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// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Statoil ASA, Ceetron AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "cvfBase.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigReservoir.h"
#include "RifReaderInterfaceEcl.h"
#include "RifReaderEclipseFileAccess.h"
#include "RifReaderEclipseUnifiedRestartFile.h"
#include "RifReaderEclipseRestartFiles.h"
#include <iostream>
#ifdef USE_ECL_LIB
#include "ecl_grid.h"
#include "well_state.h"
#endif //USE_ECL_LIB
/// ECLIPSE cell numbering layout:
/// Lower layer: Upper layer
/// 2---3 6---7
/// | | | |
/// 0---1 4---5
// The indexing conventions for vertices in ECLIPSE
// 6-------------7
// /| /|
// / | / |
// / | / |
// 4-------------5 |
// | | | |
// | 2---------|---3
// | / | /
// | / | /
// |/ |/
// 0-------------1
// vertex indices
// The indexing conventions for vertices in ResInsight
// 7-------------6
// /| /|
// / | / |
// / | / |
// 4-------------5 |
// | | | |
// | 3---------|---2
// | / | /
// | / | /
// |/ |/
// 0-------------1
// vertex indices
static const size_t cellMappingECLRi[8] = { 0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6 };
// Static functions
#ifdef USE_ECL_LIB
bool transferGridCellData(RigMainGrid* mainGrid, RigGridBase* localGrid, ecl_grid_type* localEclGrid, size_t activeStartIndex)
int cellCount = ecl_grid_get_global_size(localEclGrid);
size_t cellStartIndex = mainGrid->cells().size();
size_t nodeStartIndex = mainGrid->nodes().size();
RigCell defaultCell;
mainGrid->cells().resize(cellStartIndex + cellCount, defaultCell);
mainGrid->nodes().resize(nodeStartIndex + cellCount*8, cvf::Vec3d(0,0,0));
// Loop over cells and fill them with data
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int gIdx = 0; gIdx < cellCount; ++gIdx)
RigCell& cell = mainGrid->cells()[cellStartIndex + gIdx];
// The invalid (tainted) cell concept in ecl was not correct at all,
// so this is disabeled.
//bool invalid = ecl_grid_cell_invalid1(localEclGrid, gIdx);
bool active = ecl_grid_cell_active1(localEclGrid, gIdx);
cell.setGlobalActiveIndex(active ? activeStartIndex + ecl_grid_get_active_index1(localEclGrid, gIdx) : cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T);
int parentCellIndex = ecl_grid_get_parent_cell1(localEclGrid, gIdx);
if (parentCellIndex == -1)
// Corner coordinates
int cIdx;
for (cIdx = 0; cIdx < 8; ++cIdx)
double * point = mainGrid->nodes()[nodeStartIndex + gIdx * 8 + cellMappingECLRi[cIdx]].ptr();
ecl_grid_get_corner_xyz1(localEclGrid, gIdx, cIdx, &(point[0]), &(point[1]), &(point[2]));
point[2] = -point[2];
cell.cornerIndices()[cIdx] = nodeStartIndex + gIdx*8 + cIdx;
// Sub grid in cell
const ecl_grid_type* subGrid = ecl_grid_get_cell_lgr1(localEclGrid, gIdx);
if (subGrid != NULL)
int subGridFileIndex = ecl_grid_get_grid_nr(subGrid);
CVF_ASSERT(subGridFileIndex > 0);
// Class RigReaderInterfaceECL
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
/// Ground members
void RifReaderInterfaceECL::ground()
m_numGrids = 0;
/// Close interface (for now, no files are kept open after calling methods, so just clear members)
void RifReaderInterfaceECL::close()
m_staticResultsAccess = NULL;
m_dynamicResultsAccess = NULL;
/// Read geometry from file given by name into given reservoir object
bool RifReaderInterfaceECL::readGeometry(const QString& filename, RigReservoir* reservoir)
#ifdef USE_ECL_LIB
ecl_grid_type * mainEclGrid = ecl_grid_alloc( filename.toAscii().data() );
if (!mainEclGrid)
// Some error
return false;
RigMainGrid* mainGrid = reservoir->mainGrid();
cvf::Vec3st gridPointDim(0,0,0);
gridPointDim.x() = ecl_grid_get_nx(mainEclGrid) + 1;
gridPointDim.y() = ecl_grid_get_ny(mainEclGrid) + 1;
gridPointDim.z() = ecl_grid_get_nz(mainEclGrid) + 1;
// Get and set grid and lgr metadata
size_t totalCellCount = static_cast<size_t>(ecl_grid_get_global_size(mainEclGrid));
int numLGRs = ecl_grid_get_num_lgr(mainEclGrid);
int lgrIdx;
for (lgrIdx = 0; lgrIdx < numLGRs; ++lgrIdx)
ecl_grid_type* localEclGrid = ecl_grid_iget_lgr(mainEclGrid, lgrIdx);
std::string lgrName = ecl_grid_get_name(localEclGrid);
cvf::Vec3st gridPointDim(0,0,0);
gridPointDim.x() = ecl_grid_get_nx(localEclGrid) + 1;
gridPointDim.y() = ecl_grid_get_ny(localEclGrid) + 1;
gridPointDim.z() = ecl_grid_get_nz(localEclGrid) + 1;
RigLocalGrid* localGrid = new RigLocalGrid(mainGrid);
totalCellCount += ecl_grid_get_global_size(localEclGrid);
// Reserve room for the cells and nodes and fill them with data
transferGridCellData(mainGrid, mainGrid, mainEclGrid, 0);
size_t globalActiveSize = ecl_grid_get_active_size(mainEclGrid);
for (lgrIdx = 0; lgrIdx < numLGRs; ++lgrIdx)
ecl_grid_type* localEclGrid = ecl_grid_iget_lgr(mainEclGrid, lgrIdx);
transferGridCellData(mainGrid, static_cast<RigLocalGrid*>(mainGrid->gridByIndex(lgrIdx+1)), localEclGrid, globalActiveSize);
globalActiveSize += ecl_grid_get_active_size(localEclGrid);
ecl_grid_free( mainEclGrid );
// !! Maybe this should set somewhere else, in a method that builds meta data !!
m_numGrids = numLGRs + 1;
return true;
/// Open file and read geometry into given reservoir object
bool RifReaderInterfaceECL::open(const QString& fileName, RigReservoir* reservoir)
// Make sure everything's closed
// Get set of files
QStringList fileSet;
if (!RifReaderEclipseFileAccess::fileSet(fileName, &fileSet)) return false;
// Keep the set of files of interest
m_fileSet = fileSet;
// Read geometry
if (!readGeometry(fileName, reservoir)) return false;
// Build results meta data
if (!buildMetaData(reservoir)) return false;
return true;
/// Build meta data - get states and results info
bool RifReaderInterfaceECL::buildMetaData(RigReservoir* reservoir)
#ifdef USE_ECL_LIB
CVF_ASSERT(m_fileSet.size() > 0);
// Get the number of active cells in the grid
size_t numActiveCells = reservoir->mainGrid()->numActiveCells();
// Create access object for dynamic results
m_dynamicResultsAccess = dynamicResultsAccess(m_fileSet, m_numGrids, numActiveCells);
if (m_dynamicResultsAccess.notNull())
// Get time steps texts
m_timeStepTexts = m_dynamicResultsAccess->timeStepsText();
m_timeSteps = m_dynamicResultsAccess->timeSteps();
// Get the names of the dynamic results
m_dynamicResults = m_dynamicResultsAccess->resultNames();
QString initFileName = RifReaderEclipseFileAccess::fileNameByType(m_fileSet, ECL_INIT_FILE);
if (initFileName.size() > 0)
// Open init file
cvf::ref<RifReaderEclipseFileAccess> initFile = new RifReaderEclipseFileAccess;
if (!initFile->open(initFileName))
return false;
// Get the names of the static results
QStringList staticResults;
initFile->keywordsOnFile(&staticResults, numActiveCells);
m_staticResults = staticResults;
m_staticResultsAccess = initFile;
return true;
return false;
#endif //USE_ECL_LIB
/// Create results access object (.UNRST or .X0001 ... .XNNNN)
RifReaderEclipseResultsAccess* RifReaderInterfaceECL::dynamicResultsAccess(const QStringList& fileSet, size_t numGrids, size_t numActiveCells)
RifReaderEclipseResultsAccess* resultsAccess = NULL;
#ifdef USE_ECL_LIB
// Look for unified restart file
QString unrstFileName = RifReaderEclipseFileAccess::fileNameByType(fileSet, ECL_UNIFIED_RESTART_FILE);
if (unrstFileName.size() > 0)
resultsAccess = new RifReaderEclipseUnifiedRestartFile(numGrids, numActiveCells);
if (!resultsAccess->open(QStringList(unrstFileName)))
delete resultsAccess;
return NULL;
// Look for set of restart files (one file per time step)
QStringList restartFiles = RifReaderEclipseFileAccess::fileNamesByType(fileSet, ECL_RESTART_FILE);
if (restartFiles.size() > 0)
resultsAccess = new RifReaderEclipseRestartFiles(numGrids, numActiveCells);
if (!resultsAccess->open(restartFiles))
delete resultsAccess;
return NULL;
#endif //USE_ECL_LIB
// !! could add support for formatted result files
// !! consider priorities in case multiple types exist (.UNRST, .XNNNN, ...)
return resultsAccess;
/// Get the names of all static results
const QStringList& RifReaderInterfaceECL::staticResults() const
return m_staticResults;
/// Get the names of all dynamic results
const QStringList& RifReaderInterfaceECL::dynamicResults() const
return m_dynamicResults;
/// Get the number of time steps
size_t RifReaderInterfaceECL::numTimeSteps() const
return m_timeStepTexts.size();
/// Get all values of a given static result as doubles
bool RifReaderInterfaceECL::staticResult(const QString& result, std::vector<double>* values)
size_t numOccurrences = m_staticResultsAccess->numOccurrences(result);
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < numOccurrences; i++)
std::vector<double> partValues;
if (!m_staticResultsAccess->keywordData(result, i, &partValues)) return false;
values->insert(values->end(), partValues.begin(), partValues.end());
return true;
/// Get dynamic result at given step index. Will concatenate values for the main grid and all sub grids.
bool RifReaderInterfaceECL::dynamicResult(const QString& result, size_t stepIndex, std::vector<double>* values)
return m_dynamicResultsAccess->results(result, stepIndex, values);
/// Get list of time step texts
const QStringList& RifReaderInterfaceECL::timeStepText() const
return m_timeStepTexts;
const QList<QDateTime>& RifReaderInterfaceECL::timeSteps() const
return m_timeSteps;
void RifReaderInterfaceECL::readWellCells(RigReservoir* reservoir)
if (m_dynamicResultsAccess.isNull()) return;
#ifdef USE_ECL_LIB
well_info_type* ert_well_info = well_info_alloc(NULL);
if (!ert_well_info) return;
RigMainGrid* mainGrid = reservoir->mainGrid();
std::vector<RigGridBase*> grids;
cvf::Collection<RigWellResults> wells;
int wellIdx;
for (wellIdx = 0; wellIdx < well_info_get_num_wells(ert_well_info); wellIdx++)
const char* wellName = well_info_iget_well_name(ert_well_info, wellIdx);
cvf::ref<RigWellResults> wellResults = new RigWellResults;
wellResults->m_wellName = wellName;
well_ts_type* ert_well_time_series = well_info_get_ts(ert_well_info , wellName);
int timeStepCount = well_ts_get_size(ert_well_time_series);
int timeIdx;
for (timeIdx = 0; timeIdx < timeStepCount; timeIdx++)
well_state_type* ert_well_state = well_ts_iget_state(ert_well_time_series, timeIdx);
RigWellResultFrame& wellResFrame = wellResults->m_wellCellsTimeSteps[timeIdx];
// Build timestamp for well
// Also see RifReaderEclipseFileAccess::timeStepsText for accessing time_t structures
time_t stepTime = well_state_get_sim_time(ert_well_state);
wellResFrame.m_timestamp = QDateTime::fromTime_t(stepTime);
// Production type
well_type_enum ert_well_type = well_state_get_type(ert_well_state);
if (ert_well_type == PRODUCER)
wellResFrame.m_productionType = RigWellResultFrame::PRODUCER;
else if (ert_well_type == WATER_INJECTOR)
wellResFrame.m_productionType = RigWellResultFrame::WATER_INJECTOR;
else if (ert_well_type == GAS_INJECTOR)
wellResFrame.m_productionType = RigWellResultFrame::GAS_INJECTOR;
else if (ert_well_type == OIL_INJECTOR)
wellResFrame.m_productionType = RigWellResultFrame::OIL_INJECTOR;
wellResFrame.m_productionType = RigWellResultFrame::UNDEFINED_PRODUCTION_TYPE;
wellResFrame.m_isOpen = well_state_is_open( ert_well_state );
// Loop over all the grids in the model. If we have connections in one, we will discard
// the maingrid connections as they are "duplicates"
bool hasWellConnectionsInLGR = false;
for (size_t gridNr = 1; gridNr < grids.size(); ++gridNr)
int branchCount = well_state_iget_lgr_num_branches(ert_well_state, gridNr);
if (branchCount > 0)
hasWellConnectionsInLGR = true;
size_t gridNr = hasWellConnectionsInLGR ? 1 : 0;
for (; gridNr < grids.size(); ++gridNr)
// Wellhead. If several grids have a wellhead definition for this well, we use tha last one. (Possibly the innermost LGR)
const well_conn_type* ert_wellhead = well_state_iget_wellhead(ert_well_state, gridNr);
if (ert_wellhead)
wellResFrame.m_wellHead.m_gridIndex = gridNr;
int gridK = CVF_MAX(0, ert_wellhead->k); // Why this ?
wellResFrame.m_wellHead.m_gridCellIndex = grids[gridNr]->cellIndexFromIJK(ert_wellhead->i, ert_wellhead->j, gridK);
int branchCount = well_state_iget_lgr_num_branches(ert_well_state, gridNr);
if (branchCount > 0)
if (static_cast<int>(wellResFrame.m_wellResultBranches.size()) < branchCount) wellResFrame.m_wellResultBranches.resize(branchCount);
for (int branchIdx = 0; branchIdx < branchCount; ++branchIdx )
// Connections
int connectionCount = well_state_iget_num_lgr_connections(ert_well_state, gridNr, branchIdx);
if (connectionCount > 0)
RigWellResultBranch& wellSegment = wellResFrame.m_wellResultBranches[branchIdx]; // Is this completely right? Is the branch index actually the same between lgrs ?
wellSegment.m_branchNumber = branchIdx;
size_t existingConnCount = wellSegment.m_wellCells.size();
wellSegment.m_wellCells.resize(existingConnCount + connectionCount);
int connIdx;
for (connIdx = 0; connIdx < connectionCount; connIdx++)
const well_conn_type* ert_connection = well_state_iget_lgr_connections( ert_well_state, gridNr, branchIdx)[connIdx];
RigWellResultCell& data = wellSegment.m_wellCells[existingConnCount + connIdx];
data.m_gridIndex = gridNr;
data.m_gridCellIndex = grids[gridNr]->cellIndexFromIJK(ert_connection->i, ert_connection->j, ert_connection->k);
data.m_isOpen = ert_connection->open;