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// Copyright (C) 2020- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator.h"
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RiaInterpolationTools.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaStimPlanModelDefines.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigEclipseResultAddress.h"
#include "RigEclipseWellLogExtractor.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigResultAccessor.h"
#include "RigResultAccessorFactory.h"
#include "RigWellLogCurveData.h"
#include "RigWellPath.h"
#include "RimCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseInputProperty.h"
#include "RimEclipseInputPropertyCollection.h"
#include "RimEclipseResultDefinition.h"
#include "RimExtractionConfiguration.h"
#include "RimModeledWellPath.h"
#include "RimNonNetLayers.h"
#include "RimStimPlanModel.h"
#include "RimStimPlanModelCalculator.h"
#include "RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator.h"
#include "RimStimPlanModelTemplate.h"
#include "RimWellPath.h"
RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator( RimStimPlanModelCalculator* stimPlanModelCalculator )
: m_stimPlanModelCalculator( stimPlanModelCalculator )
bool RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::isMatching( RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty ) const
std::vector<RiaDefines::CurveProperty> matching = {
return std::find( matching.begin(), matching.end(), curveProperty ) != matching.end();
bool RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::calculate( RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty,
const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
int timeStep,
std::vector<double>& values,
std::vector<double>& measuredDepthValues,
std::vector<double>& tvDepthValues,
double& rkbDiff ) const
RiaLogging::debug( QString( "Calculating well log for '%1'." ).arg( caf::AppEnum<RiaDefines::CurveProperty>( curveProperty ).uiText() ) );
std::deque<RimExtractionConfiguration> extractionConfigurations = stimPlanModel->extractionConfigurations( curveProperty );
std::deque<RimStimPlanModel::MissingValueStrategy> missingValueStratgies = stimPlanModel->missingValueStrategies( curveProperty );
if ( extractionConfigurations.empty() )
if ( !extractValuesForProperty( curveProperty, stimPlanModel, timeStep, values, measuredDepthValues, tvDepthValues, rkbDiff ) )
if ( std::find( missingValueStratgies.begin(), missingValueStratgies.end(), RimStimPlanModel::MissingValueStrategy::DEFAULT_VALUE ) !=
missingValueStratgies.end() )
RiaLogging::warning( QString( "Extraction failed. Trying fallback" ) );
if ( !replaceMissingValuesWithDefault( curveProperty, stimPlanModel, values, measuredDepthValues, tvDepthValues, rkbDiff ) )
RiaLogging::error( "Fallback failed too." );
return false;
if ( !extractValuesForPropertyWithConfigurations( curveProperty, stimPlanModel, timeStep, values, measuredDepthValues, tvDepthValues, rkbDiff ) )
return false;
double overburdenHeight = stimPlanModel->overburdenHeight();
if ( overburdenHeight > 0.0 )
addOverburden( curveProperty, stimPlanModel, tvDepthValues, measuredDepthValues, values );
double underburdenHeight = stimPlanModel->underburdenHeight();
if ( underburdenHeight > 0.0 )
addUnderburden( curveProperty, stimPlanModel, tvDepthValues, measuredDepthValues, values );
while ( hasMissingValues( values ) && !missingValueStratgies.empty() )
RimStimPlanModel::MissingValueStrategy strategy = missingValueStratgies.front();
if ( strategy == RimStimPlanModel::MissingValueStrategy::DEFAULT_VALUE )
if ( !replaceMissingValuesWithDefault( curveProperty, stimPlanModel, values, measuredDepthValues, tvDepthValues, rkbDiff ) )
return false;
else if ( strategy == RimStimPlanModel::MissingValueStrategy::LINEAR_INTERPOLATION )
RiaInterpolationTools::interpolateMissingValues( measuredDepthValues, values );
else if ( strategy == RimStimPlanModel::MissingValueStrategy::OTHER_CURVE_PROPERTY )
if ( !replaceMissingValuesWithOtherProperty( curveProperty, stimPlanModel, timeStep, values ) )
return false;
else if ( strategy == RimStimPlanModel::MissingValueStrategy::CELLS_ABOVE )
// K-1 is up
int kDirection = -1;
if ( !replaceMissingValuesWithOtherKLayer( curveProperty, stimPlanModel, timeStep, measuredDepthValues, tvDepthValues, values, kDirection ) )
return false;
else if ( strategy == RimStimPlanModel::MissingValueStrategy::CELLS_BELOW )
// K+1 is down
int kDirection = 1;
if ( !replaceMissingValuesWithOtherKLayer( curveProperty, stimPlanModel, timeStep, measuredDepthValues, tvDepthValues, values, kDirection ) )
return false;
if ( stimPlanModel->isScaledByNetToGross( curveProperty ) )
std::vector<double> netToGross = m_stimPlanModelCalculator->extractValues( RiaDefines::CurveProperty::NET_TO_GROSS, timeStep );
scaleByNetToGross( stimPlanModel, netToGross, values );
// Extracted well log needs to be sampled at same depths as well logs from static grid.
// If the well log is extracted from a different model it needs to be resampled.
if ( curveProperty != RiaDefines::CurveProperty::FACIES )
std::vector<double> targetMds;
std::vector<double> targetTvds;
std::vector<double> faciesValues;
if ( !stimPlanModel->calculator()->extractCurveData( RiaDefines::CurveProperty::FACIES, timeStep, faciesValues, targetMds, targetTvds, rkbDiff ) )
return false;
if ( targetMds.size() != measuredDepthValues.size() )
RiaLogging::info( "Resampling data to fit static case." );
auto [tvds, mds, results] =
RimStimPlanModelPressureCalculator::interpolateMissingValues( targetTvds, targetMds, measuredDepthValues, values );
tvDepthValues = tvds;
measuredDepthValues = mds;
values = results;
RiaLogging::debug( QString( "Well log for '%1' done. Size: %2." )
.arg( caf::AppEnum<RiaDefines::CurveProperty>( curveProperty ).uiText() )
.arg( values.size() ) );
return true;
bool RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::hasMissingValues( const std::vector<double>& values )
for ( double v : values )
if ( v == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() )
return true;
return false;
void RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::replaceMissingValues( std::vector<double>& values, double defaultValue )
for ( double& v : values )
if ( v == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() )
v = defaultValue;
void RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::replaceMissingValues( std::vector<double>& values, const std::vector<double>& replacementValues )
CVF_ASSERT( values.size() == replacementValues.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++ )
if ( values[i] == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() )
values[i] = replacementValues[i];
RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::findMissingValuesAccessor( RigEclipseCaseData* caseData,
RimEclipseInputPropertyCollection* inputPropertyCollection,
int gridIndex,
int timeStepIndex,
const QString& resultName ) const
if ( resultName.isEmpty() ) return nullptr;
RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModelType = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL;
for ( RimEclipseInputProperty* inputProperty : inputPropertyCollection->inputProperties() )
// Look for input properties starting with the same name as result definition
if ( inputProperty && inputProperty->resultName().startsWith( resultName ) )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Found missing values result for %1: %2" ).arg( resultName ).arg( inputProperty->resultName() ) );
RigEclipseResultAddress resultAddress( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::INPUT_PROPERTY, inputProperty->resultName() );
caseData->results( porosityModelType )->ensureKnownResultLoaded( resultAddress );
cvf::ref<RigResultAccessor> resAcc =
RigResultAccessorFactory::createFromResultAddress( caseData, gridIndex, porosityModelType, timeStepIndex, resultAddress );
return resAcc;
return nullptr;
void RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::addOverburden( RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty,
const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
std::vector<double>& tvDepthValues,
std::vector<double>& measuredDepthValues,
std::vector<double>& values ) const
if ( !values.empty() )
double overburdenHeight = stimPlanModel->overburdenHeight();
double tvdOverburdenBottom = tvDepthValues[0];
double tvdOverburdenTop = tvdOverburdenBottom - overburdenHeight;
double overburdenTopValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double overburdenBottomValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
if ( stimPlanModel->burdenStrategy( curveProperty ) == RimStimPlanModel::BurdenStrategy::DEFAULT_VALUE )
overburdenTopValue = stimPlanModel->getDefaultForMissingOverburdenValue( curveProperty );
overburdenBottomValue = overburdenTopValue;
double gradient = stimPlanModel->getOverburdenGradient( curveProperty );
overburdenBottomValue = values[0];
overburdenTopValue = overburdenBottomValue + gradient * -overburdenHeight;
// Prepend the new "fake" depth for start of overburden
tvDepthValues.insert( tvDepthValues.begin(), tvdOverburdenBottom );
tvDepthValues.insert( tvDepthValues.begin(), tvdOverburdenTop );
// TODO: this is not always correct
double mdTop = measuredDepthValues[0];
measuredDepthValues.insert( measuredDepthValues.begin(), mdTop );
measuredDepthValues.insert( measuredDepthValues.begin(), mdTop - overburdenHeight );
values.insert( values.begin(), overburdenBottomValue );
values.insert( values.begin(), overburdenTopValue );
void RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::addUnderburden( RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty,
const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
std::vector<double>& tvDepthValues,
std::vector<double>& measuredDepthValues,
std::vector<double>& values ) const
if ( !values.empty() )
size_t lastIndex = tvDepthValues.size() - 1;
double underburdenHeight = stimPlanModel->underburdenHeight();
double tvdUnderburdenTop = tvDepthValues[lastIndex];
double tvdUnderburdenBottom = tvdUnderburdenTop + underburdenHeight;
double underburdenTopValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double underburdenBottomValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
if ( stimPlanModel->burdenStrategy( curveProperty ) == RimStimPlanModel::BurdenStrategy::DEFAULT_VALUE )
underburdenTopValue = stimPlanModel->getDefaultForMissingUnderburdenValue( curveProperty );
underburdenBottomValue = underburdenTopValue;
double gradient = stimPlanModel->getUnderburdenGradient( curveProperty );
underburdenTopValue = values[lastIndex];
underburdenBottomValue = underburdenTopValue + gradient * underburdenHeight;
// Append the new "fake" depth for start of underburden
tvDepthValues.push_back( tvdUnderburdenTop );
tvDepthValues.push_back( tvdUnderburdenBottom );
// Append the new "fake" md
// TODO: check if this is correct???
double mdBottom = measuredDepthValues[lastIndex];
measuredDepthValues.push_back( mdBottom );
measuredDepthValues.push_back( mdBottom + underburdenHeight );
values.push_back( underburdenTopValue );
values.push_back( underburdenBottomValue );
void RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::scaleByNetToGross( const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
const std::vector<double>& netToGross,
std::vector<double>& values )
if ( netToGross.size() != values.size() )
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Different sizes for net to gross calculation. NTG length: %1. Values length: %2" )
.arg( netToGross.size() )
.arg( values.size() ) );
double netToGrossCutoff = 1.0;
bool useNetToGross = false;
if ( stimPlanModel->stimPlanModelTemplate() && stimPlanModel->stimPlanModelTemplate()->nonNetLayers() )
netToGrossCutoff = stimPlanModel->stimPlanModelTemplate()->nonNetLayers()->cutOff();
useNetToGross = !netToGross.empty() && stimPlanModel->stimPlanModelTemplate()->nonNetLayers()->isChecked();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++ )
double ntg = netToGross[i];
if ( useNetToGross && ntg <= netToGrossCutoff )
values[i] = ntg * values[i];
bool RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::extractValuesForPropertyWithConfigurations( RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty,
const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
int timeStep,
std::vector<double>& values,
std::vector<double>& measuredDepthValues,
std::vector<double>& tvDepthValues,
double& rkbDiff ) const
std::deque<RimExtractionConfiguration> extractionConfigurations = stimPlanModel->extractionConfigurations( curveProperty );
QString curvePropertyName = caf::AppEnum<RiaDefines::CurveProperty>( curveProperty ).uiText();
for ( auto extractionConfig : extractionConfigurations )
RiaDefines::ResultCatType resultType = extractionConfig.resultCategory;
QString resultVariable = extractionConfig.resultVariable;
RimExtractionConfiguration::EclipseCaseType eclipseCaseType = extractionConfig.eclipseCaseType;
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Trying extraction option for '%1': result property: '%2' result type: '%3' case type: '%4'" )
.arg( curvePropertyName )
.arg( resultVariable )
.arg( caf::AppEnum<RiaDefines::ResultCatType>( resultType ).uiText() )
.arg( caf::AppEnum<RimExtractionConfiguration::EclipseCaseType>( eclipseCaseType ).uiText() ) );
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = stimPlanModel->eclipseCaseForType( eclipseCaseType );
if ( !eclipseCase )
RiaLogging::info( "Skipping extraction config due to missing model." );
bool isOk = extractValuesForProperty( curveProperty,
rkbDiff );
if ( isOk )
RiaLogging::info( "Extraction succeeded" );
return true;
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Extraction failed. Tried %1 configurations." ).arg( extractionConfigurations.size() ) );
return false;
bool RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::extractValuesForProperty( RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty,
const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
int timeStep,
std::vector<double>& values,
std::vector<double>& measuredDepthValues,
std::vector<double>& tvDepthValues,
double& rkbDiff ) const
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = stimPlanModel->eclipseCaseForProperty( curveProperty );
if ( !eclipseCase ) return false;
RiaDefines::ResultCatType resultType = stimPlanModel->eclipseResultCategory( curveProperty );
QString resultVariable = stimPlanModel->eclipseResultVariable( curveProperty );
return extractValuesForProperty( curveProperty,
rkbDiff );
bool RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::extractValuesForProperty( RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty,
const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase,
RiaDefines::ResultCatType resultCategory,
const QString resultVariable,
int timeStep,
std::vector<double>& values,
std::vector<double>& measuredDepthValues,
std::vector<double>& tvDepthValues,
double& rkbDiff ) const
if ( !stimPlanModel->thicknessDirectionWellPath() )
return false;
RigWellPath* wellPathGeometry = stimPlanModel->thicknessDirectionWellPath()->wellPathGeometry();
if ( !wellPathGeometry )
RiaLogging::error( "No well path geometry found for well log exctration" );
return false;
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Extracting values for '%1' from grid '%2'." )
.arg( caf::AppEnum<RiaDefines::CurveProperty>( curveProperty ).uiText() )
.arg( eclipseCase->caseUserDescription() ) );
auto eclipseCaseData = eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData();
if ( !eclipseCaseData )
RiaLogging::error( "Missing Eclipse case data." );
return false;
RigEclipseWellLogExtractor eclExtractor( eclipseCaseData, wellPathGeometry, "fracture model" );
measuredDepthValues = eclExtractor.cellIntersectionMDs();
tvDepthValues = eclExtractor.cellIntersectionTVDs();
rkbDiff = eclExtractor.wellPathGeometry()->rkbDiff();
RimEclipseResultDefinition eclipseResultDefinition;
eclipseResultDefinition.setEclipseCase( eclipseCase );
eclipseResultDefinition.setResultType( resultCategory );
eclipseResultDefinition.setPorosityModel( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL );
eclipseResultDefinition.setResultVariable( resultVariable );
if ( resultCategory != RiaDefines::ResultCatType::DYNAMIC_NATIVE || curveProperty == RiaDefines::CurveProperty::INITIAL_PRESSURE )
timeStep = 0;
cvf::ref<RigResultAccessor> resAcc =
RigResultAccessorFactory::createFromResultDefinition( eclipseCaseData, 0, timeStep, &eclipseResultDefinition );
if ( resAcc.notNull() )
eclExtractor.curveData( resAcc.p(), &values );
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Extracted values %1 from grid '%2' for '%3'." )
.arg( values.size() )
.arg( eclipseCase->caseUserDescription() )
.arg( caf::AppEnum<RiaDefines::CurveProperty>( curveProperty ).uiText() ) );
RiaLogging::error( QString( "No result found for %1" ).arg( eclipseResultDefinition.resultVariable() ) );
return false;
return true;
bool RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::replaceMissingValuesWithDefault( RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty,
const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
std::vector<double>& values,
std::vector<double>& measuredDepthValues,
std::vector<double>& tvDepthValues,
double& rkbDiff ) const
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = stimPlanModel->eclipseCaseForProperty( curveProperty );
if ( !stimPlanModel->thicknessDirectionWellPath() )
return false;
RigWellPath* wellPathGeometry = stimPlanModel->thicknessDirectionWellPath()->wellPathGeometry();
if ( !wellPathGeometry )
RiaLogging::error( "No well path geometry found for well log exctration" );
return false;
// Input properties must use first time step
int replacementTimeStep = 0;
QString resultVariable = stimPlanModel->eclipseResultVariable( curveProperty );
auto eclipseCaseData = eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData();
if ( !eclipseCaseData )
RiaLogging::error( "Missing Eclipse case data." );
return false;
// Try to locate a backup accessor (e.g. PORO_1 for PORO)
cvf::ref<RigResultAccessor> backupResAcc =
findMissingValuesAccessor( eclipseCaseData, eclipseCase->inputPropertyCollection(), 0, replacementTimeStep, resultVariable );
if ( backupResAcc.notNull() )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Reading missing values from input properties for %1." ).arg( resultVariable ) );
std::vector<double> replacementValues;
RigEclipseWellLogExtractor eclExtractor( eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData(), wellPathGeometry, "fracture model" );
eclExtractor.curveData( backupResAcc.p(), &replacementValues );
RiaLogging::debug( QString( "Read %1 values for '%2'" ).arg( replacementValues.size() ).arg( resultVariable ) );
if ( values.empty() )
values = replacementValues;
measuredDepthValues = eclExtractor.cellIntersectionMDs();
tvDepthValues = eclExtractor.cellIntersectionTVDs();
rkbDiff = eclExtractor.wellPathGeometry()->rkbDiff();
double overburdenHeight = stimPlanModel->overburdenHeight();
if ( overburdenHeight > 0.0 )
double defaultOverburdenValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
if ( stimPlanModel->burdenStrategy( curveProperty ) == RimStimPlanModel::BurdenStrategy::DEFAULT_VALUE )
defaultOverburdenValue = stimPlanModel->getDefaultForMissingOverburdenValue( curveProperty );
replacementValues.insert( replacementValues.begin(), defaultOverburdenValue );
replacementValues.insert( replacementValues.begin(), defaultOverburdenValue );
double underburdenHeight = stimPlanModel->underburdenHeight();
if ( underburdenHeight > 0.0 )
double defaultUnderburdenValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
if ( stimPlanModel->burdenStrategy( curveProperty ) == RimStimPlanModel::BurdenStrategy::DEFAULT_VALUE )
defaultUnderburdenValue = stimPlanModel->getDefaultForMissingUnderburdenValue( curveProperty );
replacementValues.push_back( defaultUnderburdenValue );
replacementValues.push_back( defaultUnderburdenValue );
replaceMissingValues( values, replacementValues );
RiaLogging::debug( "No backup result accessor found." );
// If the backup accessor is not found, or does not provide all the missing values:
// use default value from the fracture model
if ( !backupResAcc.notNull() || hasMissingValues( values ) )
double defaultValue = stimPlanModel->getDefaultForMissingValue( curveProperty );
replaceMissingValues( values, defaultValue );
return true;
bool RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::replaceMissingValuesWithOtherProperty( RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty,
const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
int timeStep,
std::vector<double>& values ) const
// Get the missing data from other curve
RiaDefines::CurveProperty replacementProperty = stimPlanModel->getDefaultPropertyForMissingValues( curveProperty );
std::vector<double> initialValues;
std::vector<double> initialMds;
std::vector<double> initialTvds;
double initialRkbDiff = -1.0;
calculate( replacementProperty, stimPlanModel, timeStep, initialValues, initialMds, initialTvds, initialRkbDiff );
if ( initialValues.empty() )
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Empty replacement data found for fracture model curve." ) );
return false;
CVF_ASSERT( values.size() == initialValues.size() );
replaceMissingValues( values, initialValues );
return true;
const std::vector<double>& RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::loadResults( RigEclipseCaseData* caseData,
RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel,
RiaDefines::ResultCatType resultType,
const QString& propertyName )
// TODO: is this always enough?
auto resultData = caseData->results( porosityModel );
int timeStepIndex = 0;
RigEclipseResultAddress resultAddress( resultType, propertyName );
if ( !resultData->hasResultEntry( resultAddress ) && resultType != RiaDefines::ResultCatType::INPUT_PROPERTY )
return loadResults( caseData, porosityModel, RiaDefines::ResultCatType::INPUT_PROPERTY, propertyName );
CAF_ASSERT( resultData->hasResultEntry( resultAddress ) );
resultData->ensureKnownResultLoaded( resultAddress );
return caseData->results( porosityModel )->cellScalarResults( resultAddress, timeStepIndex );
bool RimStimPlanModelWellLogCalculator::replaceMissingValuesWithOtherKLayer( RiaDefines::CurveProperty curveProperty,
const RimStimPlanModel* stimPlanModel,
int timeStep,
const std::vector<double>& measuredDepths,
const std::vector<double>& tvDepthValues,
std::vector<double>& values,
int moveDirection ) const
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase = stimPlanModel->eclipseCaseForProperty( curveProperty );
if ( !eclipseCase ) return false;
if ( !stimPlanModel->thicknessDirectionWellPath() ) return false;
RigWellPath* wellPathGeometry = stimPlanModel->thicknessDirectionWellPath()->wellPathGeometry();
if ( !wellPathGeometry ) return false;
const RigMainGrid* mainGrid = eclipseCase->mainGrid();
RigEclipseCaseData* caseData = eclipseCase->eclipseCaseData();
if ( !caseData )
RiaLogging::error( "Missing Eclipse case data." );
return false;
RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL;
RiaDefines::ResultCatType resultType = stimPlanModel->eclipseResultCategory( curveProperty );
QString resultName = stimPlanModel->eclipseResultVariable( curveProperty );
if ( resultName.isEmpty() )
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Invalid result for k layer replacement: %1" ).arg( stimPlanModel->name() ) );
return false;
const std::vector<double>& cellValues = loadResults( caseData, porosityModel, resultType, resultName );
auto activeCellInfo = caseData->activeCellInfo( porosityModel );
for ( size_t idx = 0; idx < values.size(); idx++ )
if ( std::isinf( values[idx] ) )
double measuredDepth = measuredDepths[idx];
double tvd = tvDepthValues[idx];
cvf::Vec3d position = wellPathGeometry->interpolatedPointAlongWellPath( measuredDepth );
size_t cellIdx = mainGrid->findReservoirCellIndexFromPoint( position );
if ( cellIdx != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T )
size_t i;
size_t j;
size_t k;
bool isValid = mainGrid->ijkFromCellIndex( cellIdx, &i, &j, &k );
if ( isValid )
RiaLogging::debug( QString( "K-Layer replacement: Replace missing value at MD: %1 TVD: %2. Cell [%3, %4, %5]" )
.arg( measuredDepth )
.arg( tvd )
.arg( i + 1 )
.arg( j + 1 )
.arg( k + 1 ) );
int neighborK = static_cast<int>( k ) + moveDirection;
const int minK = static_cast<int>( 1 );
const int maxK = static_cast<int>( mainGrid->cellCountK() );
bool isFound = false;
while ( !isFound && neighborK >= minK && neighborK <= maxK )
size_t neighborCellIdx = mainGrid->cellIndexFromIJK( i, j, neighborK );
size_t resultIdx = activeCellInfo->cellResultIndex( neighborCellIdx );
if ( neighborCellIdx != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T && resultIdx < cellValues.size() )
double neighborValue = cellValues[resultIdx];
if ( !std::isinf( neighborValue ) )
RiaLogging::info( QString( "Found value. [%1, %2, %3]. Idx=%4 Value=%5." )
.arg( i + 1 )
.arg( j + 1 )
.arg( neighborK + 1 )
.arg( neighborCellIdx )
.arg( neighborValue ) );
isFound = true;
values[idx] = neighborValue;
neighborK += moveDirection;
RiaLogging::debug( QString( "K-Layer Replacement: Invalid cell idx: MD=%1 TVD=%2 Pos: [%3 %4 %5]" )
.arg( measuredDepth )
.arg( tvd )
.arg( position.x() )
.arg( position.y() )
.arg( position.z() ) );
return true;