Magne Sjaastad 952e766c2f
Update clang-format.yml (#10068)
* Update to clang-format-15
Removed two custom .clang-format files in subfolders of AppFwk

* Fixes by clang-format
2023-04-13 07:05:53 +02:00

169 lines
6.0 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2017 Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RiaWellNameComparer.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimWellPath.h"
#include <regex>
std::map<QString, QString> RiaWellNameComparer::sm_nameWithoutPrefix;
std::map<QString, QString> RiaWellNameComparer::sm_matchedName;
QString RiaWellNameComparer::tryFindMatchingSimWellName( QString searchName )
RimProject* proj = RimProject::current();
const std::vector<QString>& simWellNames = proj->simulationWellNames();
if ( searchName.isEmpty() || simWellNames.empty() ) return QString();
searchName = removeWellNamePrefix( searchName );
return tryMatchNameInList( searchName, simWellNames );
QString RiaWellNameComparer::tryFindMatchingWellPath( QString wellName )
RimProject* proj = RimProject::current();
const std::vector<RimWellPath*>& wellPaths = proj->allWellPaths();
if ( wellName.isEmpty() || wellPaths.empty() ) return QString();
std::vector<QString> wellPathNames;
for ( const RimWellPath* wellPath : wellPaths )
wellPathNames.push_back( wellPath->name() );
wellName = removeWellNamePrefix( wellName );
return tryMatchNameInList( wellName, wellPathNames );
QString RiaWellNameComparer::tryMatchNameInList( QString searchName, const std::vector<QString>& nameList )
if ( sm_matchedName.count( searchName ) > 0 )
return sm_matchedName[searchName];
// Try exact name match
QString matchedName = tryMatchName( searchName, nameList );
if ( !matchedName.isEmpty() )
sm_matchedName[searchName] = matchedName;
return matchedName;
// Try matching ignoring spaces, dashes and underscores
matchedName = tryMatchName( searchName,
[]( const QString& str )
QString s = str;
s = removeWellNamePrefix( s );
return s.remove( ' ' ).remove( '-' ).remove( '_' );
} );
if ( !matchedName.isEmpty() )
sm_matchedName[searchName] = matchedName;
return matchedName;
void RiaWellNameComparer::clearCache()
QString RiaWellNameComparer::removeSpacesFromName( const QString& wellName )
// Eclipse do not support spaces in names in text files. Use this function whenever a string is used in export to
// text files for Eclipse
QString tmp = wellName;
return tmp.remove( ' ' );
QString RiaWellNameComparer::tryMatchName( QString searchName,
const std::vector<QString>& simWellNames,
std::function<QString( QString )> stringFormatter )
if ( searchName.isEmpty() ) return QString();
if ( stringFormatter != nullptr )
searchName = stringFormatter( searchName );
for ( const auto& simWellName : simWellNames )
QString simWn = simWellName;
if ( stringFormatter != nullptr )
simWn = stringFormatter( simWn );
if ( QString::compare( simWn, searchName, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
return simWellName;
return "";
QString RiaWellNameComparer::removeWellNamePrefix( const QString& name )
if ( sm_nameWithoutPrefix.count( name ) > 0 )
return sm_nameWithoutPrefix[name];
// Try to remove prefix on the format 'xx xxxx/xx-'
std::regex pattern( "^.*\\d*[/]\\d*[-_]" );
auto withoutPrefix = std::regex_replace( name.toStdString(), pattern, "" );
auto qWithoutPrefix = QString::fromStdString( withoutPrefix );
sm_nameWithoutPrefix[name] = qWithoutPrefix;
return qWithoutPrefix;