mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
* #9773 Refactor ensemble import dialog. * #9773 Add support for ensemble import of StimPlan/Reveal summary data. * #9773 Add method for finding min and max time steps. * #9773 Add option for resampling to hour intervals. * #9773 Add option for resampling to minute intervals. * #9773 Ensemble statistics: determine sub-sampling period dynamically. * Use RiaWeightedMeanCalculator for curve resampling. * Add HOUR and MINUTE to date time app enum. * #9773 Generate better ensembles for StimPlan summaries. * #9773 Fix parameters.txt lookup for StimPlan summaries * Refactor: Improve interface of RicImportSummaryCasesFreature::createSummaryCasesFromFiles Co-authored-by: Magne Sjaastad <magne.sjaastad@ceetronsolutions.com>
208 lines
7.3 KiB
208 lines
7.3 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2017- Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#pragma once
#include "Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig.h"
#include "cafPdmPointer.h"
#include "RiaEnsembleNameTools.h"
#include "RiaSummaryDefines.h"
#include <QDialog>
class QLabel;
class QLineEdit;
class QTextEdit;
class QDialogButtonBox;
class QPushButton;
class QMainWindow;
class QListWidget;
class QGroupBox;
class QComboBox;
class QCheckBox;
class RicRecursiveFileSearchDialogResult;
class RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog : public QDialog
enum Status
enum class FileType
static RicRecursiveFileSearchDialogResult runRecursiveSearchDialog( QWidget* parent,
const QString& caption,
const QString& dir,
const QString& pathFilter,
const QString& fileNameFilter,
const std::vector<FileType>& fileTypes );
static QString fileNameForType( FileType fileType );
static QString fileExtensionForType( FileType fileType );
static RiaDefines::FileType mapSummaryFileType( RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType fileType );
RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog( QWidget* parent, const std::vector<FileType>& fileTypes );
~RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog() override;
QString cleanTextFromPathFilterField() const;
QString rootDirWithEndSeparator() const;
QString pathFilterWithoutStartSeparator() const;
QString fileNameFilter() const;
FileType fileType() const;
QStringList fileExtensions() const;
QString extensionFromFileNameFilter() const;
RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode ensembleGroupingMode() const;
void setOkButtonEnabled( bool enabled );
void warningIfInvalidCharacters();
void updateEffectiveFilter();
void updateStatus( Status status, const QString& extraText = "" );
void updateFileListWidget();
void clearFileList();
void addToFileListWidget( const QStringList& fileNames );
// File search methods
QStringList findMatchingFiles();
void buildDirectoryListRecursiveSimple( const QString& currentDir, const QString& currentPathFilter, QStringList* accumulatedDirs );
QStringList findFilesInDirs( const QStringList& dirs );
QStringList createFileNameFilterList();
static QString replaceWithRealizationStar( const QString& text );
static void populateComboBoxHistoryFromRegistry( QComboBox* comboBox, const QString& registryKey );
static QStringList fileTypeToExtensionStrings( const std::vector<RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType>& fileTypes );
private slots:
void slotPathFilterChanged( const QString& text );
void slotFileFilterChanged( const QString& text );
void slotFileExtensionChanged( const QString& text );
void slotFileTypeChanged( int );
void slotBrowseButtonClicked();
void slotUseRealizationStarClicked();
void slotFindOrCancelButtonClicked();
void slotFileListCustomMenuRequested( const QPoint& point );
void slotCopyFileItemText();
void slotToggleFileListItems();
void slotTurnOffFileListItems();
void slotTurnOnFileListItems();
void slotDialogOkClicked();
void slotDialogCancelClicked();
QLabel* m_pathFilterLabel;
QComboBox* m_pathFilterField;
QPushButton* m_browseButton;
QCheckBox* m_useRealizationStarCheckBox;
QLabel* m_fileFilterLabel;
QComboBox* m_fileFilterField;
QLabel* m_fileTypeLabel;
QComboBox* m_fileTypeField;
QLabel* m_fileExtensionLabel;
QLineEdit* m_fileExtensionField;
QLabel* m_effectiveFilterLabel;
QLabel* m_effectiveFilterContentLabel;
QPushButton* m_findOrCancelButton;
QComboBox* m_ensembleGroupingMode;
QGroupBox* m_outputGroup;
QLabel* m_searchRootLabel;
QLabel* m_searchRootContentLabel;
QListWidget* m_fileListWidget;
QDialogButtonBox* m_buttons;
QStringList m_foundFiles;
std::vector<FileType> m_incomingFileTypes;
QStringList m_fileExtensions;
FileType m_fileType;
bool m_isCancelPressed;
// Obsolete. Here for reference if this search mode is needed later
QStringList buildDirectoryListRecursive( const QString& currentDir, int level = 0 );
bool pathFilterMatch( const QString& pathFilter, const QString& relPath );
class RicRecursiveFileSearchDialogResult
RicRecursiveFileSearchDialogResult( bool ok,
const QStringList& files,
const QString& rootDir,
const QString& pathFilter,
const QString& fileNameFilter,
RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType fileType,
RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode groupingMode )
: ok( ok )
, files( files )
, rootDir( rootDir )
, pathFilter( pathFilter )
, fileNameFilter( fileNameFilter )
, fileType( fileType )
, groupingMode( groupingMode )
bool ok;
QStringList files;
QString rootDir;
QString pathFilter;
QString fileNameFilter;
RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType fileType;
RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode groupingMode;