mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
* Moved UnitSystem from RiaEclipseUnitTools to RiaDefines. - Renamed UnitSystem to EclipseUnitSystem - Replaced header includes and removed obsolete includes of RiaEclipseUnitTools.h * Moved result name functions into separate file. * Minor cleanup Co-authored-by: rubenthoms <rubenthoms@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Magne Sjaastad <magne.sjaastad@ceetronsolutions.com> Co-authored-by: magnesj <magnesj@users.noreply.github.com>
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1122 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2017- Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RimSummaryCaseCollection.h"
#include "RiaFieldHandleTools.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaStatisticsTools.h"
#include "RiaStdStringTools.h"
#include "RiaWeightedMeanCalculator.h"
#include "RicfCommandObject.h"
#include "RimAnalysisPlotDataEntry.h"
#include "RimDerivedEnsembleCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimEnsembleCurveSet.h"
#include "RimGridSummaryCase.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimSummaryCase.h"
#include "RifReaderEclipseRft.h"
#include "RifReaderEclipseSummary.h"
#include "RifReaderEnsembleStatisticsRft.h"
#include "RifSummaryReaderInterface.h"
#include "cafPdmFieldScriptingCapability.h"
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimSummaryCaseCollection, "SummaryCaseSubCollection" );
double EnsembleParameter::stdDeviation() const
double N = static_cast<double>( values.size() );
if ( N > 1 && isNumeric() )
double sumValues = 0.0;
double sumValuesSquared = 0.0;
for ( const QVariant& variant : values )
double value = variant.toDouble();
sumValues += value;
sumValuesSquared += value * value;
return std::sqrt( ( N * sumValuesSquared - sumValues * sumValues ) / ( N * ( N - 1.0 ) ) );
return 0.0;
/// Standard deviation normalized by max absolute value of min/max values.
/// Produces values between 0.0 and sqrt(2.0).
double EnsembleParameter::normalizedStdDeviation() const
const double eps = 1.0e-4;
double maxAbs = std::max( std::fabs( maxValue ), std::fabs( minValue ) );
if ( maxAbs < eps )
return 0.0;
double normalisedStdDev = stdDeviation() / maxAbs;
if ( normalisedStdDev < eps )
return 0.0;
return normalisedStdDev;
bool EnsembleParameter::operator<( const EnsembleParameter& other ) const
if ( this->variationBin != other.variationBin )
return this->variationBin > other.variationBin; // Larger first
return this->name < other.name;
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::sortByBinnedVariation( std::vector<EnsembleParameter>& parameterVector )
double minStdDev = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double maxStdDev = 0.0;
for ( const auto& paramPair : parameterVector )
double stdDev = paramPair.normalizedStdDeviation();
if ( stdDev != 0.0 )
minStdDev = std::min( minStdDev, stdDev );
maxStdDev = std::max( maxStdDev, stdDev );
if ( ( maxStdDev - minStdDev ) <= 0.0 )
double delta = ( maxStdDev - minStdDev ) / EnsembleParameter::NR_OF_VARIATION_BINS;
std::vector<double> bins;
bins.push_back( 0.0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < EnsembleParameter::NR_OF_VARIATION_BINS - 1; ++i )
bins.push_back( minStdDev + ( i + 1 ) * delta );
for ( EnsembleParameter& nameParamPair : parameterVector )
int binNumber = -1;
for ( double bin : bins )
if ( nameParamPair.normalizedStdDeviation() > bin )
nameParamPair.variationBin = binNumber;
// Sort by variation bin (highest first) but keep name as sorting parameter when parameters have the same variation
// index
std::stable_sort( parameterVector.begin(),
[&bins]( const EnsembleParameter& lhs, const EnsembleParameter& rhs ) {
return lhs.variationBin > rhs.variationBin;
} );
QString EnsembleParameter::uiName() const
QString stem = name;
QString variationString;
if ( isNumeric() )
switch ( variationBin )
variationString = QString( " (No variation)" );
variationString = QString( " (Low variation)" );
variationString = QString( " (Medium variation)" );
variationString = QString( " (High variation)" );
return QString( "%1%2" ).arg( stem ).arg( variationString );
: caseNameChanged( this )
, caseRemoved( this )
CAF_PDM_InitScriptableObject( "Summary Case Group", ":/SummaryGroup16x16.png", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_cases, "SummaryCases", "", "", "", "" );
m_cases.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( true );
CAF_PDM_InitScriptableField( &m_name, "SummaryCollectionName", QString( "Group" ), "Name", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitScriptableFieldNoDefault( &m_nameAndItemCount, "NameCount", "Name", "", "", "" );
m_nameAndItemCount.registerGetMethod( this, &RimSummaryCaseCollection::nameAndItemCount );
RiaFieldhandleTools::disableWriteAndSetFieldHidden( &m_nameAndItemCount );
CAF_PDM_InitScriptableField( &m_isEnsemble, "IsEnsemble", false, "Is Ensemble", "", "", "" );
m_isEnsemble.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( true );
CAF_PDM_InitScriptableField( &m_ensembleId, "Id", -1, "Ensemble ID", "", "", "" );
m_ensembleId.registerKeywordAlias( "EnsembleId" );
m_ensembleId.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( true );
m_ensembleId.capability<caf::PdmAbstractFieldScriptingCapability>()->setIOWriteable( false );
m_statisticsEclipseRftReader = new RifReaderEnsembleStatisticsRft( this );
m_commonAddressCount = 0;
m_objectiveFunctions.push_back( std::make_shared<RimObjectiveFunction>( this, RimObjectiveFunction::FunctionType::M1 ) );
m_objectiveFunctions.push_back( std::make_shared<RimObjectiveFunction>( this, RimObjectiveFunction::FunctionType::M2 ) );
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::removeCase( RimSummaryCase* summaryCase )
size_t caseCountBeforeRemove = m_cases.size();
m_cases.removeChildObject( summaryCase );
caseRemoved.send( summaryCase );
if ( m_isEnsemble && m_cases.size() != caseCountBeforeRemove )
if ( dynamic_cast<RimDerivedSummaryCase*>( summaryCase ) == nullptr )
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::addCase( RimSummaryCase* summaryCase )
summaryCase->nameChanged.connect( this, &RimSummaryCaseCollection::onCaseNameChanged );
m_cases.push_back( summaryCase );
// Update derived ensemble cases (if any)
std::vector<RimDerivedEnsembleCaseCollection*> referringObjects;
objectsWithReferringPtrFieldsOfType( referringObjects );
for ( auto derivedEnsemble : referringObjects )
if ( !derivedEnsemble ) continue;
if ( m_isEnsemble )
validateEnsembleCases( { summaryCase } );
std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> RimSummaryCaseCollection::allSummaryCases() const
return m_cases.childObjects();
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::setName( const QString& name )
m_name = name;
QString RimSummaryCaseCollection::name() const
return m_name;
bool RimSummaryCaseCollection::isEnsemble() const
return m_isEnsemble();
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::setAsEnsemble( bool isEnsemble )
if ( isEnsemble != m_isEnsemble )
m_isEnsemble = isEnsemble;
if ( m_isEnsemble && dynamic_cast<RimDerivedEnsembleCaseCollection*>( this ) == nullptr )
validateEnsembleCases( allSummaryCases() );
std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> RimSummaryCaseCollection::ensembleSummaryAddresses() const
std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress> addresses;
size_t maxAddrCount = 0;
int maxAddrIndex = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)m_cases.size(); i++ )
RimSummaryCase* currCase = m_cases[i];
if ( !currCase ) continue;
RifSummaryReaderInterface* reader = currCase->summaryReader();
if ( !reader ) continue;
size_t addrCount = reader->allResultAddresses().size();
if ( addrCount > maxAddrCount )
maxAddrCount = addrCount;
maxAddrIndex = (int)i;
if ( maxAddrIndex >= 0 && m_cases[maxAddrIndex]->summaryReader() )
const std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress>& addrs = m_cases[maxAddrIndex]->summaryReader()->allResultAddresses();
addresses.insert( addrs.begin(), addrs.end() );
return addresses;
std::set<time_t> RimSummaryCaseCollection::ensembleTimeSteps() const
std::set<time_t> allTimeSteps;
size_t maxAddrCount = 0;
int maxAddrIndex = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)m_cases.size(); i++ )
RimSummaryCase* currCase = m_cases[i];
if ( !currCase ) continue;
RifSummaryReaderInterface* reader = currCase->summaryReader();
if ( !reader ) continue;
size_t addrCount = reader->allResultAddresses().size();
if ( addrCount > maxAddrCount )
maxAddrCount = addrCount;
maxAddrIndex = (int)i;
if ( maxAddrIndex >= 0 && m_cases[maxAddrIndex]->summaryReader() )
RifSummaryReaderInterface* reader = m_cases[maxAddrIndex]->summaryReader();
const std::set<RifEclipseSummaryAddress>& addrs = reader->allResultAddresses();
for ( RifEclipseSummaryAddress addr : addrs )
std::vector<time_t> timeSteps = reader->timeSteps( addr );
if ( !timeSteps.empty() )
allTimeSteps.insert( timeSteps.begin(), timeSteps.end() );
return allTimeSteps;
std::set<QString> RimSummaryCaseCollection::wellsWithRftData() const
std::set<QString> allWellNames;
for ( RimSummaryCase* summaryCase : m_cases )
RifReaderRftInterface* reader = summaryCase->rftReader();
if ( reader )
std::set<QString> wellNames = reader->wellNames();
allWellNames.insert( wellNames.begin(), wellNames.end() );
return allWellNames;
std::set<QDateTime> RimSummaryCaseCollection::rftTimeStepsForWell( const QString& wellName ) const
std::set<QDateTime> allTimeSteps;
for ( RimSummaryCase* summaryCase : m_cases )
RifReaderRftInterface* reader = summaryCase->rftReader();
if ( reader )
std::set<QDateTime> timeStep = reader->availableTimeSteps( wellName );
allTimeSteps.insert( timeStep.begin(), timeStep.end() );
return allTimeSteps;
RifReaderRftInterface* RimSummaryCaseCollection::rftStatisticsReader()
return m_statisticsEclipseRftReader.p();
std::vector<EnsembleParameter> RimSummaryCaseCollection::variationSortedEnsembleParameters( bool excludeNoVariation ) const
if ( m_cachedSortedEnsembleParameters.empty() )
std::set<QString> paramSet;
for ( RimSummaryCase* rimCase : this->allSummaryCases() )
if ( rimCase->caseRealizationParameters() != nullptr )
auto ps = rimCase->caseRealizationParameters()->parameters();
for ( const auto& p : ps )
paramSet.insert( p.first );
m_cachedSortedEnsembleParameters.reserve( paramSet.size() );
for ( const QString& parameterName : paramSet )
auto ensembleParameter = this->createEnsembleParameter( parameterName );
m_cachedSortedEnsembleParameters.push_back( ensembleParameter );
RimSummaryCaseCollection::sortByBinnedVariation( m_cachedSortedEnsembleParameters );
if ( !excludeNoVariation )
return m_cachedSortedEnsembleParameters;
const double epsilon = 1e-9;
std::vector<EnsembleParameter> parametersWithVariation;
for ( const auto& p : m_cachedSortedEnsembleParameters )
if ( std::abs( p.normalizedStdDeviation() ) > epsilon )
parametersWithVariation.push_back( p );
return parametersWithVariation;
std::vector<std::pair<EnsembleParameter, double>>
RimSummaryCaseCollection::correlationSortedEnsembleParameters( const RifEclipseSummaryAddress& address ) const
auto parameters = parameterCorrelationsAllTimeSteps( address );
std::sort( parameters.begin(),
[]( const std::pair<EnsembleParameter, double>& lhs, const std::pair<EnsembleParameter, double>& rhs ) {
return std::abs( lhs.second ) > std::abs( rhs.second );
} );
return parameters;
std::vector<std::pair<EnsembleParameter, double>>
RimSummaryCaseCollection::correlationSortedEnsembleParameters( const RifEclipseSummaryAddress& address,
time_t selectedTimeStep ) const
auto parameters = parameterCorrelations( address, selectedTimeStep );
std::sort( parameters.begin(),
[]( const std::pair<EnsembleParameter, double>& lhs, const std::pair<EnsembleParameter, double>& rhs ) {
return std::abs( lhs.second ) > std::abs( rhs.second );
} );
return parameters;
time_t timeDiff( time_t lhs, time_t rhs )
if ( lhs >= rhs )
return lhs - rhs;
return rhs - lhs;
std::vector<std::pair<EnsembleParameter, double>>
RimSummaryCaseCollection::parameterCorrelations( const RifEclipseSummaryAddress& address,
time_t timeStep,
const std::vector<QString>& selectedParameters ) const
auto parameters = variationSortedEnsembleParameters( true );
if ( !selectedParameters.empty() )
parameters.erase( std::remove_if( parameters.begin(),
[&selectedParameters]( const EnsembleParameter& parameter ) {
return std::find( selectedParameters.begin(),
parameter.name ) == selectedParameters.end();
} ),
parameters.end() );
std::vector<double> caseValuesAtTimestep;
std::map<EnsembleParameter, std::vector<double>> parameterValues;
for ( size_t caseIdx = 0u; caseIdx < m_cases.size(); ++caseIdx )
RimSummaryCase* summaryCase = m_cases[caseIdx];
RifSummaryReaderInterface* reader = summaryCase->summaryReader();
if ( !reader ) continue;
if ( !summaryCase->caseRealizationParameters() ) continue;
std::vector<double> values;
double closestValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
time_t closestTimeStep = 0;
if ( reader->values( address, &values ) )
const std::vector<time_t>& timeSteps = reader->timeSteps( address );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < timeSteps.size(); ++i )
if ( timeDiff( timeSteps[i], timeStep ) < timeDiff( timeStep, closestTimeStep ) )
closestValue = values[i];
closestTimeStep = timeSteps[i];
if ( closestValue != std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() )
caseValuesAtTimestep.push_back( closestValue );
for ( auto parameter : parameters )
if ( parameter.isNumeric() && parameter.isValid() )
double paramValue = parameter.values[caseIdx].toDouble();
parameterValues[parameter].push_back( paramValue );
std::vector<std::pair<EnsembleParameter, double>> correlationResults;
for ( auto parameterValuesPair : parameterValues )
double correlation = 0.0;
double pearson = RiaStatisticsTools::pearsonCorrelation( parameterValuesPair.second, caseValuesAtTimestep );
if ( pearson != std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() ) correlation = pearson;
correlationResults.push_back( std::make_pair( parameterValuesPair.first, correlation ) );
return correlationResults;
/// Returns a vector of the parameters and the average absolute values of correlations per time step
std::vector<std::pair<EnsembleParameter, double>>
RimSummaryCaseCollection::parameterCorrelationsAllTimeSteps( const RifEclipseSummaryAddress& address,
const std::vector<QString>& selectedParameters ) const
const size_t maxTimeStepCount = 10;
std::set<time_t> timeSteps = ensembleTimeSteps();
if ( timeSteps.empty() ) return {};
std::vector<time_t> timeStepsVector( timeSteps.begin(), timeSteps.end() );
size_t stride = std::max( (size_t)1, timeStepsVector.size() / maxTimeStepCount );
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<EnsembleParameter, double>>> correlationsForChosenTimeSteps;
for ( size_t i = stride; i < timeStepsVector.size(); i += stride )
std::vector<std::pair<EnsembleParameter, double>> correlationsForTimeStep =
parameterCorrelations( address, timeStepsVector[i], selectedParameters );
correlationsForChosenTimeSteps.push_back( correlationsForTimeStep );
for ( size_t i = 1; i < correlationsForChosenTimeSteps.size(); ++i )
for ( size_t j = 0; j < correlationsForChosenTimeSteps[0].size(); ++j )
correlationsForChosenTimeSteps[0][j].second += correlationsForChosenTimeSteps[i][j].second;
for ( size_t j = 0; j < correlationsForChosenTimeSteps[0].size(); ++j )
correlationsForChosenTimeSteps[0][j].second /= correlationsForChosenTimeSteps.size();
return correlationsForChosenTimeSteps[0];
std::vector<EnsembleParameter> RimSummaryCaseCollection::alphabeticEnsembleParameters() const
std::set<QString> paramSet;
for ( RimSummaryCase* rimCase : this->allSummaryCases() )
if ( rimCase->caseRealizationParameters() != nullptr )
auto ps = rimCase->caseRealizationParameters()->parameters();
for ( auto p : ps )
paramSet.insert( p.first );
std::vector<EnsembleParameter> sortedEnsembleParameters;
sortedEnsembleParameters.reserve( paramSet.size() );
for ( const QString& parameterName : paramSet )
sortedEnsembleParameters.push_back( this->createEnsembleParameter( parameterName ) );
return sortedEnsembleParameters;
EnsembleParameter RimSummaryCaseCollection::ensembleParameter( const QString& paramName ) const
if ( !isEnsemble() || paramName.isEmpty() ) return EnsembleParameter();
const std::vector<EnsembleParameter>& ensembleParams = variationSortedEnsembleParameters();
for ( const EnsembleParameter& ensParam : ensembleParams )
if ( ensParam.name == paramName ) return ensParam;
return EnsembleParameter();
EnsembleParameter RimSummaryCaseCollection::createEnsembleParameter( const QString& paramName ) const
EnsembleParameter eParam;
eParam.name = paramName;
size_t numericValuesCount = 0;
size_t textValuesCount = 0;
auto summaryCases = allSummaryCases();
// Make sure the values list exactly matches the case count
// And use an invalid value (infinity) for invalid cases.
eParam.values.resize( summaryCases.size(), std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() );
// Prepare case realization params, and check types
for ( size_t caseIdx = 0; caseIdx < summaryCases.size(); ++caseIdx )
auto rimCase = summaryCases[caseIdx];
auto crp = rimCase->caseRealizationParameters();
if ( !crp ) continue;
auto value = crp->parameterValue( paramName );
if ( !value.isValid() ) continue;
if ( value.isNumeric() )
double numVal = value.numericValue();
eParam.values[caseIdx] = QVariant( numVal );
if ( numVal < eParam.minValue ) eParam.minValue = numVal;
if ( numVal > eParam.maxValue ) eParam.maxValue = numVal;
else if ( value.isText() )
eParam.values[caseIdx] = QVariant( value.textValue() );
if ( numericValuesCount && !textValuesCount )
eParam.type = EnsembleParameter::TYPE_NUMERIC;
else if ( textValuesCount && !numericValuesCount )
eParam.type = EnsembleParameter::TYPE_TEXT;
if ( numericValuesCount && textValuesCount )
// A mix of types have been added to parameter values
if ( numericValuesCount > textValuesCount )
// Use numeric type
for ( auto& val : eParam.values )
if ( val.type() == QVariant::String )
val.setValue( std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() );
eParam.type = EnsembleParameter::TYPE_NUMERIC;
// Use text type
for ( auto& val : eParam.values )
if ( val.type() == QVariant::Double )
val.setValue( QString::number( val.value<double>() ) );
eParam.type = EnsembleParameter::TYPE_TEXT;
eParam.minValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
eParam.maxValue = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
if ( eParam.isText() )
// Remove duplicate texts
std::set<QString> valueSet;
for ( const auto& val : eParam.values )
valueSet.insert( val.toString() );
for ( const auto& val : valueSet )
eParam.values.push_back( QVariant( val ) );
return eParam;
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::calculateEnsembleParametersIntersectionHash()
// Find ensemble parameters intersection
std::set<QString> paramNames;
auto sumCases = allSummaryCases();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < sumCases.size(); i++ )
auto crp = sumCases[i]->caseRealizationParameters();
if ( !crp ) continue;
auto caseParamNames = crp->parameterNames();
if ( i == 0 )
paramNames = caseParamNames;
std::set<QString> newIntersection;
std::set_intersection( paramNames.begin(),
std::inserter( newIntersection, newIntersection.end() ) );
if ( paramNames.size() != newIntersection.size() ) paramNames = newIntersection;
for ( auto sumCase : sumCases )
auto crp = sumCase->caseRealizationParameters();
if ( crp ) crp->calculateParametersHash( paramNames );
// Find common addess count
for ( const auto sumCase : sumCases )
const auto reader = sumCase->summaryReader();
if ( !reader ) continue;
auto currAddrCount = reader->allResultAddresses().size();
if ( m_commonAddressCount == 0 )
m_commonAddressCount = currAddrCount;
if ( currAddrCount != m_commonAddressCount )
m_commonAddressCount = 0;
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::clearEnsembleParametersHashes()
for ( auto sumCase : allSummaryCases() )
auto crp = sumCase->caseRealizationParameters();
if ( crp ) crp->clearParametersHash();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RimObjectiveFunction>> RimSummaryCaseCollection::objectiveFunctions() const
return m_objectiveFunctions;
RimSummaryCaseCollection::objectiveFunction( RimObjectiveFunction::FunctionType functionType )
for ( auto objectiveFunc : m_objectiveFunctions )
if ( objectiveFunc->functionType() == functionType )
return objectiveFunc;
return m_objectiveFunctions.front();
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::loadDataAndUpdate()
bool RimSummaryCaseCollection::validateEnsembleCases( const std::vector<RimSummaryCase*> cases )
// Validate ensemble parameters
QString errors;
std::hash<std::string> paramsHasher;
size_t paramsHash = 0;
RimSummaryCase* parameterBaseCase = nullptr;
for ( RimSummaryCase* rimCase : cases )
if ( rimCase->caseRealizationParameters() == nullptr || rimCase->caseRealizationParameters()->parameters().empty() )
errors.append( QString( "The case %1 has no ensemble parameters\n" )
.arg( QFileInfo( rimCase->summaryHeaderFilename() ).fileName() ) );
QString paramNames;
for ( std::pair<QString, RigCaseRealizationParameters::Value> paramPair :
rimCase->caseRealizationParameters()->parameters() )
paramNames.append( paramPair.first );
size_t currHash = paramsHasher( paramNames.toStdString() );
if ( paramsHash == 0 )
paramsHash = currHash;
parameterBaseCase = rimCase;
else if ( paramsHash != currHash )
errors.append( QString( "The parameters in case %1 is not matching base parameters in %2\n" )
.arg( QFileInfo( rimCase->summaryHeaderFilename() ).fileName() )
.arg( QFileInfo( parameterBaseCase->summaryHeaderFilename() ).fileName() ) );
if ( !errors.isEmpty() )
const int maxNumberOfCharactersToDisplaye = 1000;
QString textToDisplay = errors.left( maxNumberOfCharactersToDisplaye );
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr, "", textToDisplay );
return false;
return true;
/// Sorting operator for sets and maps. Sorts by name.
bool RimSummaryCaseCollection::operator<( const RimSummaryCaseCollection& rhs ) const
return name() < rhs.name();
RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem RimSummaryCaseCollection::unitSystem() const
if ( m_cases.empty() )
return RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_UNKNOWN;
return m_cases[0]->unitsSystem();
caf::PdmFieldHandle* RimSummaryCaseCollection::userDescriptionField()
return &m_name;
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::onLoadDataAndUpdate()
if ( m_isEnsemble ) calculateEnsembleParametersIntersectionHash();
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::updateReferringCurveSets()
// Update curve set referring to this group
std::vector<caf::PdmObject*> referringObjects;
objectsWithReferringPtrFieldsOfType( referringObjects );
for ( auto object : referringObjects )
RimEnsembleCurveSet* curveSet = dynamic_cast<RimEnsembleCurveSet*>( object );
bool updateParentPlot = true;
if ( curveSet )
curveSet->loadDataAndUpdate( updateParentPlot );
QString RimSummaryCaseCollection::nameAndItemCount() const
size_t itemCount = m_cases.size();
if ( itemCount > 20 )
return QString( "%1 (%2)" ).arg( m_name() ).arg( itemCount );
return m_name();
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::updateIcon()
if ( m_isEnsemble )
setUiIconFromResourceString( ":/SummaryEnsemble.svg" );
setUiIconFromResourceString( ":/SummaryGroup16x16.png" );
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::initAfterRead()
if ( m_ensembleId() == -1 )
RimProject* project = RimProject::current();
project->assignIdToEnsemble( this );
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField,
const QVariant& oldValue,
const QVariant& newValue )
if ( changedField == &m_isEnsemble )
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::onCaseNameChanged( const SignalEmitter* emitter )
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering )
uiOrdering.add( &m_name );
if ( m_isEnsemble() )
uiOrdering.add( &m_ensembleId );
uiOrdering.skipRemainingFields( true );
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::setNameAsReadOnly()
m_name.uiCapability()->setUiReadOnly( true );
void RimSummaryCaseCollection::setEnsembleId( int ensembleId )
m_ensembleId = ensembleId;
int RimSummaryCaseCollection::ensembleId() const
return m_ensembleId();
bool RimSummaryCaseCollection::hasEnsembleParameters() const
for ( RimSummaryCase* rimCase : this->allSummaryCases() )
if ( rimCase->caseRealizationParameters() != nullptr )
return true;
return false;