mirror of
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845 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2017 Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel.h"
#include "RiuDockedQwtPlot.h"
#include "RiuQwtPlotCurve.h"
#include "RiuQwtPlotTools.h"
#include "RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotUpdater.h"
#include "RiuTextDialog.h"
#include "RiaCurveDataTools.h"
#include "RigFlowDiagSolverInterface.h"
#include "cvfAssert.h"
#include "cvfTrace.h"
#include "qwt_legend.h"
#include "qwt_plot.h"
#include "qwt_plot_curve.h"
#include "qwt_plot_marker.h"
#include "qwt_scale_engine.h"
#include "qwt_symbol.h"
#include <QButtonGroup>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QContextMenuEvent>
#include <QDockWidget>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
class RelPermQwtPlot : public RiuDockedQwtPlot
RelPermQwtPlot( QWidget* parent )
: RiuDockedQwtPlot( parent )
QSize sizeHint() const override
return QSize( 100, 100 );
QSize minimumSizeHint() const override
return QSize( 0, 0 );
/// \class RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel
RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel( QDockWidget* parent )
: QWidget( parent )
, m_unitSystem( RiaEclipseUnitTools::UNITS_UNKNOWN )
, m_swat( HUGE_VAL )
, m_sgas( HUGE_VAL )
, m_plotUpdater( new RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotUpdater( this ) )
m_qwtPlot = new RelPermQwtPlot( this );
setPlotDefaults( m_qwtPlot );
applyFontSizes( false );
m_selectedCurvesButtonGroup = new QButtonGroup( this );
m_selectedCurvesButtonGroup->setExclusive( false );
m_selectedCurvesButtonGroup->addButton( new QCheckBox( "KRW" ), RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KRW );
m_selectedCurvesButtonGroup->addButton( new QCheckBox( "KRG" ), RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KRG );
m_selectedCurvesButtonGroup->addButton( new QCheckBox( "KROW" ), RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KROW );
m_selectedCurvesButtonGroup->addButton( new QCheckBox( "KROG" ), RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KROG );
m_selectedCurvesButtonGroup->addButton( new QCheckBox( "PCOW" ), RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::PCOW );
m_selectedCurvesButtonGroup->addButton( new QCheckBox( "PCOG" ), RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::PCOG );
QGroupBox* groupBox = new QGroupBox( "Curves" );
QGridLayout* groupBoxLayout = new QGridLayout;
groupBox->setLayout( groupBoxLayout );
QList<QAbstractButton*> checkButtonList = m_selectedCurvesButtonGroup->buttons();
for ( int i = 0; i < checkButtonList.size(); i++ )
checkButtonList[i]->setChecked( true );
groupBoxLayout->addWidget( checkButtonList[i], i / 2, i % 2 );
m_logarithmicScaleKrAxisCheckBox = new QCheckBox( "Log Scale Kr Axis" );
m_showUnscaledCheckBox = new QCheckBox( "Show Unscaled" );
m_fixedXAxisCheckBox = new QCheckBox( "Fixed [0, 1] X-axis" );
m_fixedLeftYAxisCheckBox = new QCheckBox( "Fixed [0, 1] Kr-axis" );
m_fixedXAxisCheckBox->setChecked( true );
m_fixedLeftYAxisCheckBox->setChecked( true );
QVBoxLayout* leftLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
leftLayout->addWidget( groupBox );
leftLayout->addWidget( m_logarithmicScaleKrAxisCheckBox );
leftLayout->addWidget( m_showUnscaledCheckBox );
leftLayout->addWidget( m_fixedXAxisCheckBox );
leftLayout->addWidget( m_fixedLeftYAxisCheckBox );
leftLayout->addStretch( 1 );
QHBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
mainLayout->addLayout( leftLayout );
mainLayout->addWidget( m_qwtPlot );
mainLayout->setContentsMargins( 5, 0, 0, 0 );
setLayout( mainLayout );
connect( m_selectedCurvesButtonGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), SLOT( slotButtonInButtonGroupClicked( int ) ) );
connect( m_logarithmicScaleKrAxisCheckBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), SLOT( slotSomeCheckBoxStateChanged( int ) ) );
connect( m_showUnscaledCheckBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), SLOT( slotSomeCheckBoxStateChanged( int ) ) );
connect( m_fixedXAxisCheckBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), SLOT( slotSomeCheckBoxStateChanged( int ) ) );
connect( m_fixedLeftYAxisCheckBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), SLOT( slotSomeCheckBoxStateChanged( int ) ) );
RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::~RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel() {}
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::setPlotDefaults( QwtPlot* plot )
RiuQwtPlotTools::setCommonPlotBehaviour( plot );
QwtText plotTitle = plot->title();
QFont titleFont = plotTitle.font();
titleFont.setPointSize( 10 );
plotTitle.setFont( titleFont );
plot->setTitle( plotTitle );
plot->enableAxis( QwtPlot::xBottom, true );
plot->enableAxis( QwtPlot::yLeft, true );
plot->enableAxis( QwtPlot::xTop, false );
plot->enableAxis( QwtPlot::yRight, false );
plot->setAxisMaxMinor( QwtPlot::xBottom, 2 );
plot->setAxisMaxMinor( QwtPlot::yLeft, 3 );
QwtLegend* legend = new QwtLegend( plot );
plot->insertLegend( legend, QwtPlot::BottomLegend );
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::setPlotData( RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem unitSystem,
const std::vector<RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve>& relPermCurves,
double swat,
double sgas,
const QString& caseName,
const QString& cellReferenceText )
// cvf::Trace::show("Set RelPerm plot data");
m_unitSystem = unitSystem;
m_allCurvesArr = relPermCurves;
m_swat = swat;
m_sgas = sgas;
m_caseName = caseName;
m_cellReferenceText = cellReferenceText;
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::clearPlot()
// cvf::Trace::show("Clear RelPerm plot data");
if ( m_allCurvesArr.empty() && m_cellReferenceText.isEmpty() )
m_unitSystem = RiaEclipseUnitTools::UNITS_UNKNOWN;
m_swat = HUGE_VAL;
m_sgas = HUGE_VAL;
plotCurvesInQwt( m_unitSystem,
&m_myPlotMarkers );
RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotUpdater* RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::plotUpdater()
return m_plotUpdater.get();
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::applyFontSizes( bool replot /*= true*/ )
m_qwtPlot->applyFontSizes( replot );
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::plotUiSelectedCurves()
std::vector<RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve> selectedCurves = gatherUiSelectedCurves();
const bool useLogScale = m_logarithmicScaleKrAxisCheckBox->isChecked();
const bool fixedXAxis = m_fixedXAxisCheckBox->isChecked();
const bool fixedYAxis = m_fixedLeftYAxisCheckBox->isChecked();
plotCurvesInQwt( m_unitSystem,
&m_myPlotMarkers );
/// Add a transparent curve to make tooltip available on given points.
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::addTransparentCurve( QwtPlot* plot,
const std::vector<QPointF>& points,
const std::vector<WhichYAxis>& axes,
bool logScaleLeftAxis )
QwtPlotCurve* curveLeftAxis = new QwtPlotCurve();
QwtPlotCurve* curveRightAxis = new QwtPlotCurve();
QVector<QPointF> pointsOnLeftAxis;
QVector<QPointF> pointsOnRightAxis;
// Each point is defined by either left or right axis
CVF_ASSERT( points.size() == axes.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++ )
if ( !RiaCurveDataTools::isValidValue( points[i].y(), logScaleLeftAxis ) ) continue;
if ( axes[i] == LEFT_YAXIS )
pointsOnLeftAxis.push_back( points[i] );
pointsOnRightAxis.push_back( points[i] );
curveLeftAxis->setSamples( pointsOnLeftAxis );
curveRightAxis->setSamples( pointsOnRightAxis );
curveLeftAxis->setYAxis( QwtPlot::yLeft );
curveRightAxis->setYAxis( QwtPlot::yRight );
curveLeftAxis->setStyle( QwtPlotCurve::NoCurve );
curveRightAxis->setStyle( QwtPlotCurve::NoCurve );
curveLeftAxis->setLegendAttribute( QwtPlotCurve::LegendNoAttribute );
curveRightAxis->setLegendAttribute( QwtPlotCurve::LegendNoAttribute );
curveLeftAxis->attach( plot );
curveRightAxis->attach( plot );
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::plotCurvesInQwt( RiaEclipseUnitTools::UnitSystem unitSystem,
const std::vector<RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve>& curveArr,
double swat,
double sgas,
QString cellReferenceText,
bool logScaleLeftAxis,
bool fixedXAxis,
bool fixedLeftYAxis,
QwtPlot* plot,
std::vector<QwtPlotMarker*>* myPlotMarkers )
plot->detachItems( QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotCurve );
// Workaround for detaching only plot markers that we have added
// Needed as long as the curve point tracker is also using plot markers for its marking
// plot->detachItems(QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotMarker);
for ( QwtPlotMarker* marker : *myPlotMarkers )
delete marker;
std::vector<QPointF> points;
std::vector<WhichYAxis> axes;
bool shouldEnableRightYAxis = false;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < curveArr.size(); i++ )
const RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve& curve = curveArr[i];
// Which axis should this curve be plotted on
WhichYAxis plotOnWhichYAxis = LEFT_YAXIS;
if ( curve.ident == RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::PCOW ||
curve.ident == RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::PCOG )
plotOnWhichYAxis = RIGHT_YAXIS;
// QwtPlotCurve* qwtCurve = new QwtPlotCurve(curve.name.c_str());
RiuQwtPlotCurve* qwtCurve = new RiuQwtPlotCurve( curve.name.c_str() );
CVF_ASSERT( curve.saturationVals.size() == curve.yVals.size() );
// qwtCurve->setSamples(curve.xVals.data(), curve.yVals.data(), static_cast<int>(curve.xVals.size()));
const bool includePositiveValuesOnly = ( logScaleLeftAxis && plotOnWhichYAxis == LEFT_YAXIS );
qwtCurve->setSamplesFromXValuesAndYValues( curve.saturationVals, curve.yVals, includePositiveValuesOnly );
qwtCurve->setTitle( curve.name.c_str() );
qwtCurve->setStyle( QwtPlotCurve::Lines );
Qt::PenStyle penStyle = Qt::SolidLine;
QColor clr = Qt::magenta;
switch ( curve.ident )
case RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KRW:
clr = QColor( 0, 0, 200 );
case RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KROW:
clr = QColor( 0, 0, 200 );
case RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::PCOW:
clr = QColor( 0, 130, 175 );
penStyle = Qt::DashLine;
case RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KRG:
clr = QColor( 200, 0, 0 );
case RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KROG:
clr = QColor( 200, 0, 0 );
case RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::PCOG:
clr = QColor( 225, 110, 0 );
penStyle = Qt::DashLine;
const QPen curvePen( clr, 1, penStyle );
qwtCurve->setPen( curvePen );
QwtSymbol* curveSymbol = new QwtSymbol( QwtSymbol::Ellipse );
curveSymbol->setSize( 6, 6 );
curveSymbol->setPen( clr );
curveSymbol->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
qwtCurve->setSymbol( curveSymbol );
qwtCurve->setLegendAttribute( QwtPlotCurve::LegendShowLine, true );
qwtCurve->setLegendAttribute( QwtPlotCurve::LegendShowSymbol, true );
qwtCurve->setLegendAttribute( QwtPlotCurve::LegendShowBrush, true );
qwtCurve->setRenderHint( QwtPlotItem::RenderAntialiased, true );
if ( plotOnWhichYAxis == RIGHT_YAXIS )
qwtCurve->setYAxis( QwtPlot::yRight );
shouldEnableRightYAxis = true;
qwtCurve->attach( plot );
// Add markers to indicate where SWAT and/or SGAS saturation intersects the respective curves
// Note that if we're using log scale we must guard against non-positive values
if ( swat != HUGE_VAL )
if ( curve.ident == RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KRW ||
curve.ident == RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KROW ||
curve.ident == RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::PCOW )
addCurveConstSaturationIntersectionMarker( curve,
&axes );
if ( sgas != HUGE_VAL )
if ( curve.ident == RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KRG ||
curve.ident == RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KROG ||
curve.ident == RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::PCOG )
addCurveConstSaturationIntersectionMarker( curve,
&axes );
plot->enableAxis( QwtPlot::yRight, shouldEnableRightYAxis );
addTransparentCurve( plot, points, axes, logScaleLeftAxis );
// Add vertical marker lines to indicate cell SWAT and/or SGAS saturations
if ( swat != HUGE_VAL )
addVerticalSaturationMarkerLine( swat, "SWAT", Qt::blue, plot, myPlotMarkers );
if ( sgas != HUGE_VAL )
addVerticalSaturationMarkerLine( sgas, "SGAS", Qt::red, plot, myPlotMarkers );
if ( logScaleLeftAxis )
if ( !dynamic_cast<QwtLogScaleEngine*>( plot->axisScaleEngine( QwtPlot::yLeft ) ) )
plot->setAxisScaleEngine( QwtPlot::yLeft, new QwtLogScaleEngine );
if ( !dynamic_cast<QwtLinearScaleEngine*>( plot->axisScaleEngine( QwtPlot::yLeft ) ) )
plot->setAxisScaleEngine( QwtPlot::yLeft, new QwtLinearScaleEngine );
if ( fixedXAxis )
plot->setAxisScale( QwtPlot::xBottom, 0.0, 1.0 );
plot->setAxisAutoScale( QwtPlot::xBottom, false );
plot->setAxisAutoScale( QwtPlot::xBottom, true );
if ( fixedLeftYAxis )
if ( logScaleLeftAxis )
plot->setAxisScale( QwtPlot::yLeft, 1.0e-6, 1.0 );
plot->setAxisScale( QwtPlot::yLeft, 0.0, 1.0 );
plot->setAxisAutoScale( QwtPlot::yLeft, false );
plot->setAxisAutoScale( QwtPlot::yLeft, true );
QString titleStr = "Relative Permeability";
if ( !cellReferenceText.isEmpty() )
titleStr += ", " + cellReferenceText;
plot->setTitle( titleStr );
plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::xBottom, determineXAxisTitleFromCurveCollection( curveArr ) );
plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::yLeft, "Kr" );
plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::yRight,
QString( "Pc [%1]" ).arg( RiaEclipseUnitTools::unitStringPressure( unitSystem ) ) );
QString RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::determineXAxisTitleFromCurveCollection(
const std::vector<RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve>& curveArr )
bool sawWater = false;
bool sawGas = false;
for ( RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve curve : curveArr )
switch ( curve.ident )
case RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KRW:
sawWater = true;
case RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KROW:
sawWater = true;
case RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::PCOW:
sawWater = true;
case RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KRG:
sawGas = true;
case RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::KROG:
sawGas = true;
case RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::PCOG:
sawGas = true;
QString title = "";
if ( sawWater && sawGas )
title = "Water/Gas ";
else if ( sawWater )
title = "Water ";
else if ( sawGas )
title = "Gas ";
title += "Saturation";
return title;
/// Add a vertical labeled marker line at the specified saturation value
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::addVerticalSaturationMarkerLine( double saturationValue,
QString label,
QColor color,
QwtPlot* plot,
std::vector<QwtPlotMarker*>* myPlotMarkers )
QwtPlotMarker* lineMarker = new QwtPlotMarker;
lineMarker->setXValue( saturationValue );
lineMarker->setLineStyle( QwtPlotMarker::VLine );
lineMarker->setLinePen( QPen( color, 1, Qt::DotLine ) );
lineMarker->setLabel( label );
lineMarker->setLabelAlignment( Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight );
lineMarker->setLabelOrientation( Qt::Vertical );
lineMarker->attach( plot );
myPlotMarkers->push_back( lineMarker );
/// Add a marker at the intersection of the passed curve and the constant saturation value
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::addCurveConstSaturationIntersectionMarker(
const RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve& curve,
double saturationValue,
QColor markerColor,
WhichYAxis whichYAxis,
QwtPlot* plot,
std::vector<QwtPlotMarker*>* myPlotMarkers,
std::vector<QPointF>* points,
std::vector<WhichYAxis>* axes )
const double yVal = interpolatedCurveYValue( curve.saturationVals, curve.yVals, saturationValue );
if ( yVal != HUGE_VAL )
QwtPlotMarker* pointMarker = new QwtPlotMarker;
pointMarker->setValue( saturationValue, yVal );
QwtSymbol* symbol = new QwtSymbol( QwtSymbol::Ellipse );
symbol->setSize( 13, 13 );
symbol->setPen( QPen( markerColor, 2 ) );
symbol->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
pointMarker->setSymbol( symbol );
pointMarker->attach( plot );
if ( whichYAxis == RIGHT_YAXIS )
pointMarker->setYAxis( QwtPlot::yRight );
myPlotMarkers->push_back( pointMarker );
axes->push_back( whichYAxis );
points->push_back( QPointF( saturationValue, yVal ) );
/// Assumes that all the x-values are ordered in increasing order
double RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::interpolatedCurveYValue( const std::vector<double>& xVals,
const std::vector<double>& yVals,
double x )
if ( xVals.size() == 0 ) return HUGE_VAL;
if ( x < xVals.front() ) return HUGE_VAL;
if ( x > xVals.back() ) return HUGE_VAL;
// Find first element greater or equal to the passed x-value
std::vector<double>::const_iterator it = std::upper_bound( xVals.begin(), xVals.end(), x );
// Due to checks above, we should never come up empty, but to safeguard against NaNs etc
if ( it == xVals.end() )
return HUGE_VAL;
// Corner case - exact match on first element
if ( it == xVals.begin() )
return yVals.front();
const size_t idx1 = it - xVals.begin();
CVF_ASSERT( idx1 > 0 );
const size_t idx0 = idx1 - 1;
const double x0 = xVals[idx0];
const double y0 = yVals[idx0];
const double x1 = xVals[idx1];
const double y1 = yVals[idx1];
CVF_ASSERT( x1 > x0 );
const double t = ( x1 - x0 ) > 0 ? ( x - x0 ) / ( x1 - x0 ) : 0;
const double y = y0 * ( 1.0 - t ) + y1 * t;
return y;
std::vector<RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve> RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::gatherUiSelectedCurves() const
std::vector<RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve> selectedCurves;
// Determine which curves to actually plot based on selection in GUI
const RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::EpsMode epsModeToShow =
m_showUnscaledCheckBox->isChecked() ? RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::EPS_OFF
: RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::EPS_ON;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_allCurvesArr.size(); i++ )
const RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::Ident curveIdent = m_allCurvesArr[i].ident;
const RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve::EpsMode curveEpsMode = m_allCurvesArr[i].epsMode;
if ( curveEpsMode == epsModeToShow )
if ( m_selectedCurvesButtonGroup->button( curveIdent ) &&
m_selectedCurvesButtonGroup->button( curveIdent )->isChecked() )
selectedCurves.push_back( m_allCurvesArr[i] );
return selectedCurves;
QString RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::asciiDataForUiSelectedCurves() const
std::vector<RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve> selectedCurves = gatherUiSelectedCurves();
QString outTxt;
// Info header
outTxt += m_caseName + ", " + m_cellReferenceText + "\n";
// Column headers
for ( size_t icurve = 0; icurve < selectedCurves.size(); icurve++ )
if ( icurve > 0 ) outTxt += "\t";
const RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve& curve = selectedCurves[icurve];
outTxt += "Saturation";
outTxt += "\t";
outTxt += curve.name.c_str();
// Table data
size_t sampleIndex = 0;
bool iterationContributedData = true;
while ( iterationContributedData )
iterationContributedData = false;
QString lineStr = "\n";
for ( size_t icurve = 0; icurve < selectedCurves.size(); icurve++ )
if ( icurve > 0 ) lineStr += "\t";
const RigFlowDiagSolverInterface::RelPermCurve& curve = selectedCurves[icurve];
if ( sampleIndex < curve.saturationVals.size() && sampleIndex < curve.yVals.size() )
lineStr += QString::number( curve.saturationVals[sampleIndex], 'g', 6 );
lineStr += "\t";
lineStr += QString::number( curve.yVals[sampleIndex], 'g', 6 );
iterationContributedData = true;
lineStr += "\t";
if ( iterationContributedData )
outTxt += lineStr;
return outTxt;
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent* event )
QMenu menu;
const int curveCount = m_qwtPlot->itemList( QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotCurve ).count();
QAction* act = menu.addAction( "Show Plot Data", this, SLOT( slotCurrentPlotDataInTextDialog() ) );
act->setEnabled( curveCount > 0 );
menu.exec( event->globalPos() );
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::slotCurrentPlotDataInTextDialog()
QString outTxt = asciiDataForUiSelectedCurves();
RiuTextDialog* textDialog = new RiuTextDialog( this );
textDialog->setMinimumSize( 400, 600 );
textDialog->setWindowTitle( "Relative Permeability Data" );
textDialog->setText( outTxt );
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::slotButtonInButtonGroupClicked( int )
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::slotSomeCheckBoxStateChanged( int )
: min( HUGE_VAL )
, max( -HUGE_VAL )
void RiuRelativePermeabilityPlotPanel::ValueRange::add( const ValueRange& range )
if ( range.max >= range.min )
if ( range.max > max )
max = range.max;
if ( range.min < min )
min = range.min;