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// Copyright (C) 2015- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2015- Ceetron Solutions AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RicNewPltPlotFeature.h"
#include "RicNewWellLogPlotFeatureImpl.h"
#include "RicWellLogPlotCurveFeatureImpl.h"
#include "RigWellLogCurveData.h"
#include "Rim3dView.h"
#include "RimEclipseResultCase.h"
#include "RimMainPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimPltPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimSimWellInView.h"
#include "RimWellLogExtractionCurve.h"
#include "RimWellLogPlot.h"
#include "RimWellLogTrack.h"
#include "RimWellPath.h"
#include "RimWellPltPlot.h"
#include "Riu3dSelectionManager.h"
#include "RiuPlotMainWindowTools.h"
#include "cafSelectionManagerTools.h"
#include <QAction>
#include <vector>
CAF_CMD_SOURCE_INIT( RicNewPltPlotFeature, "RicNewPltPlotFeature" );
bool RicNewPltPlotFeature::isCommandEnabled()
if ( RicWellLogPlotCurveFeatureImpl::parentWellAllocationPlot() ) return false;
RimSimWellInView* simWell = caf::firstAncestorOfTypeFromSelectedObject<RimSimWellInView*>();
RimWellPath* selectedWellPath = caf::firstAncestorOfTypeFromSelectedObject<RimWellPath*>();
bool enable = true;
if ( selectedWellPath )
if ( !selectedWellPath->wellPathGeometry() || !RimWellPlotTools::hasFlowData( selectedWellPath ) )
return false;
if ( simWell != nullptr )
RimProject* proj = RimProject::current();
QString simWellName = simWell->name();
RimWellPath* wellPath = proj->wellPathFromSimWellName( simWellName );
enable = wellPath != nullptr;
return enable;
void RicNewPltPlotFeature::onActionTriggered( bool isChecked )
RimProject* proj = RimProject::current();
RimPltPlotCollection* pltPlotColl = proj->mainPlotCollection()->pltPlotCollection();
if ( pltPlotColl )
QString wellPathName;
RimWellPath* wellPath = nullptr;
RimSimWellInView* eclipseWell = nullptr;
if ( ( wellPath = caf::firstAncestorOfTypeFromSelectedObject<RimWellPath*>() ) != nullptr )
wellPathName = wellPath->name();
else if ( ( eclipseWell = caf::firstAncestorOfTypeFromSelectedObject<RimSimWellInView*>() ) != nullptr )
wellPath = proj->wellPathFromSimWellName( eclipseWell->name() );
if ( !wellPath ) return;
wellPathName = wellPath->name();
QString plotName = QString( RimWellPltPlot::plotNameFormatString() ).arg( wellPathName );
RimWellPltPlot* pltPlot = new RimWellPltPlot();
pltPlot->setCurrentWellName( wellPathName );
RimWellLogTrack* plotTrack = new RimWellLogTrack();
pltPlot->addPlot( plotTrack );
plotTrack->setDescription( QString( "Track %1" ).arg( pltPlot->plotCount() ) );
pltPlotColl->addPlot( pltPlot );
pltPlot->nameConfig()->setCustomName( plotName );
// pltPlot->applyInitialSelections();
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::setExpanded( plotTrack );
RiuPlotMainWindowTools::selectAsCurrentItem( pltPlot );
void RicNewPltPlotFeature::setupActionLook( QAction* actionToSetup )
actionToSetup->setText( "New PLT Plot" );
actionToSetup->setIcon( QIcon( ":/WellFlowPlot16x16.png" ) );
RimWellPath* RicNewPltPlotFeature::selectedWellPath() const
auto selection = caf::selectedObjectsByType<RimWellPath*>();
return selection.size() > 0 ? selection[0] : nullptr;
RimSimWellInView* RicNewPltPlotFeature::selectedSimulationWell( int* branchIndex ) const
RiuSelectionItem* selItem = Riu3dSelectionManager::instance()->selectedItem( Riu3dSelectionManager::RUI_TEMPORARY );
RiuSimWellSelectionItem* simWellSelItem = dynamic_cast<RiuSimWellSelectionItem*>( selItem );
if ( simWellSelItem )
( *branchIndex ) = static_cast<int>( simWellSelItem->m_branchIndex );
return simWellSelItem->m_simWell;
std::vector<RimSimWellInView*> selection;
caf::SelectionManager::instance()->objectsByType( &selection );
( *branchIndex ) = 0;
return selection.size() > 0 ? selection[0] : nullptr;
bool RicNewPltPlotFeature::caseAvailable() const
std::vector<RimCase*> cases;
RimProject::current()->allCases( cases );
return cases.size() > 0;