mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
* Make sure clang-tidy action use .clang-tidy config file Use add-paths to instruct create-pull-request to a sub folder to avoid diff from Qt and vcpkg * Use empty() in macro to avoid clang-tidy warning * Add NOLINT to CAF_ASSERT * Add NOLINT to cvfAssert
419 lines
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419 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2020- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RifStimPlanModelGeologicalFrkExporter.h"
#include "RiaEclipseUnitTools.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "RifCsvDataTableFormatter.h"
#include "RifStimPlanModelPerfsFrkExporter.h"
#include "RifTextDataTableFormatter.h"
#include "RimStimPlanModel.h"
#include "RimStimPlanModelCalculator.h"
#include "caf.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QTextStream>
bool RifStimPlanModelGeologicalFrkExporter::writeToFile( RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel, bool useDetailedLoss, const QString& filepath )
std::vector<QString> labels;
// TVD depth of top of zone (ft)
labels.push_back( "dpthlyr" );
// Stress at top of zone (psi)
labels.push_back( "strs" );
// Stress gradient (psi/ft)
labels.push_back( "strsg" );
// Young's modulus (MMpsi)
labels.push_back( "elyr" );
// Poisson's Ratio
labels.push_back( "poissonr" );
// K-Ic (psi*sqrt(in)
labels.push_back( "tuflyr" );
// Fluid Loss Coefficient
labels.push_back( "clyrc" );
// Spurt loss (gal/100f^2)
labels.push_back( "clyrs" );
// Proppand Embedmeent (lb/ft^2)
labels.push_back( "pembed" );
if ( useDetailedLoss )
// B2 Detailed Loss
// Reservoir Pressure (psi)
labels.push_back( "zoneResPres" );
// Immobile Fluid Saturation (fraction)
labels.push_back( "zoneWaterSat" );
// Porosity (fraction)
labels.push_back( "zonePorosity" );
// Horizontal Perm (md)
labels.push_back( "zoneHorizPerm" );
// Vertical Perm (md)
labels.push_back( "zoneVertPerm" );
// Temperature (F)
labels.push_back( "zoneTemp" );
// Relative permeability
labels.push_back( "zoneRelPerm" );
// Poro-Elastic constant
labels.push_back( "zonePoroElas" );
// Thermal Epansion Coefficient (1/F)
labels.push_back( "zoneThermalExp" );
std::vector<double> tvd = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateTrueVerticalDepth();
// Warn if the generated model has too many layers for StimPlan
if ( tvd.size() > MAX_STIMPLAN_LAYERS )
RiaLogging::warning( QString( "Exporting model with too many layers: %1. Maximum supported number of layers is %2." )
.arg( tvd.size() )
// Make sure stress gradients are in the valid interval
std::vector<double> stressGradients = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateStressGradient();
// Make sure porosity and permeability is valid
std::vector<double> porosity = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculatePorosity();
fixupLowerBoundary( porosity, stimPlanModel->defaultPorosity(), "porosity" );
std::vector<double> horizontalPermeability = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateHorizontalPermeability();
fixupLowerBoundary( horizontalPermeability, stimPlanModel->defaultPermeability(), "horizontal permeability" );
std::vector<double> verticalPermeability = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateVerticalPermeability();
fixupLowerBoundary( verticalPermeability, stimPlanModel->defaultPermeability() * 0.1, "vertical permeability" );
std::map<QString, std::vector<double>> values;
values["dpthlyr"] = tvd;
values["strs"] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateStress();
values["strsg"] = stressGradients;
values["elyr"] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateYoungsModulus();
values["poissonr"] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculatePoissonsRatio();
values["tuflyr"] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateKIc();
values["clyrc"] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateFluidLossCoefficient();
values["clyrs"] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateSpurtLoss();
values["pembed"] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateProppandEmbedment();
values["zoneResPres"] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateReservoirPressure();
values["zoneWaterSat"] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateImmobileFluidSaturation();
values["zonePorosity"] = porosity;
values["zoneHorizPerm"] = horizontalPermeability;
values["zoneVertPerm"] = verticalPermeability;
values["zoneTemp"] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateTemperature();
values["zoneRelPerm"] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateRelativePermeabilityFactor();
values["zonePoroElas"] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculatePoroElasticConstant();
values["zoneThermalExp"] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateThermalExpansionCoefficient();
auto [faciesIndex, faciesNames] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateFacies();
values["faciesIdx"] = faciesIndex;
if ( faciesIndex.size() != tvd.size() || faciesNames.size() != tvd.size() ) return false;
auto [formationIndex, formationNames] = stimPlanModel->calculator()->calculateFormation();
values["formationIdx"] = formationIndex;
if ( formationIndex.size() != tvd.size() || formationNames.size() != tvd.size() ) return false;
// Special values for csv export
auto [depthStart, depthEnd] = createDepthRanges( tvd );
values["dpthstart"] = depthStart;
values["dpthend"] = depthEnd;
auto [perforationTop, perforationBottom] =
RifStimPlanModelPerfsFrkExporter::calculateTopAndBottomMeasuredDepth( stimPlanModel, stimPlanModel->wellPath() );
values["perfs"] = createPerforationValues( depthStart,
RiaEclipseUnitTools::meterToFeet( perforationTop ),
RiaEclipseUnitTools::meterToFeet( perforationBottom ) );
std::vector<QString> csvLabels = { "dpthstart", "dpthend", "faciesIdx", "formationIdx", "perfs" };
for ( const QString& label : labels )
csvLabels.push_back( label );
return writeToFrkFile( filepath, labels, values ) && writeToCsvFile( filepath, csvLabels, values, faciesNames, formationNames );
bool RifStimPlanModelGeologicalFrkExporter::writeToFrkFile( const QString& filepath,
const std::vector<QString>& labels,
const std::map<QString, std::vector<double>>& values )
QFile data( filepath );
if ( !data.open( QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate ) )
return false;
QTextStream stream( &data );
appendHeaderToStream( stream );
for ( QString label : labels )
auto vals = values.find( label );
if ( vals == values.end() ) return false;
warnOnInvalidData( label, vals->second );
appendToStream( stream, label, vals->second );
appendFooterToStream( stream );
return true;
bool RifStimPlanModelGeologicalFrkExporter::writeToCsvFile( const QString& filepath,
const std::vector<QString>& labels,
const std::map<QString, std::vector<double>>& values,
const std::vector<QString>& faciesNames,
const std::vector<QString>& formationNames )
// Create the csv in the same directory as the frk file
QFileInfo fi( filepath );
QString csvFilepath = fi.absolutePath() + "/Geological.csv";
QFile data( csvFilepath );
if ( !data.open( QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate ) )
return false;
QTextStream stream( &data );
QString fieldSeparator = RiaPreferences::current()->csvTextExportFieldSeparator;
RifCsvDataTableFormatter formatter( stream, fieldSeparator );
// Construct header
std::vector<RifTextDataTableColumn> header;
for ( auto label : labels )
header.push_back( RifTextDataTableColumn( label, RifTextDataTableDoubleFormat::RIF_FLOAT ) );
header.push_back( RifTextDataTableColumn( "Facies" ) );
header.push_back( RifTextDataTableColumn( "Formation" ) );
formatter.header( header );
// The length of the vectors are assumed to be equal
size_t idx = 0;
bool isDone = false;
while ( !isDone )
// Construct one row
for ( auto label : labels )
auto vals = values.find( label );
if ( vals == values.end() ) return false;
if ( idx >= vals->second.size() )
isDone = true;
formatter.add( vals->second[idx] );
if ( !isDone )
formatter.add( faciesNames[idx] );
formatter.add( formationNames[idx] );
return true;
void RifStimPlanModelGeologicalFrkExporter::appendHeaderToStream( QTextStream& stream )
stream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" << '\n' << "<geologic>" << caf::endl;
void RifStimPlanModelGeologicalFrkExporter::appendToStream( QTextStream& stream, const QString& label, const std::vector<double>& values )
stream << "<cNamedSet>" << caf::endl
<< "<name>" << caf::endl
<< label << caf::endl
<< "</name>" << caf::endl
<< "<dimCount>" << caf::endl
<< 1 << caf::endl
<< "</dimCount>" << caf::endl
<< "<sizes>" << caf::endl
<< values.size() << caf::endl
<< "</sizes>" << caf::endl
<< "<data>" << caf::endl;
for ( auto val : values )
stream << val << caf::endl;
stream << "</data>" << '\n' << "</cNamedSet>" << caf::endl;
void RifStimPlanModelGeologicalFrkExporter::appendFooterToStream( QTextStream& stream )
stream << "</geologic>" << caf::endl;
void RifStimPlanModelGeologicalFrkExporter::fixupStressGradients( std::vector<double>& stressGradients,
double minStressGradient,
double maxStressGradient,
double defaultStressGradient )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < stressGradients.size(); i++ )
if ( stressGradients[i] < minStressGradient || stressGradients[i] > maxStressGradient )
RiaLogging::warning( QString( "Found stress gradient outside valid range [%1, %2]. Replacing %3 with default value: %4." )
.arg( minStressGradient )
.arg( maxStressGradient )
.arg( stressGradients[i] )
.arg( defaultStressGradient ) );
stressGradients[i] = defaultStressGradient;
void RifStimPlanModelGeologicalFrkExporter::fixupLowerBoundary( std::vector<double>& values, double minValue, const QString& property )
for ( double& value : values )
if ( value < minValue )
RiaLogging::warning( QString( "Found %1 outside valid lower boundary (%2). Replacing %3 with default value: %2." )
.arg( property )
.arg( minValue )
.arg( value ) );
value = minValue;
bool RifStimPlanModelGeologicalFrkExporter::warnOnInvalidData( const QString& label, const std::vector<double>& values )
bool isInvalid = hasInvalidData( values );
if ( isInvalid )
RiaLogging::warning( QString( "Found invalid data in Geological.FRK export of property '%1'." ).arg( label ) );
return isInvalid;
bool RifStimPlanModelGeologicalFrkExporter::hasInvalidData( const std::vector<double>& values )
for ( auto v : values )
if ( std::isinf( v ) || std::isnan( v ) ) return true;
return false;
std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>> RifStimPlanModelGeologicalFrkExporter::createDepthRanges( const std::vector<double>& tvd )
std::vector<double> startTvd;
std::vector<double> endTvd;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < tvd.size(); i++ )
startTvd.push_back( tvd[i] );
// Special handling for last range
if ( i == tvd.size() - 1 )
endTvd.push_back( startTvd[i] );
endTvd.push_back( tvd[i + 1] );
return std::make_pair( startTvd, endTvd );
std::vector<double> RifStimPlanModelGeologicalFrkExporter::createPerforationValues( const std::vector<double>& depthStart,
const std::vector<double>& depthEnd,
double perforationTop,
double perforationBottom )
std::vector<double> perfs;
for ( size_t idx = 0; idx < depthStart.size(); idx++ )
double top = depthStart[idx];
double bottom = depthEnd[idx];
// Layer is perforation if end points are inside the perforation interval
bool isPerforation = bottom >= perforationTop && top <= perforationBottom;
perfs.push_back( static_cast<double>( isPerforation ) );
return perfs;