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// Custom Visualization Core library
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
// This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>>
// for more details.
#pragma once
#include "cafPdmUiItem.h"
#include "cafPdmUiOrdering.h"
#include "cafPdmPointer.h"
#include <set>
#include <assert.h>
class QXmlStreamReader;
class QXmlStreamWriter;
// Taken from gtest.h
// Due to C++ preprocessor weirdness, we need double indirection to
// concatenate two tokens when one of them is __LINE__. Writing
// foo ## __LINE__
// will result in the token foo__LINE__, instead of foo followed by
// the current line number. For more details, see
// http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/misc-technical-issues.html#faq-39.6
#define PDM_OBJECT_STRING_CONCATENATE_IMPL_(foo, bar) foo ## bar
namespace caf
class PdmFieldHandle;
template < class FieldDataType > class PdmField;
class PdmUiEditorAttribute;
/// Macros helping in development of PDM objects
/// CAF_PDM_HEADER_INIT assists the factory used when reading objects from file
/// Place this in the header file inside the class definition of your PdmObject
public: \
virtual QString classKeyword() { return classKeywordStatic(); } \
static QString classKeywordStatic()
/// CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT associates the file keyword used for storage with the class and initializes the factory
/// Place this in the cpp file, preferably above the constructor
#define CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT(ClassName, keyword) \
QString ClassName::classKeywordStatic() { assert(PdmObject::isValidXmlElementName(keyword)); return keyword; } \
static bool PDM_OBJECT_STRING_CONCATENATE(pdm_object_factory_init_, __LINE__) = caf::PdmObjectFactory::instance()->registerCreator<ClassName>()
/// InitObject sets up the user interface related information for the object
/// Placed in the constructor of your PdmObject
#define CAF_PDM_InitObject(uiName, iconResourceName, toolTip, whatsThis) \
{ \
static caf::PdmUiItemInfo objDescr(uiName, QIcon(QString(iconResourceName)), toolTip, whatsThis); \
setUiItemInfo(&objDescr); \
/// InitField sets the file keyword for the field,
/// adds the field to the internal data structure in the PdmObject,
/// sets the default value for the field,
/// and sets up the static user interface related information for the field
#define CAF_PDM_InitField(field, keyword, default, uiName, iconResourceName, toolTip, whatsThis) \
{ \
static caf::PdmUiItemInfo objDescr(uiName, QIcon(QString(iconResourceName)), toolTip, whatsThis); \
addField(field, keyword, default, &objDescr); \
/// InitFieldNoDefault does the same as InitField but omits the default value.
#define CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault(field, keyword, uiName, iconResourceName, toolTip, whatsThis) \
{ \
static caf::PdmUiItemInfo objDescr(uiName, QIcon(QString(iconResourceName)), toolTip, whatsThis); \
addFieldNoDefault(field, keyword, &objDescr); \
/// The base class of all objects that will use the features of the field based IO
/// Inherit this class to make your Pdm-based data structure
class PdmObject : public PdmUiItem
PdmObject() { }
virtual ~PdmObject();
/// The classKeyword method is overridden in subclasses by the CAF_PDM_HEADER_INIT macro
virtual QString classKeyword() = 0;
void readFields (QXmlStreamReader& inputStream );
void writeFields(QXmlStreamWriter& outputStream);
/// The registered fields contained in this PdmObject. Registered by subclasses.
void fields(std::vector<PdmFieldHandle*>& fields) const;
/// The fields containing pointers to this PdmObject. Use ownerObject() on the fieldHandle to get the PdmObject parent.
void parentFields(std::vector<PdmFieldHandle*>& fields) const;
/// Remove pointer to this from all parent fields
void removeFromParentFields();
void parentObjects(std::vector<PdmObject*>& objects) const;
/// Method to be called from the Ui classes creating Auto Gui to get the group information
/// supplied by the \sa defineUiOrdering method that can be reimplemented
void uiOrdering(QString uiConfigName, PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering) const;
/// For a specific field, return editor specific parameters used to customize the editor behavior..
void editorAttribute(const PdmFieldHandle* field, QString uiConfigName, PdmUiEditorAttribute * attribute);
// Virtual interface to override in subclasses to support special behaviour if needed
public: // Virtual
virtual PdmFieldHandle* userDescriptionField() { return NULL; }
/// Method to reimplement to catch when the field has changed due to setUiValue()
virtual void fieldChangedByUi(const PdmFieldHandle* changedField, const QVariant& oldValue, const QVariant& newValue) {}
/// Method to re-implement to supply option values for a specific field
virtual QList<PdmOptionItemInfo>
calculateValueOptions(const PdmFieldHandle* fieldNeedingOptions, bool * useOptionsOnly) { return QList<PdmOptionItemInfo>(); }
// For later // virtual void editorAttributeChangedByUI(const PdmFieldHandle* field, QString uiConfigName, const PdmUiAttributeHandle * attributes);
/// Check if a string is a valid Xml element name
static bool isValidXmlElementName(const QString& name);
protected: // Virtual
/// Method gets called from PdmDocument after all objects are read.
/// Re-implement to set up internal pointers etc. in your data structure
virtual void initAfterRead() {};
/// Method gets called from PdmDocument before saving document.
/// Re-implement to make sure your fields have correct data before saving
virtual void setupBeforeSave() {};
/// Override to customize the order and grouping of the Gui.
/// Fill up the uiOrdering object with groups and field references to create the gui structure
/// If the uiOrdering is empty, it is interpreted as meaning all fields w/o grouping.
virtual void defineUiOrdering(QString uiConfigName, PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering) const {}
/// Override to provide editor specific data for the field and uiConfigName
virtual void defineEditorAttribute(const PdmFieldHandle* field, QString uiConfigName, PdmUiEditorAttribute * attribute) {}
/// operator= implemented to avoid copying the internal m_fields
PdmObject& operator=(const PdmObject& ) { return *this; }
/// Adds field to the internal data structure and sets the file keyword and Ui information
/// Consider this method private. Please use the CAF_PDM_InitField() macro instead
template< typename FieldDataType >
void addField(PdmField<FieldDataType>* field, const QString& keyword, const FieldDataType& defaultValue, PdmUiItemInfo * fieldDescription)
addFieldNoDefault(field, keyword, fieldDescription);
*field = defaultValue;
/// Does the same as the above method, but omits the default value.
/// Consider this method private. Please use the CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault() macro instead.
void addFieldNoDefault(PdmFieldHandle* field, const QString& keyword, PdmUiItemInfo * fieldDescription);
// Copy and assignment operators are implemented to avoid copying the internal management data structures.
// If you use copy constructor in your application code, the compiler reports
// "error C2248: 'caf::PdmObjectBase::PdmObjectBase' : cannot access private member declared in ..."
// To fix this issue, implement a public copy constructor in your derived class.
PdmObject(const PdmObject& ): PdmUiItem() { }
PdmFieldHandle* findField(const QString& keyword);
template < class T > friend class PdmField;
template < class T > friend class PdmPointersField;
friend class PdmDocument;
friend class PdmObjectGroup;
void addParentField(PdmFieldHandle* parentField);
void removeParentField(PdmFieldHandle* parentField);
std::multiset<PdmFieldHandle*> m_parentFields;
std::vector<PdmFieldHandle*> m_fields;
// Support system for PdmPointer
friend class PdmPointerImpl;
std::set<PdmObject**> m_pointersReferencingMe;
} // End of namespace caf