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// Copyright (C) 2017 - Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RigTransmissibilityCondenser.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/LU>
#include <iomanip>
void RigTransmissibilityCondenser::addNeighborTransmissibility(CellAddress cell1, CellAddress cell2, double transmissibility)
if (transmissibility < 1e-9) return;
if ( cell1 < cell2 )
m_neighborTransmissibilities[cell1][cell2] += transmissibility;
m_neighborTransmissibilities[cell2][cell1] += transmissibility;
std::set<RigTransmissibilityCondenser::CellAddress> RigTransmissibilityCondenser::externalCells()
return m_externalCellAddrSet;
double RigTransmissibilityCondenser::condensedTransmissibility(CellAddress externalCell1, CellAddress externalCell2)
CAF_ASSERT(!(externalCell1 == externalCell2));
if ( externalCell2 < externalCell1 ) std::swap(externalCell1, externalCell2);
const auto& adrToAdrTransMapPair = m_condensedTransmissibilities.find(externalCell1);
if ( adrToAdrTransMapPair != m_condensedTransmissibilities.end() )
const auto& adrTransPair = adrToAdrTransMapPair->second.find(externalCell2);
if ( adrTransPair != adrToAdrTransMapPair->second.end() )
return adrTransPair->second;
return 0.0;
void RigTransmissibilityCondenser::calculateCondensedTransmissibilitiesIfNeeded()
if (m_condensedTransmissibilities.size()) return;
// Find all equations, and their total ordering
int idxToFirstExternalEquation;
int internalEquationCount;
idxToFirstExternalEquation = -1;
int totalEquationCount = -1;
std::map<CellAddress, int> cellAddressToEqIdxMap;
std::vector<CellAddress> eqIdxToCellAddressMapping;
for ( const auto& adrEqIdxPair : m_neighborTransmissibilities )
cellAddressToEqIdxMap.insert({ adrEqIdxPair.first, -1 });
for ( const auto& adrTranspair : adrEqIdxPair.second )
cellAddressToEqIdxMap.insert({ adrTranspair.first, -1 });
int currentEqIdx = 0;
for ( auto& adrEqIdxPair : cellAddressToEqIdxMap)
adrEqIdxPair.second = currentEqIdx;
if ( idxToFirstExternalEquation == -1 && adrEqIdxPair.first.m_isExternal )
idxToFirstExternalEquation = currentEqIdx;
totalEquationCount = currentEqIdx;
CAF_ASSERT(idxToFirstExternalEquation != -1);
using namespace Eigen;
MatrixXd totalSystem = MatrixXd::Zero(totalEquationCount, totalEquationCount);
for (const auto& adrToAdrTransMapPair : m_neighborTransmissibilities)
CAF_ASSERT(cellAddressToEqIdxMap.count(adrToAdrTransMapPair.first)); // Remove when stabilized
int c1EquationIdx = cellAddressToEqIdxMap[adrToAdrTransMapPair.first];
for (const auto& adrTranspair : adrToAdrTransMapPair.second)
CAF_ASSERT(cellAddressToEqIdxMap.count(adrTranspair.first)); // Remove when stabilized
int c2EquationIdx = cellAddressToEqIdxMap[adrTranspair.first];
totalSystem(c1EquationIdx, c2EquationIdx) += adrTranspair.second;
totalSystem(c2EquationIdx, c1EquationIdx) += adrTranspair.second;
totalSystem(c1EquationIdx, c1EquationIdx) -= adrTranspair.second;
totalSystem(c2EquationIdx, c2EquationIdx) -= adrTranspair.second;
// std::cout << "T = " << std::endl << totalSystem << std::endl;
int externalEquationCount = totalEquationCount - internalEquationCount;
MatrixXd condensedSystem = totalSystem.bottomRightCorner(externalEquationCount, externalEquationCount)
- totalSystem.bottomLeftCorner(externalEquationCount, internalEquationCount)
* totalSystem.topLeftCorner(internalEquationCount, internalEquationCount).inverse()
* totalSystem.topRightCorner(internalEquationCount, externalEquationCount );
// std::cout << "Te = " << std::endl << condensedSystem << std::endl << std::endl;
for (int exEqIdx = 0; exEqIdx < externalEquationCount; ++exEqIdx)
for (int exColIdx = exEqIdx +1; exColIdx < externalEquationCount; ++exColIdx)
double T = condensedSystem(exEqIdx, exColIdx);
//if (T != 0.0)
CellAddress cell1 = eqIdxToCellAddressMapping[exEqIdx + internalEquationCount];
CellAddress cell2 = eqIdxToCellAddressMapping[exColIdx + internalEquationCount];
if (cell1 < cell2) m_condensedTransmissibilities[cell1][cell2] = T;
else m_condensedTransmissibilities[cell2][cell1] = T;
#include "RimStimPlanFractureTemplate.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigFractureCell.h"
void printCellAddress(std::stringstream& str,
const RigMainGrid* mainGrid,
const RigFractureGrid* fractureGrid,
RigTransmissibilityCondenser::CellAddress cellAddr)
using CellAddress = RigTransmissibilityCondenser::CellAddress;
str << (cellAddr.m_isExternal ? "E " : "I ");
switch (cellAddr.m_cellIndexSpace) {
case CellAddress::ECLIPSE:
if (cellAddr.m_globalCellIdx > mainGrid->cellCount())
str << "ECL - LGR CELL ";
str << "ECL ";
size_t i, j, k;
mainGrid->ijkFromCellIndex(cellAddr.m_globalCellIdx, &i, &j, &k);
str << std::setw(5) << i+1 << std::setw(5) << j+1 << std::setw(5) << k+1;
case CellAddress::STIMPLAN:
str << "STP ";
const RigFractureCell& stpCell = fractureGrid->cellFromIndex(cellAddr.m_globalCellIdx);
str << std::setw(5) << stpCell.getI()+1 << std::setw(5) << stpCell.getJ()+1 << std::setw(5) << " ";
case CellAddress::WELL:
str << "WEL ";
str << std::setw(5) << cellAddr.m_globalCellIdx << std::setw(5) << " " << std::setw(5) << " ";
str << " ";
std::string RigTransmissibilityCondenser::neighborTransDebugOutput(const RigMainGrid* mainGrid, const RigFractureGrid* fractureGrid)
std::stringstream debugText;
for ( const auto& adrEqIdxPair : m_neighborTransmissibilities )
for (const auto& adrTransPair :adrEqIdxPair.second)
debugText << "-- ";
printCellAddress(debugText, mainGrid, fractureGrid, adrEqIdxPair.first);
printCellAddress(debugText, mainGrid, fractureGrid, adrTransPair.first);
debugText << " Trans: " << std::setprecision(10) << std::fixed << adrTransPair.second;
debugText << std::endl;
return debugText.str();
std::string RigTransmissibilityCondenser::condensedTransDebugOutput(const RigMainGrid* mainGrid, const RigFractureGrid* fractureGrid)
std::stringstream debugText;
for ( const auto& adrEqIdxPair : m_condensedTransmissibilities )
for (const auto& adrTransPair :adrEqIdxPair.second)
debugText << "-- ";
printCellAddress(debugText, mainGrid, fractureGrid, adrEqIdxPair.first);
printCellAddress(debugText, mainGrid, fractureGrid, adrTransPair.first);
debugText << " Trans: " << std::setprecision(10) << std::fixed << adrTransPair.second;
debugText << std::endl;
return debugText.str();