($var in $global:ProjectSpecificVariables)
Remove-Variable -name $var -scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
foreach ($varName in $global:ScriptParameterBackupValues.Keys)
Write-Verbose "Restoring $varName to old value $($ScriptParameterBackupValues[$varName])"
Set-Variable -name $varName -value $ScriptParameterBackupValues[$varName]
Function UpdateScriptParameter([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $paramName
,[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $paramValue)
[bool] $isSwitch = $false
$evalParamValue = "" # no type specified because we don't know it yet
if ($paramValue) # a parameter
$evalParamValue = Invoke-Expression $paramValue # evaluate expression to get actual value
else # a switch
$isSwitch = $true
# the parameter name we detected may be an alias => translate it into the real name
[string] $realParamName = Get-CommandParameterName -command "$PSScriptRoot\..\clang-build.ps1" `
-nameOrAlias $paramName
if (!$realParamName)
Write-Output "OVERVIEW: Clang Power Tools: compiles or tidies up code from Visual Studio .vcxproj project files`n"
Write-Output "USAGE: clang-build.ps1 [options]`n"
Write-Output "OPTIONS: "
Print-CommandParameters "$PSScriptRoot\..\clang-build.ps1"
Fail-Script "Unsupported option '$paramName'. Check cpt.config."
if ($isSwitch)
Set-Var -name $realParamName -value $true -asScriptParameter
Set-Var -name $realParamName -value $evalParamValue -asScriptParameter
Function Get-ConfigFileParameters()
[System.Collections.Hashtable] $retArgs = @{}
[string] $startDir = If ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ProjectDir)) { $aSolutionsPath } else { $ProjectDir }
[string] $configFile = (GetDirNameOfFileAbove -startDir $startDir -targetFile "cpt.config") + "\cpt.config"
if (!(Test-Path $configFile))
return $retArgs
Write-Verbose "Found cpt.config in $configFile"
[xml] $configXml = Get-Content $configFile
$configXpathNS= New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($configXml.NameTable)
$configXpathNS.AddNamespace("ns", $configXml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)
[System.Xml.XmlElement[]] $argElems = $configXml.SelectNodes("/ns:cpt-config/*", $configXpathNS)
foreach ($argEl in $argElems)
if ($argEl.Name.StartsWith("vsx-"))
continue # settings for the Visual Studio Extension
if ($argEl.HasAttribute("Condition"))
[bool] $isApplicable = Evaluate-MSBuildCondition -condition $argEl.GetAttribute("Condition")
if (!$isApplicable)
$retArgs[$argEl.Name] = $argEl.InnerText
return $retArgs
Function Update-ParametersFromConfigFile()
[System.Collections.Hashtable] $configParams = Get-ConfigFileParameters
if (!$configParams)
foreach ($paramName in $configParams.Keys)
UpdateScriptParameter -paramName $paramName -paramValue $configParams[$paramName]
Function InitializeMsBuildProjectProperties()
Write-Verbose "Importing environment variables into current scope"
foreach ($var in (Get-ChildItem Env:))
Set-Var -name $var.Name -value $var.Value
Set-Var -name "MSBuildProjectFullPath" -value $global:vcxprojPath
Set-Var -name "ProjectDir" -value (Get-FileDirectory -filePath $global:vcxprojPath)
Set-Var -name "MSBuildProjectExtension" -value ([IO.Path]::GetExtension($global:vcxprojPath))
Set-Var -name "MSBuildProjectFile" -value (Get-FileName -path $global:vcxprojPath)
Set-Var -name "MSBuildProjectName" -value (Get-FileName -path $global:vcxprojPath -noext)
Set-Var -name "MSBuildProjectDirectory" -value (Get-FileDirectory -filePath $global:vcxprojPath)
Set-Var -name "MSBuildProgramFiles32" -value "${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}"
# defaults for projectname and targetname, may be overriden by project settings
Set-Var -name "ProjectName" -value $MSBuildProjectName
Set-Var -name "TargetName" -value $MSBuildProjectName
# These would enable full project platform references parsing, experimental right now
if ($env:CPT_LOAD_ALL -eq '1')
Set-Var -name "ConfigurationType" -value "Application"
Set-Var -name "VCTargetsPath" -value "$(Get-VisualStudio-Path)\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\"
Set-Var -name "VsInstallRoot" -value (Get-VisualStudio-Path)
Set-Var -name "MSBuildExtensionsPath" -value "$(Get-VisualStudio-Path)\MSBuild"
Set-Var -name "LocalAppData" -value $env:LOCALAPPDATA
Set-Var -name "UserRootDir" -value "$LocalAppData\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0"
Set-Var -name "UniversalCRT_IncludePath" -value "${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.10240.0\ucrt"
[string] $vsVer = "15.0"
if ($global:cptVisualStudioVersion -eq "2015")
$vsVer = "14.0"
Set-Var -name "VisualStudioVersion" -value $vsVer
Set-Var -name "MSBuildToolsVersion" -value $vsVer
[string] $projectSlnPath = Get-ProjectSolution
[string] $projectSlnDir = Get-FileDirectory -filePath $projectSlnPath
Set-Var -name "SolutionDir" -value $projectSlnDir
[string] $projectSlnName = Get-FileName -path $projectSlnPath -noext
Set-Var -name "SolutionName" -value $projectSlnName
Function InitializeMsBuildCurrentFileProperties([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $filePath)
Set-Var -name "MSBuildThisFileFullPath" -value $filePath
Set-Var -name "MSBuildThisFileExtension" -value ([IO.Path]::GetExtension($filePath))
Set-Var -name "MSBuildThisFile" -value (Get-FileName -path $filePath)
Set-Var -name "MSBuildThisFileName" -value (Get-FileName -path $filePath -noext)
Set-Var -name "MSBuildThisFileDirectory" -value (Get-FileDirectory -filePath $filePath)
A wrapper over the XmlDOcument.SelectNodes function. For convenience.
Not to be used directly. Please use Select-ProjectNodes instead.
function Help:Get-ProjectFileNodes([xml] $projectFile, [string] $xpath)
[System.Xml.XmlElement[]] $nodes = $projectFile.SelectNodes($xpath, $global:xpathNS)
return $nodes
function GetNodeInheritanceToken([System.Xml.XmlNode] $node)
[string] $inheritanceToken = "%($($node.Name))";
if ($node.InnerText.Contains($inheritanceToken))
return $inheritanceToken
return ""
function ReplaceInheritedNodeValue([System.Xml.XmlNode] $currentNode
, [System.Xml.XmlNode] $nodeToInheritFrom
[string] $inheritanceToken = GetNodeInheritanceToken($currentNode)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($inheritanceToken))
# no need to inherit
return $false
[string] $replaceWith = ""
if ($nodeToInheritFrom)
$replaceWith = $nodeToInheritFrom.InnerText
[string] $whatToReplace = [regex]::Escape($inheritanceToken);
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($replaceWith))
# handle semicolon separators
[string] $escTok = [regex]::Escape($inheritanceToken)
$whatToReplace = "(;$escTok)|($escTok;)|($escTok)"
# replace inherited token and redundant separators
$replacementRules = @(, ($whatToReplace, $replaceWith)) + $kRedundantSeparatorsReplaceRules
foreach ($rule in $replacementRules)
$currentNode.InnerText = $currentNode.InnerText -replace $rule[0], $rule[1]
return $currentNode.InnerText.Contains($inheritanceToken)
Selects one or more nodes from the project.
We often need to access data from the project, e.g. additional includes, Win SDK version.
A naive implementation would be to simply look inside the vcxproj, but that leaves out
property sheets.
This function takes care to retrieve the nodes we're searching by looking in both the .vcxproj
and property sheets, taking care to inherit values accordingly.
Give an example of how to use it
Give another example of how to use it.
XPath we want to use for searching nodes.
.PARAMETER fileIndex
Optional. Index of the project xml file we want to start our search in.
0 = .vcxproj and then, recursively, all property sheets
1 = first property sheet and then, recursively, all other property sheets
function Select-ProjectNodes([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string][string] $xpath
, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $fileIndex = 0)
[System.Xml.XmlElement[]] $nodes = @()
if ($fileIndex -ge $global:projectFiles.Count)
return $nodes
$nodes = Help:Get-ProjectFileNodes -projectFile $global:projectFiles[$fileIndex] `
-xpath $xpath
# nothing on this level or we're dealing with an ItemGroup, go above
if ($nodes.Count -eq 0 -or $xpath.Contains("ItemGroup"))
[System.Xml.XmlElement[]] $upperNodes = Select-ProjectNodes -xpath $xpath -fileIndex ($fileIndex + 1)
if ($upperNodes.Count -gt 0)
$nodes += $upperNodes
return $nodes
if ($nodes[$nodes.Count - 1]."#text")
# we found textual settings that can be inherited. see if we should inherit
[System.Xml.XmlNode] $nodeToReturn = $nodes[$nodes.Count - 1]
if ($nodeToReturn.Attributes.Count -gt 0)
throw "Did not expect node to have attributes"
[bool] $shouldInheritMore = ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty((GetNodeInheritanceToken -node $nodeToReturn))
for ([int] $i = $nodes.Count - 2; ($i -ge 0) -and $shouldInheritMore; $i -= 1)
$shouldInheritMore = ReplaceInheritedNodeValue -currentNode $nodeToReturn -nodeToInheritFrom $nodes[$i]
if ($shouldInheritMore)
[System.Xml.XmlElement[]] $inheritedNodes = Select-ProjectNodes -xpath $xpath -fileIndex ($fileIndex + 1)
if ($inheritedNodes.Count -gt 1)
throw "Did not expect to inherit more than one node"
if ($inheritedNodes.Count -eq 1)
$shouldInheritMore = ReplaceInheritedNodeValue -currentNode $nodeToReturn -nodeToInheritFrom $inheritedNodes[0]
# we still could have to inherit from parents but when not loading
# all MS prop sheets we have nothing to inherit from, delete inheritance token
ReplaceInheritedNodeValue -currentNode $nodeToReturn -nodeToInheritFrom $null | Out-Null
return @($nodeToReturn)
# return what we found
return $nodes
Finds the first config-platform pair in the vcxproj.
We'll use it for all project data retrievals.
Items for other config-platform pairs will be removed from the DOM.
This is needed so that our XPath selectors don't get confused when looking for data.
function Detect-ProjectDefaultConfigPlatform([string] $projectValue)
[string]$configPlatformName = ""
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($aVcxprojConfigPlatform))
$configPlatformName = $aVcxprojConfigPlatform
$configPlatformName = $projectValue
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($configPlatformName))
throw "Could not automatically detect a configuration platform"
[string[]] $configAndPlatform = $configPlatformName.Split('|')
Set-Var -Name "Configuration" -Value $configAndPlatform[0]
Set-Var -Name "Platform" -Value $configAndPlatform[1]
function HandleChooseNode([System.Xml.XmlNode] $aChooseNode)
SanitizeProjectNode $aChooseNode
if ($aChooseNode.ChildNodes.Count -eq 0)
[System.Xml.XmlElement] $selectedChild = $aChooseNode.ChildNodes | `
Where-Object { $_.GetType().Name -eq "XmlElement" } | `
Select -first 1
foreach ($selectedGrandchild in $selectedChild.ChildNodes)
$aChooseNode.ParentNode.AppendChild($selectedGrandchild.Clone()) | Out-Null
$aChooseNode.ParentNode.RemoveChild($aChooseNode) | Out-Null
function SanitizeProjectNode([System.Xml.XmlNode] $node)
if ($node.Name -ieq "#comment")
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $nodesToRemove = @()
if ($node.Name -ieq "#text" -and $node.InnerText.Length -gt 0)
# evaluate node content
$node.InnerText = Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $node.InnerText
if ($node.Name -ieq "Import")
[string] $relPath = Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $node.GetAttribute("Project")
[string[]] $paths = Canonize-Path -base (Get-Location) -child $relPath -ignoreErrors
foreach ($path in $paths)
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($path) -and (Test-Path $path))
Write-Verbose "Property sheet: $path"
[string] $currentFile = $global:currentMSBuildFile
$global:currentMSBuildFile = $currentFile
InitializeMsBuildCurrentFileProperties -filePath $global:currentMSBuildFile
Write-Verbose "Could not find property sheet $relPath"
if ( ($node.Name -ieq "ClCompile" -or $node.Name -ieq "ClInclude") -and
![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($node.GetAttribute("Include")) )
[string] $expandedAttr = Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $node.GetAttribute("Include")
$node.Attributes["Include"].Value = $expandedAttr
if ($node.Name -ieq "Choose")
HandleChooseNode $chooseChild
if ($node.Name -ieq "Otherwise")
[System.Xml.XmlElement[]] $siblings = $node.ParentNode.ChildNodes | `
Where-Object { $_.GetType().Name -ieq "XmlElement" -and $_ -ne $node }
if ($siblings.Count -gt 0)
# means there's a <When> element that matched
# <Otherwise> should not be evaluated, we could set unwated properties
if ($node.Name -ieq "ItemGroup" -and $node.GetAttribute("Label") -ieq "ProjectConfigurations")
[System.Xml.XmlElement] $firstChild = $node.ChildNodes | `
Where-Object { $_.GetType().Name -ieq "XmlElement" } | `
Select-Object -First 1
Detect-ProjectDefaultConfigPlatform $firstChild.GetAttribute("Include")
if ($node.ParentNode.Name -ieq "PropertyGroup")
# set new property value
[string] $propertyName = $node.Name
[string] $propertyValue = Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $node.InnerText
Set-Var -Name $propertyName -Value $propertyValue
foreach ($child in $node.ChildNodes)
[bool] $validChild = $true
if ($child.GetType().Name -ieq "XmlElement")
if ($child.HasAttribute("Condition"))
# process node condition
[string] $nodeCondition = $child.GetAttribute("Condition")
$validChild = ((Evaluate-MSBuildCondition($nodeCondition)) -eq $true)
if ($validChild)
if (!$validChild)
$nodesToRemove.Add($child) | out-null
foreach ($nodeToRemove in $nodesToRemove)
$nodeToRemove.ParentNode.RemoveChild($nodeToRemove) | out-null
Sanitizes a project xml file, by removing config-platform pairs different from the
one we selected.
This is needed so that our XPath selectors don't get confused when looking for data.
function SanitizeProjectFile([string] $projectFilePath)
Write-Verbose "`nSanitizing $projectFilePath"
[xml] $fileXml = Get-Content $projectFilePath
$global:projectFiles += @($fileXml)
$global:xpathNS = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($fileXml.NameTable)
$global:xpathNS.AddNamespace("ns", $fileXml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)
$global:currentMSBuildFile = $projectFilePath
Push-Location (Get-FileDirectory -filePath $projectFilePath)
InitializeMsBuildCurrentFileProperties -filePath $projectFilePath
Loads vcxproj and property sheets into memory. This needs to be called only once
when processing a project. Accessing project nodes can be done using Select-ProjectNodes.
function LoadProject([string] $vcxprojPath)
# Clean global variables that have been set by a previous project load
$global:vcxprojPath = $vcxprojPath
$global:projectFiles = @()
SanitizeProjectFile -projectFilePath $global:vcxprojPath
if ($env:CPT_LOAD_ALL -ne "1")
# Tries to find a Directory.Build.props property sheet, starting from the
# project directory, going up. When one is found, the search stops.
# Multiple Directory.Build.props sheets are not supported.
[string] $directoryBuildSheetPath = (GetDirNameOfFileAbove -startDir $ProjectDir `
-targetFile "Directory.Build.props") + "\Directory.Build.props"
if (Test-Path $directoryBuildSheetPath)
[string] $vcpkgIncludePath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\vcpkg\vcpkg.user.targets"
if (Test-Path $vcpkgIncludePath)