mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 23:23:01 -06:00
* Use unique_ptr * Improve default assignment of curve appearance * Improve display of color tags in tree view items * Select curve or ensemble instead of plot * Only change curves connected to a Rim-object * Improve color management for ensemble curves Use a base color for statistics curves and set realization curves transparent Make sure new curves are assigned a unique color Harmonize how dropped addresses are handled * Update all tags always The update of tags for a subset of tree nodes is currently broken. Always update all tags. * Add const
645 lines
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645 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2021- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RicSummaryPlotBuilder.h"
#include "PlotTemplateCommands/RicSummaryPlotTemplateTools.h"
#include "SummaryPlotCommands/RicNewSummaryEnsembleCurveSetFeature.h"
#include "SummaryPlotCommands/RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl.h"
#include "RiaSummaryAddressAnalyzer.h"
#include "RiaSummaryTools.h"
#include "RifEclipseSummaryAddress.h"
#include "RifReaderEclipseSummary.h"
#include "RifSummaryReaderInterface.h"
#include "RiaPreferencesSummary.h"
#include "RimEnsembleCurveSet.h"
#include "RimEnsembleCurveSetCollection.h"
#include "RimMainPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimMultiPlot.h"
#include "RimMultiPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimPlot.h"
#include "RimSaturationPressurePlot.h"
#include "RimSummaryCase.h"
#include "RimSummaryCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimSummaryCurve.h"
#include "RimSummaryMultiPlot.h"
#include "RimSummaryMultiPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimSummaryPlot.h"
#include "RiuPlotMainWindowTools.h"
: m_individualPlotPerDataSource( false )
, m_graphCurveGrouping( RicSummaryPlotBuilder::RicGraphCurveGrouping::NONE )
void RicSummaryPlotBuilder::setDataSources( const std::vector<RimSummaryCase*>& summaryCases,
const std::vector<RimSummaryCaseCollection*>& ensembles )
m_summaryCases = summaryCases;
m_ensembles = ensembles;
void RicSummaryPlotBuilder::setAddresses( const std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress>& addresses )
m_addresses = addresses;
void RicSummaryPlotBuilder::setIndividualPlotPerDataSource( bool enable )
m_individualPlotPerDataSource = enable;
void RicSummaryPlotBuilder::setGrouping( RicGraphCurveGrouping groping )
m_graphCurveGrouping = groping;
std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*> RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createPlots() const
std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*> plots;
if ( m_individualPlotPerDataSource )
if ( m_graphCurveGrouping == RicGraphCurveGrouping::SINGLE_CURVES )
for ( const auto& adr : m_addresses )
for ( auto summaryCase : m_summaryCases )
auto plot = createPlot( { adr }, { summaryCase }, {} );
plots.push_back( plot );
for ( auto ensemble : m_ensembles )
auto plot = createPlot( { adr }, {}, { ensemble } );
plots.push_back( plot );
else if ( m_graphCurveGrouping == RicGraphCurveGrouping::CURVES_FOR_OBJECT )
RiaSummaryAddressAnalyzer analyzer;
analyzer.appendAddresses( m_addresses );
auto groups = analyzer.addressesGroupedByObject();
for ( const auto& group : groups )
std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> addresses;
addresses.insert( group.begin(), group.end() );
if ( addresses.empty() ) continue;
for ( auto summaryCase : m_summaryCases )
auto plot = createPlot( addresses, { summaryCase }, {} );
plots.push_back( plot );
for ( auto ensemble : m_ensembles )
auto plot = createPlot( addresses, {}, { ensemble } );
plots.push_back( plot );
else if ( m_graphCurveGrouping == RicGraphCurveGrouping::NONE )
for ( auto summaryCase : m_summaryCases )
auto plot = createPlot( m_addresses, { summaryCase }, {} );
plots.push_back( plot );
for ( auto ensemble : m_ensembles )
auto plot = createPlot( m_addresses, {}, { ensemble } );
plots.push_back( plot );
else // all data sources in same plot
if ( m_graphCurveGrouping == RicGraphCurveGrouping::SINGLE_CURVES )
for ( const auto& adr : m_addresses )
if ( !m_summaryCases.empty() )
auto plot = createPlot( { adr }, m_summaryCases, {} );
plots.push_back( plot );
if ( !m_ensembles.empty() )
auto plot = createPlot( { adr }, {}, m_ensembles );
plots.push_back( plot );
else if ( m_graphCurveGrouping == RicGraphCurveGrouping::CURVES_FOR_OBJECT )
RiaSummaryAddressAnalyzer analyzer;
analyzer.appendAddresses( m_addresses );
auto groups = analyzer.addressesGroupedByObject();
for ( const auto& group : groups )
std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> addresses;
addresses.insert( group.begin(), group.end() );
if ( addresses.empty() ) continue;
if ( !m_summaryCases.empty() )
auto plot = createPlot( addresses, m_summaryCases, {} );
plots.push_back( plot );
if ( !m_ensembles.empty() )
auto plot = createPlot( addresses, {}, m_ensembles );
plots.push_back( plot );
else if ( m_graphCurveGrouping == RicGraphCurveGrouping::NONE )
if ( !m_summaryCases.empty() )
auto plot = createPlot( m_addresses, m_summaryCases, {} );
plots.push_back( plot );
if ( !m_ensembles.empty() )
auto plot = createPlot( m_addresses, {}, m_ensembles );
plots.push_back( plot );
return plots;
std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> RicSummaryPlotBuilder::addressesForSource( caf::PdmObject* summarySource )
auto ensemble = dynamic_cast<RimSummaryCaseCollection*>( summarySource );
if ( ensemble )
return ensemble->ensembleSummaryAddresses();
auto sumCase = dynamic_cast<RimSummaryCase*>( summarySource );
if ( sumCase )
auto reader = sumCase ? sumCase->summaryReader() : nullptr;
if ( reader )
return reader->allResultAddresses();
return {};
RimEnsembleCurveSet* RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createCurveSet( RimSummaryCaseCollection* ensemble, const RifEclipseSummaryAddress& addr )
auto curveSet = new RimEnsembleCurveSet();
curveSet->setSummaryCaseCollection( ensemble );
curveSet->setSummaryAddressAndStatisticsFlag( addr );
return curveSet;
RimSummaryCurve* RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createCurve( RimSummaryCase* summaryCase, const RifEclipseSummaryAddress& addr )
auto curve = new RimSummaryCurve();
curve->setSummaryCaseY( summaryCase );
curve->setSummaryAddressY( addr );
return curve;
std::vector<RimPlot*> RicSummaryPlotBuilder::duplicatePlots( const std::vector<RimPlot*>& sourcePlots )
std::vector<RimPlot*> plots;
for ( auto plot : sourcePlots )
auto copy = dynamic_cast<RimPlot*>( plot->copyByXmlSerialization( caf::PdmDefaultObjectFactory::instance() ) );
// TODO: Workaround for fixing the PdmPointer in RimEclipseResultDefinition
// caf::PdmPointer<RimEclipseCase> m_eclipseCase;
// This pdmpointer must be changed to a ptrField
auto saturationPressurePlotOriginal = dynamic_cast<RimSaturationPressurePlot*>( plot );
auto saturationPressurePlotCopy = dynamic_cast<RimSaturationPressurePlot*>( copy );
if ( saturationPressurePlotCopy && saturationPressurePlotOriginal )
RimSaturationPressurePlot::fixPointersAfterCopy( saturationPressurePlotOriginal, saturationPressurePlotCopy );
plots.push_back( copy );
return plots;
std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*> RicSummaryPlotBuilder::duplicateSummaryPlots( const std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*>& sourcePlots )
std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*> plots;
for ( auto plot : sourcePlots )
auto copy = dynamic_cast<RimSummaryPlot*>( plot->copyByXmlSerialization( caf::PdmDefaultObjectFactory::instance() ) );
if ( copy )
plots.push_back( copy );
return plots;
RimMultiPlot* RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createAndAppendMultiPlot( const std::vector<RimPlot*>& plots )
RimMultiPlotCollection* plotCollection = RimMainPlotCollection::current()->multiPlotCollection();
auto* plotWindow = new RimMultiPlot;
plotWindow->setMultiPlotTitle( QString( "Multi Plot %1" ).arg( plotCollection->multiPlots().size() + 1 ) );
plotCollection->addMultiPlot( plotWindow );
appendPlotsToMultiPlot( plotWindow, plots );
if ( !plots.empty() )
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( plots[0] );
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( plotWindow );
return plotWindow;
RimSummaryMultiPlot* RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createAndAppendSummaryMultiPlot( const std::vector<caf::PdmObjectHandle*>& objects )
RimSummaryMultiPlotCollection* plotCollection = RimMainPlotCollection::current()->summaryMultiPlotCollection();
auto* plotWindow = new RimSummaryMultiPlot;
plotWindow->setMultiPlotTitle( QString( "Multi Plot %1" ).arg( plotCollection->multiPlots().size() + 1 ) );
plotCollection->addSummaryMultiPlot( plotWindow );
plotWindow->handleDroppedObjects( objects );
if ( plotWindow->summaryPlots().size() == 1 )
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( plotWindow->summaryPlots()[0] );
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::setExpanded( plotWindow->summaryPlots()[0] );
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( plotWindow );
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::setExpanded( plotWindow );
return plotWindow;
void RicSummaryPlotBuilder::appendPlotsToMultiPlot( RimMultiPlot* multiPlot, const std::vector<RimPlot*>& plots )
for ( auto plot : plots )
// Remove the current window controller, as this will be managed by the multi plot
// This must be done before adding the plot to the multi plot to ensure that the viewer widget is recreated
multiPlot->addPlot( plot );
plot->setShowWindow( true );
RimSummaryMultiPlot* RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createAndAppendDefaultSummaryMultiPlot( const std::vector<RimSummaryCase*>& cases,
const std::vector<RimSummaryCaseCollection*>& ensembles,
bool skipCreationOfPlotBasedOnPreferences )
RiaPreferencesSummary* prefs = RiaPreferencesSummary::current();
if ( skipCreationOfPlotBasedOnPreferences && prefs->defaultSummaryPlotType() == RiaPreferencesSummary::DefaultSummaryPlotType::NONE )
return nullptr;
if ( prefs->defaultSummaryPlotType() == RiaPreferencesSummary::DefaultSummaryPlotType::PLOT_TEMPLATES )
RimSummaryMultiPlot* plotToSelect = nullptr;
bool ensembleTemplates = ( ensembles.size() > 0 );
for ( auto& filename : prefs->defaultSummaryPlotTemplates( ensembleTemplates ) )
plotToSelect = RicSummaryPlotTemplateTools::create( filename, cases, ensembles );
if ( plotToSelect ) return plotToSelect;
if ( skipCreationOfPlotBasedOnPreferences )
return plotToSelect;
if ( skipCreationOfPlotBasedOnPreferences && prefs->defaultSummaryCurvesTextFilter().trimmed().isEmpty() ) return nullptr;
auto* plotCollection = RimMainPlotCollection::current()->summaryMultiPlotCollection();
auto* summaryMultiPlot = new RimSummaryMultiPlot();
plotCollection->addSummaryMultiPlot( summaryMultiPlot );
RimSummaryPlot* plot = new RimSummaryPlot();
plot->enableAutoPlotTitle( true );
for ( auto sumCase : cases )
RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::addDefaultCurvesToPlot( plot, sumCase );
for ( auto ensemble : ensembles )
RicNewSummaryEnsembleCurveSetFeature::addDefaultCurveSets( plot, ensemble );
appendPlotsToSummaryMultiPlot( summaryMultiPlot, { plot } );
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( plot );
if ( !plot->curveSets().empty() )
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::setExpanded( plot->curveSets().front() );
else if ( !plot->summaryCurves().empty() )
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::setExpanded( plot->summaryCurves().front() );
return summaryMultiPlot;
RimSummaryMultiPlot* RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createAndAppendSingleSummaryMultiPlotNoAutoSettings( RimSummaryPlot* plot )
auto* plotCollection = RimMainPlotCollection::current()->summaryMultiPlotCollection();
auto* summaryMultiPlot = new RimSummaryMultiPlot();
summaryMultiPlot->setColumnCount( RiaDefines::ColumnCount::COLUMNS_1 );
summaryMultiPlot->setRowCount( RiaDefines::RowCount::ROWS_1 );
if ( !plot->autoPlotTitle() )
// Move settings from the single summary plot to the multi plot, and disable auto titles
summaryMultiPlot->setAutoPlotTitle( false );
summaryMultiPlot->setAutoSubPlotTitle( false );
summaryMultiPlot->setMultiPlotTitleVisible( true );
summaryMultiPlot->setMultiPlotTitle( plot->description() );
plot->setPlotTitleVisible( false );
plot->setDescription( "" );
plotCollection->addSummaryMultiPlot( summaryMultiPlot );
appendPlotsToSummaryMultiPlot( summaryMultiPlot, { plot } );
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( plot );
return summaryMultiPlot;
RimSummaryMultiPlot* RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createAndAppendSummaryMultiPlot( const std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*>& plots )
auto* plotCollection = RimMainPlotCollection::current()->summaryMultiPlotCollection();
auto* summaryMultiPlot = new RimSummaryMultiPlot();
plotCollection->addSummaryMultiPlot( summaryMultiPlot );
appendPlotsToSummaryMultiPlot( summaryMultiPlot, plots );
if ( !plots.empty() )
auto* plot = plots.front();
if ( !plot->curveSets().empty() )
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( plot->curveSets().front() );
else if ( !plot->summaryCurves().empty() )
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( plot->summaryCurves().front() );
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( plot );
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( summaryMultiPlot );
return summaryMultiPlot;
RimSummaryMultiPlot* RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createAndAppendSingleSummaryMultiPlot( RimSummaryPlot* plot )
std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*> plots{ plot };
return createAndAppendSummaryMultiPlot( plots );
void RicSummaryPlotBuilder::appendPlotsToSummaryMultiPlot( RimSummaryMultiPlot* multiPlot, const std::vector<RimSummaryPlot*>& plots )
for ( auto plot : plots )
multiPlot->addPlot( plot );
plot->setShowWindow( true );
RimSummaryPlot* RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createPlot( const std::vector<RimSummaryCurve*>& summaryCurves )
auto* plot = new RimSummaryPlot();
plot->enableAutoPlotTitle( true );
for ( auto& curve : summaryCurves )
plot->addCurveNoUpdate( curve );
return plot;
RimSummaryPlot* RicSummaryPlotBuilder::createPlot( const std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress>& addresses,
const std::vector<RimSummaryCase*>& summaryCases,
const std::vector<RimSummaryCaseCollection*>& ensembles )
auto* plot = new RimSummaryPlot();
plot->enableAutoPlotTitle( true );
appendCurvesToPlot( plot, addresses, summaryCases, ensembles );
return plot;
void RicSummaryPlotBuilder::appendCurvesToPlot( RimSummaryPlot* summaryPlot,
const std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress>& addresses,
const std::vector<RimSummaryCase*>& summaryCases,
const std::vector<RimSummaryCaseCollection*>& ensembles )
for ( const auto& addr : addresses )
for ( const auto ensemble : ensembles )
auto curveSet = createCurveSet( ensemble, addr );
summaryPlot->ensembleCurveSetCollection()->addCurveSet( curveSet );
for ( const auto summaryCase : summaryCases )
auto curve = createCurve( summaryCase, addr );
summaryPlot->addCurveNoUpdate( curve );