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// Custom Visualization Core library
// Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Ceetron AS
// This library may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or
// the GNU Lesser General Public License as follows:
// GNU General Public License Usage
// This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>>
// for more details.
// GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>>
// for more details.
#include "cvfBase.h"
#include "cvfPlane.h"
#include "cvfMath.h"
namespace cvf {
/// \class cvf::Plane
/// \ingroup Core
/// Class defining a plane in space
/// The class describes a plane by the equation: \f$Ax + By + Cz + D = 0\f$
/// The plane's normal is defined by the coefficients \f$[A, B, C]\f$
/// Default constructor
/// The plane will be set to invalid
// Invalidate plane coefficients
// Note: Coefficients set to zero will still comply with the line equation but
// the normal is of zero length which is considered an invalid state in this class.
m_A = m_B = m_C = m_D = 0.0;
/// Constructor with plane equation coefficients
/// Define a plane by the plane equation coefficients.
/// Setting at least the A, B and C coefficients to zero will effectually set the plane to invalid.
Plane::Plane(double A, double B, double C, double D)
m_A = A;
m_B = B;
m_C = C;
m_D = D;
/// Copy constructor
Plane::Plane(const Plane& other)
: Object()
*this = other;
/// Destructor
/// Assignment operator
const Plane& Plane::operator=(const Plane& rhs)
m_A = rhs.m_A;
m_B = rhs.m_B;
m_C = rhs.m_C;
m_D = rhs.m_D;
return *this;
/// Equality operator
/// Check if the two planes are identically defined. Note, equal planes may be defined differently
/// and are as such considered not to be identical to each other. (Different plane coefficients)
bool Plane::operator==(const Plane& rhs) const
if (m_A != rhs.m_A) return false;
if (m_B != rhs.m_B) return false;
if (m_C != rhs.m_C) return false;
if (m_D != rhs.m_D) return false;
return true;
/// Inequality operator
/// Check if the two planes are not identically defined. Note, equal planes may be defined differently
/// and are as such considered not to be identical to each other. (Different plane coefficients)
bool Plane::operator!=(const Plane& rhs) const
return !operator==(rhs);
/// Is the plane definition valid or not
/// The plane is considered invalid if the normal is of zero length
bool Plane::isValid() const
return !((m_A == 0.0) && (m_B == 0.0) && (m_C == 0.0));
/// Define a plane by the plane equation coefficients
/// \param A Plane coefficient A
/// \param B Plane coefficient B
/// \param C Plane coefficient C
/// \param D Plane coefficient D
/// The coefficients defines a plane by the equation: \f$Ax + By + Cz + D = 0\f$
/// The plane coefficients \f$[A, B, C]\f$ defines the normal to the plane
void Plane::set(double A, double B, double C, double D)
CVF_ASSERT(!(A == 0.0 && B == 0.0 && C == 0.0));
m_A = A;
m_B = B;
m_C = C;
m_D = D;
/// Compute the plane equation from the given point and normal
/// \param point Point on the plane
/// \param normal The plane's normal
bool Plane::setFromPointAndNormal(const Vec3d& point, const Vec3d& normal)
if (normal.isZero()) return false;
m_A = normal.x();
m_B = normal.y();
m_C = normal.z();
m_D = -(normal*point);
return true;
/// Compute the plane equation from the given three points
/// \param p1 First point on the plane
/// \param p2 Second point on the plane
/// \param p3 Third point on the plane
/// \return true if successfully set. false if points are on the same line.
/// The three points must be different from each other and cannot be on the same line in space
bool Plane::setFromPoints(const Vec3d& p1, const Vec3d& p2, const Vec3d& p3)
Vec3d v1 = p2 - p1;
Vec3d v2 = p3 - p1;
Vec3d normal = v1 ^ v2;
if (normal.isZero()) return false;
setFromPointAndNormal(p1, normal);
return true;
/// Get the normal of the plane
/// The normal may not be normalized
Vec3d Plane::normal() const
Vec3d normal = Vec3d(m_A, m_B, m_C);
return normal;
/// Get a point located on the plane
Vec3d Plane::pointInPlane() const
double distToOrigin = distanceToOrigin();
Vec3d point(m_A, m_B, m_C);
point *= distToOrigin;
return point;
/// Flip the plane
void Plane::flip()
m_A *= -1.0;
m_B *= -1.0;
m_C *= -1.0;
m_D *= -1.0;
/// Transforms the plane with the given homogeneous transformation \a matrix
void Plane::transform(const Mat4d& matrix)
Vec3d n = normal();
Vec3d point = pointInPlane();
setFromPointAndNormal(point, n);
/// Get the distance from the point to the plane
double Plane::distance(const Vec3d& point) const
double factor = Math::sqrt(m_A*m_A + m_B*m_B + m_C*m_C);
CVF_ASSERT(factor > 0.0);
double dist = distanceSquared(point) / factor;
return dist;
/// Get the square of the distance from the point to the plane
/// The square of the distance is relatively fast to compute (no \a sqrt) and is useful for determine
/// which side the point is on. To obtain the actual distance, divide by \f$\sqrt{(A^2 + B^2 + C^2)}\f$
/// or use the distance() function directly.
double Plane::distanceSquared(const Vec3d& point) const
return m_A*point.x() + m_B*point.y() + m_C*point.z() + m_D;
/// Get the distance from the plane to the origin
double Plane::distanceToOrigin() const
double factor = m_A*m_A + m_B*m_B + m_C*m_C;
CVF_ASSERT(factor > 0.0);
return -m_D/factor;
/// Project the given vector onto the plane
/// \param vector Vector to be projected
/// \param projectedVector Projected vector to be returned by pointer
/// \return true if successfully projected.
/// false if the given \a vector is parallel with the plane's normal
bool Plane::projectVector(const Vec3d& vector, Vec3d* projectedVector) const
Vec3d n = normal();
Vec3d tmp = n ^ vector;
Vec3d k = tmp ^ n;
double length = k.length();
if (length <= 0.0) return false;
k *= 1.0/length;
length = vector*k;
*projectedVector = k;
*projectedVector *= length;
return true;
/// Project the given point onto the plane
Vec3d Plane::projectPoint(const Vec3d& point) const
Vec3d pip = pointInPlane();
// Create vector from point in plane to node
Vec3d vector = point - pip;
// Project vector to find node in plane
Vec3d projectedPoint;
if (projectVector(vector, &projectedPoint))
projectedPoint += pip;
// The <point - pip> vector is parallel with the normal vector, use the point in plane as the projected
projectedPoint = pip;
return projectedPoint;
/// Find intersection line between two planes
/// \param other The other plane to find intersection line with
/// \param point Point on line
/// \param direction Normalized direction of line
/// \return true if success. false if direction is zero -> no point of intersection exists
bool Plane::intersect(const Plane& other, Vec3d* point, Vec3d* direction) const
// Note: Ripped from Graphics Gems III page 233.
double invdet = UNDEFINED_DOUBLE;
Vec3d normal1 = this->normal();
Vec3d normal2 = other.normal();
Vec3d vector = normal1 ^ normal2;
Vec3d dir2(vector.x()*vector.x(), vector.y()*vector.y(), vector.z()*vector.z());
// Todo: VTFIsGreater(...) and VTFeqZero(..) replacement
if ((dir2.z() > dir2.y()) && (dir2.z() > dir2.x()) && (dir2.z() != 0.0))
// then get a point on the XY plane
invdet = 1.0 / vector.z();
// solve < pl1.x() * xpt.x() + pl1.y() * xpt.y() = - pl1.w > < pl2.x() * xpt.x() + pl2.y() * xpt.y() = - pl2.w >
point->x() = m_B*other.m_D - other.m_B*m_D;
point->y() = other.m_A*m_D - m_A*other.m_D;
point->z() = 0.0;
// Todo: VTFIsGreater(...) and VTFeqZero(..) replacement
else if ((dir2.y() > dir2.x()) && (dir2.y() != 0.0))
// then get a point on the XZ plane
invdet = 1.0f / vector.y();
// solve < pl1.x() * xpt.x() + pl1.z() * xpt.z() = -pl1.w > < pl2.x() * xpt.x() + pl2.z() * xpt.z() = -pl2.w >
point->x() = other.m_C*m_D - m_C*other.m_D;
point->y() = 0.0;
point->z() = m_A*other.m_D - other.m_A*m_D;
// Todo: VTFeqZero(..) replacement
else if (dir2.x() != 0.0)
// then get a point on the YZ plane
invdet = 1.0 / vector.x();
// solve < pl1.y() * xpt.y() + pl1.z() * xpt.z() = - pl1.w > < pl2.y() * xpt.y() + pl2.z() * xpt.z() = - pl2.w >
point->x() = 0.0;
point->y() = m_C*other.m_D - other.m_C*m_D;
point->z() = other.m_B*m_D - m_B*other.m_D;
// direction is zero, then no point of intersection exists
return false;
*point *= invdet;
if (direction)
*direction = vector;
return true;
/// Find intersection between a line segment and a plane
/// \param a Start of line segment
/// \param b End of line segment
/// \param intersection Returns intersection point if not NULL
/// \return True if line segment intersects the plane
bool Plane::intersect(const Vec3d& a, const Vec3d& b, Vec3d* intersection) const
// From Real-Time Collision Detection by Christer Eriscon, published by Morgen Kaufmann Publishers, (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc
// Compute the t value for the directed line ab intersecting the plane
Vec3d ab = b - a;
double t = (-m_D - (normal() * a)) / (normal() * ab);
// If t in [0..1] compute and return intersection point
if (t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0)
if (intersection)
*intersection = a + t * ab;
return true;
return false;
/// Classify where the point is located relative to the plane
/// \return Plane::FRONT if the point is located on the side the plane normal is pointing\n
/// Plane::BACK if the point is located on the opposite side the plane normal is pointing\n
/// Plane::ON if the point is located in the plane
Plane::Side Plane::side(const Vec3d& point) const
double d = distanceSquared(point);
if (d > 0.0)
return FRONT;
else if (d < 0.0)
return BACK;
return ON;
/// Classify where the points are located relative to the plane
/// \param points Points to test for location relative the plane
/// \return Plane::FRONT if points are either Plane::FRONT or Plane::ON\n
/// Plane::BACK if points are either Plane::BACK or Plane::ON\n
/// Plane::ON if all points are Plane::ON\n
/// Plane::BOTH if points are located on both sides
Plane::Side Plane::side(const Vec3dArray& points) const
// Code taken from
// http://code.google.com/p/papervision3d/source/browse/trunk/as3/trunk/src/org/papervision3d/core/math/util/ClassificationUtil.as
cvf::uint frontCount = 0;
cvf::uint backCount = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
Side s = side(points[i]);
if (s == FRONT)
else if (s == BACK)
if (frontCount > 0 && backCount == 0)
return FRONT;
else if (frontCount == 0 && backCount > 0)
return BACK;
else if (frontCount > 0 && backCount > 0)
return BOTH;
return ON;
} // namespace cvf