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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
* Update to clang-format-15 Removed two custom .clang-format files in subfolders of AppFwk * Fixes by clang-format
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// Copyright (C) 2020- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RigFemPartResultCalculatorNormalized.h"
#include "RigFemPart.h"
#include "RigFemPartCollection.h"
#include "RigFemPartGrid.h"
#include "RigFemPartResultsCollection.h"
#include "RigFemResultAddress.h"
#include "RigFemScalarResultFrames.h"
#include "RiaWellLogUnitTools.h"
#include "cafProgressInfo.h"
#include <QString>
RigFemPartResultCalculatorNormalized::RigFemPartResultCalculatorNormalized( RigFemPartResultsCollection& collection )
: RigFemPartResultCalculator( collection )
bool RigFemPartResultCalculatorNormalized::isMatching( const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr ) const
return ( resVarAddr.normalizeByHydrostaticPressure() && RigFemPartResultsCollection::isNormalizableResult( resVarAddr ) );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* RigFemPartResultCalculatorNormalized::calculate( int partIndex, const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr )
CVF_ASSERT( resVarAddr.normalizeByHydrostaticPressure() && isNormalizableResult( resVarAddr ) );
RigFemResultAddress unscaledResult = resVarAddr;
if ( unscaledResult.resultPosType == RIG_NODAL && unscaledResult.fieldName == "POR-Bar" )
unscaledResult.resultPosType = RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL;
unscaledResult.normalizedByHydrostaticPressure = false;
CAF_ASSERT( unscaledResult.resultPosType == RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL );
caf::ProgressInfo stepCountProgress( m_resultCollection->timeStepCount() * 4, "Calculating Normalized Result" );
RigFemScalarResultFrames* porDataFrames = nullptr;
RigFemScalarResultFrames* srcDataFrames = nullptr;
RigFemScalarResultFrames* dstDataFrames = nullptr;
auto task = stepCountProgress.task( "Loading POR Result", m_resultCollection->timeStepCount() );
porDataFrames = m_resultCollection->findOrLoadScalarResult( partIndex, RigFemResultAddress( RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL, "POR-Bar", "" ) );
if ( !porDataFrames ) return nullptr;
auto task = stepCountProgress.task( "Loading Unscaled Result", m_resultCollection->timeStepCount() );
srcDataFrames = m_resultCollection->findOrLoadScalarResult( partIndex, unscaledResult );
if ( !srcDataFrames ) return nullptr;
auto task = stepCountProgress.task( "Creating Space for Normalized Result", m_resultCollection->timeStepCount() );
dstDataFrames = m_resultCollection->createScalarResult( partIndex, RigFemResultAddress( resVarAddr ) );
if ( !dstDataFrames ) return nullptr;
stepCountProgress.setProgressDescription( "Normalizing Result" );
stepCountProgress.setNextProgressIncrement( 1u );
const RigFemPart* femPart = m_resultCollection->parts()->part( partIndex );
const RigFemPartGrid* femPartGrid = femPart->getOrCreateStructGrid();
constexpr float inf = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
int elmNodeCount = femPart->elementCount();
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3f>& nodeCoords = femPart->nodes().coordinates;
const int timeSteps = srcDataFrames->timeStepCount();
for ( int stepIdx = 0; stepIdx < timeSteps; stepIdx++ )
const int frameCount = srcDataFrames->frameCount( stepIdx );
for ( int fIdx = 0; fIdx < frameCount; fIdx++ )
const std::vector<float>& porFrameData = porDataFrames->frameData( stepIdx, fIdx );
if ( porFrameData.empty() ) continue;
const std::vector<float>& srcFrameData = srcDataFrames->frameData( stepIdx, fIdx );
std::vector<float>& dstFrameData = dstDataFrames->frameData( stepIdx, fIdx );
size_t resultCount = srcFrameData.size();
dstFrameData.resize( resultCount );
if ( unscaledResult.resultPosType == RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL )
#pragma omp parallel for schedule( dynamic )
for ( int elmIdx = 0; elmIdx < femPart->elementCount(); ++elmIdx )
RigElementType elmType = femPart->elementType( elmIdx );
if ( !( elmType == HEX8 || elmType == HEX8P ) ) continue;
bool porRegion = false;
for ( int elmLocalNodeIdx = 0; elmLocalNodeIdx < 8; ++elmLocalNodeIdx )
size_t elmNodeResIdx = femPart->elementNodeResultIdx( elmIdx, elmLocalNodeIdx );
const int nodeIdx = femPart->nodeIdxFromElementNodeResultIdx( elmNodeResIdx );
dstFrameData[elmNodeResIdx] = srcFrameData[elmNodeResIdx];
if ( porFrameData[elmNodeResIdx] != std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() )
porRegion = true;
if ( porRegion )
// This is in the POR-region. Use hydrostatic pressure from the individual nodes
for ( int elmLocalNodeIdx = 0; elmLocalNodeIdx < 8; ++elmLocalNodeIdx )
size_t elmNodeResIdx = femPart->elementNodeResultIdx( elmIdx, elmLocalNodeIdx );
const int nodeIdx = femPart->nodeIdxFromElementNodeResultIdx( elmNodeResIdx );
double tvdRKB = std::abs( nodeCoords[nodeIdx].z() ) + m_resultCollection->normalizationAirGap();
double hydrostaticPressure = RiaWellLogUnitTools<double>::hydrostaticPorePressureBar( tvdRKB );
dstFrameData[elmNodeResIdx] /= hydrostaticPressure;
// Over/under/sideburden. Use hydrostatic pressure from cell centroid.
cvf::Vec3d cellCentroid = femPartGrid->cellCentroid( elmIdx );
double cellCentroidTvdRKB = std::abs( cellCentroid.z() ) + m_resultCollection->normalizationAirGap();
double cellCenterHydroStaticPressure = RiaWellLogUnitTools<double>::hydrostaticPorePressureBar( cellCentroidTvdRKB );
for ( int elmLocalNodeIdx = 0; elmLocalNodeIdx < 8; ++elmLocalNodeIdx )
size_t elmNodeResIdx = femPart->elementNodeResultIdx( elmIdx, elmLocalNodeIdx );
dstFrameData[elmNodeResIdx] /= cellCenterHydroStaticPressure;
return dstDataFrames;