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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
Did not use selected well log file in dialog for source well when generating depth adjusted las file - chose first las file available for source well.
415 lines
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415 lines
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#include "RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesFeature.h"
// Copyright (C) 2023- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesUi.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigEclipseResultAddress.h"
#include "RigEclipseWellLogExtractor.h"
#include "RigGeoMechWellLogExtractor.h"
#include "RigResultAccessorFactory.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimGeoMechCase.h"
#include "RimMainPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimWellLogFile.h"
#include "RimWellLogPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimWellPath.h"
#include "NRLib/nrlib/well/laswell.hpp"
void LasDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer::insertIndexAndValue( int kLayer, size_t index, double value )
m_kLayerIndexAndValuePairsMap[kLayer][index] = value;
bool LasDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer::hasKLayer( int kLayer ) const
return m_kLayerIndexAndValuePairsMap.find( kLayer ) != m_kLayerIndexAndValuePairsMap.end();
std::map<size_t, double> LasDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer::indexAndValuePairs( int kLayer ) const
if ( !hasKLayer( kLayer ) ) return std::map<size_t, double>();
return m_kLayerIndexAndValuePairsMap.at( kLayer );
cvf::ref<RigResultAccessor> RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createIndexKResultAccessor( RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase )
const int firstTimeStep = 0;
const int gridIndex = 0;
RigEclipseResultAddress indexKResAdr( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::STATIC_NATIVE, RiaResultNames::indexKResultName() );
eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData()->results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL )->ensureKnownResultLoaded( indexKResAdr );
return RigResultAccessorFactory::createFromResultAddress( eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData(),
indexKResAdr );
RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createLasDepthIndexAndPercValuePerKLayerFromMap( const std::vector<double>& lasWellDepths,
const std::map<int, IndexKDepthData>& indexKDepthDataMap )
// Create container of depth value (in percent) and its original index in a LAS file vector
// categorized by K-layer. Depth value as percentage value between MD top and MD bottom for K-layer.
auto lasWellDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer = LasDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < lasWellDepths.size(); ++i )
const double depth = lasWellDepths[i];
for ( const auto& [indexK, depthData] : indexKDepthDataMap )
if ( depthData.mdTop <= depth && depth <= depthData.mdBottom )
const double percentage = ( depth - depthData.mdTop ) / ( depthData.mdBottom - depthData.mdTop );
lasWellDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer.insertIndexAndValue( indexK, i, percentage );
return lasWellDepthValueAndIndexPerKLayer;
/// NOTE: map createIndexKDepthDataMapFromCase is created using well extractor, while sourceWellLogData depth
/// values are from LAS file. Floating point rounding in LAS file can occur, thus depth values might be placed
/// outside of K-layer close to top/bottom due to inaccuracy.
void RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createDestinationWellsLasFiles( RimCase* selectedCase,
RimWellPath* sourceWell,
RimWellLogFile* soureWellLogFile,
const std::vector<RimWellPath*> destinationWells,
const std::vector<QString>& selectedResultProperties,
const QString& exportFolder,
double rkbDiff )
if ( !selectedCase || !sourceWell || !soureWellLogFile || destinationWells.empty() ) return;
auto* sourceWellLogData = soureWellLogFile->wellLogFileData();
const auto defaultPropertyMap = createDefaultPropertyMap( selectedResultProperties, sourceWellLogData );
// NOTE: map createIndexKDepthDataMapFromCase is created using well extractor, while sourceWellLogData depth
// values are from LAS file. Floating point rounding in LAS file can occur, thus depth values might be placed
// outside of K-layer close to top/bottom due to inaccuracy.
const auto sourceWellDepthIndexAndPercValuePerKLayer =
createLasDepthIndexAndPercValuePerKLayerFromMap( sourceWellLogData->depthValues(),
createIndexKDepthDataMapFromCase( selectedCase, sourceWell ) );
for ( RimWellPath* well : destinationWells )
const std::map<int, IndexKDepthData> destinationWellIndexKDepthsMap = createIndexKDepthDataMapFromCase( selectedCase, well );
if ( destinationWellIndexKDepthsMap.empty() ) continue;
std::vector<double> mdValues;
std::vector<double> tvdMslValues;
std::vector<double> tvdRkbValues;
std::map<QString, std::vector<double>> propertyMap = defaultPropertyMap;
for ( const auto& [indexK, depthData] : destinationWellIndexKDepthsMap )
if ( !sourceWellDepthIndexAndPercValuePerKLayer.hasKLayer( indexK ) ) continue;
for ( const auto& [index, depthPerc] : sourceWellDepthIndexAndPercValuePerKLayer.indexAndValuePairs( indexK ) )
if ( sourceWellLogData->hasTvdMslChannel() )
const double tvdMslValue = depthPerc * ( depthData.tvdBottom - depthData.tvdTop ) + depthData.tvdTop;
tvdMslValues.push_back( tvdMslValue );
if ( sourceWellLogData->hasTvdRkbChannel() )
const double tvdRkbValue = depthPerc * ( depthData.tvdBottom - depthData.tvdTop ) + depthData.tvdTop + rkbDiff;
tvdRkbValues.push_back( tvdRkbValue );
const double mdValue = depthPerc * ( depthData.mdBottom - depthData.mdTop ) + depthData.mdTop;
mdValues.push_back( mdValue );
for ( auto& [propertyName, values] : propertyMap )
double value = sourceWellLogData->values( propertyName )[index];
value = value == HUGE_VAL ? sourceWellLogData->getMissingValue() : value;
values.push_back( value );
createDestinationWellLasFile( well->name(),
exportFolder );
void RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createDestinationWellLasFile( const QString& wellName,
const QString& caseDescription,
const std::vector<double>& mdValues,
const std::vector<double>& tvdMslValues,
const std::vector<double>& tvdRkbValues,
const std::map<QString, std::vector<double>>& propertyMap,
const RigWellLogFile* sourceWellLogData,
const QString& exportFolder )
const auto depthUnitText = createDepthUnitText( sourceWellLogData->depthUnit() );
const auto depthUnitComment = createDepthUnitComment( sourceWellLogData->depthUnit() );
const auto deptUnit = sourceWellLogData->depthUnit();
// Build LAS file
NRLib::LasWell lasFile;
lasFile.setVersionInfo( "2.0" );
lasFile.setDepthUnit( depthUnitText );
lasFile.SetMissing( sourceWellLogData->getMissingValue() );
lasFile.setStartDepth( *std::min_element( mdValues.begin(), mdValues.end() ) );
lasFile.setStopDepth( *std::max_element( mdValues.begin(), mdValues.end() ) );
lasFile.addWellInfo( "WELL", wellName.toStdString() );
lasFile.addWellInfo( "DATE", sourceWellLogData->date().toStdString() );
// Add Measured depth
lasFile.AddLog( RiaDefines::propertyNameMeasuredDepth().toStdString(), depthUnitText, "Depth " + depthUnitComment, mdValues );
// Add tvd msl values if existing
if ( !tvdMslValues.empty() )
const auto unitText = sourceWellLogData->wellLogChannelUnitString( RiaDefines::propertyNameTvdMslDepth(), deptUnit ).toStdString();
lasFile.AddLog( RiaDefines::propertyNameTvdMslDepth().toStdString(), unitText, "True vertical depth " + depthUnitComment, tvdMslValues );
// Add tvd rkb values if existing
if ( !tvdRkbValues.empty() )
const auto unitText = sourceWellLogData->wellLogChannelUnitString( RiaDefines::propertyNameTvdRkbDepth(), deptUnit ).toStdString();
lasFile.AddLog( RiaDefines::propertyNameTvdRkbDepth().toStdString(), unitText, "True vertical depth (Rotary Kelly Bushing)", tvdRkbValues );
// Add property values
for ( auto& [name, values] : propertyMap )
std::string unitText = sourceWellLogData->wellLogChannelUnitString( name ).toStdString();
lasFile.AddLog( name.toUpper().toStdString(), unitText, "", values );
// Add comment to LAS file
const std::vector<std::string> commentHeader = {
QString( "Note: Generated depth adjusted LAS file for '%1', using '%2'" ).arg( wellName ).arg( sourceWellLogData->wellName() ).toStdString() };
// Add property value to file name if single property
QString propertyNameStr;
if ( propertyMap.size() == 1 )
propertyNameStr = QString( "-%1" ).arg( propertyMap.begin()->first );
// Replace white space from well names in file name
QString sourceWell = sourceWellLogData->wellName();
sourceWell = sourceWell.replace( QRegExp( "[\\s]+" ), "_" );
QString destinationWell = wellName;
destinationWell = destinationWell.replace( QRegExp( "[\\s]+" ), "_" );
// Create full file path name
QString fullPathName = exportFolder + "/" + destinationWell + "_Depth_Adjusted_Using_" + sourceWell + "_" + caseDescription +
propertyNameStr + "-" + sourceWellLogData->date() + ".las";
lasFile.WriteToFile( fullPathName.toStdString(), commentHeader );
std::string RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createDepthUnitText( RiaDefines::DepthUnitType depthUnitType )
return depthUnitType == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_METER ? "M" : depthUnitType == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_FEET ? "FT" : "";
std::string RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createDepthUnitComment( RiaDefines::DepthUnitType depthUnitType )
return depthUnitType == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_METER ? "in meters"
: depthUnitType == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_FEET ? "in feet"
: "in Connection number";
std::map<int, RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::IndexKDepthData>
RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createIndexKDepthDataMapFromCase( RimCase* selectedCase, RimWellPath* wellPath )
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseCase*>( selectedCase );
RimGeoMechCase* geomCase = dynamic_cast<RimGeoMechCase*>( selectedCase );
RimWellLogPlotCollection* wellLogCollection = RimMainPlotCollection::current()->wellLogPlotCollection();
if ( eclipseCase != nullptr )
cvf::ref<RigEclipseWellLogExtractor> wellExtractor = wellLogCollection->findOrCreateExtractor( wellPath, eclipseCase );
if ( wellExtractor.isNull() )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Could not create RigEclipseWellLogExtractor for %1" ).arg( wellPath->name() ) );
const auto result = createIndexKDepthDataMap( wellExtractor, createIndexKResultAccessor( eclipseCase ) );
if ( result.empty() )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Not able to create Index-K depth map for %1" ).arg( wellPath->name() ) );
return result;
else if ( geomCase != nullptr )
cvf::ref<RigGeoMechWellLogExtractor> wellExtractor = wellLogCollection->findOrCreateExtractor( wellPath, geomCase );
if ( wellExtractor.isNull() )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Could not create RigGeoMechWellLogExtractor for %1" ).arg( wellPath->name() ) );
const auto result = createIndexKDepthDataMap( wellExtractor );
if ( result.empty() )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Not able to create Index-K depth map for %1" ).arg( wellPath->name() ) );
return result;
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Invalid case when creating Index-K depth map for %1" ).arg( wellPath->name() ) );
return std::map<int, RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::IndexKDepthData>();
std::map<int, RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::IndexKDepthData>
RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createIndexKDepthDataMap( cvf::ref<RigEclipseWellLogExtractor> wellExtractor,
cvf::ref<RigResultAccessor> indexKResAcc )
std::vector<double> wellIndexKValues;
wellExtractor->curveData( indexKResAcc.p(), &wellIndexKValues );
return createIndexKDepthDataMapFromVectors( wellExtractor->cellIntersectionMDs(), wellExtractor->cellIntersectionTVDs(), wellIndexKValues );
std::map<int, RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::IndexKDepthData>
RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createIndexKDepthDataMap( cvf::ref<RigGeoMechWellLogExtractor> wellExtractor )
const int frameIdx = 0;
const int timeStepIdx = 0;
RigFemResultAddress indexKResAdr( RigFemResultPosEnum::RIG_ELEMENT_NODAL, "INDEX", "INDEX_K" );
std::vector<double> wellIndexKValues;
wellExtractor->curveData( indexKResAdr, timeStepIdx, frameIdx, &wellIndexKValues );
return createIndexKDepthDataMapFromVectors( wellExtractor->cellIntersectionMDs(), wellExtractor->cellIntersectionTVDs(), wellIndexKValues );
std::map<int, RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::IndexKDepthData>
RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createIndexKDepthDataMapFromVectors( const std::vector<double>& wellMdValues,
const std::vector<double>& wellTvdValues,
const std::vector<double>& wellIndexKValues )
std::map<int, IndexKDepthData> indexKDepthsMap;
// Must have non-empty equal length vectors!
if ( wellIndexKValues.empty() )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Empty vector of index-K values" ) );
return indexKDepthsMap;
if ( wellMdValues.size() != wellTvdValues.size() || wellMdValues.size() != wellIndexKValues.size() )
return indexKDepthsMap;
int prevKLayer = -1;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < wellIndexKValues.size(); ++i )
// Asymptotically increasing k-indexes!
const auto kLayer = static_cast<int>( wellIndexKValues[i] );
if ( kLayer < prevKLayer ) break;
if ( indexKDepthsMap.find( kLayer ) == indexKDepthsMap.end() )
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer] = IndexKDepthData();
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer].mdTop = wellMdValues[i];
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer].mdBottom = wellMdValues[i];
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer].tvdTop = wellTvdValues[i];
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer].tvdBottom = wellTvdValues[i];
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer].mdBottom = wellMdValues[i];
indexKDepthsMap[kLayer].tvdBottom = wellTvdValues[i];
return indexKDepthsMap;
std::map<QString, std::vector<double>>
RicCreateDepthAdjustedLasFilesImpl::createDefaultPropertyMap( const std::vector<QString>& selectedProperties,
const RigWellLogFile* wellLogFile )
const QStringList lasDepthNames = QStringList(
{ RiaDefines::propertyNameMeasuredDepth(), RiaDefines::propertyNameTvdMslDepth(), RiaDefines::propertyNameTvdRkbDepth() } );
std::vector<QString> validPropertyNames;
for ( const auto& propertyName : selectedProperties )
if ( !lasDepthNames.contains( propertyName ) && wellLogFile->wellLogChannelNames().contains( propertyName ) )
validPropertyNames.push_back( propertyName );
std::map<QString, std::vector<double>> defaultPropertyMap;
for ( const auto& name : validPropertyNames )
return defaultPropertyMap;