mirror of
synced 2025-01-01 03:37:15 -06:00
Testing identified performance issues related to reading restart file name from summary files. Make sure the reading of timesteps is done only when required in new function getFileInfoAndTimeSteps. Add reading of restart file name using opm-common when opm-common is active. The performance of this reader is much better than resdata.
634 lines
26 KiB
634 lines
26 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2017- Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog.h"
#include "ExportCommands/RicSnapshotFilenameGenerator.h"
#include "ExportCommands/RicSnapshotViewToClipboardFeature.h"
#include "ExportCommands/RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature.h"
#include "RiaFilePathTools.h"
#include "RiaGuiApplication.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaQDateTimeTools.h"
#include "RifEclipseSummaryTools.h"
#include "Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RiuPlotMainWindow.h"
#include "RiuTools.h"
#include <QAbstractItemView>
#include <QAction>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QListWidget>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QTextEdit>
#include <QToolBar>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <cvfAssert.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
/// Internal functions
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<RifRestartFileInfo, QString>>> makeShortPath( const std::vector<std::vector<RifRestartFileInfo>>& fileInfoLists )
// Build output lists
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<RifRestartFileInfo, QString>>> output;
QString currentFilePath = QFileInfo( fileInfoLists[CURRENT_FILES_LIST_INDEX].front().fileName ).absoluteDir().absolutePath();
for ( const auto& fileInfoList : fileInfoLists )
std::vector<std::pair<RifRestartFileInfo, QString>> currList;
for ( auto& fi : fileInfoList )
std::pair<RifRestartFileInfo, QString> newFi;
newFi = std::make_pair( fi, fi.fileName );
QFileInfo( fi.fileName ).fileName();
QString absPath = QFileInfo( fi.fileName ).absoluteDir().absolutePath();
QString prefix = RiaFilePathTools::equalPaths( currentFilePath, absPath ) ? "" : ".../";
newFi.first.fileName = prefix + QFileInfo( fi.fileName ).fileName();
currList.push_back( newFi );
output.push_back( currList );
return output;
RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog( QWidget* parent )
: QDialog( parent, RiuTools::defaultDialogFlags() )
// Create widgets
m_currentFilesLayout = new QGridLayout();
m_summaryReadAllBtn = new QRadioButton( this );
m_summarySeparateCasesBtn = new QRadioButton( this );
m_summaryNotReadBtn = new QRadioButton( this );
m_gridSeparateCasesBtn = new QRadioButton( this );
m_gridNotReadBtn = new QRadioButton( this );
m_warnings = new QListWidget( this );
m_showFullPathCheckBox = new QCheckBox( this );
m_buttons = new QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel | QDialogButtonBox::Apply );
// Connect to signals
connect( m_showFullPathCheckBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotShowFullPathToggled( int ) ) );
connect( m_buttons, SIGNAL( clicked( QAbstractButton* ) ), this, SLOT( slotDialogButtonClicked( QAbstractButton* ) ) );
// Set widget properties
m_summaryReadAllBtn->setText( "Unified" );
m_summarySeparateCasesBtn->setText( "Separate Cases" );
m_summaryNotReadBtn->setText( "Skip" );
m_gridSeparateCasesBtn->setText( "Separate Cases" );
m_gridNotReadBtn->setText( "Skip" );
m_showFullPathCheckBox->setText( "Show full paths" );
m_buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Apply )->setText( "OK to All" );
// Define layout
QVBoxLayout* dialogLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
m_currentFilesGroup = new QGroupBox( "Current Summary File" );
m_currentFilesGroup->setStyleSheet( "QGroupBox { font-weight: bold; }" );
m_currentFilesLayout = new QGridLayout();
m_currentFilesGroup->setLayout( m_currentFilesLayout );
// Summary files
QGroupBox* summaryFilesGroup = new QGroupBox( "Origin Summary Files" );
summaryFilesGroup->setStyleSheet( "QGroupBox { font-weight: bold; }" );
QVBoxLayout* filesGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
summaryFilesGroup->setLayout( filesGroupLayout );
m_summaryFilesLayout = new QGridLayout();
filesGroupLayout->addLayout( m_summaryFilesLayout );
m_summaryFilesLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 5 );
QLabel* optionsLabel = new QLabel( "Import Options" );
optionsLabel->setStyleSheet( "font-weight: bold;" );
filesGroupLayout->addWidget( optionsLabel );
QVBoxLayout* optionsLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
optionsLayout->setSpacing( 0 );
optionsLayout->addWidget( m_summaryReadAllBtn );
optionsLayout->addWidget( m_summarySeparateCasesBtn );
optionsLayout->addWidget( m_summaryNotReadBtn );
filesGroupLayout->addLayout( optionsLayout );
// Grid files
m_gridFilesGroup = new QGroupBox( "Origin Grid Files" );
m_gridFilesGroup->setStyleSheet( "QGroupBox { font-weight: bold; }" );
QVBoxLayout* filesGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
m_gridFilesGroup->setLayout( filesGroupLayout );
m_gridFilesLayout = new QGridLayout();
filesGroupLayout->addLayout( m_gridFilesLayout );
m_gridFilesLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 5 );
QLabel* optionsLabel = new QLabel( "Import Options" );
optionsLabel->setStyleSheet( "font-weight: bold;" );
filesGroupLayout->addWidget( optionsLabel );
QVBoxLayout* optionsLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
optionsLayout->setSpacing( 0 );
optionsLayout->addWidget( m_gridSeparateCasesBtn );
optionsLayout->addWidget( m_gridNotReadBtn );
filesGroupLayout->addLayout( optionsLayout );
// Apply to all checkbox and buttons
QHBoxLayout* buttonsLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
buttonsLayout->addWidget( m_showFullPathCheckBox );
buttonsLayout->addStretch( 1 );
buttonsLayout->addWidget( m_buttons );
QVBoxLayout* innerDialogLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
innerDialogLayout->setSpacing( 20 );
innerDialogLayout->addWidget( m_currentFilesGroup );
innerDialogLayout->addWidget( summaryFilesGroup );
innerDialogLayout->addWidget( m_gridFilesGroup );
dialogLayout->addLayout( innerDialogLayout );
dialogLayout->addWidget( m_warnings );
dialogLayout->addLayout( buttonsLayout );
setLayout( dialogLayout );
m_okToAllPressed = false;
RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::openDialog( const QString& initialSummaryFile,
const QString& initialGridFile,
bool failOnSummaryImportError,
bool showApplyToAllWidget,
bool useFirstSummaryCaseAsTemplate,
ImportOptions defaultSummaryImportOption,
ImportOptions defaultGridImportOption,
bool hideSplitCases,
RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult* lastResult,
QWidget* parent )
RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult dialogResult;
if ( lastResult && lastResult->applyToAll && lastResult->summaryImportOption != ImportOptions::SEPARATE_CASES )
dialogResult = *lastResult;
if ( !initialSummaryFile.isEmpty() ) dialogResult.summaryFiles.push_back( initialSummaryFile );
if ( !initialGridFile.isEmpty() ) dialogResult.gridFiles.push_back( initialGridFile );
return dialogResult;
RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog dialog( parent );
bool handleSummaryFile = false;
RifRestartFileInfo currentFileInfo;
if ( !initialSummaryFile.isEmpty() )
currentFileInfo = RifEclipseSummaryTools::getFileInfoAndTimeSteps( initialSummaryFile );
if ( !currentFileInfo.valid() )
if ( failOnSummaryImportError )
return RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult( RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult::SUMMARY_ERROR );
handleSummaryFile = true;
bool handleGridFile = !initialGridFile.isEmpty();
// If only grid file is present, return
if ( !handleSummaryFile && !initialGridFile.isEmpty() )
RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult::Status status = RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult::SUMMARY_OK;
if ( !initialSummaryFile.isEmpty() )
// We were meant to have a summary file but due to an error we don't.
status = RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult::SUMMARY_WARNING;
return RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult( status,
QStringList( { initialGridFile } ),
useFirstSummaryCaseAsTemplate || ( lastResult && lastResult->applyToAll ) );
std::vector<QString> warnings;
auto restartFileNames = RifEclipseSummaryTools::getRestartFileNames( initialSummaryFile, warnings );
// If no restart files are found and no warnings, do not show dialog
if ( restartFileNames.empty() && warnings.empty() )
return RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult( RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult::SUMMARY_OK,
QStringList( { initialSummaryFile } ),
QStringList( { initialGridFile } ),
useFirstSummaryCaseAsTemplate || ( lastResult && lastResult->applyToAll ) );
if ( lastResult && lastResult->applyToAll )
dialogResult = *lastResult;
for ( const QString& warning : warnings )
RiaLogging::error( warning );
std::vector<RifRestartFileInfo> currentFileInfos;
std::vector<RifRestartFileInfo> originSummaryFileInfos;
std::vector<RifRestartFileInfo> originGridFileInfos;
// Grid file
if ( handleGridFile )
dialog.m_currentFilesGroup->setTitle( "Current Grid and Summary Files" );
currentFileInfos.push_back( RifRestartFileInfo( initialGridFile, currentFileInfo.startDate, currentFileInfo.endDate ) );
for ( const auto& fileName : restartFileNames )
QString gridFile = RifEclipseSummaryTools::findGridCaseFileFromSummaryHeaderFile( fileName );
if ( QFileInfo( gridFile ).exists() )
auto fileInfoWithTime = RifEclipseSummaryTools::getFileInfoAndTimeSteps( fileName );
originGridFileInfos.push_back( RifRestartFileInfo( gridFile, fileInfoWithTime.startDate, fileInfoWithTime.endDate ) );
currentFileInfos.push_back( currentFileInfo );
for ( const auto& fileName : restartFileNames )
originSummaryFileInfos.push_back( RifRestartFileInfo( fileName, 0, 0 ) );
if ( hideSplitCases )
// Set default import options
switch ( defaultSummaryImportOption )
case ImportOptions::IMPORT_ALL:
dialog.m_summaryReadAllBtn->setChecked( true );
case ImportOptions::SEPARATE_CASES:
dialog.m_summarySeparateCasesBtn->setChecked( true );
case ImportOptions::NOT_IMPORT:
dialog.m_summaryNotReadBtn->setChecked( true );
if ( handleGridFile )
switch ( defaultGridImportOption )
case ImportOptions::SEPARATE_CASES:
dialog.m_gridSeparateCasesBtn->setChecked( true );
case ImportOptions::NOT_IMPORT:
dialog.m_gridNotReadBtn->setChecked( true );
// Remove common root path
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<RifRestartFileInfo, QString>>> fileInfosNoRoot =
makeShortPath( { currentFileInfos, originSummaryFileInfos, originGridFileInfos } );
// Populate file list backing lists
dialog.m_fileLists.push_back( fileInfosNoRoot[CURRENT_FILES_LIST_INDEX] );
dialog.m_fileLists.push_back( fileInfosNoRoot[SUMMARY_FILES_LIST_INDEX] );
dialog.m_fileLists.push_back( fileInfosNoRoot[GRID_FILES_LIST_INDEX] );
// Update file list widgets
dialog.updateFileListWidget( dialog.m_currentFilesLayout, CURRENT_FILES_LIST_INDEX );
dialog.updateFileListWidget( dialog.m_summaryFilesLayout, SUMMARY_FILES_LIST_INDEX );
dialog.updateFileListWidget( dialog.m_gridFilesLayout, GRID_FILES_LIST_INDEX );
// Display warnings if any
dialog.displayWarningsIfAny( warnings );
// Set properties and show dialog
dialog.setWindowTitle( "Origin Files" );
dialog.m_buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Apply )->setVisible( !useFirstSummaryCaseAsTemplate && showApplyToAllWidget );
dialog.resize( 550, 150 );
QApplication::setOverrideCursor( QCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor ) );
RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult::Status status = RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult::SUMMARY_OK;
if ( dialog.result() == QDialog::Rejected )
status = RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult::SUMMARY_CANCELLED;
dialogResult = RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult( status,
useFirstSummaryCaseAsTemplate || dialog.okToAllSelected() );
if ( dialogResult.status != RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult::SUMMARY_OK )
return RicSummaryCaseRestartDialogResult( dialogResult.status,
false );
dialogResult.summaryFiles.push_back( RiaFilePathTools::toInternalSeparator( initialSummaryFile ) );
if ( dialogResult.summaryImportOption == ImportOptions::SEPARATE_CASES )
for ( const auto& fileName : restartFileNames )
dialogResult.summaryFiles.push_back( RiaFilePathTools::toInternalSeparator( fileName ) );
if ( handleGridFile )
dialogResult.gridFiles.push_back( initialGridFile );
if ( dialogResult.gridImportOption == ImportOptions::SEPARATE_CASES )
for ( const auto& fileName : restartFileNames )
QString gridFile = RifEclipseSummaryTools::findGridCaseFileFromSummaryHeaderFile( fileName );
dialogResult.gridFiles.push_back( gridFile );
return dialogResult;
RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::ImportOptions RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::selectedSummaryImportOption() const
return m_summaryReadAllBtn->isChecked() ? ImportOptions::IMPORT_ALL
: m_summarySeparateCasesBtn->isChecked() ? ImportOptions::SEPARATE_CASES
: ImportOptions::NOT_IMPORT;
RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::ImportOptions RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::selectedGridImportOption() const
return m_gridSeparateCasesBtn->isChecked() ? ImportOptions::SEPARATE_CASES : ImportOptions::NOT_IMPORT;
bool RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::okToAllSelected() const
return m_okToAllPressed;
void RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::updateFileListWidget( QGridLayout* gridLayout, int listIndex )
// Remove current items
QLayoutItem* item;
while ( ( item = gridLayout->takeAt( 0 ) ) )
gridLayout->removeItem( item );
delete item->widget();
delete item;
if ( m_fileLists[listIndex].empty() )
QWidget* parent = gridLayout->parentWidget();
if ( parent ) parent->setVisible( false );
int maxFilesToDisplay = 4;
int currFiles = 0;
for ( const auto& fileInfo : m_fileLists[listIndex] )
appendFileInfoToGridLayout( gridLayout, fileInfo.first, fileInfo.second );
if ( ++currFiles == maxFilesToDisplay )
size_t remainingFileCount = m_fileLists[listIndex].size() - maxFilesToDisplay;
appendTextToGridLayout( gridLayout, QString( "+ %1 more files" ).arg( remainingFileCount ) );
void RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::appendFileInfoToGridLayout( QGridLayout* gridLayout,
const RifRestartFileInfo& fileInfo,
const QString& fullPathFileName )
CVF_ASSERT( gridLayout );
QDateTime startDate = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch( fileInfo.startDate );
QString startDateString = startDate.toString( RiaQDateTimeTools::dateFormatString() );
QDateTime endDate = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch( fileInfo.endDate );
QString endDateString = endDate.toString( RiaQDateTimeTools::dateFormatString() );
int rowCount = gridLayout->rowCount();
QLabel* fileNameLabel = new QLabel();
QLabel* dateLabel = new QLabel();
fileNameLabel->setText( m_showFullPathCheckBox->isChecked() ? fullPathFileName : fileInfo.fileName );
dateLabel->setText( startDateString + " - " + endDateString );
fileNameLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
gridLayout->addWidget( fileNameLabel, rowCount, 0 );
gridLayout->addWidget( dateLabel, rowCount, 1 );
// File name copy context menu
fileNameLabel->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
connect( fileNameLabel,
SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( const QPoint& ) ),
SLOT( slotFileNameCopyCustomMenuRequested( const QPoint& ) ) );
// Full path in tooltip
fileNameLabel->setToolTip( fullPathFileName );
void RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::appendTextToGridLayout( QGridLayout* gridLayout, const QString& text )
CVF_ASSERT( gridLayout );
int rowCount = gridLayout->rowCount();
QLabel* textLabel = new QLabel();
textLabel->setText( text );
textLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
gridLayout->addWidget( textLabel, rowCount, 0, 1, 2 );
void RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::displayWarningsIfAny( const std::vector<QString>& warnings )
m_warnings->setVisible( !warnings.empty() );
for ( const auto& warning : warnings )
QListWidgetItem* item = new QListWidgetItem( warning, m_warnings );
item->setForeground( Qt::red );
QString RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::fullFileName( const QString& shortOrFullFileName )
for ( const auto& fileInfos : m_fileLists )
for ( const auto& fileInfo : fileInfos )
if ( fileInfo.first.fileName == shortOrFullFileName || fileInfo.second == shortOrFullFileName ) return fileInfo.second;
return "";
void RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::slotShowFullPathToggled( int state )
// Update file list widgets
updateFileListWidget( m_currentFilesLayout, CURRENT_FILES_LIST_INDEX );
updateFileListWidget( m_summaryFilesLayout, SUMMARY_FILES_LIST_INDEX );
updateFileListWidget( m_gridFilesLayout, GRID_FILES_LIST_INDEX );
void RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::slotDialogButtonClicked( QAbstractButton* button )
bool cancelButtonClicked = m_buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Cancel ) == button;
bool okToAllButtonClicked = m_buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Apply ) == button;
m_okToAllPressed = okToAllButtonClicked;
if ( cancelButtonClicked )
void RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::slotFileNameCopyCustomMenuRequested( const QPoint& point )
QMenu menu;
QAction* action;
QLabel* sourceLabel = dynamic_cast<QLabel*>( sender() );
action = new QAction( "Copy file name", this );
action->setData( fullFileName( sourceLabel->text() ) );
connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( slotCopyFileNameToClipboard() ) );
menu.addAction( action );
QPoint globalPoint = sourceLabel->mapToGlobal( point );
menu.exec( globalPoint );
void RicSummaryCaseRestartDialog::slotCopyFileNameToClipboard()
QAction* a = dynamic_cast<QAction*>( sender() );
QClipboard* cb = RiaGuiApplication::clipboard();
if ( cb )
QString fullFileName = a->data().toString();
cb->setText( QDir::toNativeSeparators( fullFileName ) );