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// Copyright (C) 2018- Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RiaSCurveCalculator.h"
#include "RiaOffshoreSphericalCoords.h"
#include "cvfMatrix4.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
RiaSCurveCalculator::RiaSCurveCalculator(cvf::Vec3d p1, double azi1, double inc1, double rad1,
cvf::Vec3d p2, double azi2, double inc2, double rad2)
: m_isCalculationOK(false)
, m_p1(p1)
, m_p2(p2)
, m_firstArcEndpoint(p1 + 0.3*(p2-p1))
, m_secondArcStartpoint(p1 + 0.6*(p2-p1))
, m_r1(rad1)
, m_r2(rad2)
, m_ctrlPpointCurveStatus(NOT_SET)
, m_solveStatus(NOT_SOLVED)
initializeByFinding_q1q2(p1, azi1, inc1, rad1, p2, azi2, inc2, rad2);
RiaSCurveCalculator::RiaSCurveCalculator(cvf::Vec3d p1, cvf::Vec3d q1,
cvf::Vec3d p2, cvf::Vec3d q2)
: m_isCalculationOK(true)
, m_p1(p1)
, m_p2(p2)
, m_ctrlPpointCurveStatus(NOT_SET)
, m_solveStatus(NOT_SOLVED)
using Vec3d = cvf::Vec3d;
bool isOk = true;
m_isCalculationOK = true;
Vec3d tq1q2 = (q2 - q1).getNormalized(&isOk); // !ok means the control points are in the same place. Could fallback to use only one circle segment + one line.
m_isCalculationOK = m_isCalculationOK && isOk;
Vec3d t1 = (q1 - p1).getNormalized(&isOk); // !ok means no tangent specified. Could fallback to use only one circle segment + one line.
m_isCalculationOK = m_isCalculationOK && isOk;
Vec3d t2 = (p2 - q2).getNormalized(&isOk); // !ok means no tangent specified. Could fallback to use only one circle segment + one line or only one straight line if both tangents are missing
m_isCalculationOK = m_isCalculationOK && isOk;
if (!m_isCalculationOK)
m_ctrlPpointCurveStatus = FAILED_INPUT_OVERLAP;
Vec3d td1 = (tq1q2 - t1);
double td1Length = td1.length();
if ( td1Length > 1e-10 )
td1 /= td1Length;
m_c1 = q1 + ((q1 - p1).length() / (td1 * (-t1))) * td1;
m_r1 = (m_c1 - p1).length();
else // both control points are along t1. First curve has infinite radius
m_c1 = cvf::Vec3d::UNDEFINED;
m_r1 = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
if (m_ctrlPpointCurveStatus == NOT_SET)
m_ctrlPpointCurveStatus = OK_INFINITE_RADIUS1;
Vec3d td2 = (-tq1q2 + t2);
double td2Length = td2.length();
if ( td2Length > 1e-10 )
td2 /= td2Length;
m_c2 = q2 + ((q2 - p2).length() / (td2 * (t2))) * td2;
m_r2 = (m_c2 - p2).length();
else // both control points are along t2. Second curve has infinite radius
m_c2 = cvf::Vec3d::UNDEFINED;
m_r2 = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
if (m_ctrlPpointCurveStatus == NOT_SET)
m_ctrlPpointCurveStatus = OK_INFINITE_RADIUS2;
else if (m_ctrlPpointCurveStatus == OK_INFINITE_RADIUS1)
m_ctrlPpointCurveStatus = OK_INFINITE_RADIUS12;
m_firstArcEndpoint = q1 + (q1 - p1).length() * tq1q2;
m_secondArcStartpoint = q2 - (q2 - p2).length() * tq1q2;
if (((q1 - p1).length() + (q2 - p2).length()) > (q2 - q1).length()) // first arc end and second arc start is overlapping
m_ctrlPpointCurveStatus = FAILED_ARC_OVERLAP;
m_isCalculationOK = false;
if (m_ctrlPpointCurveStatus == NOT_SET)
m_ctrlPpointCurveStatus = OK;
// The Circle normals. Will be set to cvf::Vec3d::ZERO if undefined.
m_n1 = (t1 ^ tq1q2).getNormalized();
m_n2 = (tq1q2 ^ t2).getNormalized();
RiaSCurveCalculator RiaSCurveCalculator::fromTangentsAndLength(cvf::Vec3d p1, double azi1, double inc1, double lengthToQ1,
cvf::Vec3d p2, double azi2, double inc2, double lengthToQ2)
cvf::Vec3d t1(RiaOffshoreSphericalCoords::unitVectorFromAziInc(azi1,inc1));
cvf::Vec3d t2(RiaOffshoreSphericalCoords::unitVectorFromAziInc(azi2,inc2));
cvf::Vec3d Q1 = p1 + lengthToQ1 * t1;
cvf::Vec3d Q2 = p2 - lengthToQ2 * t2;
RiaSCurveCalculator curveFromControlPoints(p1, Q1,
p2, Q2);
return curveFromControlPoints;
/// Needs to calculate J^-1 * [R1_error, R2_error]
/// | dR1_dq1 dR1_dq2 | 1 | dR2_dq2 -dR1_dq2 |
/// J = | | J^-1 = ---------------------------------- | |
/// | dR2_dq1 dR2_dq2 | dR1_dq1*dR2_dq2 - dR1_dq2*dR2_dq1 | -dR2_dq1 dR1_dq1 |
/// | q1_step | | R1_Error |
/// | | = - J^-1 | |
/// | q2_step | | R2_Error |
void calculateNewStepsFromJacobi(double dR1_dq1, double dR1_dq2,
double dR2_dq1, double dR2_dq2,
double R1_error,
double R2_error,
double * newStepq1,
double * newStepq2)
double invJacobiScale = 1.0/ (dR1_dq1*dR2_dq2 - dR2_dq1*dR1_dq2);
double invJacobi_R1q1 = invJacobiScale * dR2_dq2;
double invJacobi_R1q2 = invJacobiScale * -dR1_dq2;
double invJacobi_R2q1 = invJacobiScale * -dR2_dq1;
double invJacobi_R2q2 = invJacobiScale * dR1_dq1;
(*newStepq1) = - (invJacobi_R1q1 * R1_error + invJacobi_R1q2 * R2_error);
(*newStepq2) = - (invJacobi_R2q1 * R1_error + invJacobi_R2q2 * R2_error) ;
bool isZeroCrossing(double newError, double oldError, double maxError)
if ( (newError < -maxError && maxError < oldError) || (newError > maxError && -maxError > oldError) )
return true;
return false;
/// Iterating with changing q1, q2 (lengths along tangent) to find solution with R1 = r1 and R2 = r2
/// R1(q1, q2), R2(q1, q2)
void RiaSCurveCalculator::initializeByFinding_q1q2(cvf::Vec3d p1, double azi1, double inc1, double r1,
cvf::Vec3d p2, double azi2, double inc2, double r2)
// Algorithm options
const int maxIterations = 40;
const double maxError = 0.01;
const double closeError = 40*maxError;
const double maxStepSize = 1.0e9;
const double maxLengthToQ = 1.0e10;
bool enableBackstepping = false;
// Needs the initial partial derivatives to see the direction of change
// dR1/dq1, dR1/dq2, dR2/dq1, dR2/dq2
// Selects a sensible point in the domain for the evaluation
double p1p2Length = (p2 - p1).length();
double delta = 0.01 * p1p2Length;
double initialq1q2 = 0.2 * p1p2Length;
double deltaPos = initialq1q2 + delta;
RiaSCurveCalculator ev_0 = RiaSCurveCalculator::fromTangentsAndLength(p1, azi1, inc1, initialq1q2,
p2, azi2, inc2, initialq1q2);
if ( ev_0.curveStatus() == RiaSCurveCalculator::OK_INFINITE_RADIUS12 )
*this = ev_0;
this->m_solveStatus = CONVERGED;
} // Todo: Handle infinite radius in one place
RiaSCurveCalculator ev_dq1 = RiaSCurveCalculator::fromTangentsAndLength(p1, azi1, inc1, deltaPos,
p2, azi2, inc2, initialq1q2);
RiaSCurveCalculator ev_dq2 = RiaSCurveCalculator::fromTangentsAndLength(p1, azi1, inc1, initialq1q2,
p2, azi2, inc2, deltaPos);
// Initial Jacobi
double dR1_dq1 = ((r1 - ev_dq1.firstRadius()) - (r1 - ev_0.firstRadius()))/delta;
double dR2_dq2 = ((r2 - ev_dq2.secondRadius()) - (r2 - ev_0.secondRadius()))/delta;
// Initial function value (error)
double R1_error = r1 - ev_0.firstRadius();
double R2_error = r2 - ev_0.secondRadius();
// First steps
double q1Step = -R1_error/dR1_dq1;
double q2Step = -R2_error/dR2_dq2;
double dR1_dq2 = ((r1 - ev_dq2.firstRadius()) - (r1 - ev_0.firstRadius()))/delta;
double dR2_dq1 = ((r2 - ev_dq1.secondRadius()) - (r2 - ev_0.secondRadius()))/delta;
calculateNewStepsFromJacobi(dR1_dq1, dR1_dq2,
dR2_dq1, dR2_dq2,
R1_error, R2_error,
&q1Step, &q2Step);
double q1 = initialq1q2;
double q2 = initialq1q2;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Targets: R1, R2: " << r1 << " , " << r2 << std::endl;
std::cout << 0 << ": " << q1Step << " , " << q2Step
<< " : " << q1 << " , " << q2 << " | "
<< ev_0.isOk() << " : " << ev_0.firstRadius() << " , " << ev_0.secondRadius()
<< " : " << R1_error << " , " << R2_error << std::endl;
SolveStatus solveResultStatus = NOT_SOLVED;
int backstepLevel = 0;
int iteration = 1;
for ( iteration = 1; iteration < maxIterations; ++iteration)
if ( fabs(q1Step) > maxStepSize || fabs(q2Step) > maxStepSize )
std::string q1R1StepCorrMarker;
std::string q2R2StepCorrMarker;
if (q1 + q1Step < 0) { q1Step = -0.9*q1; q1R1StepCorrMarker = "*";}
if (q2 + q2Step < 0) { q2Step = -0.9*q2; q2R2StepCorrMarker = "*"; }
q1 += q1Step;
q2 += q2Step;
if (fabs(q1) > maxLengthToQ || fabs(q2) > maxLengthToQ)
/// Max length along tangent reached
RiaSCurveCalculator ev_1 = RiaSCurveCalculator::fromTangentsAndLength(p1, azi1, inc1, q1,
p2, azi2, inc2, q2);
double R1_error_new = r1 - ev_1.firstRadius();
double R2_error_new = r2 - ev_1.secondRadius();
std::cout << iteration << ": " << q1Step << q1R1StepCorrMarker << " , " << q2Step<< q2R2StepCorrMarker
<< " : " << q1 << " , " << q2 << " | "
<< ev_1.isOk() << " : " << ev_1.firstRadius() << " , " << ev_1.secondRadius()
<< " : " << R1_error_new << " , " << R2_error_new ;
if ( ( fabs(R1_error_new) < maxError || ev_1.curveStatus() == OK_INFINITE_RADIUS1 )
&& ( fabs(R2_error_new) < maxError || ev_1.curveStatus() == OK_INFINITE_RADIUS2 ) )
ev_0 = ev_1;
// Result ok !
solveResultStatus = CONVERGED;
std::cout << std::endl;
if (enableBackstepping) // Experimental back-stepping
bool isZeroCrossingR1 = isZeroCrossing(R1_error_new, R1_error, maxError);
bool isZeroCrossingR2 = isZeroCrossing(R2_error_new, R2_error, maxError);
if ( isZeroCrossingR2 || isZeroCrossingR1 )
q1 -= q1Step;
q2 -= q2Step;
//if (isZeroCrossingR1)
q1Step = 0.9* q1Step * fabs(R1_error) /(fabs(R1_error_new) + fabs(R1_error));
//if (isZeroCrossingR2)
q2Step = 0.9* q2Step * fabs(R2_error) /(fabs(R2_error_new) + fabs(R2_error));
std::cout << " Backstep needed. "<< std::endl;
backstepLevel = 0;
std::cout << std::endl;
/// Update Jacobi using Broyden
// (R_error_n-Rerror_n-1) - Jn-1*dq
// J_n = Jn-1 + --------------------------------- (dq)T
// | dqn |^2
double dR1_error = R1_error_new - R1_error;
double dR2_error = R2_error_new - R2_error;
R1_error = R1_error_new;
R2_error = R2_error_new;
double stepNormScale = 1.0/(q1Step*q1Step + q2Step*q2Step);
dR1_dq1 = dR1_dq1 + stepNormScale * (q1Step * (dR1_error - q1Step * dR1_dq1 + q2Step * dR1_dq2) );
dR1_dq2 = dR1_dq2 + stepNormScale * (q2Step * (dR1_error - q1Step * dR1_dq1 + q2Step * dR1_dq2) );
dR2_dq1 = dR2_dq1 + stepNormScale * (q1Step * (dR2_error - q1Step * dR2_dq1 + q2Step * dR2_dq2) );
dR2_dq2 = dR2_dq2 + stepNormScale * (q2Step * (dR2_error - q1Step * dR2_dq1 + q2Step * dR2_dq2) );
calculateNewStepsFromJacobi(dR1_dq1, dR1_dq2,
dR2_dq1, dR2_dq2,
R1_error, R2_error,
&q1Step, &q2Step);
dR1_dq1 = ((r1 - ev_1.firstRadius()) - (r1 - ev_0.firstRadius()))/q1Step;
dR2_dq2 = ((r2 - ev_1.secondRadius()) - (r2 - ev_0.secondRadius()))/q2Step;
R1_error = R1_error_new;
R2_error = R2_error_new;
q1Step = -R1_error/dR1_dq1;
q2Step = -R2_error/dR2_dq2;
ev_0 = ev_1;
*this = ev_0;
if ( iteration >= maxIterations )
// Max iterations reached
m_solveStatus = solveResultStatus;
void RiaSCurveCalculator::dump() const
cvf::Vec3d v_C1 = firstCenter();
cvf::Vec3d v_C2 = secondCenter();
cvf::Vec3d v_N1 = firstNormal();
cvf::Vec3d v_N2 = secondNormal();
cvf::Vec3d v_P11 = firstArcEndpoint();
cvf::Vec3d v_P22 = secondArcStartpoint();
std::cout << " P1: " << "[ " << m_p1[0] << " " << m_p1[1] << " " << m_p1[2] << " " << std::endl;
std::cout << " P11: " << "[ " << v_P11[0] << " " << v_P11[1] << " " << v_P11[2] << " " << std::endl;
std::cout << " P22: " << "[ " << v_P22[0] << " " << v_P22[1] << " " << v_P22[2] << " " << std::endl;
std::cout << " P2: " << "[ " << m_p2[0] << " " << m_p2[1] << " " << m_p2[2] << " " << std::endl;
std::cout << " C1: " << "[ " << v_C1[0] << " " << v_C1[1] << " " << v_C1[2] << " " << std::endl;
std::cout << " C2: " << "[ " << v_C2[0] << " " << v_C2[1] << " " << v_C2[2] << " " << std::endl;
std::cout << " N1: " << "[ " << v_N1[0] << " " << v_N1[1] << " " << v_N1[2] << " " << std::endl;
std::cout << " N2: " << "[ " << v_N2[0] << " " << v_N2[1] << " " << v_N2[2] << " " << std::endl;
std::cout << " R1: " << "[ " << firstRadius() << " ]" << std::endl;
std::cout << " R2: " << "[ " << secondRadius() << " ]" << std::endl;
std::cout << " CtrPointStatus: " << m_ctrlPpointCurveStatus << " SolveStatus: " << m_solveStatus << std::endl;