Magne Sjaastad dd97e7741a #7527 HDF Summary Reader : Add first working prototype
HDF5 must be compiled with special options to support multithreading. Disable file object multithreading for HDF5. Some vector types are not supported, as the support in opm-common reader is not complete (region, region_to_region, ...).
2021-04-08 07:13:34 -07:00

251 lines
8.5 KiB

#ifdef USE_HDF5
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "RiaTestDataDirectory.h"
#include "RifHdf5SummaryReader.h"
#include "RifOpmHdf5Summary.h"
#include "H5Cpp.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "opm/io/eclipse/ESmry.hpp"
static const QString H5_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY = QString( "%1/h5-file/" ).arg( TEST_DATA_DIR );
TEST( HDFTests, InspectSummaryData )
std::string file_path = H5_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY.toStdString() + "NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_V2.h5";
H5::Exception::dontPrint(); // Turn off auto-printing of failures to handle the errors appropriately
H5::H5File file( file_path.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY );
H5::Group GridFunction_00002 = file.openGroup( "summary_vectors/BPR/66" );
H5::DataSet dataset = H5::DataSet( GridFunction_00002.openDataSet( "values" ) );
hsize_t dims[2];
H5::DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace();
dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims( dims, nullptr );
std::vector<double> values;
values.resize( dims[0] );, H5::PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE );
EXPECT_EQ( size_t( 894 ), values.size() );
catch ( H5::FileIException& error ) // catch failure caused by the H5File operations
std::cout << error.getCDetailMsg();
catch ( H5::DataSetIException& error ) // catch failure caused by the DataSet operations
std::cout << error.getCDetailMsg();
catch ( H5::DataSpaceIException& error ) // catch failure caused by the DataSpace operations
std::cout << error.getCDetailMsg();
catch ( H5::DataTypeIException& error ) // catch failure caused by the DataSpace operations
std::cout << error.getCDetailMsg();
TEST( HDFTests, ReadSummaryData )
QString filePath = H5_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY + "NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_V2.h5";
RifHdf5SummaryReader hdf5SummaryReader( filePath );
auto vectorNames = hdf5SummaryReader.vectorNames();
EXPECT_EQ( size_t( 211 ), vectorNames.size() );
auto timeSteps = hdf5SummaryReader.timeSteps();
EXPECT_EQ( size_t( 894 ), timeSteps.size() );
TEST( HDFTests, ReadOpmSummaryData )
RifOpmHdf5Summary hdf5SummaryReader; filePath, false, nullptr );
auto addresses = hdf5SummaryReader.allResultAddresses();
EXPECT_EQ( size_t( 2770 ), addresses.size() );
int itemCount = 0;
size_t totalValueCount = 0;
for ( const auto& adr : addresses )
if ( itemCount++ < 10 )
std::vector<double> values;
hdf5SummaryReader.values( adr, &values );
totalValueCount += values.size();
EXPECT_EQ( size_t( 8940 ), totalValueCount );
TEST( DISABLED_HDFTests, ReadOpmSummaryDataListContent )
Opm::EclIO::ESmry eSmry( filePath.toStdString() );
auto nodes = eSmry.summaryNodeList();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++ )
Opm::EclIO::SummaryNode n = nodes[i];
std::cout << n.keyword << " number: " << n.number << " msjNumber: " << n.smspecKeywordIndex << " "
<< n.unique_key() << "\n";
TEST( DISABLED_HDFTests, BasicFileRead )
std::string file_path = "D:/ResInsight/SourSim/PKMUNK_NOV_TEST_SS.sourpre.00001";
H5::Exception::dontPrint(); // Turn off auto-printing of failures to handle the errors appropriately
H5::H5File file( file_path.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY );
H5::Group timestep = file.openGroup( "Timestep_00001" );
H5::Attribute attr = timestep.openAttribute( "timestep" );
double timestep_value = 0.0;
H5::DataType type = attr.getDataType(); type, &timestep_value );
// std::cout << "Timestep value " << timestep_value << std::endl;
EXPECT_NEAR( timestep_value, 1.0, 1e-1 );
// Group size is not an attribute!
H5::Group GridFunctions = file.openGroup( "Timestep_00001/GridParts/GridPart_00000/GridFunctions" );
hsize_t group_size = GridFunctions.getNumObjs();
// std::cout << "GridFunctions group_size " << group_size << std::endl;
EXPECT_EQ( size_t( 20 ), group_size );
/* for (hsize_t i = 0; i < group_size; i++)
// H5std_string node_name = GridFunctions.getObjnameByIdx(i); // crashes on VS2017 due
to lib/heap/runtime differences to HDF5 VS2015 lib
std::string node_name;
ssize_t slen = GridFunctions.getObjnameByIdx(i, &node_name[0], 1023);
node_name.resize(slen + 1);
std::cout << "GridFunctions sub-node name " << node_name << std::endl;
std::string first_subnode( 1024, '\0' );
ssize_t slen = GridFunctions.getObjnameByIdx( 0, &first_subnode[0], 1023 );
first_subnode.resize( slen + 1 );
EXPECT_TRUE( 0, slen, "GridFunction_00002" ) == 0 );
H5::Group GridFunction_00002 =
file.openGroup( "Timestep_00001/GridParts/GridPart_00000/GridFunctions/GridFunction_00002" );
H5::Attribute attr = GridFunction_00002.openAttribute( "limits_max" );
double limits_max = 0.0;
H5::DataType type = attr.getDataType(); type, &limits_max );
// std::cout << "limits_max " << limits_max << std::endl;
EXPECT_NEAR( limits_max, 0.3970204292629652, 1e-10 );
H5::Group GridFunction_00002 =
file.openGroup( "Timestep_00001/GridParts/GridPart_00000/GridFunctions/GridFunction_00002" );
H5::DataSet dataset = H5::DataSet( GridFunction_00002.openDataSet( "values" ) );
hsize_t dims[2];
H5::DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace();
dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims( dims, nullptr );
std::vector<double> values;
values.resize( dims[0] );, H5::PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE );
/* for (hsize_t i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++)
std::cout << "value " << i << " " << values[i] << std::endl;
EXPECT_NEAR( values[0], 0.32356910366452146, 1e-10 );
EXPECT_NEAR( values[dims[0] - 1], 0.12200070891582514, 1e-10 );
} // end of try block
catch ( H5::FileIException& error ) // catch failure caused by the H5File operations
std::cout << error.getCDetailMsg();
catch ( H5::DataSetIException& error ) // catch failure caused by the DataSet operations
std::cout << error.getCDetailMsg();
catch ( H5::DataSpaceIException& error ) // catch failure caused by the DataSpace operations
std::cout << error.getCDetailMsg();
catch ( H5::DataTypeIException& error ) // catch failure caused by the DataSpace operations
std::cout << error.getCDetailMsg();
#endif // USE_HDF5