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// Custom Visualization Core library
// Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Ceetron AS
// This library may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or
// the GNU Lesser General Public License as follows:
// GNU General Public License Usage
// This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>>
// for more details.
// GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>>
// for more details.
#include "cvfBase.h"
#include "cvfGeometryBuilder.h"
#include "cvfGeometryUtils.h"
#include "cvfMatrix4.h"
#include <map>
namespace cvf {
/// \class cvf::GeometryUtils
/// \ingroup Geometry
/// Static helper class for creating geometries from primitive shapes.
/// Create a 2D patch
/// \param origin The start point of the patch
/// \param uUnit Direction vector u. First point 'to the right of' origin is origin + uUnit.
/// \param vUnit Direction vector v. Coordinates of first point 'above' origin is origin + vunit.
/// \param uCellCount The number of cells/quads to generate along the uUnit dimension.
/// \param vCellCount The number of cells/quads to generate along the vUnit dimension.
/// \param builder Geometry builder to use when creating geometry
/// The figure below illustrates how the patch is constructed from the specified parameters.
/// <PRE>
/// v8-----v9----v10----v11 Parameters: Resulting vertices:
/// | | | | origin = (10,20,0) v0 = (10,20,0)
/// origin | | | | uUnit = (2,0,0) v1 = (12,20,0)
/// + vunit v4-----v5-----v6-----v7 |y vUnit = (0,1,0) v2 = (14,20,0)
/// | | | | | uCellCount = 3 v3 = (16,20,0)
/// | | | | | vCellCount = 2 v4 = (10,21,0)
/// v0-----v1-----v2-----v3 *----x v5 = (12,21,0)
/// origin origin :
/// + uUnit </PRE>
/// The following quad connectivities will be produced:\n
/// <TT> (v4,v0,v1,v5) (v5,v1,v2,v6) (v6,v2,v3,v5) ... (v10,v6,v7,v11)</TT>
void GeometryUtils::createPatch(const Vec3f& origin, const Vec3f& uUnit, const Vec3f& vUnit, uint uCellCount, uint vCellCount, GeometryBuilder* builder)
CVF_ASSERT(uCellCount > 0);
CVF_ASSERT(vCellCount > 0);
uint numVertices = (uCellCount + 1)*(vCellCount + 1);
uint numQuads = uCellCount*vCellCount;
Vec3fArray vertices;
uint u, v;
for (v = 0; v <= vCellCount; v++)
for (u = 0; u <= uCellCount; u++)
vertices.add(origin + static_cast<float>(u)*uUnit + static_cast<float>(v)*vUnit);
uint baseNodeIdx = builder->addVertices(vertices);
UIntArray conn;
for (v = 0; v < vCellCount; v++)
for (u = 0; u < uCellCount; u++)
conn.add(baseNodeIdx + u + (v + 1)*(uCellCount + 1));
conn.add(baseNodeIdx + u + v*(uCellCount + 1));
conn.add(baseNodeIdx + u + 1 + v*(uCellCount + 1));
conn.add(baseNodeIdx + u + 1 + (v + 1)*(uCellCount + 1));
/// Create a 3D solid box spanning diagonally from min to max
/// \param min The coordinate that represent one corner of the box.
/// \param max The coordinate that lie diagonal from max on the opposite face of the box
/// \param builder Geometry builder to use when creating geometry
/// This method creates a box with no shared vertices resulting in sharp corners during shading.
void GeometryUtils::createBox(const Vec3f& min, const Vec3f& max, GeometryBuilder* builder)
// The ordering of the faces is consistent with GLviewAPI's hexahedron element.
// Note that the vertex ordering within a face is not consistent
// 7---------6 Faces:
// /| /| |z 0 bottom 0, 3, 2, 1
// / | / | | /y 1 top 4, 5, 6, 7
// 4---------5 | |/ 2 front 4, 0, 1, 5
// | 3------|--2 *---x 3 right 5, 1, 2, 6
// | / | / 4 back 6, 2, 3, 7
// |/ |/ 5 left 7, 3, 0, 4
// 0---------1
Vec3f v0(min.x(), min.y(), min.z());
Vec3f v1(max.x(), min.y(), min.z());
Vec3f v2(max.x(), max.y(), min.z());
Vec3f v3(min.x(), max.y(), min.z());
Vec3f v4(min.x(), min.y(), max.z());
Vec3f v5(max.x(), min.y(), max.z());
Vec3f v6(max.x(), max.y(), max.z());
Vec3f v7(min.x(), max.y(), max.z());
builder->addQuadByVertices(v0, v3, v2, v1);
builder->addQuadByVertices(v4, v5, v6, v7);
builder->addQuadByVertices(v4, v0, v1, v5);
builder->addQuadByVertices(v5, v1, v2, v6);
builder->addQuadByVertices(v6, v2, v3, v7);
builder->addQuadByVertices(v7, v3, v0, v4);
/// Create a 3D solid box at the specified position and with the given total extents
/// \param centerPos Position of center of box
/// \param extentX Total extent of box along x-axis
/// \param extentY Total extent of box along y-axis
/// \param extentZ Total extent of box along z-axis
/// \param builder Geometry builder to use when creating geometry
void GeometryUtils::createBox(const Vec3f& centerPos, float extentX, float extentY, float extentZ, GeometryBuilder* builder)
Vec3f halfExtent(extentX/2, extentY/2, extentZ/2);
Vec3f min(centerPos - halfExtent);
Vec3f max(centerPos + halfExtent);
createBox(min, max, builder);
/// Create a disc centered at origin with its normal along positive z-axis
/// \param radius Outer radius of the disc
/// \param numSlices The number of subdivisions around the z-axis. Must be >= 4
/// \param builder Geometry builder to use when creating geometry
/// Creates a disc on the z = 0 plane, centered at origin and with its surface normal pointing
/// along the positive z-axis.
/// The disk is subdivided around the z axis into numSlices (as in pizza slices).
/// The sourceNodes that will be produced by this method:
/// <PRE>
/// 1
/// /-----\ 8
/// 2/\ | /\ |y
/// / \ | / \ |
/// | \|/ | |
/// 3|----0----|7 |
/// | /|\ | *-----x
/// \ / | \ / /
/// 4\/ | \/6 /z
/// \-----/
/// 5 </PRE>
/// The following triangle connectivities will be produced:\n
/// <TT> (0,1,2) (0,2,3) (0,3,4) ... (0,8,1)</TT>
void GeometryUtils::createDisc(double radius, uint numSlices, GeometryBuilder* builder)
CVF_ASSERT(numSlices >= 4);
double da = 2*PI_D/numSlices;
Vec3fArray verts;
verts.reserve(numSlices + 1);
// Center of disc
Vec3f point = Vec3f::ZERO;
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++)
// Precompute this one (A = i*da;)
double sinA = Math::sin(i*da);
double cosA = Math::cos(i*da);
point.x() = static_cast<float>(-sinA*radius);
point.y() = static_cast<float>( cosA*radius);
uint baseNodeIdx = builder->addVertices(verts);
// Vec3fArray myArray;
// myArray.resize(10);
// generatePointsOnCircle(radius, numSlices, &myArray);
uint conn[3] = { baseNodeIdx, 0, 0};
for (i = numSlices; i > 0; i--)
conn[1] = baseNodeIdx + i + 1;
conn[2] = baseNodeIdx + i + 0;
if (i == numSlices) conn[1] = baseNodeIdx + 1;
builder->addTriangle(conn[0], conn[1], conn[2]);
/// Create a disk with a hole in the middle
void GeometryUtils::createDisc(double outerRadius, double innerRadius, uint numSlices, GeometryBuilder* builder)
CVF_ASSERT(numSlices >= 4);
double da = 2*PI_D/numSlices;
Vec3fArray verts;
Vec3f point = Vec3f::ZERO;
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++)
// Precompute this one (A = i*da;)
double sinA = Math::sin(i*da);
double cosA = Math::cos(i*da);
point.x() = static_cast<float>(-sinA*innerRadius);
point.y() = static_cast<float>( cosA*innerRadius);
point.x() = static_cast<float>(-sinA*outerRadius);
point.y() = static_cast<float>( cosA*outerRadius);
uint baseNodeIdx = builder->addVertices(verts);
uint conn[3] = { baseNodeIdx, 0, 0};
for (i = 0; i < numSlices - 1; ++i)
uint startIdx = baseNodeIdx + 2*i;
conn[0] = startIdx + 0;
conn[1] = startIdx + 3;
conn[2] = startIdx + 1;
builder->addTriangle(conn[0], conn[1], conn[2]);
conn[0] = startIdx + 2;
conn[1] = startIdx + 3;
conn[2] = startIdx + 0;
builder->addTriangle(conn[0], conn[1], conn[2]);
builder->addTriangle(baseNodeIdx + 0, baseNodeIdx + 1, baseNodeIdx + numSlices*2 - 1);
builder->addTriangle(baseNodeIdx + 0, baseNodeIdx + numSlices*2 - 1, baseNodeIdx + numSlices*2 - 2);
// void GeometryUtils::generatePointsOnCircle(double radius, int numPoints, Vec3fArray* generatedPoints)
// {
// CVF_ASSERT(generatedPoints);
// generatedPoints->reserve(generatedPoints->size() + numPoints);
// double da = 2*PI_D/numPoints;
// Vec3f point = Vec3f::ZERO;
// int i;
// for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
// {
// // Precompute this one (A = i*da;)
// double sinA = sin(i*da);
// double cosA = cos(i*da);
// point.x() = static_cast<float>(-sinA*radius);
// point.y() = static_cast<float>( cosA*radius);
// generatedPoints->add(point);
// }
// }
// void GeometryUtils::createDiscUsingFan(double radius, int numSlices, GeometryBuilder* geometryBuilder)
// {
// CVF_ASSERT(numSlices >= 4);
// CVF_ASSERT(geometryBuilder);
// double da = 2*PI_D/numSlices;
// Vec3fArray verts;
// verts.preAllocBuffer(numSlices + 1);
// // Center of disc
// verts.addToPreAlloc(Vec3f::ZERO);
// Vec3f point = Vec3f::ZERO;
// int i;
// for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++)
// {
// // Precompute this one (A = i*da;)
// double sinA = sin(i*da);
// double cosA = cos(i*da);
// point.x() = static_cast<float>(-sinA*radius);
// point.y() = static_cast<float>( cosA*radius);
// verts.addToPreAlloc(point);
// }
// int baseNodeIdx = geometryBuilder->addVertices(verts);
// IntArray conns;
// conns.resize(numSlices + 2);
// for (i = 0; i < numSlices + 1; i++)
// {
// conns[i] = baseNodeIdx + i;
// }
// conns[numSlices + 1] = baseNodeIdx + 1;
// geometryBuilder->addTriangleFan(conns);
// }
/// Create a sphere with center in origin
/// \param radius Radius of sphere
/// \param numSlices The number of subdivisions around the z-axis (similar to lines of longitude).
/// \param numStacks The number of subdivisions along the z-axis (similar to lines of latitude).
/// \param builder Geometry builder to use when creating geometry
void GeometryUtils::createSphere(double radius, uint numSlices, uint numStacks, GeometryBuilder* builder)
// Code is strongly inspired by mesa.
// From GLviewAPI:
// float nsign = bNormalsOutwards ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
// Could be added as a param if needed (e.g. dome)
const double nsign = 1.0;
double rho = PI_D/numStacks;
double theta = 2.0*PI_D/static_cast<double>(numSlices);
// Array to receive the node coordinates
Vec3fArray vertices;
uint vertexCount = 1 + 2*numSlices + (numStacks - 2)*numSlices;
// Create the +Z end as triangles
Vec3d vTop(0.0, 0.0, nsign*radius);
ref<UIntArray> triangleFan = new UIntArray;
triangleFan->reserve(numSlices + 2);
uint j;
for (j = 0; j < numSlices; j++)
double localTheta = j * theta;
Vec3d v;
v.x() = -Math::sin(localTheta) * Math::sin(rho);
v.y() = Math::cos(localTheta) * Math::sin(rho);
v.z() = nsign * Math::cos(rho);
v *= radius;
triangleFan->add(j + 1);
// Close top fan
// Intermediate stacks as quad-strips
// First and last stacks are handled separately
ref<UIntArray> quadStrip = new UIntArray;
quadStrip->reserve(numSlices*2 + 2);
uint i;
for (i = 1; i < numStacks - 1; i++)
double localRho = i * rho;
for (j = 0; j < numSlices; j++)
double localTheta = j * theta;
Vec3d v;
v.x() = -Math::sin(localTheta) * Math::sin(localRho + rho);
v.y() = Math::cos(localTheta) * Math::sin(localRho + rho);
v.z() = nsign * Math::cos(localRho + rho);
v *= radius;
uint iC1 = (i*numSlices) + 1 + j;
uint iC0 = iC1 - numSlices;
// Close quad-strip
uint iStartC1 = (i*numSlices) + 1;
uint iStartC0 = iStartC1 - numSlices;
// Create -Z end as triangles
Vec3d vBot( 0.0, 0.0, -radius*nsign );
uint endNodeIndex = static_cast<uint>(vertices.size()) - 1;
for (j = 0; j < numSlices; j++)
triangleFan->add(endNodeIndex - j - 1);
// Close bottom fan
triangleFan->add(endNodeIndex - 1);
/// Create a (possibly oblique) cylinder oriented along the z-axis
/// \param bottomRadius Bottom radius of cylinder
/// \param topRadius Top radius of cylinder
/// \param height Height of cylinder
/// \param topOffsetX Offset top disc relative to bottom in X direction
/// \param topOffsetY Offset top disc relative to bottom in Y direction
/// \param numSlices Number of slices
/// \param normalsOutwards true to generate polygons with outward facing normals.
/// \param closedBot true to close the bottom of the cylinder with a disc
/// \param closedTop true to close the top of the cylinder with a disc
/// \param numPolysZDir Number of (subdivisions) polygons along the Z axis.
/// \param builder Geometry builder to use when creating geometry
/// An oblique cylinder is a cylinder with bases that are not aligned one directly above the other
/// The base of the cylinder is placed at z = 0, and the top at z = height.
/// Cylinder is subdivided around the z-axis into slices.
/// Use the cone functions instead of setting one of the radius params to 0
void GeometryUtils::createObliqueCylinder(float bottomRadius, float topRadius, float height, float topOffsetX, float topOffsetY, uint numSlices, bool normalsOutwards, bool closedBot, bool closedTop, uint numPolysZDir, GeometryBuilder* builder)
// Create cylinder...
Vec3f centBot(0, 0, 0);
Vec3f centTop(topOffsetX, topOffsetY, height);
// Create vertices
uint zPoly;
for (zPoly = 0; zPoly <= numPolysZDir; zPoly++)
float fT = static_cast<float>((1.0/numPolysZDir)*(zPoly));
float radius = bottomRadius + fT*(topRadius - bottomRadius);
Vec3f center(fT*topOffsetX, fT*topOffsetY, fT*height);
Vec3fArray verts;
Vec3f point = Vec3f::ZERO;
double da = 2*PI_D/numSlices;
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++)
// Precompute this one (A = i*da;)
double sinA = Math::sin(i*da);
double cosA = Math::cos(i*da);
point.x() = static_cast<float>(-sinA*radius);
point.y() = static_cast<float>( cosA*radius);
point.z() = 0;
point += center;
uint baseNodeIdx = builder->addVertices(verts);
// First time we only create the sourceNodes
if (zPoly != 0)
uint offset = baseNodeIdx - numSlices;
uint piConn[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// Normals facing outwards
if (normalsOutwards)
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++)
piConn[0] = offset + i;
piConn[1] = offset + i + 1;
piConn[2] = offset + i + numSlices + 1;
piConn[3] = offset + i + numSlices;
if (i == numSlices - 1)
piConn[1] = offset;
piConn[2] = offset + numSlices;
builder->addQuad(piConn[0], piConn[1], piConn[2], piConn[3]);
// Normals facing inwards
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++)
piConn[0] = offset + i + 1;
piConn[1] = offset + i;
piConn[2] = offset + i + numSlices;
piConn[3] = offset + i + numSlices + 1;
if (i == numSlices - 1)
piConn[0] = offset;
piConn[3] = offset + numSlices;
builder->addQuad(piConn[0], piConn[1], piConn[2], piConn[3]);
if (closedBot)
createDisc(bottomRadius, numSlices, builder);
if (closedTop)
uint startIdx = builder->vertexCount();
createDisc(topRadius, numSlices, builder);
uint endIdx = builder->vertexCount() - 1;
// Translate the top disc sourceNodes, also flip it to get the normals the right way
Mat4f mat = Mat4f::fromRotation(Vec3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Math::toRadians(180.0f));
mat.translatePreMultiply(Vec3f(topOffsetX, topOffsetY, height));
builder->transformVertexRange(startIdx, endIdx, mat);
/// Create a cone oriented along the z-axis
/// \param bottomRadius Bottom radius of cone
/// \param height Height of cone
/// \param numSlices Number of slices
/// \param normalsOutwards true to generate polygons with outward facing normals.
/// \param closedBot true to close the bottom of the cone with a disc
/// \param singleTopNode Specify if a single top node should be used, or if each side triangle
/// should have its own top node.
/// \param builder Geometry builder to use when creating geometry
void GeometryUtils::createCone(float bottomRadius, float height, uint numSlices, bool normalsOutwards, bool closedBot, bool singleTopNode, GeometryBuilder* builder)
Vec3fArray verts;
if (singleTopNode)
verts.reserve(numSlices + 1);
Vec3f point = Vec3f::ZERO;
double da = 2*PI_D/numSlices;
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++)
// Precompute this one (A = i*da;)
double sinA = Math::sin(i*da);
double cosA = Math::cos(i*da);
point.x() = static_cast<float>(-sinA*bottomRadius);
point.y() = static_cast<float>( cosA*bottomRadius);
if (singleTopNode)
verts.add(Vec3f(0, 0, height));
// Unique sourceNodes at apex of cone
Vec3f topNode(0, 0, height);
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++)
uint baseNodeIdx = builder->addVertices(verts);
uint piConn[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
// Normals facing outwards
if (normalsOutwards)
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++)
piConn[0] = baseNodeIdx + i;
piConn[1] = baseNodeIdx + i + 1;
piConn[2] = singleTopNode ? baseNodeIdx + numSlices : baseNodeIdx + i + numSlices;
if (i == numSlices - 1)
piConn[1] = baseNodeIdx;
if (normalsOutwards)
builder->addTriangle(piConn[0], piConn[1], piConn[2]);
builder->addTriangle(piConn[1], piConn[0], piConn[2]);
if (closedBot)
createDisc(bottomRadius, numSlices, builder);
void GeometryUtils::tesselatePatchAsQuads(uint pointCountU, uint pointCountV, uint indexOffset, bool windingCCW, UIntArray* indices)
CVF_ASSERT(pointCountU >= 2);
CVF_ASSERT(pointCountV >= 2);
uint uCellCount = pointCountU - 1;
uint vCellCount = pointCountV - 1;
uint numQuads = uCellCount*vCellCount;
indices->reserve(indices->size() + 4*numQuads);
uint u, v;
for (v = 0; v < vCellCount; v++)
for (u = 0; u < uCellCount; u++)
if (windingCCW)
indices->add(indexOffset + u + (v+1)*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u + v*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u+1 + v*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u+1 + (v+1)*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u + v*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u + (v+1)*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u+1 + (v+1)*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u+1 + v*pointCountU);
void GeometryUtils::tesselatePatchAsTriangles(uint pointCountU, uint pointCountV, uint indexOffset, bool windingCCW, UIntArray* indices)
CVF_ASSERT(pointCountU >= 2);
CVF_ASSERT(pointCountV >= 2);
uint uCellCount = pointCountU - 1;
uint vCellCount = pointCountV - 1;
uint numTris = 2*uCellCount*vCellCount;
indices->reserve(indices->size() + 3*numTris);
uint u, v;
for (v = 0; v < vCellCount; v++)
for (u = 0; u < uCellCount; u++)
if (windingCCW)
indices->add(indexOffset + u + (v+1)*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u + v*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u+1 + v*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u + (v+1)*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u+1 + v*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u+1 + (v+1)*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u + v*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u + (v+1)*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u+1 + (v+1)*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u + v*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u+1 + (v+1)*pointCountU);
indices->add(indexOffset + u+1 + v*pointCountU);
/// Check if the specified quad is convex
bool GeometryUtils::isConvexQuad(const Vec3f& a, const Vec3f& b, const Vec3f& c, const Vec3f& d)
// From "Real Time Collision Detection", p60
// Quad is nonconvex if dot(cross(bd, ba), cross(bd, bc)) >= 0
const Vec3f bda = (d - b) ^ (a - b);
const Vec3f bdc = (d - b) ^ (c - b);
if (bda*bdc >= 0)
return false;
// Quad is now convex if dot(cross(ac, ad), cross(ac, ab)) < 0
const Vec3f acd = (c - a) ^ (d - a);
const Vec3f acb = (c - a) ^ (b - a);
if (acd*acb < 0)
return true;
return false;
/// Compute surface normal for a quad
Vec3f GeometryUtils::quadNormal(const Vec3f& a, const Vec3f& b, const Vec3f& c, const Vec3f& d)
// From "Real Time Collision Detection", p. 495
Vec3f normal = (c - a) ^ (d - b);
return normal;
/// Compute polygon normal using Newell's method
Vec3f GeometryUtils::polygonNormal(const Vec3fValueArray& vertices, const uint* indices, uint indexCount)
// From "Real Time Collision Detection", p. 495
// Compute normal as being proportional to projected areas of polygon onto the yz, xz, and xy planes.
Vec3f normal(0, 0, 0);
uint n;
for (n = 0; n < indexCount; n++)
uint i = indices[(n > 0) ? n - 1 : indexCount - 1];
uint j = indices[n];
normal.x() += (vertices.val(i).y() - vertices.val(j).y()) * (vertices.val(i).z() + vertices.val(j).z()); // projection on yz
normal.y() += (vertices.val(i).z() - vertices.val(j).z()) * (vertices.val(i).x() + vertices.val(j).x()); // projection on xz
normal.z() += (vertices.val(i).x() - vertices.val(j).x()) * (vertices.val(i).y() + vertices.val(j).y()); // projection on xy
return normal;
/// Compact an array of vertex indices by removing 'unused' indices
/// \param[in] vertexIndices The original vertex indices
/// \param[out] newVertexIndices New compacted vertex indices
/// \param[out] newToOldMapping For each 'new' vertex, will contain its original index
/// \param[in] maxVertexCount The maximum resulting vertex count after removing unused vertices
void GeometryUtils::removeUnusedVertices(const UIntValueArray& vertexIndices, UIntArray* newVertexIndices, UIntArray* newToOldMapping, uint maxVertexCount)
if (vertexIndices.size() == 0 || maxVertexCount == 0)
std::map<uint, uint> oldToNewVertexIndexMap;
std::map<uint, uint>::const_iterator it;
size_t i;
uint newVertexIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i < vertexIndices.size(); i++)
uint vertexIdx = vertexIndices.val(i);
uint currentIndex = UNDEFINED_UINT;
it = oldToNewVertexIndexMap.find(vertexIdx);
if (it == oldToNewVertexIndexMap.end())
currentIndex = newVertexIndex++;
oldToNewVertexIndexMap[vertexIdx] = currentIndex;
currentIndex = it->second;
bool GeometryUtils::project(const Mat4d& projectionMultViewMatrix, const Vec2i& viewportPosition, const Vec2ui& viewportSize, const Vec3d& point, Vec3d* out)
Vec4d v = projectionMultViewMatrix * Vec4d(point, 1.0);
if (v.w() == 0.0f)
return false;
v.x() /= v.w();
v.y() /= v.w();
v.z() /= v.w();
// map to range 0-1
out->x() = v.x()*0.5 + 0.5;
out->y() = v.y()*0.5 + 0.5;
out->z() = v.z()*0.5 + 0.5;
// map to viewport
out->x() = out->x() * viewportSize.x() + viewportPosition.x();
out->y() = out->y() * viewportSize.y() + viewportPosition.y();
return true;
} // namespace cvf