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synced 2025-02-04 04:30:51 -06:00
Ported several commits from dev #5913 Import NNC : Do not compute NNCs if importNNCs is disabled in preferences #5914 Import faults : Avoid computation of faults if turned off in preferences #5925 NNC computations : Add flag in preferences to include inactive cells Allan : Do not test for cached data in pytest #5925 Simplify computation of fault data #5932 NNC data : Compute geometry when NNC data is asked for Remove obsolete parameters
330 lines
13 KiB
330 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright (C) Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) Ceetron Solutions AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RimFaultInViewCollection.h"
#include "RiaApplication.h"
#include "RiaColorTables.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimFaultInView.h"
#include "RimIntersectionCollection.h"
#include "RimNoCommonAreaNNC.h"
#include "RimNoCommonAreaNncCollection.h"
#include "RiuMainWindow.h"
#include "cafAppEnum.h"
#include "cafPdmFieldCvfColor.h"
#include "cafPdmFieldCvfMat4d.h"
namespace caf
template <>
void AppEnum<RimFaultInViewCollection::FaultFaceCullingMode>::setUp()
addItem( RimFaultInViewCollection::FAULT_BACK_FACE_CULLING, "FAULT_BACK_FACE_CULLING", "Cell behind fault" );
addItem( RimFaultInViewCollection::FAULT_FRONT_FACE_CULLING, "FAULT_FRONT_FACE_CULLING", "Cell in front of fault" );
addItem( RimFaultInViewCollection::FAULT_NO_FACE_CULLING, "FAULT_NO_FACE_CULLING", "Show both" );
setDefault( RimFaultInViewCollection::FAULT_NO_FACE_CULLING );
} // namespace caf
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimFaultInViewCollection, "Faults" );
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "Faults", ":/draw_style_faults_24x24.png", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &showFaultCollection, "Active", true, "Active", "", "", "" );
showFaultCollection.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( true );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &showFaultFaces, "ShowFaultFaces", true, "Show Defined faces", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &showOppositeFaultFaces, "ShowOppositeFaultFaces", true, "Show Opposite Faces", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_showFaultsOutsideFilters, "ShowFaultsOutsideFilters", true, "Show Faults Outside Filters", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &faultResult,
RimFaultInViewCollection::FAULT_BACK_FACE_CULLING ),
"Dynamic Face Selection",
"" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &showFaultLabel, "ShowFaultLabel", false, "Show Labels", "", "", "" );
cvf::Color3f defWellLabelColor = RiaApplication::instance()->preferences()->defaultWellLabelColor();
CAF_PDM_InitField( &faultLabelColor, "FaultLabelColor", defWellLabelColor, "Label Color", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &showNNCs, "ShowNNCs", true, "Show NNCs", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &hideNncsWhenNoResultIsAvailable,
"Hide NNC Geometry if No NNC Result is Available",
"" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &faults, "Faults", "Faults", "", "", "" );
faults.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( true );
void RimFaultInViewCollection::fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField,
const QVariant& oldValue,
const QVariant& newValue )
if ( &faultLabelColor == changedField )
if ( &showFaultFaces == changedField || &showOppositeFaultFaces == changedField ||
&showFaultCollection == changedField || &showFaultLabel == changedField ||
&m_showFaultsOutsideFilters == changedField || &faultLabelColor == changedField ||
&faultResult == changedField || &showNNCs == changedField || &hideNncsWhenNoResultIsAvailable == changedField )
if ( &showFaultLabel == changedField )
caf::PdmFieldHandle* RimFaultInViewCollection::objectToggleField()
return &showFaultCollection;
RimFaultInView* RimFaultInViewCollection::findFaultByName( QString name )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < this->faults().size(); ++i )
if ( this->faults()[i]->name() == name )
return this->faults()[i];
return nullptr;
/// A comparing function used to sort Faults in the RimFaultCollection::syncronizeFaults() method
bool faultComparator( const cvf::ref<RigFault>& a, const cvf::ref<RigFault>& b )
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( a.notNull() && b.notNull() );
int compareValue = a->name().compare( b->name(), Qt::CaseInsensitive );
return ( compareValue < 0 );
void RimFaultInViewCollection::syncronizeFaults()
if ( !( parentView() && parentView()->mainGrid() ) ) return;
const caf::ColorTable& colorTable = RiaColorTables::faultsPaletteColors();
const cvf::Collection<RigFault> constRigFaults = parentView()->mainGrid()->faults();
cvf::Collection<RigFault> rigFaults;
cvf::Collection<RigFault> sortedFaults( constRigFaults );
std::sort( sortedFaults.begin(), sortedFaults.end(), faultComparator );
cvf::ref<RigFault> undefinedFaults;
cvf::ref<RigFault> undefinedFaultsWInactive;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < sortedFaults.size(); i++ )
QString faultName = sortedFaults[i]->name();
if ( faultName.compare( RiaDefines::undefinedGridFaultName(), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
undefinedFaults = sortedFaults[i];
if ( faultName.startsWith( RiaDefines::undefinedGridFaultName(), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
faultName.contains( "Inactive" ) )
undefinedFaultsWInactive = sortedFaults[i];
if ( undefinedFaults.notNull() )
sortedFaults.erase( undefinedFaults.p() );
rigFaults.push_back( undefinedFaults.p() );
if ( undefinedFaultsWInactive.notNull() )
sortedFaults.erase( undefinedFaultsWInactive.p() );
rigFaults.push_back( undefinedFaultsWInactive.p() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < sortedFaults.size(); i++ )
rigFaults.push_back( sortedFaults[i].p() );
// Find faults with
std::vector<caf::PdmPointer<RimFaultInView>> newFaults;
// Find corresponding fault from data model, or create a new
for ( size_t fIdx = 0; fIdx < rigFaults.size(); ++fIdx )
RimFaultInView* rimFault = this->findFaultByName( rigFaults[fIdx]->name() );
if ( !rimFault )
rimFault = new RimFaultInView();
rimFault->faultColor = colorTable.cycledColor3f( fIdx );
QString faultName = rigFaults[fIdx]->name();
if ( faultName.startsWith( RiaDefines::undefinedGridFaultName(), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
faultName.contains( "Inactive" ) )
rimFault->showFault = false; // Turn fault against inactive cells off by default
rimFault->setFaultGeometry( rigFaults[fIdx].p() );
newFaults.push_back( rimFault );
this->faults().insert( 0, newFaults );
QString toolTip = QString( "Fault count (%1)" ).arg( newFaults.size() );
setUiToolTip( toolTip );
bool RimFaultInViewCollection::isGridVisualizationMode() const
return parentView()->isGridVisualizationMode();
void RimFaultInViewCollection::uiOrderingFaults( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering )
bool isGridVizMode = isGridVisualizationMode();
faultResult.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( isGridVizMode );
showFaultFaces.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( isGridVizMode );
showOppositeFaultFaces.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( isGridVizMode );
caf::PdmUiGroup* ffviz = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Fault Face Visibility" );
ffviz->setCollapsedByDefault( true );
ffviz->add( &showFaultFaces );
ffviz->add( &showOppositeFaultFaces );
ffviz->add( &faultResult );
caf::PdmUiGroup* nncViz = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "NNC Visibility" );
nncViz->setCollapsedByDefault( true );
nncViz->add( &showNNCs );
nncViz->add( &hideNncsWhenNoResultIsAvailable );
void RimFaultInViewCollection::defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering )
caf::PdmUiGroup* labs = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Fault Labels" );
labs->add( &showFaultLabel );
labs->add( &faultLabelColor );
caf::PdmUiGroup* adv = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Fault Options" );
adv->add( &m_showFaultsOutsideFilters );
uiOrderingFaults( uiConfigName, uiOrdering );
RimEclipseView* RimFaultInViewCollection::parentView() const
RimEclipseView* view = nullptr;
this->firstAncestorOrThisOfTypeAsserted( view );
return view;
bool RimFaultInViewCollection::isShowingFaultsAndFaultsOutsideFilters() const
if ( !showFaultCollection ) return false;
return m_showFaultsOutsideFilters;
void RimFaultInViewCollection::setShowFaultsOutsideFilter( bool show )
m_showFaultsOutsideFilters = show;